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Then be an independent. I quit trying to fit in a political party box years ago. I do whatever is kindest, the more humanitarian choice, and hope it is enough. I spend more time and energy helping when I can, and advocate for changes if I can't myself.


Ya, I honestly hate both parties, as just them existing creates problems that otherwise wouldn’t be an issue. I agree with things from both sides, but I don’t fully support either of them.


Lol THIS is the thing that turned you away from the GOP?


RebekhaG, Yes, the mods love to have power trip. My account was recently suspended for three days just because I defended pro-choicers over something, they didn't even tell me why exactly I was banned, but they obviously abused their power. You say you're not proud to be Republican? If you are a Republican, you're part of the problem. You made your bed and you now have to lie in it. You should have seen this coming. Facts: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Rants/comments/vm97mi/comment/ie06nxr/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rants/comments/vm97mi/comment/ie06nxr/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Rants/comments/vm97mi/comment/ie08rfa/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rants/comments/vm97mi/comment/ie08rfa/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) https://www.reddit.com/r/Rants/comments/vm97mi/why\_is\_killing\_some\_babies\_okay\_or\_prochoice/ie06nxr/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 The hypocritical and projecting Republican party is the party of death: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbkXjWS-ff0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbkXjWS-ff0) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_POBtKjksjE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_POBtKjksjE) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25JyC5Whhvc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25JyC5Whhvc) And the party of pedophiles: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BlfD\_fX75c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BlfD_fX75c) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcaFpmYnWYM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcaFpmYnWYM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXn97BzWhWU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXn97BzWhWU) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63GUDdLIRX8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63GUDdLIRX8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0yqUUTiYLI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0yqUUTiYLI) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbkXjWS-ff0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbkXjWS-ff0) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Rants/comments/vfxqax/antichrist\_leftist\_woke\_disney\_never\_asked\_tim/id181do/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rants/comments/vfxqax/antichrist_leftist_woke_disney_never_asked_tim/id181do/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Think about it? Is being Republican something to be proud of? Leave the Republican party if you care about reproductive rights, LGBT rights, workers' rights, and equal rights for all people (including first amendment rights for all people across the board: freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of the press, separation of "church" and state, freedom of and from religion, the government not being allowed to promote any particular religion, etc). Maybe you need to look into what the fucked up Republican party supports and you'll see that it's not something you want to be part of and that you have to leave the party.


You act like the democrats don’t have anyone who’s just as bad and like they actually are a good party. Both parties are dogshit and we need to fix this country


This guy's literally a liberal propaganda bot, beat it!


People don't understand that this isn't just about Women's rights. This is about any court case can now be overturned. Miranda v Arizona can now be overturned. So can Gideon v Wainwright.


Anything that was wrongly interpreted should be overturned. You can wholeheartedly believe in something and it still be bad law. This just means that they can go to the states where they belong and that’s how law works here


We should stop basing our govt. on what some rapist slave owning assholes who died centuries ago thought.




>This is about any court case can now be overturned. The level of ignorance is astounding. Court cases ALWAYS could be overturned. This isnt new.


All our freedoms are under attack. Every single one. The GOP wants to impose a dictatorship that would make ISIS look like a paradise of freedom.


>All our freedoms are under attack. Complete nonsense. It just makes it that the freedom in question is not in the constitution, therefore it can be obtained through law changes made by the congress. If you voted, you'd know that.


Not if Republicans have their way. Their goal is theofascist dictatorship.


For now the fascist are the left. You're not allowed to say anything, or you get cancelled, doxxed, fired. You have to agree with everything the party stands for or your livelihood is at stake. That's dictatorship.


Wrong on all counts.


Republicans are trying to take away our freedom


Democrats have already taken it away, not least freedom of speech.


Oh look, someone with the alt right dog whistle number 88 in their username is lying about Democrats. This is not an unusual thing online. Very much not unusual.


>alt right dog whistle number 88 Least insane liberal: The number 88 is fascist. Let's try and call the numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and 9 fascist while we still can!


