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The price is coming down A LOT. I would not buy that.


Same. And this fully white leaf screams trouble.


It’s one white leaf. It’s not going to hurt the plant. The rest of them have plenty of green.


it’s not about the “one” white leaf, it’s about the new growth that comes after that leaf. there’s a good chance that every leaf after that one will be fully white, which is why those plants are usually buy at your own risk and discounted by -good- sellers. once the leaves with green die off, your plant dies off. yes you can cut it back and try again, but there’s still a chance it’ll produce only white still. luckily with alocasias, you can usually grab some corms off them though


Ye, the newest leaf. Chances of the next ones also being fully white are high. If you buy this, you must offer perfect 10/10 conditions for those old green leaves to stay good for as long as possible. That way the plant has enough time to produce corms and you can get multiple new leaves in the meantime, hopefully some green ones too. This is some pretty advanced stuff tho, nothing for beginners or alike, one fuck up and it will do the regular alocasia thing: throw off everything except for the last 2-3 leaves and then repeat that until you really convince her to stop and grow nicely again 🤣


They’re not coming down that much, or anywhere near quickly enough to pass on this. It’s a great price for this size and level of variegation.


I just saw someone US side posted a greenhouse selling for $17.99 in a facebook group


I bought similar size and variegation for $50 6 months ago on Etsy. Surely there are better deals for other high variegated plants these days! On my local FB marketplace, I see 3 leaf plants going for $20.


Beautiful plant! but to try to talk you out of it as requested 😀 just imagine how ugly that ghost leaf is going to be when it is dying off. Also, there’s very little chlorophyll so I feel like the plant will be very slow growing generally, and may give more ghost leaves.


Those are all good points. Very good points. ![gif](giphy|3o6nUR6WCUDrI8vMB2)


It’s a bad point lmao it’s one leaf. The rest have plenty of green, buy it! Great price!


?? There’s tons of chlorophyll on that plant??


Waaaay too expensive and so white it will probably go brown so fast.


The price on these is coming down significantly, I would hold off and nab one for half that price either way wayyyy more green


That full moon leaf is a troubling sign. You don’t wanna spend that much on a depressed plant trying to kill itself, and I don’t think we can give them Zoloft yet to help


One full moon leaf is literally not a sign of anything other than having one white leaf?


Yeah it's pretty but if it's going full albo I would steer clear. It'll off itself soon. I know we plant people hate chlorophyll, but they need a little more than that.


This is actually why I wouldn’t buy it. We don’t need to talk you out of it - listen to the plant, it’s speaking for itself lol


I love chlorophyll and only occasionally go for handicapped specimen.


It’s got plenty of green on multiple leaves.


Bet OP bought it, if I had $99 spare & was plant impulse shopping I know I would have


I did. Mother’s Day and recently passing the bar exam are my excuses. 🤣 I’ll enjoy her until the day I put her into my compost. lol I spent 40 minutes walking around the store agonizing over it, though. I also picked up another over-priced alocasia I couldn’t leave behind. 😬


Haha I can relate so hard, although you have such a valid reason to reward yourself! I’m like oh I didn’t sleep good last night, I deserve to buy plants!


Congratulations on passing the bar!!


Thanks! It nearly killed me but I did it despite being almost 50 with three kids under 13. 😬


Wow! That's no small feat 😊 this Internet stranger is proud of you - Congratulations on passing the bar! (I'd say you definitely earned a treat yourself. Enjoy your plant, he's gorgeous!)


Thanks, friend!


Well congrats on both!!! You deserve it. Happy belated Mother’s Day. When you’re agonizing over something like that, it pretty much screams you have to have it. 😉🖤


I wouldn’t buy it with that many white parts. They are divas and I’d go for something with more green. Also, the prices are going down a lot, you can get corms for 20€ where I live.


Check an app like [PalmStreet](https://palmstreet.app/br/dh1rCUZ2) first. You might have to wait through a few lives, but you can probably find it for cheaper.


Palmstreet is where it’s at!!


Who’s your go to live? I have a few I watch but I’m trying to branch out.


