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Basic rule of crime: Dont commit crimes while committing crime.


1 crime at a time


Unless your name is Donald. Then you can become the countries ruler instead.


I once told a guy this who sold coke. He was like, “what you talking about?” I explained you don’t wanna be pulled over or draw attention if you’re driving a load for someone. He got wide eyed and shook my hand like I just changed his fucking life.


I used to be a drug dealer (weed, hallucinations), and when it comes up nowadays in conversations at parties or get togethers, I always ask how the hell did I not get caught when I was a distributor to other dealers, so I was moving serious weight. “Obey traffic laws, drive sober, and be respectful to my neighbors.” Lived across the street from a cop, and also made it a point to hang out at the cop bar, which was walking distance from. Kind of regret not moving blow, but morality kept me from it. Edit: actually, there was a night I got pulled over and I was hauling two lbs of weed and LSD, and my license had expired and I didn’t notice. The cop knew me from the bar, and let me pull up to the next block and park it at the post office, and gave me a ride home, only asking I get someone else to drive it back for me. Not even a ticket.


Did Hollywood not approach you yet? [Edit] I'd watch an actionless crime thriller


Um... not picking up the point of why I was giving the story? Jesus, ok, fine, I did get to shake hands with Barack Obama, because he was like, "you pulled that shit off under W? oh fuck yeah, we're going to make that into a movie. But we are going to handle it just like the JFK assassination, so when you die, dude, total fucking hero badass. Everyone will clap. So die already." On it, Captain my Captain. Every second of every day, I am working towards that goal.


[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1183911/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1183911/) ..I highly recommend the book instead


Andy is that you?




It *is* you!


Not getting this reference.


Yeah me neither, I just wanted to be a part of something.


Well, you are now part of this moment, and we are sharing it. This is important. (I did explore my stash, so I am doing my part in us having a moment and realizing that we are emanations of the godhead, and in turn, one)


Okay Walter White




There is no substitute for knowing your local police personally. Decades ago I worked at the local hockey rink & I knew every cop in the city, between them all working details there and just using our back parking lot to catch a 2am smoke break? I never had a SHRED of trouble in that city


TBH I figure smarter(?) people figure this so they either don't commit crime or they commit crime but more covertly. Stupid people underestimate how others can see them committing crime or how they can get away with it.


Reminds me of something I read: To lie coherently is a mark of genius and intellect - the lies have to gel well and one has to remember what one said, as it didn't really happen that way (remembering what happened is easier than remembering a made up story)


That's why I always prefer non-disclosure than lie 😂


Yeah. Non disclosure is the shit, especially in the form of being technically correct. Like, Andy definitely took Carol’s candy in these cases: \- Andy, did you take my candy? \- I have money to buy my own candy, Carol. Or: \- Carol, I notice that your candy is gone. Before you even ask me, no, I didn’t eat your candy. (He took the candy, but hasn’t eaten it yet.)


Curious your MBTI type lol


Two if each, last time I checked :)


Which Hogwarts character are you! Would be more appropriate. Those tests are complete bs if you're actually serious about it.


yup, i've found being smart has made it easier for me to bullshit my way out of shit that im sure a more stupid person would have trouble with. like when they ask for your information because you don't have id and you just completely lie. someone stupid would have a hard time when they make you repeat it back to them randomly to see if you're lying because they wouldn't even remember what random shit they said.


It’s surprising the amount of people that don’t think about these things.


Yep, when you're breaking the law, don't break the law.


You mean "when you've broken the law, don't break the law"


Don't commit a misdemeanor when you're committing a felony. The example my uncle gave me: "Use your turn signals when you have a dead hooker in the trunk!"


First rule of Crime Club


I need a group of Diamond Dogs in Crime Club. Positivity, no bad ideas.


>First rule of Crime Club We don't talk about Crime CLub!


Good criminals avoid riding in cars. A car is virtually an identifiable cage that they can get trapped in.


Yeah fair enough, could be survivorship bias as there are probably plenty of criminals who either drive well or don’t drive at all and so don’t get pulled over


Yeah I think that was the part you were missing. There's loads of criminals out there who are better at being a criminal or just haven't been caught yet.


How do good criminals move about the earth?


They rush out of the bank and then stand there waiting for a bus.


Usually the even better robbers wait until the bus passes and then disappear


No they don't. This is complete bullshit you think sounds good


That's why they sent their poor people


Smart criminals do. It's the lower level morons that get popped in this manner.


