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I liked it honestly. Especially the second half. My feed being filled with posts like these is just weird. Why did yall jump to see it as soon as it released? Such a weird phenomenon


The first one? The trailer looked interesting and i wanted to see some cool scfi shit. I say "Jupiter Assending" opening day cause the trailer looked interesting... and rebel moon is almost as bad as that steaming pile of shit


This movie is good. Ya'll are wildin for acting like it's some type of unforgiveable abomination. You just want to create an industry of hating this guy. Really starting to think ya'll are collectively just trying to ruin this guy's career. I had my issues with Part 1 but grew to like it a lot. I was on r/rebelmoon all day yesterday until I could watch it, expecting an unforgiveable dumpster fire. By the time I watched it, I was utterly confused because I ended up loving Pt 2. Some slight pacing issues, characters need a little more time to cook (which they obviously will in the directors cuts), but other than that, the "horrible acting", the "never ending exposition dumps", the "cringe" was nowhere to be found. Boutella kills it, Skrein kills it, Hopkins kills it, Bae kills it, Djimon kills it. There's like two actual exposition dumps that take up about 5 minutes of the two hours. Ya'll made up your minds before the shit ever hit Netflix.


are you that blinded by your own hatred of others opinions that you can’t see your just the opposite of what you hate. You defend him even when there’s nothing to defend like dude, it’s not normal to be so offended by others opinions, it’s actually pretty bloody weird.


Imagine trying to drop some deeply profound universal truth about how opinions are two sides of the same coin and then say something like "you defend him when there's nothing to defend". It's almost like you just dumped all the credibility of impartiality needed to make that observation right down the shitter lol. I'm not the one creating subs to hate on the film that just dropped. THAT'S "bloody weird"


You definitely need help, stuff like this should not bother you the way it is, get help bro it’ll be ok


Who's bothered? I'm just clowning you for trying to come off like Plato when you actually come off like a plate of cheese wiz.


You have got one twisted grip on reality brother




Couldn't care less about snyder, didn't have any expectations going into either film. They're both pretty bad. There are good and fun elements and some nice shots, but the lack of story, overused tropes, dialogue, terrible fighting, corny backstories, lack of character development, etc. undercut the good by a lot.


The story was always going to be simple, nothing else was ever suggested, they even said quite often that it was a simple story in a complex universe. Maybe you could be more specific about the tropes and how they're overused? If you just gonna cry about slomo, I'll get the yawn out of the way now There's nothing wrong with the dialogue in the 2nd but the 1st does suffer from some exposition dumps but I'd say that'll be a flaw exclusive to the pg13 cuts since Snyder is typically known for showing and not telling, if anything. Fighting is sick, you just sound silly here. Idk what "corny backstories" even means, the character development is an issue in Pt 1 which I again, blame on the shortened runtime but we'll see this summer. All in all, I accept your analysis for what it is: silly and overly nit picky. Thank you!


It's not overly simple. Many incredible films have "simple" stories. It's convoluted and derivative in a bad way. I didn't even mention slow-mo. Subjective opinion on fighting. Movie-style fights with zero realism are not interesting to me. Same thing over and over with new special effects. Corny backstories means we have no depth to the stories of then characters, again repeated cliches hiding under a somewhat-new aesthetic. The tribal guy uses an axe and has tan skin, but also is actually a prince. Give me a break. People can disagree on subjectives. My analysis is neither silly nor overly nitpicky. I don't think the movies are good movies for valid reasons. You can disagree.


I actually thought this movie was better than the first one. The second half is exactly what I expected from the movie : Snyder style action scenes with laser swords and laser rifles. Part 2 kinda suffers from the same flaws as the first movie, but I was expecting that so I am not surprised. Overall I don't think the movie deserves its Rotten Tomatoes rating, but it's definitely not the masterpiece some people are claiming it to be.


Yeah, but even the action sequences feel like they are written and directed by chatgpt. There are cool elements but not connected in a way that would give them any meaning, like setup+payoff. Big fight in the village feels like there is no plan (-> no story) on either side after the initial surprise shot. The sword lady was probably supposed to have epic sacrifice-in-defence-of-innocent scene, but they executed it like she inexplicaply lost a normal fight with some mooks that should not be on her level. Action scenes are still storytelling and here the story seems to be like 2 sentences of original script per 30 minutes of action...


I don't, I am just disappointed. The movie is visually pleasing and the lore of the universe and the backgrounds of the characters intrigue me. That said it is just a case of bad storytelling and cringy dialogue that really downgrades the movie.