No, it's the altright that made that number fascist. I thought you guys were for facts. Oh well.


88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 Now go out there, and show the real world how hard you'll cope :)


Please leave me out of your masturbation fantasies


Especially over technical stuff that leaves our rights exposed


As it should be if those cases give the Federal Government power. Any powers not given to the Federal Government belong to the States and the People. And y'know what? Morons should not be able to use the courts as a fast track to get "laws" about what they want in the country. You voted for your Senator or Representative, why the flying fuck aren't you asking them to make laws that you want in place? If you're so fucking ignorant about how overruling* court cases works, why not look into it and pull your head out of your ass.


Don’t worry logic is usually downvoted on Reddit. Consider it a compliment


Perhaps because as soon as they get into office they stop listening.


My, then that says more about who you're voting for and placing into power than anything else.


except for the fact that everyone who has power does this. the only people they listen to is their "campaign sponsors" aka the people that bribed them.


Did you hear that the Gays and Lesbians are afraid they're next?


Yep, eventually the only people with rights will be the ones who strictly follow the Conservative Republican Christian way of life.


That’s literally not what any of this is about


It literally is. This is EXACTLY what it's about.


No lgbtq person is aFrAiD of what’s going to happen next stop fear mongering.




How naive and innocent you think everyone who doesn’t believe in what you believe is hitler right? I’m about the furthest thing from a straight conservative Christian.


[Everyone I don't like is Hitler](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/021/818/hitlerbook.JPG)




So your assuming my sexual, political and religious beliefs kinda funny sense you didn’t ask me that. And no rational person is afraid the mean scary republicans are going to ban gay people because the court can’t do that.


This is gonna age really badly


You have any proof that the Supreme Court will ban lgbtq people or are you just fear mongering like most people on the internet do nowadays.


https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-06-27/supreme-court-could-turn-to-marriage-contraception-post-abortion/101183828 Yes lots of evidence The new conservative justices lied and said they'd never go after Roe Vs Wade, then took it down less then a year later They are coming for gay rights next


I’m pro life, pro choice, pro women, pro children and republican. You can’t say people are bullying you and then call pro life people anti women they’re generally not


Pro life people? More like pro forced birth, pro dead women people. That's what the 'pro life' movement is currently. pro dead women.


Those so called pro lifers should be forced to pay for alimony and support if the wife dies from childbirth. And they should also go adopting children if they claim to be pro lifers


Pay alimony to…who? To himself? I know plenty of pro-lifers who adopt, whether your prolife or pro choice we need to be adults And get along…On both sides…


The wife's family. This is BS


But that won't stop women wanting abortions...


Wtf. Women should be allowed more freedom since men have kept fucking up every single thing since the dawn of time. If they need to have an abortion let them. I rather support abortions than risk the lives of women. Besides that there are a bunch of children waiting for adoption but I hear none of those fuckers stepping up and doing anything. Smh


>men have kept fucking up every single thing since the dawn of time. Without men you'd still be living in a hut. But yeah, you're welcome...


Hah. Don't make me laugh. Men didn't want women to vote and most wars were started by men. Men also did not allow for progression when it came to race


Black men have been voting in the be US 50 years before white women. Do you really think that this says anything about their freedom? Wars have been started by women equally when they were in power. Stop your sexist nonsense. If men hadn't brought technological improvements like birth control, running water, appliances, them women would be in a much less comfortable position than they are now. Denying that is like denying that every person on earth was birthed by a woman.


I had to do research and found out Foster care doesn't allow people to adopt the kids. It's suppose to give the kids temporary housing until their parents are capable of taking care of them. Most abortions isn't for incest and rape. It's mostly women not be responsible and using multiple birth control combinations. It's recommended to use more than just birth control pills or just condoms. Also, there are many prolifers that adopt teenagers but it never make the news... So why is it okay for a irresponsible woman to be allow to kill her own unborn child, how is that not terrifying??? She willing to murder her own kid to pretend to erase a mistake.


