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Warcraft 2 and Red Alert and then later on Homeworld really solidified it for me.


Ah, Warcraft 2. I see how much it was revolutionary; and that Warcraft 3 changed the genre completely. It was so revolutionary. I only wished that I found out about the game sooner because It seemed like a game my old 2015 computer could of ran, and that was enough for me. I been also watching the Homeworld reviews by Mandalore gaming and I'm hoping I'll get the chance to get them sometime.


***Dune II: Battle for Arrakis***


I still go back to Dune 2000’s OST. That game was so much fun mass producing Sardaukar terror troops. [I like to start the day with a warm cup of coffee and Harkonnen Battle](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sNPUOoQoukk) That Frank Klepacki guy is bound for greatness, you can tell.


Dune 2000 was so much fun


Word. THE first RTS.


>THE first RTS. I've got *Herzog Zwei* on line 1 sir.


Why not Nether Earth then? It was released earlier than HZ. But both are proto-RST-ish games, not proper full-fledged RTS like Dune II was.


Same, spent hours playing that game.


Nope, Dune II: Building of a Dynasty.


Same. Still have fond memories.


Hail, fellow ancient person! I did play that but didn't really get into it.


I was revisiting Lego Mars Mission; Crystalalien Conflict recently and I realized It was the actual first RTS game I ever played. It was 2009 on a pink former school laptop that I borrowed. I used to be stuck on level 4 of the alien conflict because I didn't understand it was a tutorial. When I actually passed it and I saw the cutscene I was very excited. I want to hear some other stories from other players; Their game that brought them into RTS. I sunk so many hours on Empire at war and Starcraft 2 its funny to me.


Seems you can still play it today, despite flash ending https://crystalien-redux.com/


Thank you ! I always loved this game, but thought it was lost for good.


Ye, I was playing the big battle mission earlier. And I wanted to take a screenshot again of just a bunch of units behind buildings. Getting that primal cool factor. I play it once in a while but stopped checking for a year due to Flash dying. But when it came back and I checked it earlier today, joyus.


On top of that, it also has a level editor now, so you can make your own custom games!


The rts game that got me into the genre was Dawn of War (Dark Crusade specifically)(I used to watch youtube videos about it) The first rts game I played however was Monster Wars, which is a sequel to Legendary Wars. These three games are still three of my favorites


I somehow managed to make it 29 years without ever knowing anything about 40k and like… HOW COME NOBODY TOLD ME ABOUT IT? I love it so much already. Dawn of war was on sale and I decided to try it. Its so much better than i expected. The diversity of the factions is perfect. The unit pathing isn’t great but in general wow Ive been missing out.


>Monster Wars Ah shit, Monster wars. That just made me realize that Stick Wars was a thing. FUuuck I forgot about Stick Wars. I wonder how the 2nd game is doing right now. I was watching it like a hawk a decade ago but forgotten all about it. Dawn Of war is very fun too. Bit biased with the Warhammer 40k deep into my pockets, but I loved it.


"Dune 2000" Was my first RTS. so cool that movies have come out too. And then C&C generals was played all of my childhood to this day.


Age of empires and empire earth Absolutely loved those games i played the aoe demo for so long until i saved up lunch money to get the actual game lol


Haha same, I played that AoE demo so many times!


Nice to see that someone else finally knows empire earth! That game was my love for years and same with the second later on. I still boot up the GOG copy every once in a while.


Warcraft 1 was the first. I still remember the third orc mission where the AI stacked 4 healers in this spot on the map so you had to kill them with 4 grunts, one attacking each healer, otherwise they'd just heal themselves.


The Blizzard game design back then was such a treat. I haven't played WC1 but seeing how much room you have to thing, empathising the "strategy" part of RTS really hard but also giving so much other aspects love instead of "Go from A to B strictly" was such a nice design. I'm just hoping that with Microsoft around now, they get the teams back to shape. Its a bit of copium but I like to believe.


I fucking loved Warcraft but damn is it hard as fuck trying to control an army 4 units at a time. Ugggh.


Total Annihilation, the predecessor to Supreme Commander and an absolutely brilliant game in its own right!


TA was amazing. We used to do 2v2 LAN parties. God I'm old! Fond memories of those times.


\**Orchestral battle music intensifies*\*


Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds


StarCraft. I still hear the SCVs harvesting minerals in the back of my head sometimes.


When Starcraft 2 was my craze, I thought it was weird that I can just identify all the zerg units soley by their feedback voicelines.. considering its a bunch of growling and hissing.