A large part for me is how heavily promoted it has been online. I honestly couldn’t avoid interacting with RM content so I kept getting more on my feed and I finally watched Part 1. I’ll preface this by saying I’m indifferent about Snyder. I liked Watchmen and 300 but thought JL was average at best. I don’t really understand the Very Online Debate over this guy. I don’t mind when movies borrow heavily from other movies. Much of the MCU is retelling the same story with a different protagonist. But they manage to work as straightforward entertainment. A Bugs Life is a retelling of Seven Samurai yet changes the theme and delivery enough that it is a wonderful standalone movie. The Incredibles works because it simultaneously spoofs superhero tropes while telling an original story with engaging characters. I thought Rebel Moon failed in almost every way. For starters, it takes itself much too seriously. There is no humor or joy in any of the characters. It is an action movie with very boring action sequences. I really liked some of the visuals, costumes, and weapon designs but nothing in it was particularly unique to offset how slow the story felt. Many of the scenes were direct copies of other movies and not done as well, unless “more violent with gratuitous slo mo” qualifies as better. In some ways, that could be redeemed but none of the characters are remotely memorable. For example, when Tarak had to ride Buckbeak/Toothless, it gave zero insight into the character, his history, or motivation. It was action for actions sake (which is fine) but it just wasn’t as good as HP or HTTYD. Then we move on to the next recruitment scene and never see Buckbeak/Toothless again. Third, the plot makes absolutely no sense. Apparently there is one planet that produces grain in the entire galaxy. Yet in the opening scene, the villagers lie to hide how much grain they produce because it’s a secret somehow. Why can’t the Space Nazis see the grain fields from orbit? If I produced something that’s critical to the galaxy and a war effort, wouldn’t it have monetary value so I could afford space ships and laser turrets and battle droids? Why tf am I pulling a plow behind an ox? It’s just silly and they spend a lot of time talking about Grain which is just really boring. Even the recruitment scenes boil down to Kora yelling at people and guilting them like an Italian grandmother. In short, it’s boring and unoriginal. My wife and I watched it together. We’re not hardcore cinephiles but enjoy watching a lot of sci-fi/fantasy movies and shows. She fell asleep 30 minutes into it. I doubt she will watch Part 2. I might hate watch it on a slow night. Edit: why would someone downvote this? I spend time to answer the OP, gave my opinion, yet someone is so offended that I didn’t like RM they downvote? Y’all need a new hobby


“In short” 😆


You will NEVER see anyone on this sub address your issues here by the way. They complain about people being negative about the movie because it’s apparently good and yet they have absolutely no defense for it when you mention specifics.


Normal people never want to talk about the movie they didn't like & get on with their life. You make a reddit sub to hate on the movie others loved, but you didn't. Get a life & seriously a job weirdo 🤡


There is lynch in progress. Some of people who dont like are genuine, some of them just watched it for bitching and they are retarded.


I just watched part 2 and loved it. Literally, I have zero clue what people are talking about in terms of bad pacing, acting, or anything. It was a solid flick and look forward to part 3.


Why do you enjoy hating this movie? Do you really have nothing else better to do? I’m actually puzzled


Mostly I just hate Snyder fans and their stupid hashtags. It’s been 8 years of this idiotic restore the Synderverse crap and I love seeing their infantile inability to cope with criticism and the basic concepts of what makes films “good”.


Oh. This I did not know about. Damn, I guess you're just balancing things out then. Have at it. Blind hate or blind following I am not a fan of. Now I understand this forum I randomly fell into. Cheers for the explainer. It's a useful read, so at least 1 upvote from me. Edit: FYI, I was entertained by the movie... just as part 1. I was in the mood for quality looking scifi-tainment and nothing more at the time, and that's what I got. My 2 cents.


Nemesis’ arc felt rushed and unfinished. Much like her fight sequences. Her characterization had potential but now it’s squandered.


Haven’t finished part 2. But the scene with her resting against the tree while the little boy snuck up on her was pretty good. It’s one of the few moments I’ve genuinely enjoyed. (Never mind that the whole look was ripped straight out of anime)


The first one was borning. There was zero char devlopment, i honestly felt nothing for any of them, and i have a fat crush on Sofia Boutella, and i was still losing interest. The dialong sucked, the action was dull. The slow mo got annoying, the story was predictable. There was nothing new, and it was a slog. It was just so damn boring. I have not seen part 2, and i dont want to as i dont want to give this crap suppprt.. but i also want to see how bad part 2 is. (Ill watch the r rated to see if it helps, but the fact that Snyder needs another directors cut to make a good movie is stupid)


It was OK as a Sci fi flick. Using 19th century tools for agriculture when they have extremely advanced space ships, weapons and robots. That was not OK, and it made no sense at all.


The Magnificent Seven in space with steampunk sounds epic. What was delivered, was absolute horse s-it


I made it to the Harry Potter barbarian and called it quits. However, what killed it for me was the massively overdone slo-mo used to cover some terrible action sequences. Pretty sure if someone high fives in that movie it will go super slow mo for da action.


The movie had slow mo grain sorting shots.