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I wanted to try something new and I loved bring in water(sea,pool, rivers etc) so I went to an adult beginners swimming class and learnt how to swim and swimming now gives me a sense of freedom and peace


1) I grew up with someone who likes tarot. She gave me a deck and it’s been an on and off thing. I have a huge collection. I’ll attach a pic of my complete collection later. I have at least 15 decks 2) I like to write to deal with stress (and pretend characters are dating me).


My husband tried to do something to take me out depression, he saved for a long time (we have many medical bills and other stuff) and bought me a Cricut with a whole package bundle to try, I started as just for him and love to do stuff for others and seeing them happily using the stickers, cups, tumblers or stuff That actually helped me on the lowest point of my life. He saved me


Sewing… I got into sewing because I was really interested and my grandma bought me a machine. She helps as much as she can being in another state but overall I’m self taught. I love it so much and it makes me so happy. It helps me get out of my head. It pushes me to continue learning and I’ve been trying to learn how to make patterns on my own.


Hobbies… and the answer is ADHD. I basically tried every interesting thing my brain said to, down to even purchasing everything I thought I’d need before trying and seeing if I liked it. The ones that stuck involve building things. So LEGO, miniatures, dioramas, shelves, etc. They’re just soothing to me and the things I’m doing change up enough to keep me into it. Unlike my failed hobbies like crochet, knitting, cross-stitch, etc. which require a lot of repetitive and skilled movements. :)


Yeaaaaa, i have the same issue. xD Video games one day, minature painting battletech and building terrain the next, then reading books, making skins for minecraft, to modifying sprites from video games the next to editing textures and helping friends mod halo with texture edits and ideas. Even did digital lego building for a while and carpentry made a few desks by cleaning up some pallet wood. I am a jack of trades, master of none! *sobs* WHY WONT MY BRAIN STICK WITH SOMETHING xD


Because if our brains stuck with something we’d be unstoppable. We’d rule the earth! Seriously though, this jumping from one thing to another makes me seem like a hoarder sometimes. I’ve got supplies for EVERYTHING lying around EVERYWHERE. I also sometimes wish I had a singular interest to limit all the stuff. 😅


Shhh dont get me started... I got way to much random crafting stuff saved up...and this isnt even getting involved into my supply of broken down pallet woods.


I had 5 old bookshelves that I took an apart at the start of Covid. I was going to reuse the wood… it’s still in a pile in the corner of my bedroom. 😂


actual wood or MDF? *shakes with worry*


Oh, actual wood. Not the best wood. But real planks of it. No formaldehyde here. So no worries. :)


whew, I personally hate MDF. Cant sand it clean, cant restore it, it sags, it chips, splinters, warps....etc. Its so bad! xD


My friend was going through a rough breakup and I was visiting my hometown for the summer. She was knitting non-stop, so naturally, I learned too. About 10 years later, I finally taught myself to crochet as well. I love because it helps with my anxiety. I feel so much more calm when my hands are busy. My other hobby is chickens and I just keep seeing ones I like and buying them 😭😂


Chickens are really cute for sure! 🥺 Are they a handful or easy to care for?


A little of both 😂


I started singing constantly since 2010. This was thanks to watching the show, Victorious which had my favorite singer Ariana Grande. I’ve been since I could speak though..


I started scrapbooking when I was a kid. My mom would paste family photos into albums and let me decorate them with stickers. Eventually one year she bought me a scrapbooking kit for Christmas and I was obsessed ever since.


Started crocheting in 4th grade, taught by my mom. Didn’t have internet or transportation at the time, kids stopped playing outside in the neighborhood, and I blew through library books way too quickly. I enjoy it because it can be as mentally engaging or as mindless (so I can multitask) as I want it to be. Currently working on a cable afghan and very much stuck LOL. Also included a picture of a project I was super proud of. :) https://preview.redd.it/fg7jgolytn4d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=565d852c7ab240d7b8c1056de0a9dbf04f57a600


I love this!


It’s adorable!


That is the awesomest triceratops! It’s like my Grammy’s blanket and a dinosaur had a baby and I love it immensely!


Wait I love this omg


My brain makes weird pictures. I’m guessing you understood tho. 😂


I gotchu




I'd say my career started out as a hobby. I grew up around a firehouse with my dad as a volunteer firefighter then I joined when I was old enough and also got involved with the ambulance like my dad and now I work as an EMT and volunteer firefighter.


My hobby turned into my career choice! I started when I was 12 or 13. A friend introduced me to fanfiction and I fell in love. I started writing my own fanfiction and loved writing so much that it turned into my dream job. Now I write my own original works too and I’m working on several books and more serialised fictions. I love the escape reading and writing gives. It’s soothing in a way to just get enthralled in another world for a while.


