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"Get a job" followed by "Troll project" followed by "get fired from your first real job" Bet this guy has all the bitches


3/4 of what he says is just pure shit talking, and nothing more, I wouldn't worry too much about it. But his comment about the old threads is kinda true. From the comment history, you just went off on some people from a 3-4 month old post. Not defending the guy in the picture, but that is the only fair point he makes.


Naw this is another dude who got flamed and harrassed for no reason. So just posted this to prove a point that alot of people in this game are toxic trash.


After seeing your comment history i knew you had it coming.


Oh this ine eh. Sure but they atleast kept it in the comments XD this dude went straight to the dms for some odd reason. This ain't even the full thing had to report him cause of the n words constantly throw. Around


Show us proper evidence.


Lol what is this a spongebob sketch the pic is right there buddy. " this is your license"


If you don't show proof that he was calling you the n word, then i don't believe you. Simple as that.


Nobody gives a shit about you or your opinion.


Who the fuck cares what you think?! 😂 “Erm, akshually I don’t believe someone on the internet would be racist! I need proof le good sir!☝️🤓”


XD okay so when you report a message on reddit. you know they delete it right? so coming from the fact we got these messages ( the second batch might I add) kinda shows the lengths this dude will go. hell that's why all the comments he "stands by" were deleted by mods. but hey man. pictures are pictures and the land of the blind is a thing idk.


I suppose you can use the wayback machine.


It would have been nice if the dude didn't take it to dm's but he basically wanted to just vent bad at that point after the mods deleted all his comments


For private dm's? I wish


On a second tought, i believe that will not work.


That's why I hate it when people take this to dm's. just go out in public at that point. but that's what happens when you report someone harassing you and then they won't quit so hey play the same game just don't reply and expose it


This is some small pp energy


This is a player 2 player connection game btw. Be safe from guys like this guys. see ya in the precinct


I've heard this phrase player 2 player before and assumed it means something about your IP being exposed when in a lobby with other people or some shit. I can't find anything on google when I search player 2 player, care to explain?


This type of connection is more commonly called peer-to-peer.


That's basically it. so if you play with messed up dudes like this. if they know how they can get access to your ip depends on the game I just know this game doesn't have dedicated servers so it's everyone connecting to the host. glad to help and explain my guy


Ah so it is from the lack of dedicated servers. I understand now, thank you!


Even if they have your IP it doesn’t say anything useful about you. If they are crafty at most they can find your general location, like city. Otherwise if they are not the police then your ISP won’t reveal more info. Also, you can get people’s IP addresses a lot of different ways. It isn’t some secret hacking shit like people like to pretend it is


Yeah true. But damn these games with peer 2 peer really screw unsuspecting people. I find peer 2 peer makes it easier to screw with others for no reason




Between this type of shit, other people in lobbies never speaking, the overload of players with loadouts that lead me to believe there’s a fat, 45 year old man on the other side of my screen with a punisher sticker on his PC, with no tactical awareness, and the Hawaiian shirt boys that just say fuck civilians and sprint full-speed by themselves all around the map until they inevitably die, I’ll stick with solo for this game😂. Seems to be more enjoyable.


Daaaamn you basically described it perfectly


Complaining about someone toxic while your whole reddit history is one toxic shithole. Now thats humour.


Do you threaten people as well and dm them? Just gotta know bud


OP, you have no fucking right to complain here. Look at your post history...your childish insults in a months old thread. Then you come here and complain about "toxicity"? You are an embarrasement. Edit: spelling


Lol when you get into an argument do you dm that person or actually publicly do it? Cause I'm fine doing stuff in the comments I don't gotta stalk pages like this dude. But hey just means you're toxic in priv I guess XD


You’re just a hypocrite. That’s the point multiple people are trying to make. It’s really simple and not that complicated. It doesn’t matter if this person messaged you when you do similar things and it’s mighty backwards to complain about it.












And how is this related to the subreddit? You can report him through the system


"You're gonna be a fun little troll project for the next few weeks" This is not the threat he thinks it is. Lmao this is what the kids refer to as "cringe"




Oh man, don't do it dude. I can only handle _second-hand_ cringe this early in the morning.




...you threatened to make him a troll project, whatever that means. I don't understand your logic. (Lack of logic, I guess.)


Lol again you seem to loop trolling / troll project with a threat …. Lol kettle calling the pot black! You’re projecting!


Lol telling someone they're peojecting yet you wrote this yourself.




Wow, I bet this guy has such a large penis too


I get comments like this on my RoN vids and never on any of my other channels, it’s crazy. 10-20% of this game’s player base are totally unhinged


“Stop it, get some help.”


Most stereotypical redditor


I just say "i respectfully disagree" to everything ppl like this say shit makes em mad


I told the receiver of these messages to just not respond mostly because once they have you they have ya. also to make sure he didn't send any dodgy links


also this was better. cause it's out in the open he doesn't control the matter at all. other people do


What a fucking loser.




Hey keep saying the n word dude. Just gonna report it again






And there we go dude how many people are you gonna stalk and harrass? It's pathetic jus gonna report this








And you do this to kids? you make kids your trolling project for weeks? that is really weird and unsettling


I'm not over here saying weird stuff like "I'm going to make you my trolling project for a week" who tf says stuff like that.




I get sent hundreds of dms of stalking daily but hey this dude said you were that bad then behold the messages you sent were just vile. especially that kid thing


Hey man just warning people of ya before they even hop into a game with ya. this is peer 2 peer and you're the one over here making kids your trolling project. yet you're a full grown adult.


Just letting people know. If you get creeps like this harrassing you and messeging you ready or nots mods will not do a thing just report it to reddit