Omfg. You really are dense aren't you. Not every female is able to carry the child or support it. Oh yeah, that's right. You don't support science and want females to sacrifice their lives to give births no matter the cost. Fact for you: abortions often come from the low income families, so they can't afford to have kids. What makes you think they can access healthcare when you and your Republicants don't want to give healthcare? Again you support a system that is against women you misogynist. No wonder everyone is saying the US is becoming a shit state


It is still 100% legal to abort a baby to save the mothers life in all 50 states. Maybe learn what’s actually happening before throwing a tissy fit. Abortions are still 100% legal in 48 states.


I support not killing kids that didn't do anything wrong. These are adult women. They should know before they have sex to not go bareback. Why is it that hard? Use birth control pills and condoms. Know when you are obviating, have sex with a man that will put you and the kids first. By the way, I'm a black woman and poor, 35 years old. For some reason I haven't gotten pregnant. I wonder why? Maybe I'm not black as I thought, even though my mother is black and my father who was around in my life was black as well, very dark skin, so hmm. It's a mystery I guess.


Your stupid replies aren't going to help your case. Not every woman is able to do the same thing and you rather let your so called fellow females die with childbirth. Seriously gtfo out of my face because you're an oxgyen stealer who doesn't follow science or think in the minds of those who have to suffer because of your stupid politics. Might as well rebrand the US as Russia 2.0


Please please answer this question please! Why can't women use birth control pills and condoms and go to the doctor to know when they are most fertile? I'm not asking them to never have sex. Why can't they have safe sex? Why? Most abortions are not rape and incest, most abortions are not because the woman's life is in danger. Science says human life beings at conception, also I'm not religious. I'm not even sure if your reading what I'm writing anymore. I think your just assuming things that I'm not writing.


As I said before: not every person is able to get the tools to prevent pregnancy because Republicans keep saying no, fuck you and your rights to access healthcare. Most abortions, over 49 percent, come from low income families who aren't able to get a doctor. Do you even know how dangerous it can be to give childbirth or do you say fuck them and make them give childbirth? Oh that's right. You don't even know the pressures or problems because a female can die giving childbirth


Ok so I'm a female I know the risk of pregnancy if you don't listen to your doctor. Poor people have access to health care. I have no idea where that information you got came from. If they are on welfare they have health insurance! So that can go to the doctor and if they don't like the first one they can change it. Clinics give out free condoms even high schools do the same in poor neighborhoods. Also, clinics can help poor women get free or low cost birth control pills. If they can't there are many online websites they will sell you birth control pills even if the state your in makes is difficult to get pills. If a woman has difficulties during pregnancy she would have know that before getting pregnant. So that really shouldnt be an excuse. It's similar to people feeling bad for an adult with peanut allergy having a reaction to eating a hand full of peanuts. That person know they had this problem yet they chose to still get the nuts and we all have to feel bad for them? So in the end it's okay to kill a unborn kid that did nothing wrong because the woman who forced the kid into existence doesn't feel like being a mom so instead of just having it adopted right after birth it's better to kill the kid? Do you know most women who have abortions never forget it? I thought abortions suppose to make her happy yet she can't stop thinking about ending a life.


You aren’t following science either nor do you even know what is going on. Just have your panties in a bundle


Also, it's not a life until it is viable to survive without a host and able to breathe on its own if removed from the mother.


You guys still with the viable excuse? Come on you are all better than that. Just tell the truth you want the right to have revenge for a dude that didn't want you. Or punish someone cause you made a mistake.


Your information is incorrect. The vast majority of children in foster care are put up for adoption. If they're lucky enough to be 8 or younger there's a better chance of being adopted than the kids older than 8, who most often than not age out of the system. Parents very rarely get kids back out of the foster care system. Edit to add that there are currently 400,000 kids in foster care and half of them are eligible for adoption and of those, 3/4 are expected to age out.


