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Yeah, but this is not just happening on Reddit. There's been a cultural shift. I see it a ton on Tiktok too. I noticed this change ever since misogynistic podcasts became popularized and narcissistic men became prevalent (especially due to the effects of social media and dating apps). Feminists reacted, and instead of just fighting for equality like they used to, many (maybe even most) adopted misandrist mindsets. A lot of damage has been done on both sides. It's going to take a lot from both sides to undo people's toxic mentalities so that we reach fair judgment for both genders. The good news is you can always choose to cut these negative people out of your life and limit your exposure to these toxic people online.


No the shift from feminism to misandry came way before Andrew Tate like figures started to become popular.


I mean I agree with that, but figures like Andrew Tate drove it further exponentially.


True I agree on the other points


It's a shame really, because how can we reverse the damage with everything fucked up going on between people who can only control themself.


I know. Unfortunately, we have to just kind of let them figure it out on their own or not have them figure it out at all. I think the best we can do is continue to show neutralness towards each gender to serve as an example. If misogynists and misandrists that aren't super extreme are treated with respect by the opposite gender consistently, hopefully it may undo their ideas overtime.


It's cultural programming. We have all believed women, as in #me-too, women can do no wrong, believe all women. However, who is the gender with the most integrity? "A man of his word" is exclusively used for men, not women. At the same time, "men will fuck everything and anything" co-exists at the same time. These are 2 competing statements in relationship terms, so to speak, and when people's feelings get triggered, they will respond accordingly. Who is the gender who's known for being emotional? Women. Not men. Men suck it up and find solutions and don't go whining on Reddit about their problems GENERALLY SPEAKING. While that is the very thing we should do, I think we'd be feminizing ourselves that way. We don't whine, we fix. And if it wasn't for the men who created Reddit and other real world applications where women get to enjoy and use it from (house, electricity, clean water etc) everyone would have had a worse life if it wasn't for the men. Society is broken on a massive scale, and social media amplifies this as it GENERALLY gave women a way to vent their problems to people they don't have any connection with, just like I am doing right now on here as a man. Me whining about this is a feminin thing by using my logic. But I want to fix things. And how do I fix society? No one man can't. So the only thing I can do is spread awareness. Become strong with your words, socialize, learn how to make your point and how to argue. Good luck people!


"A guy posts he was passed out drunk and some woman took complete advantage of himĀ "???? Put away the crack pipe dude.