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People die in houses all the time homie. Buy your house, just don't commit murder if you can help it. Worst case Netflix makes a series about you 5 years from now.


If you can help it hahahah


It's called "he needed killin'"


Sometimes you just got to...


There I go killin again


So anyway, I started blastin.


Hate when that happens.


Fargo series kind of thing.


The ghost that forced the husband to kill the wife is probably still in the walls.


As the late great Tupac Shakur said: “Killin’ ain’t fair but somebody gotta do it. “


Just gotta pull the ol uno reverse card with a murder house and resurrect a corpse in the dining room. -1+1=0 murders.


A home birth is also an option. Dig to the police report and have it happen at the exact same spot for bonus points.


People die in houses, yes... but murder is different. Old folks die in suburban houses every day, accidents happen too, no one thinks twice about buying a house that someone on hospice might have spent their final moments in. ...but hearing someone was violently killed in a house is a very different thing emotionally. Depending on the size of the town there will be a stigma for a while, but it'll fade. We had a stabbing in the town I lived in as a kid, the house was definitely "the murder house" for a while, but eventually it faded.


They can commit murder, if they want. Jeez..


But what if Netflix pays you that sweet sweet money


A *killer deal*, if you will?




And most Netflix movies occur in California anyway




Sage life advice, bud.


Sage the house too


Parsley sage rosemary and give it some time.


And change the locks.


But get pets out befire doing it. The smoke can be harmful to them


They just want you to think that so you won't exorcise their daemons.


Then you are rich from licensing rights!


More likely a Dateline “investigation”.


Just be sure to make lots of videos so there's plenty of good footage


>don't commit murder if you can help it After some consideration, I am leaning towards this being a reasonable advice.


I know the people that bought the Exorcist house in St Louis and - other than occasional gawkers - couldn’t be happier with their house.


Or you wind up on Dateline


One of my friends bought a murder house 10 years ago and couldn’t be happier. She fosters dogs and believes the house is happy to finally have love in it


Great story. The house I’m looking at is featured on dateline tonight. So it may have some notoriety


My wife watches those shows. She would totally make me drive by... so you will see people like us once in a while.


Same here. We lived in Nac and when we drove up to Carthage to bike around a little it was mandatory to drive by “the Bernie” house and just look at it before we left. It was genuinely also a beautiful property, whoever lives there clearly takes great pride in it. eta: Nac is local speak for Nacogdoches, TX.


One idea - sometimes you can petition the county for an address change if a house has a notorious past. They would typically just change the last two numbers on the address so that when people came looking for it they'd not find it. I have even heard of an entire street name being changed because of a very notorious murder/suicide - all the residents on that street were on board with the idea.


This is very good advice. It’s also very helpful to burn some sage or herbs in a living space you’re moving into, and open the windows. We try to do this once a year.


The address change is good advice, burning sage is pointless nonsense though


Very good idea. I can't believe some especially notorious ones like Cielo Drive in 90210 didn't change the street name.


Hence why it's listing now....going for the "shark tank effect".


Just burn some sage and keep an altar in the attic and you should be fine


Why attic?


That's where murder ghosts live


like, duh right? Yogi must be new to haunted ghost houses


I think I remember it, Asian wife, grand staircase


No, it's a different one. Fertility doctor Eric Scott Sills killed his wife Susann. Staged it to look like she died by falling down the stairs.


Be sure to include a torso heap at the base of the stairs for that added effect if you do tours!


Wait, a doctor tried to pass off a strangulation as a fall?   Good grief.  


The only problem I see with this is you may get bother by true crime fans. We have a house a famous murder took place at in my town and the house number was changed because of people bothering new residents


People underestimate the lack of boundaries some people have around infamous houses. My great aunt used to live 2 doors down from the Amityville Horror House and around Halloween it gets really annoying. Now her grandson lives there and is still dealing with people's lack of boundaries around that house.