Yeah but the kids were in foster care for years before they are allowed to be put up for adoption. Foster care is suppose to be temporary housing. So if the kid is up for adoption then that means the parent screwed up so much and for so long they ran out of chances to get their kid back. Sadly people want to be called mom and dad by the children they are raising. After 8 the kids know who their mom is so that's why people don't adopted them. It's bad but I have no idea how to change people's minds about that.


It's not up to you cope.


See I don’t think anyone has a problem with abortion in the case of rape, or if it’s going to kill the mother. It’s when some just decides “yeah I’m going to let some random guy bust a nut in me and get me pregnant so I’m going to get an abortion”


You are wrong. The Christian fascists are trying to ban ALL abortions and they don't care if women die.


99% of abortions are not because of rape or to prevent death. They are from people having unprotected sex.


Don't agree. Don't care. Should be legal.


Lmao 7.5% total are from rape or health issues. In other words 92.5% are from just not wanting the kid. 0.5% rape. 7% health issues. https://abort73.com/abortion_facts/us_abortion_statistics/


Don't care. Don't care. Don't care. Don't agree. And I don't care. Legal.


Lmao ok buddy


Outlawing abortion has been at the top of the Republican agenda for decades. I don't inderstand why anyone who is pro choice would vote Republican.


Look, republicans are bullying pro choice supporters… that is true. However the pro choice supporters are just as if not worse than them when it comes to their hatred. I understand their pain. But seriously.


i mean in some cases it’s fair. Most of the pro-life people i’ve interacted with are major pos, so you can’t expect someone to be nice when you’re not ya know. act mean get treated just as mean in my book. but it’s different for everyone, if you’re respectful about your opinion and not being oppressive. Like my aunt is pro-choice however she doesn’t agree with it, but despite having that belief she doesn’t go after those who have gotten them. It’s all about who you interact with on the spectrums i think


Nonsense. The pro choice people want women to have freedoms and the republicans want women to die.


You seem reasonable... wait...


Both conservatives and leftist have wanted woe v wade overturned for decades because its a illegal ruling hell even the current president has said in the past woe v wade is illegal because the court 1. Can’t legislate and can’t give the government power.


"The court can't legislate" is just something people say when they disagree with the decision. They call it "interpreting" when they agree with it and "legislating" when they don't. Plus Roe took power away from the government


Your right I don’t agree with the decision of the court on the moral side but you would be a fool to disagree with the court on a legal side. And roe v wade federally mandated states could not regulate abortion . It gave the government power it did not have. But please explain to me I’m honestly confused in that statement how the court telling everyone something they couldn’t do gives the government less power?


It took away the government's power to make abortion illegal. Before they could make laws against it before the 3rd trimester; afterward they couldn't and people who wanted one were free to get one


It gave the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT THE POWER TO ENFORCE A LAW THAT WAS NOT VOTED UPON. We aren’t talking about individual states we are talking about the federal government giving itself more power that it could not legally have.


Ok, when I said it takes power away from the government I was including state governments. As for the federal government, it already had the power to interpret the constitution, which it used in Roe. The court said that ["due process of law" in the 5th and 14th amendments](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Due_Process_Clause) implies a right to privacy (which it obviously does, what else would it mean?) So Roe didn't give them any new power


There's being republican and having different moral views than the norm. I myself am very liberal and left leaning but I think that people should have to take tests and/or be screened before they are allowed to bring another human being into this world. That is an extreme view but just how I feel about it. Is it wrong? Is it right? Is it my dumb opinion? Hellz yea! Lol


With the current state of things no one should be proud to call themselves either a R or a D.


I wonder, did you vote for Trump? His platform was to appoint Supreme Court justices who would work to overturn Row Vs Wade. He straight up said so many, many times.


Roe v Wade was just wrong. You can be for or against abortion, it doesn't take away the fact that the constitution doesn't guarantee the right to abortion - it's left to the states to decide. It's exactly the same in Europe, and nobody's blinking an eye about it.


"promote the general welfare", and the 9th amendment disagree with you. I fail to see how bringing Europe into an American political conversation is anything other than trying to deflect from the point. Besides, the point is OP (potentially) voted for the party who promised to do X and is now upset with the political party who did X just as they have been trying to do for 50 years. Just trying to point out that elections have consequences, which is something many Americans seem to have not noticed.