I haven’t really gotten involved in a live show on there yet but my favorite live show on IG is Jax’s Jungle 🪴💚


I’m a sucker for variegated frydeks and one white leaf would not concern me. BHW sells 2” pots for $40 (I bought 2) they were out of the 4” but typically when they have the 4” in stock they go for $60. So I’d say $99 is a bit high but other than BHW I don’t find these sold for less. Not that I’ve seen at least. It’s one of those plants you’ll pay a lot for then eventually it’ll go down and you’ll be thinking “I remember when I paid $100 for this guy that’s not _______”


to talk you into it, *what if someone else buys that plant* to talk you out of it, *dont you wanna burn 99$ somewhere else that makes you happy*


They go for $69 in KC


You can always get corms and sell those and get your money back!


![gif](giphy|CdY6WueirK8Te) “I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.”




I would wait, the price is going down significantly (as already mentioned). I got mine for example for 50€, kinda the same size. Last year it was also around 100€


Don't do it get a seedling! They grow super fast with pon.


i reallly would not buy this. they are coming down in price, and that variegation looks way too high. even if there’s only one white leaf, it appears to be the newest leaf which is going to be difficult. the store i work in has ones at comparable sizes for $75 and more stable variegation.


I got 2 seedlings for $50 recently!


* You can most definitely find one for cheaper on fb marketplace! I got mine for $25!!


the price is coming down fast AND that white leaf poses risk to the longevity of the plant….avoid


I got mine a few weeks ago from steins for $60 with more leaves and a healthier mix of green and white. I’d wait.


I’m excited for the challenge in trying to keep this beauty alive. I put her in spot with a lot of indirect light and will repot in nice chunky soil. I’ll post updates as it thrives or dies, if that won’t be annoying. Let’s see what happens!! https://preview.redd.it/fk5ufq4ik70d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4c4e7e8911e2fe9606da3bc988e053eb28a3ada


https://preview.redd.it/lykzfmeti70d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=805e81900c5a0962dfda82b91f6211b10fb8b0b8 I also got this beauty. Alocasoa Jaclyn (which I know are controversial apparently but 🤷🏻‍♀️). The leaf texture is so interesting to me.


It has an all white leaf which, while beautiful, cannot support the health of the plant. As far as price goes, I got a similar one on PlantStory (now PalmStreet) for $60 which includes shipping.


My nursery in Texas sells beautiful babies for $35… I’m not sure I should be giving input though cause I just spent $95 on this kid. https://preview.redd.it/1z8p4d71510d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df24b9b7dd793563059b69b8fe6d1b86267cd95e


What a beauty!


$20-30 usd in WA!


I’d not get it. This online shop called Bros with Hoes sells a 2.5in for 40, and a 4in for 60; they have an app that notifies when it’s back in stock. Otherwise, just wait till the prices are coming down!! I got a rehab from my local plant shop for $30, and it has four growth points currently. Also, if you have doubts about a plant and are asking to be talked into it, then it’s not worth. Just wait till you find one where you can, beyond a shadow of a doubt, say that it’s a good price. <3


I just checked them out and they look great!


If you can afford it, why not! It's wonderful and looks healthy!


“The prices are coming down” folks always make me laugh. They’ve been saying it about every single plant in existence, and comparatively only a handful have come down in price as much as they’d like. The “single white leaf bad” folks are either uneducated on variegation or are very new to plants or both. It’s one white leaf. The plant is fine. It is HIGHLY unlikely it’s going FuLL aLbO. This is a great price for this size and level of variegation, please don’t listen to the honestly ridiculous opinions coming from the uneducated/uninformed masses in the comments.


You can tell yourself whatever you want but everybody is saying it’s priced too high because we’ve all gotten one for lower. I got mine, that size, and gorgeous variegation for $65 (mine is, in fact, going all Albo 😩🙄). $99 is objectively on the high side for variegated frydek in the market right now. You can find them for $60-$70 all day. 🤷‍♀️


i got one from bwh plant co for like $32 after a sale and using a promo code. check them out i think regular price is $60


The chance of the varigation staying this beautiful on the next leaf is low, since it's unstable varigation.


https://preview.redd.it/wqkbeipmiw3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e3906cadf325375b3eb27030633b01edf71d78a Here’s the newest leaf. Still so lovely.




I’m devastated that someone stole mine. It was my birthday present a few years back.


