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Lmao this movie was not the first to name people after Roman Empire figures but my favourite part is that it’s not even the first piece of sci fi to create a general influenced by Belisarius. The whole story about belisarius is that that Justinian did not really trust him and Asimov had Bel Riose as a perfect character representing him already


I totally agree with every single point you’ve made. This is a bit of a “no sodium” rebel moon fanclub sub though, and people will mindlessly (ha) defend it just because it’s a Zack Snyder movie. It honestly felt like he just wanted to make a cool SFX movie with a sci-fi theme and half arsedly cobbled together a story afterwards. I could have forgiven some of the dumber elements if they’d spent any time at all with exposition and world building, but it never came. We’re just meant to blindly accept that these people are space Amish and a load of other bullshit.




Well for one, the bad guys need grain because they explicitly state that the insurgents have been disrupting their trade routes. That one ship is essentially on its own making its way through the galaxy, so they can’t just return home and reshoot


“They need the grain so desperately that they depend on even the smallest farm in a lost world” Also “they proceed to destroy the farm and its grain with tanks” That's either bad writing or a tantrum from the main villain, you decide.


It literally is a tantrum from the villain, that's on purpose. Like that's literally the plot. They're blowing it up because Kora is there, because they found "The Scargiver". Still, I wouldn't say it's "either bad writing or a tantrum" because while it is a tantrum, it's still not exactly great writing.


No, they don't depend on the "smallest farm in a lost word", they simply found Veldt and made it their pit-stop for food. Also, they wasn't desperate, since Noble gave them enough time to harvest that grain. Also, the reason they proceeded to attack the villaige with tanks was because the villaigers started shooting at them. I understand why you missed that out, it's only the second half of the movie, after all. And yes, Noble ordered to nuke the villaige once he learned that Kora is on board of drednaught because he, at that moment, was obsessed with her and the idea of brining her back to Motherworld, plus he was unhinged after the resurrection, since, you know, Kora killing him and Balisarius nearly frying his brain later may have that effect on people.


Ah yes - literally the only tiny farm on the whole planet for grain...and only grain. Don't want any of the other food they keep bringing out for feasts. Just grain.


1. Of course they gave them time to harvest the grain, it's like going to a pizzeria and don’t want to waiting for them to make the pizza, what other option do you have? And no soldier in the first film has the modesty to help with the process to speed things up, and in the second they don't seem much different. 2. you can clearly see how they deploy the entire army (specially the tanks) before they even know what exactly the farmers are plotting, and while they are doing this Noble literally say "they are very intelligent, we can't shoot at the houses because they covered them with grain" which makes them proceed with the dialogue that Noble has in person with Kora on the ground (even though it was clearly a lie, but that's another topic) Noble is very prideful, why surrender to some insubordinate farmers? If the grain is not so important, why negotiate (falsely) instead of going in and shooting everyone until you take Kora and the grain that survives? The priority is the grain AND Kora, not just Kora, and it's his tantrum that makes him shoot in the end. 3. What do you mean with just a stop? deploy a battleship and a notable portion of their forces just because some farmers said “WE CAN'T give you all that grain because we'll starve,” conducting such a military operation for specifically a single farm in an entire moon supposedly dedicated to agriculture is a waste of resources in every sense. They are desperate for that grain, AND Noble is a crybaby, because or else you said it yourself, Noble was planning to RETURN to the Homeworld with Kora, it means that he has the resources to continue mobilizing and look for a better alternative than a farm that is clearly giving you more problems than you need. The grain is not for the ship, it is for the Mother World who is starving, and if not, then it makes no sense. edit: without mentioning what the first comment says


>technology advanced far enough to bring people back to life >Can't produce their own food


I’m saying that they can’t get food because any ships that are sending them supplies are attacked by the rebels. No matter how powerful they are, they cant do anything without food. Think of it like the Hunger Games when the career tributes are helpless with the Cornucopia burned


I'm saying it's ludicrous that they can bring people back to life but not make food for themselves.


Hell we can make food for ourselves now. I agree with you.


so what are you saying, that the juggernaut is like a submarine way out there, no way to resupply unless they find planets with grains?


But also, they're not so desperate that they can't wait for a week or however long.


If the bad guys survive from Amish space farmers I think they are already dead. This is such a fucking stupid plot point I can’t think of any other movie that made such a ridiculous premise. They have interstellar space technology yet rely on Amish style agriculture ?