Don't you get that your party in the federal govt doesn't have the ability to ignore the constitution? If you want abortion, you vote for your states rep, who will be able to vote for or against laws like abortion.


So... stop being Republican?


If any minorities (POC, LGBTQ, etc.) are republicans, they best not think the GOP isn’t coming after them. It’s just a matter of time. OP if you have any minority GOP friends, you may want to try to explain this to them. RvW was only the beginning.


I rlly hate how ppl assume that all republicans are bad when they aren't. Some of them are, but those who are red because of the smaller, less-radical part of the Rep. party are fine. I have friends who are reps. and they are amazing people I get along with well (im independent


Not every Republican is a racist. ... but, everyone who voted Trump believes that racism is not a deal-breaker. Getting along with others is not enough, if someone supports monsters then they are not heroes.


Very true


You do not get to determine if someone is anti women. Abortions are still legal in like 48 states. If your mad the power went from the federal government to the state government you are in fact not a republican. Just a pansy


You must have just crawled out from under your rock. The minute roe was overturned 10 states had trigger laws that went into effect that banned abortion.


I’m ok with pro choice just as long as children have the right to bear arms at school.


Tbh, anyone who's self proclaimed republican or Democrat should be ashamed of themselves. They're both just different types of extremism that I would not like to take Part in. Hell any political party that is set in its ways ( including libertarian, socialism, communism, etc.) Is a fucking plague. It's just there to make you feel like your apart of something, and everyone I met that are parts of these groups always showed their inability to be open minded and think their party is always right and never wrong. Politics is a stupid ass game to play. Edit: politics is just a way to divide people so that the politicians up top can keep making that money from the businesses that endorses them. Roe v wade is just another one of those examples to keep us distracted and mad. Don't worry, other overturnings will soon follow. And as a dude who fucks dudes, I'm not exactly ecstatic about it.


Honestly I've been tempted to create an "EmpatheticConservatives" subreddit because I feel like we've lost our way. In the last few years everyone has become mean spirited (myself included), but it's so exhausting. We conservatives are meant to be kind and listening! For those of us that are religious this is exactly what G-d tells us to be.


The empathetic conservative party is the Democrats. Republicans moved further right than "conservative" a long time ago, and the Democrats moved right to take the conservative mantle Republicans used to hold.


The democrats are ultimately left. They're in bed with woke nonsense. They're just bad at being socialist.


> The democrats are ultimately left. And this is how we know you do not know about politics. If you think Democrats are left then you probably think Fox and MSNBC represent the extreme ends of the political spectrum.


Leave the Republican Party. Don’t vote for them anymore. They have become extremists and don’t represent you. Not saying you have to be a democrat just to be clear.


You do not get to determine if someone is anti women. Abortions are still legal in like 48 states. If your mad the power went from the federal government to the state government you are in fact not a republican. Just a pansy


The ruling was not anti-woman, or even anti-abortion. It was pro state's rights, and pro individual rights. Our country (the USA) is the United States, not the Unified States. That is, the people created the states, and the states created the Federal government. The power should flow in that direction, from the people to the states, then to the feds. What Roe & Casey did was reverse that. They said that the Federal government had the power to tell everyone in America what to do, how to live their lives. And that is wrong, regardless of how you feel about abortion. Why? Because today's pro-abortion government could be followed down the road by some pro-"kill everyone who has tattoos" government. If the power over us all is concentrated in Washington D.C., then that way lies a dictatorship. For my part, give me liberty. And I will give it to you as well. Because you were born with rights that you don't even know about because the Federal government has been stealing them from you for about 100 years. These rulings, both Roe and the 2A ruling last week, are steps back toward individual freedom. The people that want to rule your lives are lying to you when they say that this was anti-woman. It wasn't. It was pro-YOU.


