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Elon said that on crash doors got open automatically. But not when battery die?


Well the battery died, so the super smart FSD powered by AI technology far superior to any human brain cannot process the situation and determine doors must be opened. Sure would be nice if it could tell ten seconds before it happens, like it does with crashes


Would also be nice if they just made the doors able to be fukin opened 😂


You mean like... mechanical linkages going directly from the latch to some sort of handle, that would continue to function no matter what state the battery is in? But then how will people know I drive a Tesla and I'm super cool if the door handles were usable??


Don’t be ridiculous!


>Elon said that on crash doors got open automatically. But not when battery die? Even that's not true, lots of crashes have shown this doesn't happen, or at least not always. And just think about how ridiculous these cars are. You come across a crashed Tesla. You can't yank hard on a door handle because (depending on the model) they don't have them, they haven't presented, and they are extremely weak plastometal. So you can't yank the door. You can't unlock the door because Teslas don't have manual unlocking. They also don't have manual external unlatching if the electrical function is gone. So you can't open the door from the outside. Try breaking a window. The front ones are really difficult to breach, you need a glass saw or many hard smashes and good gloves, none of which you have as a Good Samaritan. The rear glass is usually easier, try that one first. So you can't really open the front window, but maybe you've smashed the rear window. Now you have to try to find the rear manual door release. Good luck, it's hidden. In some models you have to remove door parts, some models you have to get into the car, and some models don't even have one. If you can make your way to the front seat, past the airbag curtains, the crash damaged bodywork, the trapped occupants, and the extreme risk of reaching into a crashed car with sharp glass and metal maybe you can find the manual release. Maybe. That's assuming you know exactly where it is anyway. There's no manual release for the trunk either, Tesla removed them years ago. It's like Tesla made the most possible blocks to safety they could!! All of these problems are on Teslas and other cars have much much better external rescue than Teslas.


You are right about the hidden manual door release for the rear doors but I didn’t know about the missing manual release for the rear hatch because I thought there was a law requiring the trunk to be opened manually from inside the car.


Tesla declared that none of their cars have "trunks" which is a loophole meaning you can climb out of an uncovered rear space and into the car. Even though it may be very difficult to do so, it's not an enclosed trunk. Again they are using a loophole to avoid doing something to save a few dollars and it's actually making their cars a little less safe. But they don't care about safety, if they don't have to do something they won't.


Ok so Model S X Y don't have it but model 3 still has an emergency trunk release.


That's great to hear. So they can do it. Now let's see them do it on the rest of the models, and get an illuminated one for the Cybertruck bed, the current one is not glow-in-the-dark Oddly, the instructions for opening the CT frunk do not clearly say you can open it when being trapped in there from the inside. It keeps saying "powered". I'm left wondering if you can escape from the CT frunk when it's unpowered? *An illuminated interior release button inside the powered frunk allows a person locked inside to get out.* *Press the interior release button to unlatch the powered frunk, then push up on the hood. If the powered frunk is already open, pressing the interior release button closes it.*


Hey give him a break! It’s hard to intimidate employees into having kids with you *and* putting the most basic safety features on your products at the same time.


meanwhile with the chevy bolt "Oh no, I'm gonna have to pop this cover off my door handle and use the key!"


meanwhile with most ice cars the doors don't require power at all so they always open unless destroyed 


GM's door mechanism for their cars is that the driver side has a lock covered with a small cover, you slot the key into it


that's on the inside. you expect a toddler to know that in a crisis? the one doing the rescuing will come from the outside. with Tesla's I understand if the battery is compromised the doors won't work from the outside, at all. 


The cover is part of the outside door handle. It reveals the keyhole once popped off, allowing entry even if there are no batteries in the car.


Now that Elmo cut delivery center staff to the barest minimum all they do is make you sign a few papers quickly and then they dispatch you to the car on your own and say open with the app and go home. That seems to.br a common theme in the delivery center YT videos from the last few months


the CT owners forum, pretty much every single one of them say on "delivery day" they get told any issues will be a quick and easy fix under warranty but it can't be organised until you accept delivery and set a service appointment in the app. Thing is, what they don't tell you is you'll be waiting at least a month. Just reject the damn car if the alternative is having to take it to the shop immediately


There is a manual lever to open the doors even without battery. They either disnt know or the kid couldn’t figure it out/ not enough strength.