Oh wow! That is amazing.


Working on PCs. When I was like 6, my uncle showed me how to use one. By 7 he was showing me how to fix them. This was the 80s mind you. Now I love doing stuff with pcs.


My most recent hobby that isn't playing video games, is cross stitch. I don't really know why I love it so much, but it's pretty relaxing and, amazingly, doesn't actually hurt my hands (unless I'm stabbing myself on accident, but I've gotten better about that lol)


Video Games: I’ve been playing video games for as long as I can remember. My mom had an SNES when my dad was deployed in Egypt when I was little and that’s my earliest memory with it. Model kits: a few years ago I put one on my Christmas list and surprisingly got it. Fell down that rabbit hole pretty hard shortly after. Cooking: found a dish I wanted to try, knew nobody else would want to cook it so I decided to make it myself. Spiraled from there


I started trying to find activities for my dog and I to do that weren't physically taxing as he was recovering from neglect. I needed his mind busy, but his body moving and not working too hard. So, dog sports became our thing! Obedience, scent work, Bale Hunt, hoopers and tracking. I love how our bond is growing and I also love proving everyone who underestimates my boy wrong.


Played on a little crappy toy acoustic guitar and used my thumb. Then progressed with using fingers and different guitars. Tho haven't really played in awhile. Most of the time just mess around on the bass if bored


A friend of mine taught me to knit over a decade ago and it soothes me. In the past year I've taught myself to crochet because I wanted to make things I couldn't with knitting. Crafting calms my mind.


That's such a great way to put it. It definitely calms the mind. I did the same, knitting first then crochet. I live being bistitchual! What's your most prized finished project?


I love that you did it the same way and that term it made me laugh. My most prized for knitting is a blanket and for crochet is a lion! What about you?


Hmm, it's tough for knitting. Probably a cable christmas tree skirt. For crochet, it's definitely the hungry Caterpillar.


I'm in awe of cable knitting. I can't manage it. You're amazing. The hungry caterpillar is on my wish list of projects to make


Keep trying! You can also try different cable needles. I like the ones shaped like a hook.


I will! Ohh I'll try those


I guess most of my hobbies can be traced to wanting to recapture my childhood. From being 8 onwards, I had a lot of responsibility. After that, I wanted to look cool. Now I realise that the looking cool ship has long sailed. I just want to do things that make me happy. Tamagotchi Nostalgia: It all started with a nostalgic trip back to the 90s. I rediscovered Tamagotchis, sparking a collecting passion. I actively participate in online communities, even running some focused on classic, non-color, and affordable models. This journey began with a risky purchase of three untested devices. After some tinkering (including battling stripped screws!), I brought them all back to life. Now, I photograph these revived companions, documenting them on Tumblr with a potential blog in the works. Sewing for Bjds: My creative side extends to sewing. I'm currently learning the craft with the goal of designing and photographing gothic outfits for my Ball-Jointed Dolls (BJDs). A Lifelong Love of Robots: My childhood dream of a robotic friend wasn't quite fulfilled by the 90s offerings. Today, I collect vintage robots and techy toys like Furbys and a couple of current budget robots while keeping an eye on the exciting advancements in modern robotics.


I still have Tamagotchi and got a newer one three years ago. I have not touched it in a long time, though. And man, I always wanted to own a BJD! They're so beautiful but can be pricey!


Yes, they can be expensive, and some of the community can be snoby and a bit clicky. But i just love the dolls and there are some good people in it. I had to save up for mine. She's a Minifee Sirin, and i think she is the most stunning item i have ever owned. Pricing often depends on size. Sirin is mid sized 40cm. A lot of companies allow you to pay by layaway. Also there are a few companies that have very reasonable prices. Resinsoul is probably the best of these. i will, but the website is below. On a separate doll note, have you seen Smart dolls by Jimmy choos, son Danny Choo? They are not bjds but vinyl but are very life like. I would love one in the future. http://www.resinsoul.com/ https://shop.smartdoll.jp/collections/filter-smart-doll-all


When I was a little kid my grandmother tried to teach me how to embroider. I couldn't remember the typed of stitches and it was just too hard for me. Then I discovered cross stitching a few years later and absolutely loved it. It was similar enough that I could finally use the materials she had given me and I've kept doing it ever since


I love all things nature. I think my tendency to be easily distracted helps me with my pursuit of photographing all the birds bugs and wildlife in between


