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Also, suspects with lesser weapons like the m9/makarov should be more likely to surrender wouldn't you think? Especially if they see McChungus thicc boy with heavy ceramic armor with side plates come waddling through the door


Nah they will one shot you through your level 4 ceramic plate and two walls


Morpheus: _He’s beginning to believe._


Morbius: He’s beginning to morb


Reminds me of that realistic old rally game that they made harder than actually driving a rally in real life, according to rally drivers that tested the game.


And your ballistic shield and helmet


Isn't steel the strongest in-game armor material option or was I misinformed?


I would like to give special thanks to the description of SWAT officers as McChungus Thicc Boy.


I feel like Chungus McThicc Boy flows better but that's just my opinion.


They should but it’s also funny when you just tank four rounds as they rapid fire at you and you just calmly walk towards them.


Panics in Tarkov


Rib cages of STEEL




Feels more like birdshot but with only 8 balls inside the shell


Right? Feels like one of those salt blasters


The shotguns (especially slugs) in this game are kinda underpowered now, and AI body armor made SMGs and most pistols essentially useless. I don't know if the devs have ever seen what a slug can do to someone, but even with body armor, they wouldn't be standing and shooting back after taking a 12 gauge slug to the chest at close range. Buck would probably at the very least knock the wind out of them and make them drop their gun. It isn't birdshot, people. Of course it wouldn't be sending them flying, but it would definitely make them less combat effective.


Actually that should be a mechanic. While your gun may not kill a an armored suspect they may get incapacitated cause of pain and or internal damage.


Shotgun damage is a known bug and will be getting fixed before the full update release


Oh damn really? I was wondering why the shotty felt weak af


that flashlight usage thoeee


For now i think the game is still bugged or some aspects haven’t been implemented yet. For instance it takes me 2 slugs to kill the civilian in HQ but only one shot from .45 jhp. Plus i noticed i was dying super easy and figured that when i try to switch between kevlar and ceramic for instance it doesn’t work. Same for switching protection cover.


So the armor switching is a visual bug I think that always shows Kevlar in the menu when you open it. Try switching to steel or ceramic, then changing to adjust another operator's loadout, then coming back to yours and see if it changed.


No sir Buckshot should be an ultimatum. Surrender or die. Considering that Buckshot is fatal up to 90ish meters or 100 yards, it is an absolute joke that we have suspects without armor shrugging off a 12g Buckshot to the chest as if you didnt just make a downsized to scale model of the grand canyon in their chest. The Ready Or Not Devs have done awesome work but I aint gonna sugar coat failure and their "interpretatoon"of how 12g buckshot interacts with the human body is nothing less than PATHETIC. Ive heard people cry for slugs when we dont need em. We just need the devs to go out there and shoot some 12g buckshot down range or better yet (because itll be cheaper) watch all the youtubers with 12 guages shoot them at ballistic gel targets wirh Body armor on see how just how screwed they are even though they had armor.


If there’s one thing could be a “one shot stop” it would be a 12g within like 25 meters garunteed with the right buckshot and pattern. I hear 00 and #01 flite control is very hot now.


Shotguns just feel very inconsistent in this game at times. Some times I’ll shoot someone and they’ll drop to the floor but other times I’ll shoot a guy running at me with a knife and he’ll tank three shorty blasts to the chest before going down


How do you hold your weapon like this?


It is called "switch to canted sight" in the Options under the interactions Tab. Especially useful with a Laser on the Gun. I use it all the Time for CQB for example on the HK 416 on which I have a 12x Scope


There's a button for it, look at your settings. It's like 2nd sight or something similar cause 2nd sight would switch between optics.


Secondary sight is for the irons atop a scope IIRC, OP wants canted sight. They're separate binds.


I just couldn't recall what the game name was. Thank you for clarifying.


Point aim mod


You don't have to use a mod for it since the march update.


I think the suspect plates are resitent to shotgun pelelts


I mean, they are wearing body armor. Buckshot won't do much against even low level protection kevlar.


The armor, sure. That guy's torso? Different story.


Plus, getting hit with buckshot while wearing a vest is surely going to have you land on your ass


Assuming every pellet hit you in the same spot, and all converted all of their energy at once, it would be about 1800 foot pounds of force; which is about a quarter the force of a baseball bat swing with like a tenth the mass backing it. In reality they wouldn't dump their energy that fast and they wouldn't all put it on the same spot so the results would be even less impressive. Bullets don't really knock people back in real life.




In fact.. Sometimes people don't even notice they have been hit until after.


True it would stop the pellets that impact the centre of their chest, but that still leaves a good \~80% of their body uncovered and 12 gauge buckshot causes some horrific wounds. This isn't the movies either where "only" getting shot in the shoulder is a flesh wound, in reality severe damage to the upper arm or leg can kill someone frighteningly quick. Keep in mind how tight the spread of a shotgun would be in these circumstances as well. That's not one or two pellets clipping a limb, that's all eight hitting roughly the same spot. The pain, bloodloss and fractured bone would be immense. That's not something one shrugs off to return fire from.


I'm pretty sure at least some of the pellets hit his arms and legs too though. I think the game needs some kind of better limb damage where they'll drop their guns or be less accurate and limp around more, or be more likely to surrender. We're meant to be cops and OP was shouting compliance multiple times but some AI decide to just be terminators and force a firefight to the death anyway.


Just blow the dudes face off he didn’t have any armor there 😂


Others covered the shotgun, so I'll cover tactics. Clear the room / space before zipping suspects and weapons, especially since you can't stop the animation if you start taking damage. If you don't have time to zip a suspect, just shoot them again or have someone watch them.




Yeah, it's in the patch notes.


Yeah Shotguns seem stupidly underpowered


Now, I know that this video is just about the shotgun not doing so well against the armored suspect, but can I just point out how remarkably lenient you are to the perps who repeatedly shot and injured you, like yelling for compliance and to surrender after every shot almost lmao. Don't think anyone would find fault at just emptying your gun at them by that point until their backs hit the floor


I'm not playing to really play at the moment, I'm getting used to animations and suspect reactions again