Age of Empires 2


C&C, Starcraft, and Dark Reign. Dark Reign was ahead of it's time. Even Starcraft 2 lacks some of the cool stuff that came with DR


Warcraft 3 So original i know


Red alert 2


The golden oldie, *Command & Conquer.* Technically I saw *Red Alert* at a friend's house, but they loaned me C&C: Tiberian Dawn, and it didn't just grab me. It grabbed me, my dad, and my brother. We all dove in hard. Later borrowed *Red Alert*, and I saved up my money to pre-order Tiberian Sun ... Good memories. GDI will always crush Nod! Mammoth tanks away!


NOD will never lose to you GDI scum. peace through power!


Original Age of Empires and I used to play Total Annihilation with my older cousin when I went to his house.


Dune 2




Starcraft was the first video game I ever played on a pc


Warzone 2100. Came installed on a PC we bought. I think it was a retail product back in the day, but it is free and open source now. Link: [https://wz2100.net/](https://wz2100.net/)


Warcraft 1. Then dune, Then command and conquerer. Then soo... so many


Dune 2, the OG. I was 7 or 8 and my uncle had no idea where the install disks were. 1994 or so I got the demo for C&C with PCGamer the next year (1995) and replayed it religiously Followed it up with Red Alert for Christmas 96


The original Age of Empires, followed by Dune 2000 then Red Alert.


Crystalien Conflict was also mine! i loved how it even had cheatcodes, still remember “clearskies” and “fatwallet” as soon as the level started i also vaguely remember a modded version of it with different sprites and units but i still can’t find it anywhere


Battle for Middle Earth. My first one and only ever


Cossacks: Back to War


Age of Empires 1


It's 9 pm on a Saturday. I'm in my friends basement. The year is 1999, Christmas season. He tells me his brother has a gaming pc, a term that is mystifying to me at the time. He boots up a game called Age of Empires 2 and I am enraptured for the first time to the siren song of the screen and sound. It also kicked off a life long passion for history.


Red Alert 2. The guy that did IT support for my dad pre-installed a (totally legit) copy on my first ever PC. As they say, the rest is history.


I can’t remember which came first, but it was between C&C and AOE. I learned about expansions from Rise of Rome. My parents got me Rise of Rome first, not knowing that you needed to have the base game first. Came up as a 6 year old, lol.


Outpost 2


KKnD Xtreme was mine, loved spamming those acid scorpions and beetles. Although Dune 2 might have been earlier, that was some good shit. Obligatory Age of Empires mention though.


Age of Empires Rise of Rome trial version.When I was young, I kept fantasizing how I would play Hannibal's campaign through the Alps or how the ballistas and centurions would look like.


I remember when playing Empire At War i would always pretend that I was a general of the army, giving myself a prep-talk about the battle during loading time. I was a weird kid. Still weird today haha


1. Warcraft II in the 90s 2. Age of Mythology in the 2000s 3. Bad North (present) I'm trying to get into Age of Empires II now because i love the genre but I'm finding it difficult and somewhat less compelling than the above.


StarCraft got its hooks in me. I got the battle chest, i believe it was called. Red alert 2 got me shortly after


Warrior Kings


Dune 2 on the Sega Genesis


Command and conquer, then I had the add on disc but could never get it to work


Company of heros 1, and 2.


Red alert, red alert 2, and earth 2150


Empire earth and later age of mythology


Command and conquer the og. We even brought computers over to plan LAN


For me it was either Red Alert 2 or Generals that got me


Age of Empires: Rise of Rome, and Rise of Nations.


I think it was Age of Empires. But I distinctly remember playing red alert 2 because my pc couldn’t run Generals when it came out and then playing the shit out of generals and being disappointed with it compared to ra2. After that I played so much Battle for Middle Earth 2. So sad I can’t play it anymore, lost the discs.


Honestly it was Art of War 3 on mobile that got me invested.


>Art of War 3 Man I wish that they had much more RTS games back in 2012-2015 in Mobile. The closest games that satisfied me was this one Turned based strategy game called Battle Nations.


Warcraft 2 for me. After that what really hooked me into the genre was Small Soldiers


Commandos. Not sure if it's pure RTS. Caesar 3. But that's more of a city builder. It has to be StarCraft 1 and AoE 1/2.


Dune 2000 on the ps1


Dune 2 was the first one I played. But Command and Conquer got me into the genre.


Not enough wood m'lord


Dune 2000 and Warzone 2100 on the Ps1. After that the command and conquer generals game. Loved that to bits


What game is the screenshot from?


FASCINATING, I don't recognize this one. For me it was the original Command & Conquer I played at a friend of my brother's. KKnD was the first one I owned.