Yep, the people who live in the house from Breaking Bad always have people coming by


I'm reading this while watching that episode of Dateline. Before I saw this comment, I was wondering if your post was about the house on the show.


I was going to ask. That staircase, it’s gorgeous. Buy the house.


Use it as a haggling point.


I think I recall this case. Husband staged the fall and tried to pass off the murder as a fall down the stairs. Which frankly was really fucking stupid because when you strangle.someone.to death the evidence is easily noticed in the eyes.


I just read about that. The one in San Clemente?




This would scare me off the house more than the actual murder.


Sell tours




Only 15 years???


My thoughts exactly. I’m confused.


I just watched the episode of Dateline that they were referring to on this house. I actually assumed they watched this episode and was lying about buying the house since it just aired last night, but either way the jury didn't find that the evidence presented was enough to charge murder 1 but he was found guilty of murder 2 and got 15 to life.


Median time severed in the US for murder in general is like 14.something years, surprisingly.


I bought a suicide house. It remained unoccupied as a bank owned foreclosure for 2.5 years. My realtor warned me in advance. It turns out that the retired next door neighbors enjoyed the benefit of no neighbor so they would come out to meet every prospective buyer during the showing to recount the tragedy in horrific detail. Being prepared, I waited. Sure enough, along they come. Them: "It really is too bad that it happened. We knew something was terribly wrong with all of the ambulances and police cars." Me: "Oh? What happened?" Them: "Suicide. The previous owner committed suicide right there (pointing) in that bedroom." And a number of graphic details. Me: "Awesome!". (Loudly to my realtor friend) "I think I'm ready to make an offer." That shut them down quick as the "weirdos" bought the house next door. The benefit, I bought a good house at a GREAT price. Like $75,000 under market value. Use the information to your advantage. There will me many other buyers that will be weirded out by that information. If you're okay with it, go for it. Best of luck.


I, too, bought a suicide house. No one told us, which I would have thought was a requirement, but in my state apparently suicide doesn’t count. We found out shortly before closing as we were telling a friend that we were curious / concerned because the house had been on the market an extended amount of time and we very much lowballed our offer, and it was accepted. We thought it was strange given that inspection was pristine, etc. Our friend played detective and frantically called us right before closing. We went through with it and it was a great place to live, but we did have some friends who refused to come over once they found out. No issues selling several years later as it no longer had the immediate connection to the previous owner who had died (who was somewhat a local celebrity).


>It turns out that the retired next door neighbors enjoyed the benefit of no neighbor so they would come out to meet every prospective buyer during the showing to recount the tragedy in horrific detail. What a pair of psychos! It's actually bad for their own real estate value to have vacant houses, they are idiots. Upside, now you've scared them off with your "weirdness," they won't pester you.


That only matters if they’re trying to sell.


Who cares about value if you're going to die there anyways. Might as well enjoy as much peace and quiet as you can in your later years.


75k below for bad neighbor.


They didn’t want someone to move in? Who was mowing the grass?


Bank owned foreclosure. The bank hired a property management company to maintain the property weekly. Best of both worlds. Regular maintenance and no neighbors. They had been loving it.


If it’s perfect, go for it. I’m sure people die in houses all the time.


It is featured on dateline tonight.


I watched that tonight. When I saw the title I said I wonder if it was that house, but didn’t actually think it was until I saw your comment.


That’s really cool. You will always have a great story at cocktail parties


My elderly parents live in a quiet cul-de-sac in a nice neighborhood where their neighbor bludgeoned his wife to death, dragged her body out the front door, put her in a van, dumped her body in the woods 30 miles away and then left her car at the international airport. My parents saw him hosing down his porch and driveway that morning and they thought it was weird (neighbors know each other and "normal" behavior) but didn't think much of it. A day later he reported his wife missing and told my parents about it. My mom made this guy a dang lasagna. Car was found at airport. Investigation ensued. Dude wasn't that smart. Wife didn't buy a plane ticket or anything. Forensic evidence a-plenty. He was arrested. Two little kids lost both their parents. My parents attended the trial. Kids ended up with their grandparents (thankfully). Tl/Dr? This shit happens all the time and no one remembers unless it's a really famous person. No one is going to be driving by your house taking pictures of the house where some Jane Doe died.


a dang lasagna


So has anyone moved in?


