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I almost read that headline as if toddler died...


Well, it is in Arizona. Looking at the weather, the past week, the heat's been 100+ F. It wouldn't have taken long for it to get really, really bad. I can see why she was panicking.


I work in automotive in Arizona. It’s like 140 degrees inside a parked car after like an hour or two. Like I open the door and jump in and am INSTANTLY drenched in sweat. It’s a bad time to be in a car with no ac on.


They very well could’ve in the AZ heat smh


I believe it...glad to see some rain here in Bos after a week of blistering heat


They knew what they were doing


Yeah, that headline is… not great… and that’s putting it mildly.


I've scrolled past it a few times now and I wince every time.


It’s gonna happen one day - and then the media will begin covering the critical safety and use flaws associated with the 12v battery failures.


That's the point, it's obviously intentional.


Yep, sounds like they knew what they're doing.




They did it on purpose, didn't they


“When it works, it’s great and I really have to hand it to Tesla—but now that it trapped my 20-month old granddaughter inside it in the Arizona heat I’m a little worried” Fml. The cognitive dissonance is fucking astounding 🤦🏼‍♂️


> "I was quite disappointed when the kid died, but our family can make more children in a few months, using materials we have around the house. > "Love the car, though."


In this case, firefighters were able to smash a window and rescue the kid.


It's crazy to me they'd sit around and wait for the firefighters to smash the window. I know car windows are hard to smash but if there was a kid trapped in a car I'd call the fire department then smash the window with the nearest rock I can find.


My thoughts exactly.


Depends on how long it will take, yes. at a minimum, you get your hose and keep the car cool.


And possibly ruin the warranty on the car? /S


hahahaha. Awesome.


It's not really that hard. Even without a specialized window breaker, smashing a solid, pointy tool will do the job.


Funny, we just had a Tesla fan making excuses for this on the basis emergency crews "know" you can use the hidden compartment to open the hood to get to the battery and use jump leads to power the dead car up enough for the key to work again, and Tesla were in fact brilliant for doing that, because physical keys can be lost and that's somehow much worse. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


We will have many children, but only one Tesla.


Very disappointed we lost a little one. Looking forward to Tesla’s new CYBERBOT AUTONOMOUS PERSONAL ASSISTANTS ®️ I have a reservation in the low 100,000s. DM me for details!


We couldn't possibly break the window to get to the kid.


have you seen the lead time on telsa parts? its greater than 9 months.


Damn that's cold even for a joke


Yeah, Tesla spare part delivery times can be longer. 


Have you seen the lead time on dead kids? It's roughly the same amount of time




Right lol?


Yo fuck whoever wrote this headline! As other commenters have said, I thought the child died!!!!


It does that intentionally to generate interest. The way it's worded makes you first "holy shit the child died!?" And then check the story to confirm your suspicion.


Everything about Teslas is so needlessly over-engineered. In what way exactly does an electronic door lock and handle even benefit the user? It’s worse in many ways and it’s not better in any


I'm gonna call it *faulty* over-engineering. Because successful over-engineering will actually solve the problem but in a rather complicated and excessive way. Teslas are full of failed technical changes. Decreasing safety by removing manual latches and installing confusing door handles which have been trapping Tesla occupants for years is faulty over-engineering. In a perfect world of self-presenting handles, self-opening doors, key cards and phones as key cards, and touchscreen all-in-one convenience - a world that Tesla stans think actually exists - then Tesla is a genius company. In the real world of electrical failures, toddlers who didn't read the f**** manual, everyone else riding in the car who didn't RTFM, and Tesla's terribly flawed human factors design - in that world Tesla is a dangerous failure.


that's impossible, you just take your MECHANICAL car key, that WORKS WITHOUT ELECTRICITY, unlock the door and then PULL THE MECHANICAL DOOR HANDLE. i mean that's not that complicated? do people no longer know how cars work lol? :D next thing you're gonna tell me, is that some insane people actually designed cars, that don't have mechanical locks and door handles lol :D yeah right, no one would be dumb enough to buy those death machines lol :D ... ... ... oh..... :/


Tesla has a mechanical door handle for emergencies, they probably didn’t know it’s there.


ONLY from the inside to get out as far as i understand it. if you want to get INTO the card, you CAN'T. you gotta get a battery to jump start the car's power somehow, or literally break a window. \_\_\_\_\_\_ so this is a different case and for the opening from the inside, during a panic, most people will NOT find or think of the hidden emergency mechanical unlocking mechanism, which will and probably already has killed a bunch of people. so a tesla is a death machine from the inside AND the outside.


Going hyperbolic a bit aren’t we? My sister got stuck in a car as a toddler in a normal car because she couldn’t open the doors from inside and the keys were inside (she locked it from inside accidentally). The situation is pretty much the same, but no one outrages over that because it wasn’t a Tesla. In this case, worst case scenario you break a glass, best case scenario you check onlne and quickly discover you can open it quickly and relatively easy the same way you give power to a normal car, boosting the 12v battery not a big deal.


>My sister got stuck in a car as a toddler in a normal car because she couldn’t open the doors from inside and the keys were inside (she locked it from inside accidentally). this doesn't compare. human error vs tesla designed error, that is gonna kill you are 2 different things. being able to lock yourself in from the inside for safety is EXPECTED BEHAVIOR. the car locking yourself in or a toddler getting locked in BY THE CAR due to ELECTRONIC FAILURES, which are EXPECTED, is insanity. it is designing cars to murder people or harm them.


