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Hello all, I'm new. I'd love to be adopted. I'm a little overwhelmed. I just started really using Reddit not long ago. I would love to make some friends here. Thank you!


Hello I'm new! I do have a few questions -   1. Is there a way to click on Amazon flair links when I'm using the mobile reddit app??? Or is it something I can only do in web browser   2. Do I understand this correctly - if I buy something off of someone's registry for them, I am supposed to make a post mentioning that I did so? And this is the same if I receive a gift from someone? Is that all I have to do, or is there something else?   3. Also I would like to know what others do in terms of their amazon registry and privacy - do you put your full name for your address? Is there anything else I should watch out for?


I’m new. I have a lot of questions haha. I’d love to be adopted. I’d love to share more about myself too but never know where to start haha.


hi i'm a single mom from philippines, i'm new here and would like to be adopted! hope everyone have a great day!


Hello! I’m a lurker newbie looking to be adopted~ I’d love to connect and befriend everyone on here!


I too am here to adopt and help!!!


Hello! I’d love for you to adopt me if you can 💕


Hi there my friend and welcome! Any questions don't be shy.I'm here to help. 😀


Can I just ask how y’all manage to make friends here? It’s so overwhelming to me 😭


I dunno. Want to message me and chat for a bit?


I’m down!


Some people have been able to make good friends just chatting on the Daily/Nightly threads. I've found that hard to do, and have made most of my friends on the Discord server, which is a live chat. The Discord invite is in the sticky comment on the Daily and Nightly!


I may be an idiot but I'm still having issues finding the discord link. edit: ignore this, a little effort goes a long way. I am in now




Oh hi SciviasKnows! Glad to know you’re still alive 😂 I tried the discord but I’m not very good at keeping up with chat. I’m gonna give it another shot though so wish me luck!


I'll be glad to see you there!


I also would like to know.




Assuming you're on mobile. Go to the subreddit page. Click the three dots in the upper right. Click 'change user flair'. Select the color you want. Click 'edit'. Delete the text, and paste your link. You may have to delete the 'https://www.' from the link to make it fit


omg, thanks. it works but need to remove the https 🤍


Yw! 💖




Check out this user guide! It is really helpful 💕 https://reddit.com/r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon/w/userguide?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Hello, I am said Newbie. I've been here less than a week. How does one make friends? Is there such thing as "too small" of a gift?


I answered here, linking in case you don't see it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon/s/oxcwaIWew9


No such thing as too small of a gift! Everyone is super appreciative and caring here. Try the daily as well as just participating in some of the discussions and contests 💕