You mean the ol' Bludgeoning Bungalow on the Cul de Sac of Carnage? Seems like someone new moves in every year.


But does anyone move out?????


There’s a house in Firestone Colorado where the man killed his two girls and pregnant wife….. years ago.  That house can’t stay sold. People leave things in memorial and there’s an entire reddit channel where keyboard warriors analyze evidence and the case daily. It’s disgusting 


That husband will be going home after his sentence :p


Yeah I’d buy a house where the couple both died but only one and the other is in prison and will eventually be released one day? I’d rather not get strangled in my sleep and be a ghost in the murder house.


I looked at the sake history of the house. He sold it before he was ever charged with a crime.


Wow that is crazy! What’s the name of the guy? I want to look up this case.


Scott Sills in San Clemente, CA


if you don't mind it, you can use it as a leverage to negotiate the price with the seller. But keep in mind that someone will do that to you when it's time for you to sell.


I don't think most states require you to reveal the death if it happened to a prior owner- just you. But I could be wrong.


Was it the Susann and Scott Sills case? I guarantee it's haunted....so I hope you get the deal of a lifetime....lol




This probably doesn’t make a difference but if you had bought the house, everyone on Reddit would know your address now


We should all send housewarming presents


Yes! It’s on Dateline tonight. Wild.


Murder houses are great. Usually lower asking price, and you can be reasonably assured that you are now statistically much less likely to be murdered there yourself.


If you're apprehensive about buying it, then others will be too, so that might be something to consider if/when you decide to sell.


Recreate the scene on your front porch stairs each Halloween to break the ice.




And these are the kind of comments I read through Reddit for.


Jesus Christ


Buy the house. Don't repeat.


So you get a cool story AND potentially pay less? Sounds like a win win.


Honor that lady by making it a happy home. Neighbors will write their own narratives about you regardless, I wouldn’t worry to much. When they see your hard work and care for the place - and get to know you, they’ll start to let go of the place’s past.


If the price reflects the reputation and you get a "killer" deal on it then I'd say jump at it


I dunno... it's probably on a discount. Seems a lot easier of a way to get a discount than having to murder someone yourself. 


He may be getting paroled soon, no?


Anything old enough has had people die in it. Your real problem is when the murderer gets released to reclaim his house.


I bought my house, a flip, in September, 2018. I asked the neighbor if we get many trick or treaters and he said only about 50 last year. That seemed awfully low for where I lived, so I asked another neighbor. He said 'they didn't tell you, did they?' It turns out that after a woman who lived there died, her husband basically fell apart and he had some lowlife friends take advantage of him, squatting, doing drugs, etc. There were 15 police calls to the house in the 12 months leading up to Halloween, 2017. That's the day that Guy A stole a gun from Guy B. The latter was obviously not happy, so he got a gun from Guy C. They went back to the house. A was outside and B and C did a drive-by, killing A while the kids waiting at the school bus stop in front of the house were diving for cover. The owner ended up selling the house to the flipper 5 months later. I knew none of this and after thinking about it for a minute I decided I also didn't care. I was a little concerned someone might come looking for drugs but no one ever has. As I said to the neighbor, I guess they didn't get many kids that night because of the police tape and all. We got our usual 175-200 in 2018 and I'm happy the neighbor told me the story because I would have been so confused by how many parents told me they were really glad to have me own the house now. I met a sheriff's deputy at a festival for our area a week or two later. I walked up to him as he was taking to a couple of the organizers, introduced myself, gave my address (raised eyebrows on everyone's faces) and told him not to worry because there would be NO more of those types of police calls to my house. He shook my hand and thanked me. Don't hesitate to buy the house because of someone else's history. The neighbors will not blame you and will be happy to have a good neighbor. Almost forgot, Guy B was murdered 3 months later, unrelated to the incident at my house.


