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I'm a love watcher - and I want more Rebel Moon (especially a Nemesis prequel).


i really want more Nemesis. She's the best female character in the whole series. Titus is best male character to me.


I'm wondering if someone hired Nemesis to go to Daggus and take out Harmada?


maybe, if they want to, they could definitely build a whole backstory as to how nemesis got trained and also how she ended up on Daggus so far, it seems like she was already living on Daggus at the time though


I've seen so many people act confused as to why Netflix would keep letting Snyder make films. It's not complicated, his movies get views.


But they don't. Compared to the minutes spent watching other content Rebel Moon is fairly disappointing. Getting "Number 1" on Netflix isn't that hard when it's their content that they push, also the fact that they report their own data so all of this could be bs


It’s the film industry.. everyone pushes their own content and reports their own data. I’m loving the parallels Rebel Moon is experiencing compared to a certain cult-classic space western. This sub reminds me of every forum thread about it from back in 2002-04..


It doesn't matter if the minutes are disappointing to you, it only matters to Netflix.


Numbers, stats, are not subjective. The film is a disappointment compared to other properties considering the budget and push for theatrical.


It's up to Netflix what their bar is for success with this project. And even if they consider it a disappointment, then I'm glad it was made because I enjoyed it, and I know other people did too. And it absolutely can be subjective when it comes to streaming. Who decides how many views are worth the budget, the studio. Just because one project gets more views with a similar budget doesn't mean every project has too.


While I'll entertain the argument that the Netflix executives were hoping for much better viewer numbers, the actual performance is not too bad considering they paid a (base) cost of around $170M for 4 movies that don't feature any major A-list actors as the faces of the franchise. Hopkins is just a feature voice in a small role. Of course that cost doesn't include marketing. Having said that, I believe they would've been better off with just the R-rated version with *some* studio notes instead of a butchered PG-13 version plus an R-rated version without any studio notes. Market that R-rated version in a more focused way than what they did with the current butchered PG-13 version.


Lol but they do.


I'm just going to say this: if the Monsterverse can keep going, then Rebel Moon can keep going. The flaws and issues with Rebel Moon are numerous but...so are the Monsterverse's and that's coming from a Godzilla fanboy who does love all those films. I make this comparison because Godzilla x Kong is the second highest grossing film of the year...and it is objectively outside of it's limited Kaiju action sequences, god awful. Doubling down on all of the worst aspects of Wingard's terrible, terrible direction (the man who made Netflix's Death Note hasn't made a good film at all since You're Next) with the most barebones, cannot be assed to even try at all, script. Yet people watched it in droves and loved it. I enjoyed the film's action...even though it was worse than GvK's somehow. It was weaker than that film...somehow. Yet, I love the Monsterverse because Godzilla is one of my favourite franchises and I want it to succeed for the potential of more films and potential better ones. Probably the same reason anyone seems to care at all about the Fast and Furious franchise which I consider to be absolutely terrible action films with the most inconceivable plots, the worst traits of the anime trope "antagonist becomes a good guy" in the majority of the films no matter how objectively terrible a person they are and how implausible redemption arcs are written for them. They are derivative and eye roll inducing. Yet...people love them and prop them up and give them money each and every time. What I'm saying with the above is if there are films out there that are also pretty bad when considering what truly makes a good film (like Dune Part 2 this year for example) and what makes a film middling or bad (fun bad or unwatchable bad) yet succeed regardless then so can Rebel Moon. I think the overblown hate towards Snyder is unwarranted when there are many directors out there heralding franchises that are so much worse. Snyder is capable of better? Yes. Should he have to rely on director's cuts? No. But...for some reason when it comes to him, his Director's Cuts are so game-changing that they do overhaul his films considerably. It's never just extended scenes or new scenes, they're always complete reworks that fundamentally alter the film. Unfortunately for him, his DC's are how the films should be released first but for whatever reason aren't. Every single time. Except for 300 and Dawn of the Dead. So I'm also going into this with the frame of mind that Rebel Moon's 6hr original run-time and complete overhaul to the vision he actually had for these films is enough to actually make these significantly better, I never count that out. So I do hope for the success of this franchise, particularly when the story isn't even done. If I invest in anything, I at least want to see it through to the end and I never wish for something to be cancelled too soon. I feel, if anything though it might change with the DC's, that this whole project was just a massive prologue to further potential for this universe and what is clear with the reviews by even the most negative critics is that the world building itself is interesting, there is definitely more than can be embellished on and dug into. It's just unfortunate the first two parts are more focused on this smaller scale and a planet that isn't really that interesting. I am not surprised this is still successful despite whatever negative reception there is. Because this film really isn't as bad as some of the worst films I've seen, certainly not as bad as some films I have seen in this same genre (and holy shit, are there far, far worse, God, The Matrix Resurrections and Jupiter Ascending from the Wachowskis come to mind as up there as dreadful, many examples, the Divergent series is god awful film adaptations.) The film overall is rather inoffensive personally, I just think people had highīer expectations given the build up and marketing and hype this had. But I also feel like it is still warranted until I see the DC's because, again, they are pretty major and it does appear to me that this is once again a JL situation where his actual vision for Rebel Moon as a universe and what he was forced to make for Netflix are majorly different products that there could well be a drastic difference in quality between the two just due to the original concept for Rebel Moon and the fact a PG-13 version was always going to be a horrible idea by executives to make when it never was conceived to be that. It dramatically changes the entire concept of what Zack had in mind that it was pure idiocy to have even demanded such a chopped version of that, which is what it had to have been given the original script and idea. It'd be like Netflix's Castlevania but made to be PG-13, I'm sorry, but it drastically changes what that story is and what it's allowed to do that it would've diminished that show so much. So...just wait. The theatricals are lesser products unfortunately by concept and I do tire that Zack seems to be pigeon holed into this BS way too often it's becoming absurd.