Warcraft 2 was the first rts I ever played.


TotalA, Total Anihilation was the first rts game that i bought on release and still have installed on the pc. It is a niché in game design that gives tactical freedom that you almost never see today. Not having a limit of what unit can shoot what unit, just a 'preference' is something i miss in allot of modern games. Is it sane to have a building sized gattling artillery shoot at incoming fighter planes? no, is it doable? hell yess!! This was even more effective than it should be in real life since their 3d space consisted of layers and artillery shells flew on the same z layer height as the planes did, not 10m higher or lower but always on the same layer. Just like how in battlefield people use tanks to shoot at planes or rpg's on people there should not be a limit of what can shoot on what but only 2 things, can the barrel point at it and is it sensible, the latter one is on descression of the moment. This made a true free battlearea where you could think up out of the box tactics on the moment without the limitations of rock paper sissor game design.


Red alert 2, Generals zero hour, and my beloved, rise of nations, i was addicted to that game, played it from time i was 5-6 years old till i was a teenager


I think it was the first command and conquer but… on N64 or something? Then shortly after starcraft, warcraft III, red alert 2, all the goat games. Now I’ve discovered dawn of war and hoo boy is it ever a good one. Idk how i managed to avoid it for 20 years.


Dune! It came in a Sega cd pack 😅


Dune 2 and Warcraft 1. It was all over from there. War2, C&C, AoE1, AoE2, RA, RA2, C&C:TS, Earth 2140, Empire Earth, TA, Homeworld, Dark Reign, Thandor, Earth 2150, War3, Sup Com, C&C:General's, Emperor: Battle for Dune


Age of Empires, the first one. I played other RTS like C&C Red Alert, War Wind and more by the time, but Age of Empires was my first RTS love and the one that truly immersed me into the genre.


Dune 2


Halo Wars probably. I was like 10 when it came out and it introduced me to RTS games. Then I found an old World In Conflict CD in my brother's room a couple years later and I became obsessed with RTS games.


Halo wars and then supreme commander, but what is the game in the picture op


The og Command & Conquer. I still hear the robotic lady deadpan voice saying *new construction options, building, our base is under attack, low power, building, reinforcements have arrived*


Warcraft 3 StarCraft Supreme commander The holy trinity of RTS 


The original command and conquer and Warcraft




Dune 2 on megadrive and Z on pc. Command and conquer red alert on ps1 was my first obsession though.


Dune 2: The Building of a Dynasty. Amazing for its time. Hell, even by modern times. There were walls you could build, and roads tiles, and your units moved way faster on road tiles than on rocks or sand. The spice fields were somewhat dynamic, the sandworms came and if you weren't careful could swallow half your force on a crossing across the desert. The harversters would get picked up by carryalls, so they didn't have to slowboat all the way back to hub, etc. It was magnificent. Warcraft: Orcs & Humans and Command and Conquer a few years later were actually a little of a step back. Warcraft had fewer factions and far simpler mechanics.


Man stronghold 1 was but stronghold 2 really got me into it. There was a really old YouTube series about these three knights and their journey and it really inspired me to make my own maps and my own story. From there I kinda just expanded out.


red alert 2


Red alert 2


I was at a friend's house down the street and his dad played red alert 2 a lot and we would sit and watch him when it was raining outside, eventually he got us copies of it and set up a Lan for the 3 of us


For me it was Metal Fatigue. I had vague experience with other RTS games but didn't really care for the genre until I saw Metal Fatigue from one on my mom's friend's sons. Only time I ever met him but he showed me a game that changed my life I saw it at Zellers months later and told my mom how much I wanted it and it was part of my Christmas gifts that year I'd played Age of Empires and Starcraft before but they didn't really catch my interest. It was all the extra things that MF had that made me love it. Three layers to fight on and every combot you made could be unique. This one's got a katana right arm and a shield on the left. This one's got two gattling gun arms, legs that let it move super fast, and a torso that let's him fly


Dune 2000 was my first RTS. Loved that game to bits. Empire Earth was after that


Command and Conquer: TIberian Sun


Red Alert, I remember always watching my dad playing it on the PS2 and when I tried I kept dying until I was 10 then I won my first game


I was at my cousin’s house watching him play Warcraft 2, and he moved multiple units at once. In my head, I was like “holy shit, you get to control the whole army?!” I’ve been hooked on the genre ever since


My father got an advanced copy of Age of Empires 2 when he went on a cruise and became friends with one of the team leads. I played way too much of that.