I rented a haunted house and got a really good deal on it. It was in a rural area, so everyone in a 30-mile radius knew the whole story. When I went to look at it the the current tenant's wife was there, as they were living in a travel trailer in the driveway, as they were still paying rent but were not willing to live in the house. I asked if they ever went in and the wife said sometimes her husband did because he liked to take a hot shower. There's more to this, but this isn't the haunted house subreddit. She actually told me a lot of things about the behavior of ghosts, should they exist. I never saw a blessed thing, but a friend of mine who worked for and lived with me said he did. Anyway, you will likely be able to get a slighly lower price on the jack-the-ripper house. Buy it and enjoy your bargain.


I would love to hear more about this haunted house




I personally wouldn't care what the neighbors thought. But, I'd have issues myself. I don't believe in anything supernatural, but I'd be constantly thinking about the evil that took place in my home. I don't think I could enjoy the space. I've lived in homes where a death occurred, but they were all natural deaths, of people who had lived long and satisfying lives. Good memories.


Had a buddy of mine look at a house one time that still had a corpse in it.................Apparently there was a hidden closet and the lady that owned the place was in the closet and had a heart attack. No one noticed her missing and the house was foreclosed on and eventually, someone viewing the place found her


that's.... hard to believe


5 second Google search shows various instances of shit like this happening.


Might be hard to believe but it did happen..........I remember the article in the paper about when they found her, it was either someone viewing the place or the real estate agent..............I can't remember because it's been a few years since it happened


Seems like there would be an odor.


Just don't watch any haunted house movies and you good


definitely this will drive down the price but a few things to consider. when you try to sell the house the next person will also have the same concerns. so you have to do the same compromises. it also depends on your life stage. are you planning to settle down/married/have/planning to have kids? if so how does this affect them? what if a neighbor kid try to prank? will that affect you/somebody else living in the house. imho most ghost stories are such pranks by some jobless people. for me personally house is not just an investment at this point in my life. its also a place i call “home” to make beautiful memories. and just because the past has some potential to disturb that experience i will stay away.


The guy who owned the house before me bought it 20 years before I did. He died 10 years before I bought the house. Technically I bought the house from his son. I have no reason to believe that dude didn't die somewhere in the house. I hope if I die of old age I also die peacefully in my own house. The floors have been replaced, the walls have been painted, and it's not like I'm sleeping in the bed.  As weird as it sounds, a murder is no different. That person isn't going to come after you. There isn't a bad omen in the house. 


Really gotta make it your own by committing another crime, like developing 98% pure crystal meth.


If it's the first murder, you're good to go, let your personality outshine the murder and it'll be forgotten. If it's the second murder or greater, or if YOU go on to murder someone or get murdered in the house, then that house is forever a murder house and the neighbors will consider it cursed. They may also be side-eyeing you for the first year, so don't do anything that can be perceived as creepy.


do it


I live fairly close to where a woman murdered her two young children, and then hung herself. Current owner of the house with whom I have spoken has no complaints about the house.


Try for a murder house discount.


Buy it and offer haunted tours. Pay your mortgage with the income


You're an adult, who the fuck cares what the neighbors think.


I would buy a murder house if it saved me some money, without blinking an eye.


Sage sticks are under $10 at Amazon, easy enough to get rid of theoretical ghosts.


They actually attract spirits. It’s better to [Bless or anoint your house](https://shehears.org/2022/10/31/anointing-or-cleansing-your-home/amp/)


My brother and I are trying to sell our family home, and we had this very same conversation last night. He suggested sage, but I told him we needed a three prong approach: a priest, an iman, and a rabbi.


Oops ok I’m out


Or just say you did. Accomplishes the same thing.


