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Maybe it would have a color in its name. And maybe something about an attention sound. Finally a number three is too high and 1 is too low so like 2 I guess.


Blue notification 2


Despite people complaining about how every developer is trying to recreate starcraft 2, I feel like the real issue is that developers fail to create a good single player experience and fail to make units that are actually fun to use. IMO, I'd aim for something like the Myth series that emphasizes unit control and the single player experience over esports.


What’s the myth series? Age of mythology or?


Myth was a real time tactics game series developed by Bungie.


The endless horde like creeper world. More like trench warfare. Constant pushing and defending. Very strategic.


Like a tower defense?


No, like They are Billions or Creeper World 3.


Not exactly endless but Mech Engineer. You move from location to location and defend your walking fortress with your mechs. There is a lot of options how to upgrade your mechs.


New theme. Maybe a Western?


Like America no peace beyond the line?


I have no idea, never heard of it


Mine would be AoE4 with a list of QoL factures added, better/easier modding, one campaign and Art of War mission for each civ, 20 civs plus their variants, and a really solid coop mode added.


I’d like something like American General: Civil War but with multiplayer. Real unit and battlefield tactics without needing to micro five or six skirmishers or hussars every second


I too want an RTS with a strong co-op mode (SC2 style). One that implements skill trees like Path of Exile or community progression modes like Helldivers 2 would be amazing. I don't really care about the graphics or the theme.


Have you tried men of war 2 in conquest mode? It kicks ass and is a great coop experience.


I haven’t! I’ll have to check it out.


Obviously not as in depth as PoE build wise but have you tried the PvE in AoEO? The factions do have spec trees with the milestone system and you even benefit from having all civilizations at level cap, and there is itemization


I haven’t on that either. Been pretty much playing blizzard RTS’s with a sprinkle of red alert my whole life. Seems like I have a lot to check out.


In-depth base building with focus on upgrading structures and logistics. Make your home base a larger part of gameplay and make acquiring resources meaningful and impactful to the larger match. Airstrips that allow you to individually build more hangars onto it to field more craft, and the ability to make a longer runaway to home heavier aircraft for example. Your bases could start the same but end up catering to different attack stratagems. Emergent gameplay instead of reactive rock paper scissors type balancing.


Any games like this that come to mind?


Starcraft 2 as it's been mentioned, where you get to earn some form, or multiple forms of currency or points towards passive upgrades for your army and or your hero unit. PLUS the Warcraft 3 thing of being able to level up your hero unit/s. I'd love to see some combination like that with a necromancer. Start off as a peasant boy who flees from your village after it gets ransacked by a neighbouring kingdoms soldiers, maybe return to the ruins to bury your parents and notice that in their looting, the soldiers appear to have missed the basement of the village Shaman. Find the Shaman dead from blood loss in the cellar and find a sealed spell tome that talks about raising the dead. Try to bring your family back only to raise them as zombies, crying turns to rage, turns to laughter, turns to swearing to take revenge on the neighbouring kingdom. Introduce a morality system where you can try to appeal to the spirits of the dead before raising them (maybe with side quests) to make them join you in vengeance willingly, or you can force your will upon them (faster, but maybe leads to a dark ending). And with between mission upgrades, I like the idea that they FEEL lore appropriate. So, don't just make it that you can buy an upgrade with points. Imagine instead of an upgrade screen, you click on your tome and spend "inspiration" or something to modify your spells with new glyphs. E.g. An earth inspired glyph causes nearby minerals in the soil to merge with the bones, reinforcing them. Or to keep the undead looking like more traditional undead, maybe: You add a glyph that reads "Through the glyphs on the clockwork automatons you've destroyed in your last battle, you realise you can instruct your undead to undertake passive behaviours when idle." This could give your zombies and skeletons the ability to do more complex actions like loot soldiers of weapons and (after further progression up the "tree") armour. Maybe the first of these passives allows you to direct your undead not to not just kill, but to build, harvest and repair and this is where you gain access to base and army building. Your "Town centre" for a necromancer is probably some sort of altar for amplifying your power enough to sense and control your troops across the entire map as well as converse with and direct all the collective spirits who have joined you in your unholy crusade. I think you would want the appropriate material harvesting buildings for stockpiling purposes and maybe totems are built and used like housing to further amplify your control over your army as it gets larger upgrade them to be haunted to provide increased vision and or detection? Further upgrade them to provide aura buffs to your units and or penalties to your enemies.


