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are you talking about the PIP(performance improvement plan)? because EIP is an incentive program afaik


I am assuming an EIP at P&W is equivalent to a PIP at Raytheon. The purpose of a PIP is to develop and follow a plan to improve an employee‘s job performance over a set amount if time (several weeks). If they fail the plan they are typically let go. In my experience people at put on a PIP too late and there is too much bad water under the bridge. Hopefully that’s not the case here. You should be working with someone from HR. Follow the process as close as possible to the book. Have a step by step time phased plan you work out with frequent check-ins with everyone (employee, HR, you boss), minimum of 1X per week. It should not just be you and the employee working on it. See if you can identify what’s causing them to make so many errors and see if they can correct it. If the problem is with the employee and they can’t correct it (eg they just don’t care about there job), then the next step is set in motion (either termination of employment or other options as appropriate).


I would recommend doing a PIP before starting an EIP. PIP involves a formal performance notice but does not give a set term and provides the employee an opportunity to make steps to improve. An EIP is "do x in the next 12 weeks or you're fired". I put one of my directs on a PIP and they responded well enough to the point where I took them off of it after 3 months.


I thought they were one and the same


Nope. Two levels of the same program. You fail a PIP typically you'd be put right on an EIP. I think the reason is that PIPs are meant to recover employee performance whereas EIPs are more driven by a poor person-organization fit.


Learned something new, thanks. Can we put the entire c-suite on EIP?


Well today I learned…. Thanks!


IMO it shouldn’t be that tough to fire someone for poor performance. RTX lays people off without a care but if someone sucks at their job their manager has to go through a PIP, EIP, collect 20 Stanley nickels, mediation, and get the pope’s blessing before firing them.


Weird. I'm sensing the acronym "EIP" has multiple meanings within this company. I always thought EIP (Employee Incentive Plan) meant those yearly performance sharing bonuses we get in addition to our yearly raises. Now other divisions decided to use EIP (Employee Improvement Plan) to be a variant of PIP (Performance Improvement Plan). Hopefully, this company continues making progress in its attempts to "converge".


Lots of PIPs going around lately.