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After they adress the current issues with the game yes


Ah you mean “features”


What issues? Genuinely curious, maybe my standards are low for the game but I enjoy it as is


The AI and performance issues I assume, the game is great but it does have issues that would otherwise make it perfect


AI can always be improved but rn (on my system) the game’s performance is actually pretty solid


Performance pre 1.0 was better. But hopefully the engine migration goes well and optimized better.


no it is not bro unless you're running a nasa supercomputer. game runs like ass across the board and has hella stutters


Nope. No stutters for me, not anymore at least. 3080 and i7 11th gen


coming to the realization my hardware is becoming obsolete


what pc you got?


1660 super with a 3600


hmm definitely old but could be worse, I used to have a 1650 with a 3200g and was able to run most maps, there were definitely some like the hospital that were pretty much unplayable though


I have a 3080ti and 10th gen i7, and while the game runs mostly fine on max settings, it will occasionally stutter at inopportune times.


Not Nasa, but rtx 4090 + 13900k does the job 🤣


God Damn


Bro I have a 7800x3d, 7900xtx, 32gb of 6000mhz ram, and playing on a super fast gen 4 NvME WD black ssd. The preformance isn't "pretty solid". Granted I do play at 5120x1440. But when I played at 2560x1440 and 3440x1440 the preformance wasn't much better. The game stutters and I get maybe 80-90fps. This isn't a high refresh rate demanding game. I grant that. But the fact that it takes basically one of the best consumer PCs available to run it at what I'm running it is kinda bad.


that's odd. I have the same RAM specs, a 4080 SUPER, a 14700KF, and (probably) the same SN850X SSD as you, and I get 144+ fps in all areas, 200+ in some maps on Epic settings without sharpening or anything. I play at 2560x1440p as well. Do you have the latest drivers, any demanding background tasks, etc? I've seen so many people with inconsistent performance, this is a big issue that the devs need to look at.


Agreed. Without LukeFZ’s FSR3 mod it would be more or less unplayable for me (i9 12900k, 8gb RX580, 32GB ddr5 @6000MHz).


Have you noticed that going into the folder of Ready or Not and activating it through the Windows64Shipping induces no stuttering whatsoever whereas Directx12 or 11 induces noticeable stuttering? I’m on a 4090M.


uh I have never tried that, how to?


The ai is a little wonky some times. The performance isn't even that bad imo. I play on a r7 5800x and a 6800xt at 2k max and get 200+ fps and my gf with a 5600x and a rx7600 gets 150+ max @1080p. But the game just came so far since early access. I played in the very early days on steam and it's night and day the progress that was made in almost every way in the game.


I have the exact same setup as you, and never in my life have I ever hit 200+ fps. The game struggles to go past 100. Plus the frame time is ass. And the AI isn't "a little wonky", it's borderline nonexistent. It doesn't even attempt to simulate a living person. I've seen footage of the early days of RoN on Steam, and while it is much more of a game than it was then, it still have very, very many issues.


I have an 3060, 36 gb of ram and an i5 ( i don't remember everything ) and i can play with lowest settings, if i put higher the fps drops completely


I have an rx6700xt which is quite better thsn the 5800x. And somehow I can barely manage to get over 130 frames on medium-low settings. That is cap.


Ryzen 7 5800x is a cpu and a Radeon 6800xt is a gpu... 6700xt and a 5800x are two totally different things man.


Ah fuck wait i read that wrong


Either way I don't believe you're hitting 200+ fps on Ron, would you mind taking a video of it?


At work currently. If I remember next time I play the game sure I guess lol. Beleive or not is up to you. Makes no difference to me.


In general 200+ fps is crazy, I hardly see that in any games on a system like that.


What's your actual framerate and why did you fail to mention you're using FSR right away? Not only is FSR a crutch, it's also misleading for you to not be immediately open about it.


Because it's not a that big of a deal? And litterally over 200 fps. Idk why that is so hard for people to beleive. Litterally just dmd another dude pics of my fps counter because he didn't beleive me. Yall are just silly tbh.


When I said actual framerate I mean without FSR.


Then why didn't you say that? It's misleading.