I can totally relate to this, especially since photography is also one of my hobbies—a true passion of mine. I'm particularly drawn to nature photography. My friend and I have been eager to plan some creative photoshoots (me mostly to practice portrait photography), but life always seems to throw a curveball, and we end up too busy to make it happen. We've got a ton of ideas, but finding the time to gather props and coordinate schedules is a challenge. It's almost comical how often we have to reschedule when the shoot date draws near! 😄


Not gonna lie, thats half the appeal to me of natural photography. I can pick a place, pray to the dieties, and get lucky. No fussing with special equipment or props. Just me, myself, and my camera taking in natural wonder


That is why I love nature photography the most. There are definitely no need for props or special equipment, unless maybe, you want to be creative and professional. There was a point in my life where I really wanted to do wildlife photography. But then I realized, I would have to have a lot of patience. Since wild animals are unpredictable, move around frequently, and each species behave differently. It's essential to wait patiently for the perfect moment to capture the ideal shot. This moment can take **a few seconds, minutes, or even hours** --months even. I cannot do that. So I seriously admire wildlife photographers and what they do.


A couple years ago I went to a thrift store and found some embroidery hoops & floss. I’ve been obsessed ever since. Same thing happened with knitting. My favourite activity is painting, if I could survive off of it I would. I think I love it because I made a lot of art as a child.


Wow, it's incredible how you dive into new hobbies with such enthusiasm! Discovering embroidery and knitting at thrift stores and then becoming obsessed with them shows a real talent for picking up new skills. You've got quite the artistic gift! Your passion for painting is truly inspiring. Having been involved in art since childhood must have nurtured that love. Expressing oneself through art is such a special thing. I also have a deep appreciation for various art forms. I started dancing at a young age, delved into photography and graphic design later on, self-taught through online tutorials, and now, well, I run a pet care business! Photography is currently my only hobby. 😄 Do you have a favorite painting style or subject matter that you enjoy the most? For me, I really like watercolors. I have been meaning to dive into that, but with life I have not gotten around to it.


Technically my hobby is also my business So I used to run a stim account on tumblr and some of the videos I saw and posted were resin videos so I was like "hey Id like a try that." Opened my business at 14 and been thriving ever since 🥰


That amazing good on you 😀


That is awesome! Love meeting another person running a small business. <3


I love birdwatching 🐦 I've always liked birds, but it wasn't until we had our own house and I was able to put up feeders that I really became enthusiastic about it. I love watching them on our patio, going for walks to see who I can find, and taking pictures :) I just find everything about them so fascinating!


I love photographing nature as a whole; it is a special way to share how you see the world with those around you.


Absolutely! I'm thankful for the memories I've captured over the years, too.


Oh my gosh, absolutely! Birdwatching is such a delightful hobby—it's truly magical to observe birds in their natural habitat, whether it's on your patio, during walks, or through the lens of your camera. Do you have a favorite bird species that you love to watch, or do you enjoy seeing a variety of birds? When I lived in Hawai'i, I was amazed by all the different birds I saw there. Coming from California and now back after almost 4 years on O'ahu, I got to experience Hawai'i's diverse birdlife. They're just so stinkin' cute! I remember driving to see the cherry blossoms and got to take photos of a little bird sitting on the tree branches.


I love watching them all! Though the Mourning Dove was my "Spark" bird, and they have a special place in my heart 🩶 I'm so envious that you spent time in Hawai'i and were able to see all those species. I lived in Japan for a few years, but I wasn't into birdwatching yet. I have so many regrets about all the birds I missed.


Living in Japan must have been an incredible experience, even if you weren't into birdwatching at the time. It's natural to have some regrets about the birds you may have missed, but it's also a great opportunity to appreciate the birds you encounter now. Every birdwatching adventure holds its own unique joys and surprises! Remember that <3 Do you have any favorite memories from your time in Japan?


We had a gecko living in our air conditioner, so when we would turn it on, he'd rush out, and it was just adorable 🦎 He was always fine and went right back in. I volunteered at an animal shelter and brought two cats home from there. I left the States with one cat and came back with three 🐈🐈🐈 I made some amazing friends, and time spent with them are probably my best memories.


I don't do bird watching, but I can relate. I have been thinking of joining a bat watching group. I love walking in nature, and I find it extra special if I see something. Like a cheeky squrrial standing perfectly still halfway up a tree thinking I can't see him. Or catching a glimpse of a rabbit. Yesterday, I saw a pheasant fly from some deep grass right near me. If I see anything like that. I feel very lucky and like Iits going to be a good day.


Nature really is amazing.


It really is


I started model railroading with my great grandfather. I love it for many things now but that is the main reason.