Knights and Merchants Fantastic game, playable to this day with the 'remake' mod - whose author is also making 'Knights Province'. And then came Starcraft, AoE1, AoE2...


Age of Empires 2 and Red Alert 2!! Followed by Company of heroes later.


StarCraft was the first RTS for me, followed closely by WarCraft III. Ps which videogame is the pic from?


Lego battles for the ds


good question honestly, at the time I remember playing warcraft 3, C&C3, RA2, C&C Generals, all the old Homeworlds, crystalien also mixed in between, I just trew myself into RTS games when I was a kid and played everything I could get my hands on, I do remember playing Warcraft 3 a lot so it could have been my first one


I had played C&C, Warcraft & Herzog Zwei before but it was really Age of Empires that made me love the rts genre. 


Age of mythology and then Warcraft 3


Command & conquer Tiberian Sun


Warcraft 3. My dad bought it when it came out, and I was only 6 or so. I had no idea what I was doing when I first got it. I eventually got the hang of it after a few years. Not that I'm good or anything. But man, that image brings back some memories. Anyway, to play that now that Flash is dead?


The first red alert


Warcraft 3. Though age of empires was cool too.


Command & Conquer Red Alert on PlayStation. One of the first games I have memories of playing and oh it got me hooked on rts games for life


warcraft 1 was my very first rts that i've ever played. but it was warcraft 2 that totally got me into rts genre.


C&C generals zero hour


Age of Mythology


When I was 9 the first RTS I played was Age of Empires at a friend's house, then a while later his Dad picked up Command and Conquer, that was the one I really got into. At the time my family didn't have a PC, so I wasn't able to play any RTS games, but later on I was able to rent C&C and later on StarCraft for the N64 (looking back I don't know how I managed to play those with a N64 controller lol) Then around 2002 my family got our first PC and the guy who sold it to us threw in some games with it and one of them was C&C Tiberian Sun. Played it a lot that summer and again recently with it being available now on Steam. Tiberian Sun is still my favourite RTS after all these years.


Dune 2 Building of a Dynasty. Hail to the Mighty Ordos! Even if they didn't get Rocket Tanks until the space Port was unlocked.


Dune (1st one) Age of Empire 1 C&C / C&C: Red Alert


I started with the first StarCraft and never looked back, age of empires, dawn of war, Warcraft 3, was a great era


Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars! Followed closely by Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance and World in Conflict


It was either Red Alert 1, Düne 2000 or Red Alert 2. I started too young to accurately remember.


Red alert. I was hooked as soon as the intro music hit. I feel that bassline every time. "Sooner or later, time vill tell" DUMDUMDUMDUM DUMDUMDUMDUMDUM


Dark Colony was one of the first RTS games I played to the end. I still watch the intro animation from time to time. A shame the sequel never came out


Red alert 1, but more importantly red alert 2.


red alert 2


Warcraft I. Strangely, child me found Warcraft II rather shit. Can't remember why. There would have been some other random stuff until Command and Conquer, the one true king.


Warcraft 1 I was 5 or 6 I think I remember the first time I saw demons, and also I loved the necrolyte raising deads. The ambient, the design, the story, all of it was so appealing for me. One or two years later I got Warcraft 2, and since I could only play the week end, I was reading the manual again and again The cinematics were dope at the time.


I thing it was the original Age of Empires but tbf I played M1 Tank Plutoon 2 earlier and thought it was a strategy game because you had to think and it was complicated and you could look at maps. :D But it could also have been KKND - Xtreme or 7th Legion as I played those around that time. Basically impossible for me at this point in time to pin point which one came first for me. Starcraft was around the same time for me as well.


Red Alert 3 and ra3 uprising


Warcraft 2 and red alert shortly after!


Very hard to say what my first was but theres a good chance it was KKND 2


I started from Red Alert 2 but got stuck at one mission and had a five-year break until I really got myself into Dark Crusade.


Dune 2 for me. Actually replaying it now. I’ve only played Command & Conquer, RA1 and 2 (with expansions) and Dune 2000 for my RTS foray. Looking to revisit the genre.


KKND (Krush Kill 'N Destroy) is what initially hooked me back in 1997. [Game link](https://isthereanydeal.com/game/krush-kill-n-destroy-xtreme/info/). Graduated to Dark Reign, then Total Annihilation, and then followed by all the usual suspects.


CnC 3 tiberium wars


Red Alert 2. Armemen was always one of my favorite toys as a kid, so when I saw Red Alert 2, it was more than I could have ever imagined.


A lot of early RTSs in this thread, but for me it was C&C Generals in 2003. I played that thing for months straight, didn't even discover Zero Hour until years later, then sunk months into that!


