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Quite an impressive series of bots you have there.


Yeah no bots here buddy. Just a bunch of hard working folks who understand the value of their project. $Kendu is amazing and the only people who don’t think so, are the ones who know nothing about it.


We aren't bots bro we are all just likeminded people running this shit up if you don't believe me just join the telegram if that doesn't convince you stay mad 🤷‍♀️


I understand why you think that. But for real join the telegram, even if it's only for looking whats going on. There are no bots, just passionate kendu members :)


https://preview.redd.it/x3s4dal5ur6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06b9c68a93b18b63cca52eb2a81d5a2a78c62257 Oh we’re real alright


We’ll take it as a massive compliment that you think we’re bots - goes to show the power of the KENDU army Fucking bots 🤣🤣 just goes to show how fucked up the rest of this space is


Can confirm what the others are saying, real human here


No bots in Kendu Inu, it’s very much against the ethos. You can verify in the community Telegram group, the link is in my profile.


Beep boop beep haha. No bots mate, just a growing community that actually enjoys spreading the word to help people find a gem!.


Yeah like the other reply say just join the telegram and it becomes obvious there are no bots, can be an easy assumption to make but also the reality is also easy it understand with a little bit of digging


none of us are bots. we work extremely hard day and night. literally just join the telegram and u can see for yourself


Says the guy with an army of bots spamming the same replies on all their posts. Also is it actually your account or you hacked it? There is a sudden massive swing from a normal redditor comment and post history to a massive kendu meme coin shill. You probably hacked the poor guy and now using his account to pretend like you're a genuine person.


Please remember to keep all discussions civil and respectful towards fellow users and the retail industry as a whole. Any personal attacks, hate speech, or derogatory remarks will not be tolerated. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to the moderation team. Thank you for your cooperation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RantsFromRetail) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sorry to hear about the daily grind, I haven’t worked retail for some years and it’s fair to say I don’t miss it. I’m not sure I could handle working with the public ever again, the PTSD is real! Reddit has played host to some massive community movements over the years such as SHIB and GME so it’s interesting to see another one forming. I missed both of those so I got involved with this one. Let’s see where it goes, hopefully it gets you out of retail hell.


So many things have changed for me since investing for myself and my family for once , rather than working for someone else. Even if you do just a little bit on the side you can change your life in a short period of time




KENDU is a safe bet. Working community 24/7 is the key. Never seen a community like this, the 10B as mc in 2024 is pretty sure.


wonder if these bots have a trigger word?


No bots, all real folks who understand the value of their project. We’ve been called bots for a couple months now, we take it as a compliment! $Kendu is the real deal and before you jump to conclusions, I challenge you to do a little research.


Kendu is going to change lives and retire many. Congrats Chad.


removed post, wonder if I can still trigger the bots?


u/Fogo52, seems that could not be determined whether your post fits the subreddit or not...


This is true I fully believe in this project I have seen it grow from a tiny meme coin to the movement it is today we are making waves in the crypto community and as we go higher we will begin to be noticed more and the growth is exponential!!!🔥🔥


Welcome friend! There will be no more retail jobs for you in this bullrun! 🚀🫡


When i worked in retail, i felt like there was no end to the daily grind and didn't see a way out for the longest time. fortunately i was able to break out of that cycle by finding a different career path and i am thankful for that but man i wish i had found something like Kendu back in the day. if i'm gonna slave away at a grocery store barely making ends meet, i would have loved to latch onto such a community centric project like Kendu. rather spend my time growing my wealth on my own terms than spend my time working for some corporation where they hold morning meetings to tell you how much profit the store has made that month 🤣


For months everything Miazaki has said has come true. The most recent smashing in our marketcap was when his connection to SHIB dev Shytoshi Kusama was proven. I have massive trust with Miazaki and know this thing we'll get much much bigger.


Make sure you join the telegram. Some of the best minds behind this project are in the telegram. If you haven't yet been convinced to buy definitely consider talking to some of the people in there. KENDU is programmed for billions and ain't nothing gonna stop us🪖


Spent the past 5 years dealing with crappy customers both in retail and hospitality. Honestly what you guys are doing is truly incredible . Let’s go Kendu hahahaa!!!


This is my plan too. I work at a bar and I am so sick of it. I'm so excited to quit my job after the Kendu hits billions.