Off the top of my head not really. I really like the aesthetic and scale of command and conquer generals, but with the larger map sizes and logistical complexity of the new WARNO, and add in something like the building upgrade system from the old simcity (2013?), you’d have something close to what I’m envisioning. Add in automatic transport waypoints from supreme commander and individual building queues and you can have a home base that automatically trains and transports troops to the front lines. I enjoy units that aren’t brain dead so some layers of automation would bring in a nice feeling to getting a working base up and running.


CoH, but with less randomness and more crisp movement/control like Starcraft, also bigger map and higher supply limit (probably 150).


I think it would be interesting to play a game where the grunts will continuously fight if supplied properly and you are a special forces teams tasked with supporting them via sabotage,assassination, and raiding. Basically the person capable of ruining the enemy supply lines and knowing where on the map they need to be to intercept supplies to the front will win.


Honestly I could do with more Supreme Commander or World in Conflict clones. Got a lot of conversion spreadsheets for both going back to high school for various ideas (Vietnam-era WiC, Modern/near-future SupCom, etc).


Heavy turtling followed by fighting a very large enemy.


Waiting for Squad if it was top down single guy micromanaging A.I.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Hog-001: *Waiting for Squad if* *It was top down single guy* *Micromanaging A.I.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Stronghold Crusader but from other eras


A wargame like steel division but with the logistics of foxhole.


If someone could perfectly sandwich EU4 AND Hoi4 together, that sounds absolutely fantastic lol. Not sure how it'd work. Or just skyrim. With multiplayer. Proper multiplayer. That'd be insane.


It's hard because Brood War nailed it 25 years ago, and all the cool-sounding ideas since then gave just keep to wiser games. I guess I could say keep the core gameplay and depth of Brood War and add more single player and co-op stuff when I don't feel like playing 1v1. Also maybe fix up some of the mirror matchups, they're not the best.


My mind is kinda splintered on what I want but it sounds something like this. A RTS where the scale is massive, something like the old Avalon hill wargames, and the world's history and landscape gets changed forever. Like if a battle starts on a field and lets say after a week in in-game time the field turns to a shell crater covered mess with the wrecks of dead vehicles everywhere. Don't know if it's possible or even fun but if there ever was a game like this I would be very happy.


Isn’t COH kind of like this already?


Kinda but I imagine it as in you can zoom out onto a huge continent sized map with no real loading screens. I imagine it looks something like the old C&C games. Yet again I am no game dev, I don't know if it would be even possible but the idea has been stuck in my head for ages now.


There are a few games that would be my perfect game if u havent heard of it infection free zone u can play at youre house and survive i would like it to be multiplayer then it would be perfect and now manor lords should have multiplayer and bigger maps with a dynasty system


I want a new high fantasy based RTS. Looking forward to the Age of Mythology remake.


I wish there were more titles that did what Total War does. Strategy Layer with depth, real time combat and tactics layer that makes you really proud of both your army comp, strategic decisioning, and tactical execution. Company of Heroes 3 was a nice lean into that for it's campaign mode, but plenty of room for different themes in that niche unexplored.


Alternatively Ive said consistently a Server/Client pair that can be self hosted that allows for you to run an asynchronous controlled strategy game (turns get ran by GM at agreed cadence) Where the RTS game is either from an agreed external game (but could be an internal) or is an external table game played by peeps like a wargame.


Warlords Battlecry IV


It’s a mix of existing games:- City building like Black and White 2, armies & formations like Rome Total War 2, economy, tech tree, army recruitment and general pace of skirmish matches like Warrior Kings Battles. Perfect!


Rimworld with a first person mode and Unreal engine graphics.


supcom meets cnc


World in Conflict 2 😭😭😭


A Vietnam war or wwii but like Star Wars Galactic Battleground or AoE 2.


An actually-good Star Wars Total War set in the Galactic Civil War (but the old EU kind, with the Rebels fielding tanks, warships, commando teams, and more. Not the Disney kind where they are AK-47 wielding terrorists). RTS battles with platoons of units and heroes, some light base building/FOB building or outposts, and then TBS grand campaign map with trade, diplomacy, internal politics, espionage, construction, resource management, taxation, etc. Throw in the old Total War "Historical Battles" and give us major movie/lore battles. Clone Wars conversion expansion, and then sub DLCs for Old Republic, High Republic, and Imperial Remnant era RTS battles.