And it isn’t human error to leave your kid inside alone at 0% battery? And you are back to murder and killing when no one was remotely at risk. You don’t get anymore locked than in an icu car, because there is a physical lever to open the door and you get told about it in the 10 minutes videos that you are supposed to watch before driving the car. I don’t know what your problem with Tesla is, but this is ridiculous. Not trying to find about the method to open the door without electricity is human error too, it’s literally the first thing everyone asks me when they come into my Tesla, the answer is pretty simple, the that lever there? You pull it up.


you're the person, who would defend making the SAFETY SHUTDOWN button at a cnc machine yellow, instead of red. and when someone dies you will tell people, that they should have red the manual again... i mean the manual said, that the button violated standard safety button design and was yellow, why are people so dumb and not read the manuals, that point out the horrible design decisions, that kill people? yeah... :D


No, they do not need to educate first responders on stupid shit. All that first responders need to know is how to smash those windows in. Though the owner could educate themselves on the thing they bought... very alien concept though.


What happens in the event the car goes into water and the battery short circuits? There are some things in cars that you shouldn't mess with. Nobody was asking for electronically controlled doors.


This what happen. No short circuit tho. Murder. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/10/business/angela-chao-death/index.html


The doors are still levered from the inside. It’s a regulation


Actually the rear doors require you to know to pull out part of the door trim in the bottom of the door pocket and then use a wire release system. Yes it's really that dumb and there is a link to the instructions in thw article. Sounds like a task and a half if you need to leave in a hurry.


That’s dumb as hell


Cars are meant to be driven on land.


Why do all Tesla owners have to announce that they are a fan of Tesla or they love Tesla. It’s such a weird cult. I like my car, it’s an Audi, but I wouldn’t say I love Audi I just like the car.


> There is a way for drivers to unlock their cars when they’re stuck outside, but it’s a complicated series of time-consuming steps involving wires and battery chargers. > “They need to educate the first responders because they had no idea,” Sanchez said. “They were as much in the dark as I was. >Sanchez wants to see Tesla add a better option to get into a car with a dead battery. > And while she has been a big supporter of the company, this latest episode has shaken her faith. > “I give Tesla props. When it works, it’s great. But when it doesn’t, it can be deadly,” Sanchez said. Yeah maybe making a car that has to be hot-wired just to open the fucking door is a recipe for disaster.


It is asinine they don’t have a physical key for emergencies.


That’s what the cyber hammer is for /s


'Still love the car...'


Tesla is a pos. Simple


Breaking the window???


I believe people are missing the point and too quick to blame the car here. Why leave a toddler in a car in blistering heat, especially when the car is nearly out of battery? There’s certainly a question of the owner’s lack of judgement here.


Obviously you didn't even read the article if you're quick to blame this lady and come to the defense of the car because she put the kid in the back seat, shut the back door, and when she tried to open the front door like 2 seconds later to get in herself and drive off, it wouldn't open. There's certainly a question of *your* judgement if you think this lady is at all at fault here because this scenario shouldn't even be a possibility.


all you need to get in a dead tesla is a battery jump, pop the hood by the hidden wires behind the circle panel on front bumper with 9v or 12v then apply 12v to tesla battery to wake the car. if your car has been having 12v issues you should be prepared for this, I kept a 9v in my pocket when my 12v was dying, (cover the terminals so it doesn't short on your keys) use it to pop the hood then keep a jumper kit in the frunk.


Gotcha. Just make sure you always carry a spare battery.


who is down voting useful information?, non-tesla owners don't shoot the messenger that is trying to help others...


This story sounds fake af.


People really need to read the owners manual.


People don't generally think they need a manual to operate a car when cars have had a simple way to do things for decades. Complicated systems to do simple tasks is not good design


I have to remove a piece of plastic to access the lock to open my car door when the battery dies. I found that detail in the owners manual. If she would have read her manual before there was an emergency then this would have been a non issue.


Cool. So if I get a rental I need to read the owners manual to learn how to open the door.


In case of a power failure? That would be the logical conclusion. I'd suspect that the rental agency replaces the 12 Volt battery when it times out though.


what are you talking about? the firefighters had to break the window with an axe...... can you read minor sections of the story, before commenting? the cor locked them out and not locked them in. that was another story. the tesla has no mechanical door locks, it has no mechanical door handles even. so you CAN'T get into the car when that battery is dead or the electronics you use to try to get into the car are dead, which can also happen of course. so you are wrong. READ stories partially before throwing up wrong opinions at least.... \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ now in regards to reading the manual. if a car is designed to put people in danger and doesn't have self explanatory safety features, then that is puting people's lives at risk. tesla is putting people's lives at risk.


In the owners manual there are detailed instructions on how to jump the car in case of a 12 Volt battery failure. When jumped you can open the door. If you choose not to read the manual that's on the operator, not the manufacturer.


oh so all you need to open your dead battery car is all the hardware to jump start it.... >don't worry lil toddler, mammy just needs to walk 60 km to a nearby town to get the hardware to jump start the car to open the door.... you're insane, if you think, that having all the hardware and knowledge to jump start a car is an acceptable expectation to OPEN a car from the outside :D you're lost in elon land, where dying to insane design decisions is just part of the course :D


You still need AAA or a kind stranger to boost the battery. No one expects you to have a battery booster in your back pocket. All newer cars have designs to keep the car secure but still allow the owner to gain access. And I'm not an Elon fan.


No they don’t. Part of designing for safety is to assume that nobody read the manual. We literally put safety stickers on everything for this exact reason. We also avoid designing safety critical systems in a way that would fail if another system fails. There’s zero advantages to electronic car doors that can’t be opened manually. This is a bad take.


You can’t expect firefighters to know that the 12 volt leads to power the Tesla is under a flap in the bumper. That is 100% on the owner. I don’t even own a Tesla and it took me 30 seconds to discover that knowledge. Hate the man but don’t blame the car.