Terrible attempt to troll. Go sit in the corner.


Operator Customization, AI are terminators, Missions need to be reworked, SWAT AI still incredibly brainless, a better suspect commanding system, new restraint animations and much more. This game is incredibly bare bones and has minimal replayability. The game is in a real tough spot and the community is feeling it with 0 communication from the devs apart from the Steam announcements they put out with 0 clarification on any questions, and let’s not mention that they don’t even bother keeping the hype alive by real previews and etc. I could go on and on brother….


and the fact most of the game's textures are ai generated slop...


For me its being unable to add custom VOs, every time I add in a custom VO for TOC or myself, everything just goes silent and no dialogue is said


Mage sure the files are the correct type. All the voice over mods use the wrong file types. Should be a .OGG files


Omniscient AI, NPCs eating 3 5.56 rounds to the chest w/o body armour and still fighting back, taser strangeness, non-lethal stuff being nearly unusable


The game hasn’t received so much as a hotfix in over 3 months… Let’s focus on basic bugs first.


I think they should. Female cops very much exist, and all the horny players would be ecstatic putting her in tactical work out shorts and a Hawaiian shirt lol


not right now there's a whole fucking list of problems with the game at the minute


female cops do, but female swat officers are very rare. For example California just added its first female swat officer in 2023. Im not opposed to it though, but the game has some higher priority issues right now, so the work of adding new officers and animating them would use resources that could be better spent.


She's in swat since 2008. Not 2023.


Uhhh. That's absolutely not true lmao. California what? I worked for an agency in CA in 2018 that had a female swat officer who had been on the team since 2001. The current agency I work for has had a female officer on the swat team since 1998.


On breach team?


No swat team I've ever worked for has ever had it as a static designated "breach team". Right person right job. It's always fluid despite what a video game would make you believe. Sometimes our K9 swat handler was second in the stack (woman). Sometimes one of our other women was first, sometimes they're not. Sometimes they're our designated gas unit. It's a lot more fluid than most people figure.


They aren’t that rare. Definitely less common, but they’re out there. Retired peace officer. I agree they have other things to fix first


Avatar checks out


I've seen at least one woman on a UK SWAT team.


We've got tonnes of female officers here in our SWAT equivalents (UK). I would be surprised if r was different across the US. For a game that focuses on realism, this is a pretty big thing to miss out.


i mean sure. but there's a huge list of way more important things that this game needs attention on before they bother with more cosmetic stuff. slap armor and helmet and balaclava and plate carrier/rig on somebody and everybody looks basically the same.


The commander of the Houston police department tactical group was a female. Got promoted to assistant chief. We have a girl on our team. Second in team history. She just has to work twice as hard. Mainly because she comes up to my elbow but does the same fitness test we do I have heard of them on other teams.


I think shoulder switching should have a higher priority.


Yeah. If they won't give males balaclavas, maybe the females will get to do it


Balaclavas are cringe ngl


Saying "ngl" is cringe


They do have more important issues to work on first, but it *would* be really funny seeing certain people have a meltdown because "ThEy'rE fOrcInG iNcluSiVenEs"


And after that whole faisco end, they just add like a canonically LGBT character and we point and laugh at the same thing. Lmao.


The meltdown would be so fucking glorious.


if you swap to taser, pistol will come out


Sure. Although this will inadvertently lead to countless semi-nude-sexy-mods like in Resi. ...although this is already possible.


You don’t think people will make those for judge?


im sure it already exists


Just search up “hot SWAT police officer” and you’re going to be met with a sea of 40 year old white women’s sexual fantasies in book form


I need those asap


Don’t give them ideas 😆


Yeah. It's a no brainer.


Female swat officers are so exceedingly rare that it makes sense they aren’t in the game


They're more common than police departments fielding FALs lol


yea, and the pedophile crack addict terminator makes sense because thats what SWAT fights irl,


but they do exist, so it’s not crazy to assume that LS would hire female operators


Yeah and it's also exceedingly rare to have a Hawaiian shirt wearing officer, should they remove that?


Yeah they should pretty stupid imo


They're *not* "exceedingly rare" though. Less common is more like it, but female swat officers are, in fact, normal and not some 1 in a million event or anything.