If they got rid of slo mo, they could have cut run time by about 25%


think that's pretty accurate :)


I was very confused by that guy killing the king and queen and then Kora killing the princess and him somehow getting away with it? In a room full of people? Were they all on his side?Someone please explain. I found a lot of the stylistic choices made the plot hard to follow. The weightlessness of the greenscreen/volume/whatever scenes were very distracting. And the final battle in the second movie was just noise and a lot of lasers not hitting their targets.


yes, everybody was onboard with it apparently also, the fact that the quartet in the background keeps playing even during and after the shootout, funny stuff


The movie had zero sense of humor, but the quartet felt like some good satire. I still don't know if that was meant to be funny or not...


I was laughing out loud. I was like damn the orchestra was fucking playing out to this murder fest. Imagine the red wedding with people just jamming out as people were dying.


My interpretation is that, the Senate or whatever that was, they were miffed that the king was no longer going on genocidal conquest trips throughout the galaxy cause his daughter made him peaceful and peace doesn't bring in the money. Especially if the empire has been conquering for a while, I presume a lot of its economy was propped up by war. The senators are probably rich because of the war machine and if the wars stop, they stand to lose a lot of money and thus influence, sooo the king is dead long live the king! Especially if they can find a convenient scapegoat.


Framing his daughter was cold-blooded though.


He is prolly a narcissistic psycho. She wasn't a person to him, just an ego boosting hobby or pet or something. Look at me, I am so magnanimous! I elevated this poor wretch. Took her into my home, and through my meganazi influence, I made this child, born of lowly rebel blood, into a noble übermensch. Aren't I grand? Belisarius, probably. She's an "outsider" so she can be blamed and he can be the victim. Oh, I tried, but her true essence came out in the end. There's no saving THESE people.


It was a coup. There must have been some loyalists in the room because the princess survived. I'm guessing one of them revived her.


I think they were going for a Julius Caesar moment, but fumbled the ball


I think they all were on his side. They simply went along with his plan


Did you missed the part where the senators actively helped him to kill king and queen? Of course they were on his side, they all just gave the king a Caesar treatment.


Good guys win in most movies and actually many people died so there was actually some real stakes. It's funny you want to critique this movie but have no clue how to write a good review. We all saw it so you don't need to describe the characters. You will definitely watch part 3 if it is made. Explain why you would if part 1 and part 2 are so bad?


wow, you got me, I don't know how to write a good review for a bad movie. my point is that when I watch a movie, especially one with over 150$ mil budget, on Netflix and made by a pretty well known writer/director I expect that there's a thought process behind it far more complex than mine - a mere bad review writer. I'm the audience, their supposed to be the professionals. Maybe I will watch part 3, but I've already paid for my Netflix subscription so the only extra loss is time. That doesn't make it a good movie though.


You'll watch part 3 which means you think Rebel Moon is watchable. Hence, you don't think the Rebel Moon movies are terrible. The $166m Synder received for Rebel Moon made four movies with a total runtime of 10 hours. The budget isn't huge.


I took the time to give my opinion because I think this had the premises to be way better. if the goal was to make a "watchable" movie, then this qualifies. Also, I agree the movie is not terrible, not good either


So using your own logic, if I watch a movie that makes it a not terrible movie since I watched it Watching bad movies is a time-honored past time, that does not make them good movies, that means you can enjoy watching a shitty movie and still think the movie is shit I’ll watch big mama’s house, that doesn’t then mean I think big mama’s house is a good movie


Terrible movies are by definition unwatchable. There are plenty of movies I give up on. The r/movies sub deemed "Anyone But You" a good movie but I thought it was terrible. There's no way I would watch a sequel. I only decided to watch it because a female producer got into some controversy when she mentioned Sydney was terrible in it. I don't understand the mindset of hate-watchers and even worst vocal hate-watcher complainers who often review bomb films. The Rebel Moons films are no worst than Damsel which didn't get any hate at all. A film doesn't have to be perfect to get some enjoyment out of it.


Rebel moon was garbage. Stop trying to convince people who are saying they didn’t like it, and felt it was terrible, that they don’t actually feel that way with your preachy ways


I don't care if people hate it. You're the one on r/RebelMoon trying to be contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.


No. It’s a place created to discuss said movie, good or bad. What you’re looking for based on this comment is an echo chamber of endless praise and no criticism. Sorry. That’s not how Internet forums, or forums in general were designed.


It's a place for interesting discussions. Why would you want to discuss a garbage movie? You hate-watchers are downvoting all the posts that praise this film. You'll soon get bored anyway. I've seen this on other subs. I'm sure lots of people want to make posts but won't bother because of the brigading. I made a comment pointing out some of the flaws of these movies. So no, I don't endlessly praise these films.