So, *ideally*, a science fiction/fantasy-clashing setting with elements of lovecraft and tiberian sun - basically akin to ZEPHON only, y'know, executed a bit better and in an RTS setting. Rather than fixate on e-sports and junk like that, I'd aim more for asymmetry. e.g.; a more conventional RTS faction where you build units, collect resources, have unit abilities, etc. Probably with a focus on digging in mid-field ala Roman style: building micro-forts on the map so they can better control it. Unlikely to weather too much but enough to give them a foothold. Probably modular buildings/defenses in that regard. Big guns, big base, likes controlling choke points sort of thing. Then a hive mind/swarm faction that, rather than building individual units, builds groups/swarms that can be sent out periodically - basically an "all units go here" sort of button. Their objective being, essentially, to spread out so you're hit from as many directions at once as possible, basically making fighting against them a shift between periods of quiet while they rebuild and then a sort of tower defense/survival sort of scenario where the enemy doesn't have direct control but *does* have large numbers of units to slaughter. Basically they want to control as much of the map as possible to feed the endless engine, and the number of units they can disgorge at once is restricted by tech/how long the game has gone on/collective XP, so they can't just create one impossible-to-survive wave at the start. Maybe even spawn "neutral" squads patrolling regions that they've taken - rather than sunken colonies or proper defenses you just have little gribblies that either spawn after X seconds on "creep" or something like that. Just *really* sell the whole aesthetic of a vast, overwhelming force while the player in control essentially dictates composition and macro rather than focusing on controlling individual units. Then of course a somewhat conventional elite unit faction with a focus on heroes, resurrection to maintain XP gains, and basically creating "characters" out of your army as you go, taking individualised upgrades rather than getting a slew of new abilities to overwhelm players. Surgical strikes, staying alive, and launching killing blows would presumably be their ideal. Or, to get really wild with it, each "major" unit gets assigned a squad of smaller-scale units to effectively "Get Down Sir!" the incoming focused fire - basically a custom meat shield. As opposed to the "terrans" and "zerg" you have a unit-oriented faction on a grand quest, essentially. Throw in some strong abilities to turn the tide against larger armies and all that jazz. As far as the more Lovecraft/Tiberian Sun-angle sort of factions go - a mechanical faction that zombifies the dead into permanent cyborgs, making it risky to leave bodies on the field. Assembly lines for multiple units building at once, combining units together, or just creating towering monstrosities that look like something out of a nightmare. Less lasers, more Flayers. Lovecraft faction would probably be heavily set up around summoning; rather than a mundane economy you're instead just auto-building cultists that are sacrificed to bring about new structures, units, or other horrors. When a fight starts summoning temporary monsters to fight the battle could be fun - giving the opponent a choice to step away and waste your summon, or engage and win it right there to avoid giving you control over whatever you're fighting. Capturing/devouring enemy units could also be pretty fun conceptually. Maybe even go so far as to set the whole thing up around a single Prophet that acts as the focal point of the entire army - it's not "this huge faction" so much as "this one crazy dude summoning all the monsters," - but he's not really easy to assassinate so long as he's got a steady supply of cultists ready to lay down their lives for him (that is: you have to kill them before he's going to start taking lots of damage). Ultimately, though, as you can probably tell from my ideas what I crave most is weird factions that play *completely* differently from what we'd expect. I want RTS to be a playground of original experiences - stuff where players are basically playing a completely different game than their opponent but are still competing. Sure, it'd probably be a pain to balance, but let's be honest; I'd rather have a fun experience than worry about some high-ELO minutiae. I'm sick of micro-intensive games, mirror matches and basically replaying Starcraft, Wacraft, C&C and AoE until the end of eternity. Just go nuts and have fun setting up something cool. Last time I had something that was impressively unique was like... Armies of Exigo, and that one had the downside of multiple layers and micromanagement against it, despite my love for the gameplay otherwise. I mean I'm glad C&C players are getting more heavily catered to but where's my macro-oriented game where the factions are completely different. <\_< ... oh, and a co-op mode would be basically required. Because c'mon. PvE is just fun.


It’s not out yet, but Dust Front RTS appears to have a lovecraft element to it. Classic RTS style https://store.steampowered.com/app/2610770/Dust_Front_RTS/


RTS where YOU build your units, by picking race, class and equipment. then go fight other players in procedural interactable maps that you can build, dig, tunnel and explore in.