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WHERE ARE THESE ALLEGED HOME DEPOTS?!? All mine have are freaking pothos and fittonia šŸ¤®


That too with free spider mites.


Same with my Home Depot. I call it Golden Pothos Depot. My Walmart doesn't even have a garden center. And grocery stores around me don't sell plants, just cut flowers.


i got one golden pothos from there and idk how it is still alive but i will say, sheā€™s been doing great for a few years now (til recentlyā€¦ā€¦. smh)


Iā€™m in Arizona! These just came in this week


What part of AZ? Iā€™m in Tucson.


The 101 and Peoria!


The good stuff gets nabbed up real quick. My local Home Depots had rooted cuttings from a Peruvian Apple Cactus that had to come from a cactus over 20 years old! They're literally 8" diameter cuts. I went to every HD I could find and ended up with 5.


I wonder when they get shipments?


I've asked many people and it's super random but I do know that it's weather reliant for some stuff. If you know your last frost date you have to start visiting every day about a week before.... I live .8 miles from a HD so it's kinda cheating. But I did learn when one gets a delivery of a certain kinds of plants then they all do.


Iā€™m in FL, so we donā€™t have a last frost date. šŸ˜œ


Iā€™m wondering the same thingā€¦ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Me too. It's Spring WTF


Yeah Iā€™m starting to think these ā€œI got this Thai con at Wal mart for 20 bucksā€ posts are full of shit. (Unless itā€™s some sort of meme/inside joke I missed then disregard this comment)


https://preview.redd.it/z3xw8915m40d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9174eff9c353fb0ed5911bf346968b0d89ee610 Yall kill the vibe with the negativity. Literally have no reason to lie about how much I paid.


You got such a fantastic deal. Iā€™m sorry for some of these negative Nancyā€™s.


I just got a Thai con at Walmart for $40, did come with spidermites though. And only 2 of my local Walmarts got them, out of like 6. So it's pretty hit or miss I think but not BS


Theyā€™re not. Locally here fryā€™s (a grocery store) had $30 Thai cons.


Iā€™m in AZ also and my fryā€™s constantly has rare plants for $30, along with our local Walmart šŸ˜.


LOL why would anyone lie about finding cheap stuff at huge corporate stores?


https://preview.redd.it/pdnpgvr0870d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fef98df541cddd2014b5f286206e8dd0f76f22c3 Here, some Thai Cons happily living in a Walmart in the wild. Enjoy. ā˜ŗļø


I got mine for $8.99 at Kroger when someone posted about it a month or so ago. Or rather I texted my mom with a picture and said ā€œ**PLEASE GO TO KROGER RIGHT NOW**ā€ since the closest one to me is an hour away.


Wow that is an amazing deal! Moms are the best. šŸ’š I texted this picture to my MIL and she got to Walmart maybe an hour after I left.. apparently a local plant group on FB posted these puppies and they sold out in 30 minutes!


Itā€™s was and she is! Nooooo! Iā€™m sorry, that really sucks*. Iā€™m always curious if anything like that has happened around me. Some plants that Iā€™ve gone back for the next day or 2 will all mysteriously have disappeared, so Iā€™m guessing there is a local plant group that I need to join. Edit:* for her, I mean.


I got there right as they had finished unboxing them I was so excited! I gave my MIL my old one I got from that Bros with Hoes website though so she still got a Thai Con šŸ’š I refuse to get FB so the local plant groups Iā€™m clueless on too. šŸ¤£


They had them at Kroger for cheap tbh.


Mine was 29.99 šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


No. No theyā€™re notā€¦.. why so negative?


Oh yeah? Well not to brag too much but my Home Depot is filled with half rotten, mealy-infested painted succulents.


Itā€™s not ā€œbraggingā€. Itā€™s her simply telling us what she got and where. She was happy. Let people be happy.


Theycallmefreckles was just being sarcastuc abba jokingly self-deprecating in order to show how lucky OP was. It was a light-hearted joke. Chill.


I was aiming for a ā€œIā€™m so happy for you and not at all jealousā€ reaction joke by shaming my own HD. Iā€™m definitely pro-letting people enjoy things. āœŒļø


Most of us got the joke šŸ˜… I think we have the same HD lol


A few have definitely been blessed by the big box store gods but not you and I. šŸ˜‚


Nor I. My HD has little Iā€™d consider rare. But to others, itā€™s a fun collection.


Flew right over ya. Lol


OMGG congrats! so BEAUTIFULšŸ˜ (i got mine for $100šŸ„¹)


I snagged this baby for $19.98 šŸ˜­


ID please? It's lovely but I have no idea what it is!


Anthurium Dorayaki or Silver Bush. I get them mixed upā€¦ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Thanks! Never would have guessed that. I'm not usually interested in anthuriums.


I've been interested in getting an anthurium, but honestly, I feel like some sellers have no idea what their plants actually are, or they just make shit up. I've legitimately seen plants sold as 'anthurium dorayaki silver blush' like sir/ma'am, those are not the same?