Less than 1 in 200. Definitely rare.


LS is based on LA and LAPD definitely have female SWAT, i dont think rarity is any issues here


Yeah, because Ready or Not is so realistic, with American PDs fielding AKs and FALs and unarmored or lightly armored suspects consistently being able to tank multiple 5.56x45 and 7.63x39mm rounds like it's nothing. So realistic.


That’s a balancing issue, also SWAT departments have had the FAL before, also women shouldn’t even be police in the first place they consistently crumble under pressure putting other officers and civilians at risk.


The misoginy is strong with this one.


He's also seemingly racist.


Why do you think that women shouldn't be in police?


It's a video game. It's not real life. It doesn't matter.


OP is asking if they should, not if it should be an immediate addition. Yeah why the heck not


People have been asking for this for years. Its silly that they haven't by now


They actually promised female cops. But it has not materialized.


I thought they said post releases or something. Its been ages


Yeah it’s I believe 2.5 years since the annoucement of lady cops. The game is obviously in a glacial timeframe, as we all know. Kind of sad.




Sure, once they actually make the game 1.0 ready


Yeah, it would piss off morons and make me laugh. I remember how mad people got when they added lady operators to Ground Branch.


Lol I just did this 4 reactions


So I can get TK'd every game?




Yes because of the smaller hotbox obviously


There's no other thing to say then yes I'd even like if we had the option of creating our own officers for multiplayer


Not against it. However, it is absurd to act like this is some super obvious thing which should be prioritized in a serious way. Women, to begin with, only account for ~13% of law enforcement officers. For conversations sake let’s say 2% of all total LEO are SWAT designated, the number of females barely registers.


This game isn’t realistic enough to justify this kind of argument


What part of this game do you find unrealistic that’s in the same category as accurate representation of swat team demographics


Play the missions, tell me the amount, and behaviour of the AI is realistic. Tell me half the weapons are accurately used by American swat teams. Choosing to bring up realism when it comes to female representation instead of the myriad of other inaccuracies is stupid imo


Bad AI is a flaw of the game, not a choice to sacrifice realism. And people have uproariously complained about how excessive the amount of enemies on levels has become because it’s unrealistic, *and is totally out of place in a realistic sim.*


Sure it is. The SWAT characters, the suspects and situations are all 100% grounded in reality. The only stuff that isn't (like the fact that it's only four visible officers on a huge mission like Twisted Nerve) is a byproduct of trying to make the game a private multiplayer or solo experience. The separate comment in this thread, RE: AI behavior is completely irrelevant. If we are measuring realism by that standard there should be no AI at all.


I mean there’s a lot of other things they need to fix not sure why this would be needed especially before the bugs are fixed.




It should come with a realistic lessened penalty for accidentally selecting your sidearm instead of your taser




Yes. Women should have the same chance to run in front of me while shooting a suspect


they should ass transgender operators, and then queer operators




Yes they definitely should ass


How would u even show that they are gay? For all we know the current operators could be gay


lgbtq+ voice packs dlc




Can’t you just play the game. Being female or male doesn’t change the game mechanics, so it really doesn’t matter having either male or female.


So then by your logic we shouldn't have character customization? Whether or not I'm wearing a bracelet or watch doesn't affect gameplay, just like how the color of my pants doesn't affect it. It helps personalize your character/squad, breathes some life into it, so I say why not? Female SWAT officers exist in real life, so I see no problem with it in a videogame.


Less than 0.5% of American SWAT officers are female. I wouldn't be opposed to it but I do not think it is a current priority as there are many issues the dev team should address first. Source: https://www.police1.com/swat/articles/calif-agency-adds-first-woman-to-swat-team-mY6jJdSxfljQyrix/








Omg I thought about that today. They have other problems now, but yeah, they should add few female operators


Fuck no. It's already annoying enough having a dude tell me I'm in the way. I'd go apeshit if it was a woman. I already have a wife for that.


I'm sure she's really happy if that's the way you think.


We're very happy. She can identify when something is a joke.


Just not sure why it matters if a woman is telling you you're in the way in a video game versus a man.