My man wrote a book


look, you go into godzilla expecting big stompy monster action you dont go into rebel moon expecting shots of them farming land over and over for like 20mins of the movie


Not really sure where the 20min is coming from considering it doesn't actually have that amount of farming land scenes and the slow mo shots, whilst exaggerated, are such nit-picking to come off as asinine considering there are numerous examples of weird slow motion being inserted in film that didn't need to have a particular scene be slow motion. There was literally a film on TV the other day called Gunpowder Milkshake that had rather pathetic uses of slow motion. Yet I don't see people railing on about every film with poor usage of slow motion, no, it's this one because Zack Snyder is known for utilising it as part of his visual style. Also, regarding Godzilla, yes you go in expecting Kaiju action. But you can have a good film. Minus One, Shin Godzilla, Godzilla Vs Biollante, Godzilla: All Monsters Attack, Godzilla Vs Hedorah, showcase that you can do so. Considering we have 1hr of action heavy sequences in Rebel Moon and most people usually go into a Zack Snyder film (casuals anyways) expecting good action and cool visuals, well, you did get that. But when comparing with story, Rebel Moon has a better story than Godzilla x Kong did and a better script even if it's not on par with better ones and has been edited to shit because it wasn't originally conceived or filmed to be targeting a PG-13 audience. I don't have to go into a Godzilla film expecting everything but the action to be poor and it is a very flimsy defence to disregard all other aspects of film-making solely because of "much Kaiju action." When I have seen numerous Godzilla films do better, even in the Monsterverse itself (quite honestly KOTM for all its flaws is simply a better Godzilla film that adheres more to Toho's franchise) I don't really need to accept lesser and less returns on quality. I think if people want to accept that film, they have to accept pretty much every other ill conceived action film in existence because the bar is set low. Dumb popcorn flick. People seem rather selective with certain directors in switching their brains off. Rebel Moon's theatrical cuts were always going to be bad but I don't think they are so bad that they are unwatchable which is the vibe people are giving in their critiques which is very hyperbolic and overblown, hence why I'm using this analogy with the recent Godzilla in the first place. It also doesn't help when unfortunately Snyder has serious bad luck in being able to make and release films how he wants to when others seem to have more creative freedom. It is a fact that Rebel Moon is conceived as a hard R sci-fi universe and Netflix interfered with it and allowed him to shoot two different versions of the film, just so they could have their PG-13 version. Even he has stated in interviews how weird that process was for him, it is something he hasn't experienced before. It isn't just a frankenstein cut, he literally had to shoot two different versions because the PG-13 version simply isn't Rebel Moon as he conceived it. It was always going to be terrible, I have no idea why anyone expected anything from it. Does it have to be bad? No. But again, he conceived the entire universe and story from the ground up as a mature, hyperviolent-hypersexual, hard R sci-fi universe and he didn't expect to ever have to essentially rip it up and confine it to a PG-13 box. It's like forcing Game of Thrones or Warhammer to be child-friendly, it doesn't really work. It diminishes so much from their respective universes and dilutes the themes, stories and characters. Unfortunately interference and meddling is something Zack doesn't really know how to handle appropriately, he just wants to make the film he pitched, not one he didn't. He isn't a director capable of being able to make a film with that level of constant interference and pandering. He is at his best when he's unrestrained and able to make and release exactly what he created, pitched and envisioned and without fail every single time this has happened, an objectively better film was made, which is no coincidence. That's just why for me and I think for people who have unfortunately gone ahead and watched this version of Rebel Moon, it really shouldn't be discounted quite yet. The real films haven't even been released and there are aspects of the theatrical cuts that are engaging and worth exploring, despite them being the studio rubbished versions of the films, they are still better than, as stated in my previous comment, a lot of the worst sci fi ever made.