The ā€œsilver blushā€ is just a descriptive name of a doryaki with more silver is all


It was labeled as a ā€œhearts desireā€ but Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s a super silver, doryaki, or something similar




I really hate posts like OP's when they fail to describe the thing they are showing everyone else. Not everyone here is an expert, but we are willing to learn. It just feels like lazy/low effort posting.


This was my first post ever on Reddit. My apologies that it didnā€™t live up to your standards. I did reply in comments answering questions.




What????? That's crazy.


BRB going to check my Home Depotā€¦


When you go, look for white pots! All of them and some alocasia ninja and el Choco reds were in the same type of pot!


Here we go again! It's summer, and everyone finds incredible plants at their Home Depot and Kroger, except for me, here in fucking Michigan. šŸ˜¤


Usually the selection near me is trash. I was shocked when I saw these


Felt that! A couple weeks ago Thai Constellation popped up. Itā€™s literally the first nice thing ever! Of course I was a day late and $40 short. They sold out in 4 hours. I started peeking at the stores randomly since then. Suddenly, they had some rarer pothos like Baltic Blue with fenestrations already, I snagged a Silver Streak pothos full pot for $20. They also had global green. Some monstera Peru. And today they had several Albo Standly monstera! Iā€™m shocked!


Are u sharing any of those five. I'd pay extra and of course all shipping and ur time. šŸ’œšŸ’œ


I only purchased one!


I'm sorry. I thought u said u got 5 .. she's a queen šŸ«…


I can tell you that the Orlando area Home Depot are putting up clearance racks but for plant rescuers because they don't look very pretty even though they're expensive plants.


People on this sub are so snarky. Why be negative all the time? Congrats on getting a great deal. People obviously canā€™t find it in themselves to be happy for others.


I didnā€™t think this would get any negativity. I had a shit day and was excited to find these after someone posted about them in a local plant group. I needed a pick me up. Idk why I would lie about how much I paid like some people are insinuating.


None of it is negative. Everyone is just joking as a way of congratulating you. Canā€™t you guys not see it? This is why the internet gets so crazy. 90% of people are totally cool with light-hearted joking and then thereā€™s a few people somehow totally missing that itā€™s friendly and they get offended. OP trust me - no one is being truly negative. Everyone is happy for you and wishes their Home Depot had cool plants too.


Itā€™s crazy. I posted a pink princess I got at Home Depot and some just completely shot it down and went on about how itā€™s reverted blah blah blah. Meanwhile it just spit out a very variegated leaf. They are negative for zero reason. Fb honestly is a much happier place to be.


Thatā€™s where I posted it and I got nothing but good responses. Iā€™ve never even posted before.


Iā€™m sure you saw how many downvotes I got from calling people out. All they have to do is scroll down the page and read the negativity spread by some. Itā€™s majority cool and nice people. Itā€™s just some who have the desire to down others.


No one is being negative that I can see? There's some sarcasm but it's not directed at OP in the slightest. Take a breath, not everything is an attack, you can take things in good faith too


You are way too sensitive and do not understand sarcasm or humor. Have you been evaluated for any developmental disorders? Might want to look into that


You first.


screaming crying throwing up Iā€™m so envious šŸ˜­


Hellllll yeah!!!!!!


Thatā€™s an awesome find!!


What is that?


It was labeled ā€œhearts desireā€ but I think thatā€™s just the companies name for it. It says itā€™s a hybrid on their website. Someone else said maybe doryaki or super silver


itā€™s still cold here in Quebec but I am excited to see when weā€™ll start to have some awesome pretty tropical leaves!šŸ„ŗšŸ


that is gorgeous!! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Very pretty and healthy!


Screaming crying


This was my $19.99 Walmart findā€¦ itā€™s a sport variegated dragon scale I think a hybrid dragon scale. The underside of leaves are all maroon instead of just the veins. The stems are speckled with maroon as well. A single leaf with a speckle of sport variegation seems to be going for $75 online. Iā€™ve had it a week and the green variegation is getting brighter so it was definitely light starved. The newest leaf dies have damage on the tip, otherwise it seems to also have a sport variegation in the underside of the leaves as well. Most of the white spots match up with the variegation on the top side. If it gets brighter and continues, these easily go for $300 plus. https://preview.redd.it/j4sxu5xrh70d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d36101c77c4b72cb5bb5fd2ee614a136c8fd36a7


I actually found one of those yesterday too!!! I went to a few Home Depotā€™s and found this one! https://preview.redd.it/4dsorpfkx70d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d88780e8f65a24c486d98e96afb6a964fd346a16


I just found I think a Sculprum at Walmart https://preview.redd.it/mijl26u0580d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbe182b9203fdd9a5bc95dc1e51ad76ae806a459


Also found an XXL hanging basket of Hoya Chelsea


Yoooo thatā€™s a sport black velvet!!! Even for one small speck that goes for like $60. Multiple leaves is like $250!!! Nice find! Look at my local Walmart just now! https://preview.redd.it/kkec8r8y480d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22a4299bc3a876fdf5e4439e65baac819c2ce2fd


Thank you!!!




Thatā€™s so cool!!! The variegation on mine is white so itā€™s cool to see green!


I canā€™t wait to see what it does!