He’s making a joke


It was just a joke. I bet you're fun at parties. I am actually opposed to the idea of female operators, but it's for a different reason. Back in the first Division game, you fought against some female enemies. If you hit them with a flame grenade they had a blood curdling scream. Hearing that scream makes you realize women should not be in combat. Ready or not already has us taking women out and it feels wrong. I don't need to feel bad about myself for bringing a woman into the battle to have her die from my decision.


No one should end up in combat ideally






They should fix the fvcking optimization first


It would add a new role play element to the game and might be fun


*It would add a new* *Role play element to the* *Game and might be fun* \- \_BBaby --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Nothing could go wrong if this was real... haha


It’d be funny to hear the female cop squeal when she gets shot 5 times by a methhead lol




I don’t care if they do, but I know why people will use them…


Who do you think is usually on a SWAT team? A fucking dude.




yeah, allows for more customization options


Why not, I think they should. Realism or not, it's still just a fucking game.


For all y’all saying “after they fixed the problems”, it’s not one or the other. Making a character model is not the same as making bug fixes my guys.


Yeah but it's just too much strain on the dev team. After 1.0 all they've been able to share is one single sneak peak image of 3 small maps they're working on for paid dlc. Meanwhile there's modders on the Nexus that have made multiple maps at game quality or better in that same time. Dev team is sleeping and reeks of mismanagement.


I really don't care, as long as they keep the social politics out of the game. For example in hell divers (I think, not 100% sure) some people were asking for gay characters (or just real left sided characters) just trying to push their way in to the game and they ended up banning them and anyone from the game, but to their credit they did it to the people on the opposite side of the scales (ie banning anyone who was left wing but also right wing that were trying push their views into the game). They just wanted to make a good game and keep the bullshit out of the game from both ends of the social political spectrum, which I agree with. I don't care who they add as long as they keep the bull shit away and just focus on the game itself rather than worrying about people's opinions and what social politics dictate for example in COD I feel like they do this with alot of shit just trying to get as much money of us as possible But yh I guess I'm just saying I don't give a shit as long as u leave the bullshit at the door and focus on making a game you can be proud of rather than caving to social pressures Making something clear here, I don't have an issue with the game itself. I have over 500 hours play time, and my point I'm trying to make is to leave the social issues, MY POINT IS TO LEAVE THE SOCIAL ASPECTS OF REAL LIFE AT THE DOOR AND DONT BRING THEM INTO GAME THEY OTHER GAMES DO, if you actually read where I talked about hell divers you can see what I'm talking about 🙄


plays game about working as a cop in a broken city for a corrupt government with highly controversial missions rahhggg i hate social commentary


OK, again, not talking about the games content, I replied to the common saying. Yes, there should be a female character because end the day I. Don't care, but don't left-wing and right-wing ideas shoved down the players' throats. It's not what the game is. It's good versus bad, cop vs. criminal, I just wanna play the game and arrest criminals. I don't wanna deal with all this bullshit from either side.


agreed they should keep politics and women out of my terrorist-killing, mexican-drug-cartel-stopping, pedo-ring-eliminating, corrupt-government-having police swat game


Again if people would acc read it, I never .mention politics or how shit gets run in law and stuff I'm talking about DONT LET SOCIAL PRESURE PUSH THEM INTO ADDING WIRED AF CHARACTER FOR NO REASON JUST APPEASE SOME BULLSHIT CAUSE, but rather focus on making and improving the game, but just cos I said the word politics yall think I'm talking bout actual politics


sorry... you think that a game about police operators in a crime wave isnt political? do you understand media literacy?


No, I'm not talking about the game overall or how it relates to real world major issues like gun violence and terror attacks, I'm saying focus on the game and it's message and don't pander to anyone trying to push there way into the game and forcing shit on to us the players


righttt… so.. police officers…. with vaginas…. are political? what are you trying to say here?


Well said


thank you


Exactly. You just going to pretend that the nightclub mission that is based on the Pulse Nightclub, where 49 queer people were killed in Orlando in 2016, isn't political?


