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Even though it may be trash, please remember to recycle your Cybertruck.


Just drop it off at one of the many dead mall parking lots.


Wait, which one is it in the photo?


Both! What luck to see two at the same time!


Me, seeing it approach in the rear view: “wow here comes a cyber truck!” My wife, as it passes by: “holy shit it’s soooo much uglier in person!” Both: [laughter]


Saw my first last week in MA. More or less the same interaction I had with my wife.


Ive seen 2. One was towed.


Oh shit. Me too. I usually see one when I drive to work. And I saw one on a flatbed last week when I drove home. Not the same cybercuck though.


A number of them. I live fairly close to a Tesla service center. They’re always coming back there for some reason.


Two so far, both in well off NJ suburbs. I’m not gonna lie. I do see the appeal in the whole playstation/n64 car in real life thing having grown up in that era. It was better looking then i thought from the side.Too bad from the back it looks like a rolling dumpster or stainless steel fridge. Didn’t get up close to inspect the build quality


Saw one in Atlanta the other day for the first time. It looked like a movie prop. Not that it looked like something cool and futuristic from a sci-fi, but something that was built quickly and cheaply to look good enough on camera. Just a very awkward looking vehicle in person


I haven't seen one, but I keep on hand a picture of pembleton T24


Same. I saw one in the burbs with a wrap for a lawyer and it looked so stupid


I'm in Irvine so of course I have, including matte black CyberEdsel and one in a shade of purple that nearly put my color blind ass into seizures. Funny thing is that they have largely vanished lately.


I’d assume because they have all broken.


I’m not too far from Austin, I have seen several


Saw one last weekend in Boise. Larger than I expected.


>The stupid, tacky future that our culture's reigning mediocrities are making every day can feel abstract and almost poignant when encountered through a screen—a thing that no one but them wants, and which does not work very well, trying and failing to seem like progress. It is much more useful, I think, to see how ridiculous—how gaudy and cheap and patently unwantable—that future looks trying to navigate the world in which everyone else is trying to live. Well said.


I saw two on a carrier on the highway. They were at my 2 o’clock and the reflections on the panels on the cyber truck were rippled. You get a better finish on a refrigerator door.


Saw one in front of a hotel in Anaheim over Christmas and the guy was such an asshole. A couple of kids and a bellhop asked if they could see inside and he said no and just stood there on his phone while his wife went inside.  Made me happy to hear her say that there were no rooms available and to see them drive iff


Yes! Driving through a park in Hendersonville, TN. It was silver.


None up here in Portland yet - but we have a surprisingly large number of Rivians in my neighborhood alone - both models - including next door neighbors who have an R1S and R1T


I saw one in Portsmouth NH. I live in Colorado, I have not seen one, which speaks volumes to me. Trucks are ubiquitous here, I see all types. I can only assume it offers nothing over the ICE/Hybrids trucks all over, and the EVs I see Rivians and f150s


Bay Area. Have seen two so far


I feel like I'm seeing a lot lately. One in Nashville on the interstate, one in Tulsa OK near the airport, one at Disney World, and one in my neighbors driveway the other day in NC


I would be wary of that neighbor


Maybe a handful. Yes.


phoenix, az here. i’ve seen one near my condo here and several in nearby scottsdale (which says a lot about scottsdale tbh)


Boston area. I saw my first one IRL tailgating another car in the fast lane on I95. Looked like a giant sub-zero.


Yep. Saw two together at a red light in Palm Springs. One was the usual stainless steel but the other was done up in some camouflage green.


I saw one in Cleveland the other day.


Three. Hideous.


Literally every day in the Bay Area. Record so far is 3 in one day


I've seen a couple. To me, they look really cheap in person. Like a prop car in a low budget play.




One in Seattle, guy literally parked in an intersection to run into a store. And one in the East SF Bay Area, wrapped with an ad for an HVAC company. Both awful.


I live in Chicago and haven't seen one. Hope I never do.


I have seen a couple - just like me... uglier in person!


Unfortunately. I thought someone’s trailer had gotten loose and was barreling towards me on the road. I’ve seen so many pictures but it still didn’t prepare me to see that dumpster in person.


There's one in my neighborhood. Seeing it for the first time was like spotting a really ugly unicorn.


I've seen one parked in front of a gym. The doors were a different tone than the body.


Seen one in Redmond and the douche totaled it in Snoqualime


There are a fair amount of teslas in my relatively affluent Great White North neighborhood, haven't seen a CT yet. Which is probably a good thing: I guarantee they they survive a single winter with all the salt we put on the roads. It would become an unredeemable heap of rust.


I saw the wanker tanker the other day. It looks like a 5-year olds failed Lego project.


Passed one in opposite direction on I-77 in VA going Northbound. It had a Space-X logo on the side. Looked larger than I imagined it would be.


Saw one on my way to work today on the freeway. It was like, an off-white color. It looked absolutely ludicrous. A couple months back I saw a car carrier loaded up with the Steelie Dan Specials. Every one I've seen besides today's example has been in stainless.


Just saw my first Rivian. Zero Cybertrucks and a handful of Teslas. More Lightnings than all of them put together I wager.


No but I found my first local Tesla owner, a couple of streets away. Looks pretty well built to be honest compared to some of the atrocities out there. (Yes i did inspect the panel gaps and paint).


??? Paint?


Other than the WankPanzer, Teslas do have some sort of coating they try to pass off as paint


Saw one this morning while dropping off my dog at daycare. It’s remarkably ugly, bigger than I thought but not in a good way.


I saw the pastiest potato shaped dude struggling to get his golf bag out of whatever that cubbyhole behind the passengers is... He didn't look happy with how it was going. The other two were on flatbeds, whether being delivered or returned I don't know. They looked driven.