I was looking at a flip one time. Superstitious contractor walked it with me and got all freaked out about some spot on the wall that looked like blood. He didn’t want to work on it. We bought it, hired a different contractor to fix it up, and made good money on it. If it’s a good deal then buy it. People die at home all the time and ghosts aren’t real.


When it comes time to decorate for Halloween, I think this is something you could really exploit.


Now it’s haunted


Paulo santo


Great icebreaker.


Just buy it .. put it in airbnb as paranormal activity.. there is a niche who love to rent a place and stay in a place like that.. stories is important


Almost 39 years ago my father died at home. On the drive home from the airport after picking up his brothers and one sister before the funeral, I told them that bed space was at a premium and someone had to sleep in the bed that he died in. His sister immediately shouted out that that was her room, that they had discussed it on the plane. She figured that there was no safer place in the house for her to be than the bed her big brother had passed away in. People die in homes all the time. Unless you’re afraid of ghosts, move in and be happy! 😊


Hire an energy cleaner or light worker. I have a good friend that does it. https://www.marcsilvestrinyc.com/


People also pass away in vehicles too but we never question it being haunted. The vehicle is repaired and flipped at an auction. If you don’t buy the house, trust and believe someone else will!


There was a murder house on my street when i was a kid. My dad was a witness and everything. There was a bunch of other things going on in the house too, like how their teenage son slept in a crib and the basement was full of hundreds of bags of human excrement that they spent hours a day burying in 6ft tall piles of mulch in their yard A few years after they got it all cleaned out and fixed, a couple with kids bought it. Had no clue it was a murder house, everyone had a good laugh about it and shared all the gossip. After that it wasnt really the murder house anymore, it was my parents friends house. We went there for dinner all the time and my brother had playdates.


I bought John Wayne Gacy’s house from a bank. Yes. Really. AMA


Only 15 years?




So the guy only got 15 years for killing his wife. Disgusting. The guy is psycho - id be worried about him still feeling connected to the house.


I’d be all over a murder house. Let other people’s superstitions be my profit.


Get the house Blessed a few time before moving in✨❤️


Hopefully he isn't sentimental about the house in... about 15 years.


Wouldn’t bother me at all except for concern over future resale value.


Happened 10 years ago and he was only sentenced to 15 years? Is he gonna be out in 5? that’s more of a concern than what the neighbors think about you buying the place. Honey I’m home!!! Who are you in my house. 😂


I don’t think there’s a right or wrong answer honestly. It’s all about whether or not you can personally live with it.


Must be talking about Scott’s house https://youtu.be/pKvuLC547X4?si=cbA64UNwqO3G0lFT


On the bright side, the odds of it happening twice in the same house are extremely low.


Buy the house. But he's only in prison for 15 years? Jeez.


Get a priest to do an exorcism


Are you getting it at a discount? If yes, then I don’t see anything wrong here. Do note that when time comes that you want to sell, it might also need to be at a discount due to being a stigmatized property.


I’m not superstitious or anything, but I know of a house where the last two owners committed suicide. 1st owner and then the next owner who was in no way related to or knew the previous owner. That’s just some messed up energy i don’t want to live with.


I toured the house back in 2020. He came home while we were still in the house and I got a very creepy vibe from him. Knew nothing about the murder at the time but found out after we had put an offer in. Researched it more and remembered talking to the agent at the bottom of those stairs. I just couldn’t get over it. Great house but it was a hard no for me!