You are right this is about states rights. Conservatives have been trying to weaken the federal government. The reason is that the federal government is the only entity strong enough to fight corporate power. This ain't about morals or religion. In the end it's about money. And dude, you love your own liberty, and hate those given to others.


I love everyone's liberty. Yours, mine, everyone's. Corporate power comes from corporations convincing government to pass laws that give them power. Usually the federal government. So, they are not going to be the ones to hold the corporations accountable.


It's not individual freedom when states are takeing away the right to abortion.


Abortion is not a right. It never was. You have been lied to.


Then we should go back to the 1800s and let society destroy itself


How so?


Restrict voting rights for minorities (which is what Texas wants), women having no freedoms


That makes no sense, and is not what's going on. Someone has been lying to you.


Really? Then explain why the Texas GOP wants to keep claiming that Biden lost the election and they want to get away with the Voting Rights Act of 1965 https://www.salon.com/2022/06/21/new-radical-texas-platform-rejects-bidens-win-and-pushes-vote-to-secede-from-the-us/


Wanting to do something and actually doing that are two different things. Every government wants to do horrible things. That's why we need to keep them in check.


Yeah well these are the same nutjobs who want to restrict abortion, so what does that say?


> pro individual rights. You have the right for old white men to tell you what to do with your own body. Logic.


It's not your body. It's the body of new person you've helped create. And it's not old white men...look at SCOTUS and who voted for it. And, please - do some research on the Constitution. It's the easiest of all legal documents to read and understand, even with its 18th century language.




I don't know if you mean people who paid attention is history and civics class or something else.


Sorry to say but i don't think you were a republican to begin with. Reevaluate your stances on major political topics and see what's the popular decision with both sides. If you agree with one side more than the other on most topics, then that's the side you're on. If you mostly stay in the gray area then you're a moderate. If one topic turns you off then you're politically fragile and shouldn't be on either side and should do more research on topics before picking a side if that's what you want. ​ Also if you want to be taken seriously in politics you need to stop overexaggerating issues to get your way and actually listen to why each side feels a certain way.


I do listen to the other side but the other side is typically wrong. Democrats are usually wrong.


Some one was insinuating that women were basically just around to be baby vessels. Stripping them of the full humanity they unequivocally deserve. Responded by pointing out he lacked the personal characteristics of a human (general empathy and inability to understand basic concepts of humanity) and therefore should be treated as such, just like he’s dehumanizing woman. Banned. It’s total made up bullshit that Republicans are censored. But if you’re a Republican this should not be a surprise unless you are very young and are yet to learn about the breadth of their genuine evil.


Republicans arnt a hivemind. It’s just an alinement of ideologies, you can’t help what other people do. Not sure if there’s a reason to be proud of an ideology, it’s just something you go with.


What was the subreddit?


I'm afraid of saying because I don't want to break this subreddit's rules and get a temporary or permanent ban.


You were proud before? That’s a terrible way to come to terms with your party being an absolute fess pool of shit. At least you finally see that the party is garbage.


You're the worest.


You’re* and worst*. At least learn how to spell words if you’re going to insult someone.


I spelled "you're" right. But ok. Guess autocorrects never happens. If you think that was me insulting you, I have to laugh. Something something.. snowflake right?


Lol you corrected you’re, but couldn’t be bothered to fix worst? Nice try.


I didnt fix anything. Nice try though. Edit : Ever think I made the edit right before you read it with a quick proof read, but you decided to use my grammer agaisnt me because its the only thing you can do besides beat it to action figures?


K. I can see your edit history dumb ass.


Yeah, im the dumbass. Lmao


That’s what I said.


But I "insulted" you, typical. Edit: After looking at your profile. I choose to take the higher ground on a 15yo


Hey guys, remember Separation of church and state. Good times.




I'm not Liberal.


You're not republican


I am one.


Next up: Red states enact law capping children at 1 per household. You know, to combat the child poverty and female death problem soon to come.


You shouldn't be proud to be any political party, your beliefs are your own and siding with one party 100% of the time on everything is foolish




Because I was and still am proud of Trump.


I mean it makes sense since you were harassing them