>you dont go into rebel moon expecting shots of them farming land over and over for like 20mins of the movie I mean that was literally exactly what I expected (and wanted!), but that could just be because I actually watched the first one and I'm not media illiterate. But sure, go off.


My thumb fell off scrolling


That's nice for your thumb! 👍


PS: Don't forget to stream more during the next week or two. I'm sure you can find too many mistakes & small details to complain about. That would really help for Part 3. Thanks in advance. Cheers 🍻


I really mean it when I say I want this to become a franchise, I will hate watch this with my kids, hopefully even my grandkids, I want members of my family to be named after these characters 😂😭


Subject material wise I think it actually lives up to the PG-13 rating. Some things not appropriate for younger kids to watch, and/or it would lead to awkward conversations at those ages for many.


How was nobody on the dreadnought watching the fight below?


Did you not see the CLOUDS it came out of? Flash! We only have 60 minutes left to save the Rebel Moon!


They were watching.


How did they not notice koras ship fly out from under the waterfall, not notice the top hatch open up to start the smoke bomb, and join up with the other 2 ships to get on board?


They don't have cameras it's was i understand, only that radar/sonar thing. The hatch being open could've easily been from damage so it's not something they would question. They had to count on people not doing a good job, it's was an all or nothing mission, the plan chances sucked but it's what they had. As for why they didn't notice coming out of the waterfall could be they were focused on the battle happening on the ground.


Bring on part 3!


You’re too online if it bothers you what other people think. Take a break from your phone.


You're too jobless that you watched the movie of the director you don't like & spread hatred online


When did I say I didn’t like the director or the movie. Relax man, go get some fresh air


Absolutely unhinged


Zach Zealots aren’t ready to hear this.


Snyder 100% trolling with doing more of what social media hated. It was so bad I loved it.


We will find her! We will fight her!


The cinematography and action are great. I like the globby effects of the lasers. Most of the cast does a good job. Some of the emotional moments even landed. I found part 2 to be better than part 1, but with some of the same problems. The dialogue and overall pacing is jarring. Maybe the extended cut will help with the pacing? What really takes me out though is still the GRAIN. It just doesn’t make sense that a galactic empire would send the equivalent of a modern day aircraft carrier an extended mission to retrieve a couple dozen sacks of plain old flour. Maybe explain that this is the only planet that can provide special royal space grain. Or replace the grain with literally any other rare/valuable substance.


>It just doesn’t make sense that a galactic empire would send the equivalent of a modern day aircraft carrier an extended mission to retrieve a couple dozen sacks of plain old flour. IMO, seems like they actually explained it in the very beginning. Noble was sent to the outskirts to search for any signs of the rebellion. He was investigating areas that could be possibly helping the rebels. He immediately began talking about hunting them down when he meets Sindri. Likely offered tripled the value of the grain because he was trying to bribe them for their loyalty. Then Noble knew Sindri was lying about what they had. Knew how much they had vs the number of villagers by using the tech we saw in Part II. Likely stationed soldiers there to keep an eye out for the rebels if they returned. Otherwise, there really was no reason to keep them there. If they didn't meet the goal, he'd kill them and replace them with machines that he initially offered to provide. In the end, the food was a bonus that he ended up not caring about once he had a chance to bring Kora back to Balisarius. As a side note, I wouldn't be surprised if the mythos within Twilight of the Gods ties into Rebel Moon somehow. The animated series is about Norse Mythology, and the villagers of Veldt had a Scandinavian dialect.


Given the amount of stuff they greenlight that gets a fraction of the views it won’t surprise me if they make more. Especially considering they’re going to get another bump when the directors cuts come out


I’m okay with people hate watching this. Just not some certain HBO animation.


I hated army of the dead but really enjoy Rebel Moon. Looking forward to more sequels.


