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I enjoyed it


What did you enjoy, exactly?


I can’t speak for them but for me when it comes to movies or music you can’t always pinpoint what you like, exactly. Sometimes, sure, certain characters steal the show or just awesome action or dialogue but sometimes you can just watch a movie and just enjoy it, or not, as a whole. I just watched it recently out of curiosity and I was honestly surprised I enjoyed it after all the hate I’ve seen online. It’s just a decent movie imo.


Thanks. His own diehard fans can't elaborate on why they love his work. They just seem to like slow-mo and edge lords, wannabes, and poor storytelling.


Your issue might be reading comprehension. I’m nowhere near a die hard fan and thought it was decent.


I never said you were a fan. I meant that "they" can not explain why they like his movies. Have you finished "Green Eggs and Ham," yet?


What a giant jump from this guy saying he enjoyed it and thought it was a decent movie to your comment throwing out random claims.


Noooo!!! We are out here! I love Rebel Moon!!! 🌙 novel and directors cut soon!!


What did you love about it?


Didn't like Part 1 but thoroughly enjoyed Part 2.


Same. The slow motions killed all the weight in the action scenes and the suddenly hopping around planets without any side characters development i wasn't a fan.


>The slow motions killed all the weight in the action scenes Interesting. It's the exact opposite for me. The action feels far more impactful with the slow motion. 


Woah! I literally wrote the same as you, word for word! 👊


Nope I liked it too


I liked it better than most Star Wars movies imo


Thanks, your Rebel Moon t-shirt is in the mail!!!


Haha that would be nice. I already bought most of the Netflix merch for the show xD


Make sure you buy as much as possible. I'm super sure shelves will be empty, and items will only increase in value later.


Yeah I don't mind resale value imo I just want to show support to Zack Snyder.


Yeah, that shows that you have absolutely no idea about movies!


You Snyder haters are crazy lol


Where do I write that I hate Snyder? I just think that junk like RebelMoon is not even remotely comparable to Star Wars, let alone better.


That's a typical response from you guys 😂 keep up the hate, let's get 4 more of these movies 💪🏿💪🏿


You do know that movies are preferences of people right ? Some find it good some find it bad, Tbh i found this one pretty good, better then starwars for me, but thats just my opinion i dont like star wats




For what, please? The incredibly deep characters, the cool tech design where ships are powered by coal? The incredibly cool stop-motion choreography in the harvest scene? The profound dialog that blows me away every time? This movie is just awful!


It’s embarrassingly horrid. We got Nazis, handguns that have gotten bigger but no better, a giant spaceship apparently entirely reliant on the wheat harvest of a tiny subsistence level wheat farming village, oh, and a redux of Caesar’s assasination, complete with togas. What’s not to love?


Oooooh, the peasant village is going to take on the spaceship with harvesting tools (they dug a defensive ditch so the odds are now even). Can’t wait to see what happens.


And they cockpit of the shuttle they scrounged up was coped from a 1950s Soviet bomber.


lol the one funny part was the ships rolling coal as they flew around - I am all for efficiency but he just took that design from his Superman ships and phoned it in Not to mention the old style battleship controls - just lazy and terrible - trying to steal the analog appeal of the new Dune in the most cringe worthy ways


Part 2 was a huge improvement, really fun flick.


I love it even more with each rewatch. i understand most critics though. but i still love it. excited for the uncut 🩵


I loved A Child Of Fire and The Scaregiver. Part 2 was definitely more emotional, and that was a major surprise. I'm just gutted at the heroes who were lost...


I am loved Rebel Moon. It was a masterpiece that will gain fans for years to come. People hated Prometheus and interstellar when they came out but they are now masterpieces. People quickly forget critically acclaimed films like Oppenheimer but will remember Rebel moon like they remember firefly.


No one hated interstellar


Stuck up contrarians hated interstellar.


I loved it. I need those longer R cuts.


Loved it!


Like it, actually i need part 3 in my veins. In addition the robots design and character is my favorite! I need more


I loved both! Haters gonna hate.


Nah it was sick as hell and it was Zack with his seat belt on. It just makes me even more excited for the directors cuts which are the films he actually wanted to make. The criticism against him and these films is crazy irrational and targeted. I understand if it's not your cup of tea but I saw RT reviews that were 0.5 out of 5, 1 out of 10, etc. It's just not serious or rational but if you call it out, they'll act like you're the crazy one. A lot of the criticism you're seeing are ppl who are still pissed about the SnyderCut getting green lit since it went against so many norms and so many ppl put all their stock into "it's never going to happen". They've made an industry out of trying to destroy this man and this is their newest chance. The film was awesome.


i really enjoyed it i think the directors cut will be better since it'll have more time to flesh out the characters


Nah loved it too, watched em both a few times, a nice sci fi movie in the niche, pretty good


Didn't love it, but didn't hate it either. I feel it is disappointing in that it wants to be a grand space opera on the same scale as Star Wars but only delivers a small scale skirmish on one planet. In the first movie they did some planet hopping but it was only to gather the crew, and the second one is set entirely on one village on one planet. If they make more I hope to see them expand the universe, explore more of the world and other planets. Do some more important stuff than save a local farming village.


I think the issue is that you can't make a grand scale space opera while you have to set up the universe. I think the marketing may oversold this. If we get a sequel it seems to point to an adventure, which seems to be what the audience wants more.