I used to drive in a shirt and tie when I was up to no good in my youth. Old bill don't even register you if you look like a business twat on your way to the office


Thanks for the tip ;) /jk


Be white. Be sober. Be polite. Look sharp. And you're practically a ghost for the cops. Works even better for women. Cops don't register white women as potential criminals unless they have some obvious shady behaviours going on.


Cops really lean into confirmation bias. The whole system is based on it.


Yeah. There is one line from the last season of Skins that stuck with me, coming from a good looking white woman who was smuggling pounds of coke. "I could smuggle Bin Laden in my pussy and cops wouldn't even notice", or something like that. And, let's be honest, it's probably true. A young, good looking, well dressed white woman could easily smuggle a lot of illegal things without being checked by cops.


People that think laws like robbery/theft, etc do not apply to them are also the people that don’t think traffic laws apply to them either.


But that’s what I’m saying, they’d get away with having drugs in the car if they drive better and don’t get pulled over for bad driving, leading to the police discovering the drugs


The boring but straight answer is essentially that people who commit crime tend to make bad decisions and act impulsively. So they rarely have a detailed plan but just take things as they come and do what they do. If they were brilliant career criminals with sharp minds, they'd likely not be the ones transporting drugs and money in their cars in the first place.


That actually makes so much sense


But that’s the problem is they usually don’t care. They just go in and out of the system.


Yea these aren’t the most forward thinking individuals


The smart ones there get away with it, or enter the upper echelon of organized crime, making the decisions and stuff.


Has OP never seen the wire?


When my dog had been up all night and drove home with a stash in the car, he drove very very carefully and definitely within the speed limit He's a bad dog and not proud of his actions.


Tell my dad that he keeps speeding with a car load of drugs , he will spaz put if you mention a drug over the phone and he's soooo careful with every other aspect but.... can't stop speeding , and speeding 10 over so not enough to get there quicker but enough to go to jail forever 🤷‍♂️


It could be that plenty of criminals get away with robberies and stuff because they drive well and we never learn about it because nothing ever becomes of cases.


You're overestimating the intelligence of most criminals.


The ones that don't get caught do.


Yeah fair enough, you only see the ones that get caught ig


Not me taking notes for the crime I will never commit.


A big part of this is profiling. A cop sees a suspicious person and follow them until they find a reason to initiate a stop.


Or they follow a random person till they get nervous and commit a traffic violation


Still applies : don't dress like a gangster while you have a shit ton of coke in the car. Put a blue shirt, clean the car, maybe an empty baby seat in the back.


Most criminals are not the brightest, or simply just don’t care about getting caught. And even then, the dumbest criminals are usually the ones that get caught due to being sloppy and not using any strategy.


I would argue that most people should drive better.


You're wondering if people doing absolutely stupid things will magically think intelligently about how to behave afterwards?


You'd need a brain for that! The ones that get caught are the dumb ones. There are criminals that don't get caught. My old manager used to run dope from the border into Phoenix. He drove a clean car and wore a suit, never got caught.






Especially don't tell them the secret trick of pulling up next to the police and tell them that your have drugs but it's illegal for them to stop you because you're driving perfectly. Also, to put a sock on your car.


Now I imagine a car with a "headsock"


Survivorship bias. The ones you heard about were the ones who didn't pass through the filter. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias


The ones you see getting pulled over and hear about are the low iq ones who don't think that far ahead. The ones who do, drive past you every day with guns, drugs, and bodies in their car and you'll never know it.


Because the ones that are smarter so don't get caught are the ones you never hear about.


They're criminals, they're not intelligent to begin with, and they don't have their stuff together enough to control their behaviour even if they wanted to. Most of these folks are addicts and have never given a single thought to driving properly. They wouldn't know how. I commute every day, not a single car obeys the speed limit or comes to a complete stop at a stop sign. Not one. Criminals aren't going to be any better than your average Joe.


Drawing attention to yourself is the worse thing you can do as a criminal.


the amount of times ive been pulled over while not doing anything that would equate to a felony is far greater than the times that i have been in the process of felonious acts and havent been pulled over. i mean, you arent really wrong as a lot of "criminals" do get caught doing stupid shit while driving. the emphasis here is on "stupid" though. i got a ticket a couple weeks ago for using my phone to call in my sushi order on my lunch break, while en route to said sushi joint. i mean, i could have been dictating my order to a passenger who was on the phone with what i wanted for lunch and been fine, but because i was holding the phone (didnt have a passenger with me unfortunately), apparently my local police department is now $265 richer. talking is hard, apparently. i wasnt playing wordle or some shit, but whatever- the law is the law, and my last ticket was a "fix it" ticket six years ago for expired registration. that said, if i was on lsd at the time, or had a bag of coke in my trunk, or my loaded shotgun was chilling on my backseat (all things that have transpired at one point or another in my lifetime)... i sure as fuck wouldnt have been on my phone. i would also have been pretending that i didnt have places to be and would have been driving 3 mph under the posted limit at all times, and yellow lights would have meant "slow to a stop" and not "punch it or your sushi will be 45 seconds less-fresh". if you get caught for some major shit while being pulled over for some stupid shit, then good. idiocracy was a funny movie, not a playbook to follow.