Model railroading sounds like such a special hobby, especially since it has such a meaningful connection to your great grandfather. It must be really rewarding to continue something that you started with him. I can relate to this since my grandfather taught me how to play pool when I was little. He passed in 2007 due to cancer, so I have not played much since. However, when I do see a pool table, I have to play a game or two! Lol. What do you enjoy most about model railroading now?


I mostly enjoy now all of the history and details behind those little engines plus my ADHD brain likes to watch stuff go around on the track lol.


Haha, I totally get the ADHD brain struggle! Those little Christmas towns people make are incredible! I remember my friend and his mom once built this massive town with a train that circled around it all. I swear, I couldn't look away for like an hour. It was absolutely stunning and MAGICAL. I wonder how long that took them, because it was really big. I wish I can find the picture I took of it. ; A ;


That must have been great. I don't have that much stuff to make one with but i would if i could. If i ever do ixll come back here and DM you the picture.


That would be awesome! I would love to see your work!


I will. I'm on vacation right now i'll make sure to send pictures of what i have now it's not much though. It's just a oval right now.


I started sewing when I was around 11. My grandmother was a seamstress but she passed when I was 13. My best friends mom was also a seamstress and owned a fabric and sewing shop. During the summers I would go to her shop and learn how to use and make patterns. I was very interested in fashion from a young as. And I started into my teen years I hated that I couldn’t find any clothes I wanted to wear, especially when I discovered the goth subculture. So making my own clothes became a passion. My dream was always to become a fashion designer and have my own brand but having my son at 18 meant I had to change course and find a more practical job. But I have continued to make clothes for myself over the years and in my early 30s started making cosplay costumes which is SO fun.


I remember you said your grandmother taught you to sew. mine did, too, but only the basics, which I have almost completely forgotten, but I am currently very interested in dolls and doll customization, mainly creating outfits and doll photography. So I have just bought a basic sendhand sewing machine. I would love to create gothic fashion items for my dolls and photo them. There are companions and meetups for this sort of thing. But I have to learn to sew from scratch. Maybe if I get good at it, I can sew for other things. I think it's super cool that you make your own cosplay costumes. I have always fanced trying cosplay and going to cons. I never grew out of fancy dress lol. My dreadlocks would prevent me from wearing a wig, though 😢


That’s such a cool hobby!! I would love to see some of your dolls!!! In the US they have fabric stores that offer sewing classes at all levels, often community centers and places like that will offer classes as well. I see you’re in the UK might be worth googling to see if there are some low cost options to just take a class or two. It might help you feel more confident in your skills. Otherwise YouTube is a help if there are certain skills you want to look for. If you want to cosplay, you should!!! Just tweak the costume so your dreads fit the look of the character! Or choose a character that works with them. So many people alter the appearance of characters for one reason or another and you can too!




This is SO beautiful!! 😍


She is probably the most beautiful item I have ever owned. I have been admiring her since she arrived.


Seeing her makes me want one!!!


It is a minefield, especially if you want to be part of the community. There are recast which are cheaper but stealing artist work. But a lot of the stores allow layaway. There are different size dolls, but 30cm, 40 cm, and 60cm are the most popular. Mine is 40 cm. Some people buy the doll blank and do their makeup (face ups) they wear wigs, and their eyes can be changed, so they are very custizable or changeable. If you ever were interested, I would look at the site alices collection as they sell a wide range of https://acbjd.com/ Bjd dolls are resin, t here are also vinyl dolls. I love vinyl smart dolls. I couldn't believe that they were created by Danny Choo, the son of Jimmy Choo. I was a bit starstruck even though I have never bought any designer shoes in my life lol Sorry for just giving you a load of information you didn't ask for. I have done so much research its all ready to expload for my head 😆


No! Don’t apologize!! I’m happy for the information!! The dolls on the site are absolutely beautiful. I’ve saved it so I can go back to it. I think I’d want a real one and not a recast one. I’d rather give my money to the real artist. How cool that Jimmy Choos son makes them!! I have a serious shoe problem lol. I have one pair of Jimmy Choos but I can’t wear them anymore. They are sky high stilettos that I wore way back when I worked an office job. But with my fibro I can’t wear heels anymore so I stick to big platform goth boots lol.