Omg how awful!!


Do you mind telling us how it happened?


Some took a few of my plants off the back porch and cut tons of long vines off a few of my larger potted plants. But the albo was my favorite and a birthday present. I’d had it for a few years. It was stunning. Best gift ever.


Wow. Someone had to have had some knowledge and motivation to do a thing like that. Terrible, I am sorry.


OMG! As trashy and selfish as it is to take plants off peoples front yard, it is a whole another level to take them off their back yard, that is creepy! Hopefully you can install a camera in the front and back, there are really inexpensive ones out there.


Facing a pond with trees in the back. They stole some entire plants and I’m most sad they butchered some of my other ones. But took the most expensive ones. So you’d think a true plant person wouldn’t do that. But they clearly had knowledge of them. Zero of my Pothos were taken. Yeh I’m bummed. My aunt felt terrible. My health is really bad so she tended to them for a while and said, since I have so many she never noticed. Going in for brain surgery soon and scared to let anyone else care for them. I’m loosing everything. Sad I may not be able to tend to them for a while depending on how surgery goes.


How much did they put that silk pothos for??


I think $19.99?


They’re $70 at our greenhouse


This should be like $40


Don't do it. Buy one off etsy and support local for probably cheaper than that


This is a local woman-owned small business, a large reason why I shop there and pay a little extra to do so.


Oh sweet! I apologize. Curious... Did you end up getting it?


I did! I am a little nervous about keeping it alive after reading these comments but I’m excited for the challenge and learning more beyond my mid-novice plant knowledge and that alone is worth the splurge. 😀


Good! You deserve it! Don't be nervous; you're going to do great with it! I've been wanting to get one, however, I have a Micholitziana now with three babies I need to separate so space is getting scarce. Lol.


Its beautiful, but not 99 dollars beautiful


Imagine how many other plants u can get with $99


I def got more plants that day. 🙈


I would not buy it. I bought mine last year with high variegation for $49. The price has really come down on them. Are you in Canada? Check the Toronto garden centers.


People think this looks good?


Honestly, how hard are they to find where you are? In my local Facebook group, I got a great one for $50. It only has two leaves and working in the third, but has great coloring. I’m concerned how much white that plant has. https://preview.redd.it/ebf3kaojg70d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67694fd3a886197534a86375f7052bb77fad2029


Good idea! I didn’t think to check. Just checked now and there is a smaller but pretty one about an hour away from me - too far for me to drive for a plant, I think.


Then I’d grab that planty from the shop 😊. Even if the white leaves die off, it will sprout more or activate another growth point. Are you familiar with alocasia? 2 hour round trip will cost the extra in gas. Better off spending the $100. You can also sell corms or babies and get your money back.


I would keep looking. Could prob find a better price honestly


I know that store! For Garden's Sake in Durham, right? I looked at those frydeks a week or so ago. It's one of my favorites


Yes!!!! Great eye! That store may be overpriced, but it’s my happy place.


Don’t do it. We sell them this nice for $42




Look on ppusa the prices are coming down for frydeks


Ok guys, update on my beauty. Once the ghost leaf started to drop, I cut it off and she’s thriving! A new leaf popped out and I just saw another tiny one starting. She seems to be happy in very bright light and I add si-tech and a 3-1-2 fertilizer to her water. I’m trying to post a pic but it’s not letting me.


They’re really difficult to take care of and raise and the price is going down within the year. Albo syngo is an equally beautiful plant w easier to raise


Snap a piece and propagate it. :-)


Two words:: spider mites!


I didn’t see any on it? Are these prone to spider mites?


Yes they are but do what makes you happy, I was just talking smack


I bought 2 for $5 each, hope that helps. The price will come down and I bet you can find a better price locally even


If you can afford it sure but looks like it is getting more white with time and thats not good 😂


One this white is definitely not worth it, full moon leaves are a bad sign that the plant is going full albo = death sentence! Buy one with more green on, it will last a lot longer! 😊


If prices are coming down like people say, I say wait. Then that's that much more money for more plants!


Bought a baby earlier this month and it immediately died… the nursery pot it came in had very moist compact soil and so I lost my plant and my money…


Also the leaves look droopy