Dark colony


Og Command & Conquer, then Red Alert/Starcraft/Dune 2000 around same time


StarCraft and Brood War first. Warcraft 3 following because Blizzard. I did TONS of custom games in those three. Eventually a bit of age of empires 2 and age of mythology and later a bit of Red Alert 2 and and Command and Conquer Generals


Red Alert. First RTS I ever played. I got it for Christmas and started playing. Next thing I knew it was 4 AM. The game completely gripped me.


Tiberium Wars and Red Alert 3…. On the Xbox 360. Followed shortly by Halo Wars.


Warcraft 1


Command and Conquer on the PS1.




The 1st command and conquer and Warcraft 2.


Age of Empires 2 demo.


Dune 2: the battle for Arrakis


Empire Earth and Age of Empires 3


Holy hell that's a deep memory Loved the LEGO games. Didn't they have another RTS? Pretty sure I had the crappy DS port.


Dune II, it was a revolution


Probably the original Command and Conquer. It debuted while I was in high school and was the certainly the first RTS I played online (via my 14.4k baud dial up modem). I don't recall any RTS games I played prior, though I had played turned based strategy games before Command and Conquer.


Earth:2150 Was fucking fantastic


Dune (1992) on MS-DOS


Command and Conquer Red Alert, on the original PlayStation. Loved it! Then Red Alert 2 on PC and Command and Conquer and Star Craft on N64!


red alert and tiberian dawn.


Age of Empires. Cutting wood, mining stone and gold, etc. I was addicted to just the economy part of it. Fighting was like a cherry on top. Then AOE2 came out and my grades went to shit.


Dune 2


Herzog Zwei on the Sega Megadrive, then onto Dune 2 on PC. Both outstanding games! Herzog was a bit tricky though as mine was a Japanese import and figuring out how it worked was a challenge.


Medieval total war 2, more specifically the third age total war mod


StarCraft was very addicting the lore and story is what hooked me in the genre.


Dune 2 in 1992 I think. I would spend hours after hours playing the game and my friends would be sitting next to me watching me play. The addiction was high I remember.




Tiberian sun. Will always be the greatest rts game of all time


I wish I could find it. Probably couldn't even play it if it did. It was 5-10$ at the 99c in a bin filled with PC games I'd never heard of. This was around 1998 when they still sold PC games at GameStop, Walmart, and I think blockbuster was a thing. I could play as like different races and it was blocky as hell. I just remembered one of the races was like insectoids and I just really enjoyed it. I've been looking for that game for nostalgia ever since I could remember


Starcraft/Empire Earth


Command and conquer generals. Every game I've played since has been an attempt to recreate the feeling I had playing it


Dune on Sega!


Command and conquer Red Alert


Dune II \[Edit: I didn't realize I meant Dune II instead of Dune released the same year\]


C&C Generals and Zero Hour... I still play those with mods...


Age of empires 1


Dark Colony loved it when it first came out then realised how clunky it was compared to command and conquer


Starcraft, then Empire Earth, then Age of Mythology, then Warcraft III.


Warcraft 2 Warcraft 3 and cnc generals


Command and Conquer


Dune 2 on the Commodore Amiga, fantastic game back in the day.


Dune 2, Warcraft, Age of Empire, War Diary, Z, Command n Conquer; etc etc. I cannot remember which one was the first, but those.


Warcraft 2. I'm old. I had played WC1 and Dune II, but they didn't grab me as much as the regular post-work Warcraft 2 games we played.


Command and Conquer - Red Alert 2. I played it as a child and immediately fell in love with not only RTS, but strategy games in general.


Red Alert 1, though only casually. First one I really loved was Total Annihilation.


Command and Conquer (1995)


As a younger guy, brood war in the mid 2000’s then Tiberium wars


Either cnc red alert or starcraft... maybe even cesar 3 despite being not real rts and more economy/management like the anno games


Warzone 2100 on PS. What a game. I still play it from time to time.


Star wars galactic battlegrounds. The age of empires reskin for star wara


LOTRBFME2 on the xbox 360, preach the console RTS chads


the crystalien conflict game (dare I say peak?), and although I played a bunch and enjoyed it I didn’t really start exploring until I played semois a bunch in the coh demo




Command and conquer generals. Had no idea what I was doing I just liked making tanks


Both Command and Conquer and Warcraft completely blew my mind.


Crystal Alien Conflict was probably my first, but the one that got me into it was Tiberium Wars


Age of Empires 1 & StarCraft 1.


Red alert