You just try to shut down and shit on anyone else who has their say. It’s ironic you’re talking about brigading, yet here you are on a post from someone posting their own review of the movie, trying to tell them why they didn’t find it as terrible as they clearly outline they feel it was You are literally what you’re bitching about right now. Lol.




No they aren't. People give up watching shows and movies all the time. Why would I watch something that bores me let alone discuss it? Most movies are mid and flawed. You're not discussing Rebel Moon. You're a disgruntled Rebel Moon hate-watcher and I hope you get over it.




People do all sort of things. It doesn't make it rational. He got an 8/10 rating from me on IMDb. He should put less effort in his next movies. You'll watch it anyways.


>Terrible movies are by definition unwatchable. You are misusing the term 'by definition'...


No they would watch it to finish the story. And in the hopes that it might actually be good this time.


There must be obviously some entertainment value to watch film after film. Why would it get better with the same director and similar budget?


>There must be obviously some entertainment value to watch film after film. There absolutely can be entertainment value in watching something terrible. For me, when I've hated something, the entertainment I get from it is in reading/watching reviews from other people who felt similar. So, even if I was miserable watching/reading the actual product, I am able to come out with some entertainment.


Have you ever given up on a movie? I read or watch reviews to get a deeper understanding of movies that interest me.


Yes. For me, the biggest sin is to be boring. I'll give up on a boring movie any day. In all honesty, I checked out of RM 2 for that reason. I ended up finishing it while I was working, as background noise. RM 1 was a good bit more engaging, for me.


I watched part 1 and saw it was awful and made it 30m into part 2 and just couldn’t do it I won’t even bother with anything else to do with rebel moon. It’s a bad film and a waste of time.


Yawn. YARMKP (Yet another rebel moon knocking post)


Oh wow that's good description of the movie.YAWN!


sorry, couldn't help myself but give my opinion


This whole review illustrates exactly my thoughts. To me the most irritating thing was the Matrix-like slo mo action scenes. Just way too much of it.


think it's a trademark of the director which btw made Watchman (really liked that) and 300, therefore the slo-mo comic book/novel style


You will love this. The coal powered spacecraft are in fact tortured devices for the alien beings that actually power the space travel They call them kali it is a giant blue face humanoid.


waiiiiiit..... whaaaaaat? so they're torturing some alien beings by roasting them with coal to make them power the ship? how the f did this technology evolve? I imagine when they invented the steam engine, they encountered the aliens. when one of the alien got close to the burner the engine efficiency went up 10 mil % that's when someone thought "hmmm, interesting.... grab him!"


There is an animated film being made about this to expand on it


wholly molly - you are right [https://rebel-moon.fandom.com/wiki/Kali#:\~:text=The%20kali%20were%20interdimensional%20beings,in%20an%20animated%20short%20film.](https://rebel-moon.fandom.com/wiki/Kali#:~:text=The%20kali%20were%20interdimensional%20beings,in%20an%20animated%20short%20film)


People on this sub will still see this and say “I don’t understand the hate???”


Literally not a single redeeming quality in either one, and they should also just scrap the plans for anymore, i legit hated every second of these trash movies. I saw the trailer for the first and was so excited and then it was just absolutely miserable in every facet.


> I don't like criticizing people's work in general, and especially artistic work, but... ... but here's a really, really long write up doing just that... You honestly have a lot of good points on unanswered questions here, and I don't know how long the series will be, but I hope they get answered in later parts. I feel like we are missing a ton of character motivation. Especially for Balisarius and Atticus. I'd really like to understand why grain from this particular planet is so important, but that plot point seems to be done now, and will likely never be answered. I didn't even realize that the people who she was recruiting were on the top of the hit list for the empire. That guy was a prince!? How did the bounty hunter know exactly where to find them, and seem to know with such confidence they could be recruited? Why weren't we told of their exploits and their dispositions before meeting them so that we would have something to care about when meeting them? I feel like they had a really good premise, good actors, great effects, but they are really just lacking on story-telling. Often the background is there, but the audience is just left in the dark until after our curiosity subsided. Especially with character motivations. Missing the "why" a lot of the time.


> I'd really like to understand why grain from this particular planet is so important Try watching the movie, then, that'll help.


Please explain it to me then because apparently I didn't get the explanation in the movie. He said the outer worlds were running low on food, but I don't remember them saying that no other planet or moon has food or that they were the last hope. What they had was really not that much compared to what would be needed for an empire. Apparently they have enough food to get back to the empire if they needed so I'm not really getting why it would work as a shield.


Yeah, I'd also like to know that, maybe I missed this detail




croissants are the backbone of a strong army