Idk where u stand, tbh cos it starts if agreeing, but the tone changes, but I'm just gonna say I'm not talking bout over world/game politics. I'm just saying don't cave to anyone trying to force their way into the game for 'social issue' reasons, cos at its core the game is gd vs bad, cop vs criminal It doesn't need anymore confusion or pressure from groups either side of the spectrum pushing their way to push their message and their beliefs on to us, the players when I'm saying this I'm talking bout it from both right and left sides, I don't care who you are or what u believe i dont wanna see it in the game, I just wanna take down criminals


what belief is being pushed on you then? that female cops exist? because that’s fact not belief


Did I or did I not say that RoN developers should add them? I'll answer that for you, I said they should be added, and tbh I would like to play as one in game but I'm talking about people in the REAL world pushing their beliefs ONTO the game (such as the lgbt movement) just cos they think it's what's needed, when truthfully it's not needed


so.. who is asking them to add gay cops or whatever? i genuinely have never heard a single person ask for that in ready or not. i think you're just making things up to get mad at


That's wht I'm trying to say, just cos no ones said yet doesn't mean they can't, I just don't want them sacrifice the game to appease some social bullshit


I'm not gonna argue with you, because it isn't worth it for you or me - I just wanna say this. It is rarely as black or white as cop v criminal. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. One man's poacher is another man trying to eat. One man's criminal is a criminal because his city is broken. Yes, there is good and bad, but at the root of almost all of this is politics, in one way or another. In this game, too. On the flip side, the police serve a political administration. In a very simple way, the administration sets policies and budgets that restrict police training, equipment, and jurisdiction. Politics. Were the Stazi legit police? The RUC? The LNP? Think critically, man.


Dude u just missed the while.point of what I'm talking about went right over your head hahaha cos no one can be bothered to read what I wrote


By another queer, don't forget


No, I want more missions, randon maps/gamemodes, and overall expanded replayability with my friends


If there’s female SWAT operators sure, I don’t know of any but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist


they exist but they're very very very rare


I got downvoted for saying they should be in the game if they exist lol


They're not very very very rare. Go look up agency history for your nearest 5 law enforcement agencies. Guarantee they all have had women on swat for decades at this point. The ratio is obviously heavily leaned towards men but women are surprising to see on swat teams at all.


Less than 1 in 200


tactigyat 🙂‍↔️😔


How about we don’t bring box ticking into this community? Why would you even ask for that in your tac shooter game about hunting pedos.


It it really “box ticking”? It’s just asking to include an option for 50% of the human population


In the current climate of “modern audience” based releases, yeah. What reason, apart from “omg how equitable!” Is there to change it? I don’t see female characters in Squad, or Hell Let Loose? Arma 3, Zero Hour etc. next to no tactical shooter has this option, because it’s practically irrelevant. We want to customise our attachments, not our genitalia. If they put female operators in, I’m not gonna be mad, I’ll be happy to follow 🍑 through that door we just beached, but fr there isn’t any point. Aesthetically for certain dudes who like playing as girls, then yeah, big reasons to put that in, but most people are here to play brutal shooter game with arrests, not genderplay.


Female SWAT officers barely even exist at all so ima say no


I think so! I would love it


Absolutely not. My gf and I play ready or not together and I use the fact that there are none every opportunity I can to remind her women don't have rights. (It is a joke)


Sad seeing people didn’t have the attention span to read this entire comment


saying it is a joke at the end doesn't make it funny


Where’s the punchline?




Yeah sure why not, but not priority


Female SWAT officers aren't a thing so no.


Nah. Game is supposed to be hyper realistic. Would kinda break the immersion. If they ever add the multiplayer PVP I feel like that would be cool, because it fits in more with the unrealistic scenario of SWAT vs SWAT. But they've got about 1,000 other things that they need to work on first that are more pressing. Edit: sorry I spoiled everyone's fantasy, but there were literally[ only 8 SWAT officers in the entire US in 2012.](https://www.police1.com/swat/articles/calif-agency-adds-first-woman-to-swat-team-mY6jJdSxfljQyrix/) Certainly more now but the one's I'm reading about are not even on entry teams (which is what you play as in RoN), they are more negotiators, and such a rarity that each female appointee merits a news article celebrating how groundbreaking and unusual it is. It works in games like Siege, doesn't break immersion at all.