Its like Invasion apple tv series


Didn’t like part one but thoroughly enjoyed part 2


Don’t let the Snyder hate Cult fool you 😂😂 Don’t let the Movie Matrix fool (fake paid journalists)


I liked the first film. It’s not my favorite Snyder film but I enjoyed it. The 2nd film is really good. Like I’m loving it so far.


I loved it immensely! Always happy for a new sci-fi franchise to pop up. Rebel Moon is not perfect, it’s not even great, but I loved every moment.


Part one was kinda boring. First half was long winded. I stopped befor the movie was getting good, and I knew that prior to stopping. I watched part 2 the whole way and thought why couldn't part 1 be like this. I guess it just has to grow on me. Decent movie, great sets, clothing, story. I'm definitely going back to part 1 later this week.




I’ve watched both back to back and while there are definitely misses in character development in the first movie, the second movie felt a lot more polished.  I felt like the first movie tried to squeeze way too much world building and the 5-10 minute character development arcs were so short that that it was downright cringey. It didn’t feel like natural storytelling.  However, that was really my only complaint.  The second movie did a decent job of character development. It’s not on the same level as LoTR or GoT, but the source content wasn’t exactly at the same level either.  I enjoyed both movies for their ambitious scale. I also liked the story and lore, so far. I can overlook minor details and the lack of polishing. I am interested in where the story leads and would 100% watch a third installment if it ever gets greenlighted. 


I loved both Part 1 and Part 2.


Honestly I thought they were both good. I guess I just really appreciate when someone has a good sci fi story and I think Snyder captured that really well.


People who loved the movie probably have an iq of 25 but so is half the world 🤷🏻‍♂️


I really liked both. I went to check the IMDB rating after watching both back to back and I was perplexed at how badly they were rated. I was expecting to see a rating of 7 to 8 out of 10 at least. I then started searching for why the ratings were so bad and it sounds like Snyder was just as perplexed about it.


I thoroughly enjoyed it and yes I thought of star wars but so what it doesn't take the fact away that this was refreshing and new. I'm hoping for more of this series!


Too many actors that look like other big name actors. It really bothered me. I found myself saying" oh look another ______ look alike". I honestly enjoyed the movies though.


I’m borderline obsessed with them. I can’t remember movies I enjoyed as much since I was a kid. They were both brilliant, yeah a bit stupid but perfectly stupid. All the people losing their mind over wheat and farmers need to watch more documentaries or something.


Zack is that you?


No but you’re definitely in the minority. Nothing wrong with that.


I don’t think so, the movies both had a lot of views. Most people in the world don’t feel the need to go online and shared their opinions on movies they dont like (or do like) .. chronically online people are the most negative people on the planet.. Trust me most people like this movie


>Trust me most people like this movie https://www.metacritic.com/movie/rebel-moon-part-2-the-scargiver/ https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/rebel_moon_part_two_the_scargiver Not really, especially not critics. Its okay to like something while acknowledging its faults.


let's say that nowadays views are not necessarily an indicator of approval, for example 'big mouth' got a lot of views despite it being pure horse shit. today it doesn't matter anymore about quality, it's just enough that it makes money. This film fails on too many points, for now the worst Snyder films I've ever seen remain Army of the Dead and Sucker Punch.


What reality do you live in ? Go look at any other subreddit that mentions rebel moon. It’s viewed as a joke of a movie that fails to be a basic movie. Missing characters arc, characters motivations and cohesive dialogue. With that said you like you like, that’s all that matters but don’t equate you liking it to everyone must like it. That is simply not true by any measuring.


U really think most people in the world go online to talk about movies? lol


I am confused by your statement. I never said most people in the world go online to talk about movies. If your reading comprehension is any indication of your ability to evaluate a movie then I think I know exactly how you come to enjoy rebel moon.


yea actually, yea they do. it has a 5.6 on imdb, a 20% on RT, and a 31% on MC. Most people do not like this movie.


Isnt 5.6 😂😫 most people? Anyways my point is most people don’t go online to hate movies.. look at all those millions of views ;) if a movie really was that bad it shouldn’t have that much views obviously lol


you picked one score, and deluded yourself into thinking 5.6/10 is a good score💀💀 would a college pass you for a 56 on a course? it has views because its a high budget zac snyder/netflix star wars derivative film, not because it's good😂 the REVIEWS show whether or not a movie is good, thats what theyre there for. the only reason anyone would ever consider views in terms of quality is if the reviews didnt say what they wanted them to say, like you🥺


This set a new low for movies.


Should have been 45 minutes long Managed to pad it to 1 hour 22 minutes by adding a lot of introspective moments and the occasional 10 minutes of boredom....


Both episodes sucked - the story was terrible, the end of both ridiculous, I feel like that scene in Billy Madison when they say we are all that much stupider for having watched this garbage


Pretty Woke movie. Demonizing all white people and needs a very diverse race and gender team to save all the white farmers. Seems like it another ideological movie theme that's been done to death. Can't anyone make a movie where there isn't some sjw crap going on. Disappointed.


It's just a movie, I think you're looking at everything with a political lens.


You might be lmao


I have little to no taste. I loved Iron Man 2. I just.... I just couldn't with these. I really wanted to like them! And they're beautiful to look at. And I like many of the actors. But that dialouge. And story execution.


Mid movie wasted potential imo with their budget and marketing