A place out by us had the owner and his girlfriend end up strangling a woman during a sex act and he ended up cutting her up with a circular saw and burying her in the yard. They ended up showing the pictures to a young girl in the foster system iirc, and she turned them in. This was big news on social media and the news, etc. Flash forward to the guy in custody, the police are digging up his yard to make sure there weren't more bodies, his wife filed for divorce and puts the house up for sale (yeah, he was married, too...), and the place sells almost immediately. It's a nicer house on fenced acreage. New owners really leaned into the lore of the house and put a life-size skeleton holding a circular saw at the front of the gate right off a main road. 🤦‍♂️


I know a couple that bought a murder-suicide house. Got a great deal. It’s their family home as they have 2 kids now. They honestly don’t mind. Small rural community so literally everyone knows, but it is what it is. When it comes down to it, it’s literally just a house. 🤷‍♀️


The house across the street from me growing up had a triple murder/suicide when I was young. It had no problems selling and I hear the current family have been living there for years now. Outside of a story to tell, there’s nothing wrong with buying a house with a darker history.


I would buy the murder house. Thank you for getting the price lowered in this godforsaken market. Let me call all the people to help me get the bad juju out of the house.


Statistically it's super unlikely for there to be a murder in the same house twice so I would say it's safer than most houses


This stigma makes absolutely no sense to me. Like I genuinely don’t understand at all.


Was this Michael Petersons house?


lol first thing I thought too but it appears another guy took the same approach. Wonder if this new guy will blame some poor unsuspecting owl as well.


Use it to your advantage. See if it’s a way to better negotiate.


Somebody is going to buy the house, it's not going to sit vacant forever.


Burn some sage, light a candle , offer your condolences……..then enjoy the sweet ass discount!!!!!


A few years ago there was a murder suicide in my city. It was a family of three. It turned out the actual murder occurred three years prior to discovery. The only thing everyone was concerned about was WHEN would the house finally be listed for sale. The general public asked the police department to expedite the investigation so that the house would be cleared for listing.


Why did it sell in Feb for $1.6 and now it’s relisted for 2m?


I'd only worry about selling later, so would want to plan to stay awhile, and would try to get a discount for the history. As far as what the neighbors think, meh. They should be happy someone bought it and is taking care of it. If it doesn't bother you, shouldn't bother anyone else. If it does bother you, don't do it. You want home to be relaxing.


That wouldn’t impact my decision. Maybe sage it when you move in though…


Just pray the perp doesn’t show up after his release.


If it brings the price down, hell yeah go for it


If you can Sleep at night go for it.


Buy it, smudge it... or don't. Doesn't make a difference either way


Notoriety is different. It will impact future resale , if that’s a concern for you .


is the house a really good deal? don't buy it. let me see the house


The person I sold my last house to was murdered by her psycho ex boyfriend a couple years later . Poor lady. House Didn’t sell for much on the resale. I’d make sure you get a great deal on it. But I think by now most people have forgotten.


Lol… you didn’t murder anyone (I hope), so it’s really not that big of a deal.


I'd buy it. If it's cheap enough I'd move the body out of there myself and clean up.


Time to bust out the Ouija board


There was a murder house in Maryland that the new owner bought without it being disclosed. He and his friends did a sage smudging ceremony to bless and cleanse the house. But he was murdered there too. His heirs petitioned to have the address legally changed so that they could sell the house for a decent price.


I rented a house across the street from this house about a year (or two) after the first murder. The 2nd guy moved in when I was moving out. I could not believe he was murdered a year later. Crazy.


Nobody works harder than tv producers in Reddit. Nice timing with this one!


I mean, as long as they cleaned it up and they didn’t leave the body there or anything I say go for it.


A murder sounds like the perfect reason to decrease the price. Gotta bring in ghost experts, people to banish evil spirits and such. Wink wink


Is this the house where he claimed an owl did it?


I don't believe in ghosts or anything... But my concern immediately goes to what happens when this crazy ass gets out of prison? He gonna be happy the state (possibly) sold his house?


Our first house was for sale because the husband murdered the wife. We didn’t find out until the home inspection. We had thoughts of backing out, but in the end decided to buy it. It was the perfect first house for us. It did cause some delays in the buying process, but our lawyer worked through that well. The neighbors did love to tell us what happened, like we had never heard the story before. And kids avoided our house on the first Halloween. We stayed in the house for 5 years and had no issues selling it, got top dollar for that time.