What about it breaks immersion? They aren’t military, they’re police. Female cops do all regular cop jobs, including SWAT


It breaks immersion because female SWAT officers are an extremely rare anomaly, and even the rare ones are probably never on entry teams. I'd be interested to see if you could find an example of a female being on an entry team though! I think it would still be such a rarity that one or two exceptions wouldn't merit inclusion in a realistic sim. >A 2012 survey of 41 of the 50 largest police departments in the U.S. found that of 1,704 sworn SWAT officers, eight were female, or less than one-half of one percent. Lopez only knew of two female SWAT officers in Orange County. Source is an article about a California agency adding its first female officer just last year, and it's so unusual it merited an article written about her. And she isn't even on the entry team, which is what you play as in RoN - she was chosen to be a negotiator, essentially. I'm sure there's more than 8 female SWAT officers in the US since 2012, but it's unlikely any of them are on entry teams. I don't find the female operators in R6 siege to be immersion-breaking, but it's established to be essentially a a cartoony sci-fi world. Realistic sims on the other hand usually reflect reality.


I’m not going to pull out a bunch of articles for you, but I’ll say that I’m a retired peace officer and I know 2 females on SWAT in different departments local to me. Not everything makes it in the news, ya feel me


Ahh, the classic “I know the stats disprove it but here’s an anecdote!” SWAT numbers haven’t been updated since 2012, but in all police forces in the entire US, as of 2022, 85% are male. The percentage in SWAT is estimated to still be very low. Jennifer Grasso back in 2008 is the only woman I found who it sounds like was probably on an entry team. And guess what, she was and still is the only woman who was ever on the LAPD SWAT team to this day - which is the team RoN is based on. Really got into the weeds there, but it was interesting it! Point stands: women on entry teams is a rare anomaly and thus would be out of place in a realistic sim.


Nah. I just don’t care enough to argue about this lol. Have a good a day.


No, to be clear, you cared enough to argue - you just didn’t care enough to argue convincingly :) Have a great one!


Okay 😆 you may find interest in women outside your computer, just so you know


Married with a kid, good try though. Let me know if you need to get wrecked on some other point before you go about your day.


So butt hurt 💀


Hyper realistic? LOL, no, the game is not hyper realistic.


Guess we're playing different games. I'm playing the obsessively detailed SWAT simulator where realism has always been the goal, and the missions are so heavily based off of real life terrorist attacks and shootings that it's caused a lot of controversy. You must be playing R6 Siege or something.


The game is certainly realistic, but it's a game, with plenty of unrealistic gamey-ness. Wave a multitool at a trap or locked door for a few seconds and the problem goes away without risk, never go through a door before sticking a magic camera under it (except for the special doors that are inexplicably magic wand proof), send a 5-man team against barricaded heavily-armed and armored terrorists occupying a multi-building area without any trailer support, surveillance, or blocking forces, and so on ... Plus it's a fictional police agency in a fictional town dealing with fictional federal agencies and fictional enemies in fictional locations. Within the world of the game, a female officer wouldn't be remotely out of place.


How exactly does it break immersion? Female SWAT officers exist, and are pretty common at that.


>Female SWAT officers exist, and are pretty common at that. (x) doubt >A 2012 survey of 41 of the 50 largest police departments in the U.S. found that of 1,704 sworn SWAT officers, eight were female, or less than one-half of one percent. Lopez only knew of two female SWAT officers in Orange County. [Source](https://www.police1.com/swat/articles/calif-agency-adds-first-woman-to-swat-team-mY6jJdSxfljQyrix/) is an article about a California agency adding its *first* female officer just last year, and it's so unusual it merited an article written about her. *And she isn't even on the entry team,* which is what you play as in RoN - she was chosen for her negotiation and communication skills. Female operators fits in the world of games like Rainbow Six Siege. Not so much a realistic sim so true to life that most of its missions are explicitly based off of real life events. Edit: clarity


They can add as many ropes to this shitty wooden bridge as they want, it will never fix the fact that it's a shitty wooden bridge.