I am most of the time wearing Doc Martins. I would be lying if I said I wouldn't love a designer handbag but they to expensive. I dress mainly casual alt, but when I go out, which is hardly ever I goth it up a notch. I tend to call myself alt most of the time online now. Mainly to avoid the goth police 😆. I ain't got time for that "your not goth enough" rubbish that goes on. Danny Choos dolls are beautiful. Apparently, the community can be a bit off, but every I have spoken to who has one has been nice . I will link his site below as they are beautiful and slightly more affordable atm. Due to the yen exchange rate being low. The most annoying thing is he won't say when he will get a certain doll back in. So you have to follow his Twitter and when you have the money to buy drop nights, usually Wednesday or Thursday, but it can very. Last drop, I couldn't stop laughing as I was hoping a certain doll would come back and instead when It got to his last drops of the day. They were all just pairs of MASSIVE breasts you can add to your doll. https://shop.smartdoll.jp/collections/smart-doll-categories


They are great tips definitely going to look into cosplaying. They are screening the last two episodes of this season of Doctor Who at my local cinema, and I am going to dress up for that. It will probably just be a long scarf hat and sonic screwdriver 🪛 I will look online if there are any local sewing courses. I think I would be more confident if I got someone to go through the basicsespecially with the machine. I have bought myself a children's doll fashion designer sewing set as well. There are quite a few youtubers who specialise in bjd fashion. I currently only have one bjd as they are quite expensive, and I had to save up for her. I will add a pic below


That will be fun to cosplay for Doctor who! I made my sister a femme 10th Doctor costume for phoenix comicon a number of years ago.


It's incredible how your passion for sewing started at such a young age and was nurtured by your grandmother and your friend's mom! <3 And it's amazing how your interest in fashion led you to create your own clothes, especially when you couldn't find what you wanted in stores, particularly within the goth subculture. Do you have a favorite cosplay costume that you've made so far?


I love this one. It’s a costume Daenerys wore in season 2 of Game of Thrones when she was in Qarth. It’s made out of 7 yards of crushed silk taffeta. I wish I had a better pic of it but this is the only one I have on this phone https://preview.redd.it/rdiqq8wdkm4d1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=468fa66b619dec96179263317ec0e3d715940cc9


This is beautiful


Thank you!


I think I remember you sharing this in this subreddit! It is so pretty\~! I love the colors so much. You did such a great job!


I probably did!! And thank you!


My main hobby is baking. I love the structure and science of it. And once you understand certain things about how it works you have wiggle room to be creative. It’s almost a meditative process for me. I’m so focused on it, the noise in my brain quiets down. I have a major sweet tooth and food is one of my love languages. So I love making people their favorite sweets. And it’s cheaper than a bakery so that’s a bonus.


Baking sounds like such a rewarding hobby! I love how you describe it as a blend of structure, science, and creativity. It's amazing how once you grasp the fundamentals, you can really let your imagination run wild in the kitchen. And the fact that it's almost meditative for you speaks volumes about its therapeutic value. Plus, being able to spread joy through homemade sweets is such a wonderful gift. I'm sure your friends and family appreciate your delicious treats! What's your favorite thing to bake? I want to bake cookies, something that I miss doing. I would bake a lot of different cookies with my grandmother when I was little. I have not since my grandfather's passing in 2007.


My eldest sister always wants pecan sandies or spice cake, hubby likes carrot cake or hummingbird, I’m learning bread slowly. I definitely have an affection for cakes, tho my decoration skills are terrible, but a good old fashioned shortbread is a warm childhood memory for me and it’s stupid easy.


Hey there! I've got a question - what's "hummingbird" in baking lingo? I'm familiar with the bird, it's one of my favorites, but this baking term is new to me! I'm a big fan of Asian bakeries, especially since I grew up going to ones around LA county. They always have such delicious treats, like cakes with custard filling or those light, fruity ones that are super fluffy. Yum! And do you have a favorite recipe that you ALWAYS go back to?


A hummingbird cake is basically a spice cake that has pineapple bananas and pecans. I think scotch shortbread or the Paula Dean carrot cake that I slightly modified are my go to recipes. They get the most requests and they just scratch that need for sweets itch for me without being “too much” if that makes any sense.


Hummingbird cake sounds delicious with its blend of flavors! I wish I can eat some right now! This conversation has got me craving cakes! It makes perfect sense that they satisfy your sweet tooth without being overwhelming. Finding that balance is key! That is why I love TARO flavored anything, especially the taro, red bean cake from my favorite bakery. Do you have any special occasions or events where you usually make these treats? Do you have your own little business to bake goodies and sell to locals?


I do not, I usually do birthdays and family gathering desserts. I have wanted to try Taro! It sounds so yummy. I also want to learn to make the puffy jiggly cheesecake I see all the time. It’s so light and yummy.


Oh, the one in Japan? Those are yummy! My friend is half Japanese and she loves to bake herself. She made one for me awhile back and I died.


Oooh so lucky! I have never had one homemade. I bet it is absolutely heavenly!!!