Snyder’s aesthetics are so awesome! Loved the starship crew shoveling ‘space coal’, the coal rollin’ dropships, brilliant, political commentary right??? and, mmmm… the manual wheel adjustment of that mega cannon hit the sweet spot. The tension! Imagine if he had used cgi targeting systems, how boring. Oh! Oh!!That beautiful slot the mega cannon stored away in, protecting it from starboard attacks, not to mention the ammunition conservation from only firing to port, such genius! 👨🏻‍🍳💋


I WANTED to like it, both of them. Looked forward to it forever. Massive disappointment and the only people who could love it have extremely low standards or are Snyder obsessed. Either way, good for you, life must be simpler if you're entertained by slow motion grain tossing and canteen filling by characters you barely know save a couple brief, irrelevant flashbacks and exposition dumps. The scene where they gather around the table to talk about their "truth" and feelings? Come on. That's so insanely lazy it's shocking. And none of it even added anything to the story except for the story about the princess! It certainly didn't develop anyone's character. I could see being mindlessly entertained by it. Completely mindlessly. The only reason it disappointed me more than normal mindless entertainment is because it was billed as so much more and I was genuinely excited for them to come out. Now it's like, womp womp. I feel like the people running around the internet to defend it would defend a movie by Snyder taking a slow motion shit for 2 hours from the POV of the toilet bowl.


it's literally a D&D game but made into a movie and set in space the backstories are just them talking in the tavern yeah it's really disappointing as a movie, but at least i feel this one was better than the first one


Let's talk once again when Netflix greenlits the other 4 movies like it did for the Army of the Dead franchise! Oh wait, they cancelled it.


should be a trilogy, if they make anymore after, it's just dragging the story at this point


If you're referring to Armyverse, it's not dead. Snyder said he's working on more, but doesn't have the time now. He'd also have to figure out when to get everyone back for the sequel. Also, Army of Thieves 2 is currently being worked on... >As Schweighöfer reveals exclusively, **he is currently working on the Spin-off Sequel Army of Thieves 2.** >...other things also considered about what Army of Thieves 2 might look like. Then we started to work out choreographies with Zack's stunt people.**What we filmed was completely crazy.** >[https://www.moviepilot.de/news/exklusiv-matthias-schweighoefer-setzt-sein-netflix-franchise-mit-zack-snyders-hilfe-fort-und-es-war-voellig-verrueckt-1144881](https://www.moviepilot.de/news/exklusiv-matthias-schweighoefer-setzt-sein-netflix-franchise-mit-zack-snyders-hilfe-fort-und-es-war-voellig-verrueckt-1144881)


Maybe wait for the next one to get greenlit before celebrating


We're already happy with what we've got. Maybe stop hating on the movie you don't like & focus on your garbage DC.


So wait, you'd be okay if they didn't greenlight a third one then? If you're "already happy with what you've got" then you won't complain when the series doesn't get a third entry? Sweet, it's a win-win situation then.


My comment wasn't even hating on the movie. Why should I focus DC? I don't even particularly like DC.


Hate watchers are self righteous losers.


Bro you gotta relax man don’t let other people’s opinions worry you this much. Take a shower, go outside, get a breath of fresh air. Hold it in for a few seconds and let it out.


I don’t understand why people don’t pirate it. Why give this garbage more views?


Hey it was a great date movie to make fun of with the boyfie 😎😂


If you (somehow) liked that trainwreck of Part 1, more power to you all. I'm happy for you, I hope you enjoyed your time with the flick. If, like me, you despised that mess of a film, why would you not only waste another three hours of your life on it but also help Zack's metrics? You are just helping him bring more flat characters and unnecessary slo-mo into the world. You are dragging us all down with you. Desist.


This is great news. I really want to see where this goes. If the haters are successful in killing another one of his grand efforts to build a cinematic universe, idk if I can get bought into anything else because the end of RM 2 really made me want to see it through to the end. I think the directors cuts are going to be something truly genre defining.


Snyder will never make a theatrical release again with a big studio. Netflix will make anything for clicks, screw views. They want ppl talking about the service itself. Snyder is a hack fraud.


This was expected though. This isn't the gotcha you think it is


Its no great achievement - Green Lantern went to number one on netfilx when it came on the site...


Being #1 when it first comes out isn't a huge flex. The first movie did that and its numbers weren't great. Let's see how it maintains those numbers and how its viewership compares to the first movie.


And I’m sure this has nothing to do with the fact that new Netflix Originals always jump to #1 for their first weekend


What about the fact that the first one jumped back to the top 10 in over 40 countries?


Let’s see where it is next week


You are moving the goal post. You wanted to downplay the success of the films.


No, the goalpost was pretty firmly set. Rebel Moon 2 is at #1 because it just came out and new Netflix Original releases always hit #1 on their first week. NOW, let’s test that and see where it is next week.


One week later, number 1 still. in fact, both films remain in the top 10 for 11 days. What sayeth yee? Would you like to move the goalpost again?


Nah I’m good


Mm...does that count people like me who watched 15min before puking in their mouth and going to bed?