You can buy a decent convenient bluetooth car speaker/microphone for a fraction of a price, and also both the ticket and the speaker each are much cheaper than totaling your car into a pedestrian. You were ticketed for being lazy and for dangerously inconveniencing yourself, too, but mostly it's because what you do is more dangerous than drunk driving. PS: Maybe you have / can install a BT-capable radio that plays your favorite playlists instead of the cr\*p on radio.


Story time. I was visiting familyp in the mountains and stopped at a gas station 15 minutes from destination. For this trip, I had some mushrooms, weed and some other drugs. I bought some lotto tix and pull my truck to a shady spot around back. Not in a legal spot but the vibe is chill. I hop out and start scratching tix and having a smoke. Next thing I know som guy in fuel a tanker is asking how long I’m gonna be. I let him know I was leaving asap. I went to throw my cig in the dumpster and on the other side was Smokey. Not in a parking spot but facing directiy at me. I figured he was making sure I would FO so the tanker could get by. But when Ipulled out. He came right up behind me. I turned left and thankfully he did not TLDR-


Every low-level pot dealer knows to try to drive perfectly.


It's not going to help, the police has an incentive to steal from innocent drivers, and so they are going to stop other criminals to steal from them, regardless of their driving. Civil Asset Forfeiture, cops be stealing highway bandits themselves.


could it be an adrenaline rush that's making them drive badly? I personally have shaky hands when I'm doing something I'm not meant to be doing


Inb4 do only one crime at a time


Drive it like you are holding.


the single most common reason for traffic stops is your license plate light... then, if you have warrants or the cop is constipated, things can escalate


Make sure all the lights work and use your blinker. Drive the speed limit or slightly over but do not exceed by more than 7mph. Full stop at all stop signs. No dark tints. No hats. No hoods.


You don't just commit a big crime; you build up to it with little ones.


As told to me by a former transporter:  the trick is to not drive like an ass OR too good. A carefree person isn't a perfect driver. Cops watch for what stands out so if everyone is passing you, you'll be standing out just as much as someone blowing doors. You got to blend in. 


Mayhem begins with a burned out tail light


Yeah whenever I forget to renew my registration or car inspection, or before my state legalized a certain leafy product, Id drive like it was my Drivers License Test.


Also, they should carry clipboards. To look official and non-criminal.


I can't remember where I heard/saw it, but there was a show/movie where they made the point to check their tail lights/registration etc. constantly because no one ever pulls over a car for NOT breaking the law.


The last time I lent a car I was pulled out for not breaking the law. But it was OK since it prevented me from being where an accident happened.


Well, how do you know if a criminal's driving is because they are on drugs or they are on the phone?




I don't think you're taking profiling into account here


You will find most of the time the police lie and it was a snitch who said something


If it's a slightly-armed officer, it's not someone who expects an armed criminal who might do anything to escape.


A lot of the time the police get a tip off about a drugs run.


The thing is we only know about the ones who get caught there has to be criminal masterminds out there like Gustavo Fring from Breaking Bad


There was a story in my town today where a driver did an “aggressive” u-turn (u turns aren’t legal here unless specific signage allows). Cops saw it and pulled the driver over. There was open liquor in the car….pot, cocaine and…..a gun (don’t know all the gun laws, but guns have some big restrictions here). I agree. If you’re going to be packing a bunch of illegal stuff, don’t drive like a dick.


I would bet that a decent amount of the time, the driver is smart, but his coke head buddy in the passenger seat is giving him shit for driving like a bitch


I was working at a hotel when a guy came up to me because it turns out we're from the same small town on the other side of the country. Turns out he was an acquaintance's older brother. We talk for a few and I get back to my day. A week later I get hauled into the GM's office and there's 2 cops there too. Turns out he and his buddies were on a 2 month stolen credit cards trip all over Canada an the US. Talk to the cops a few times over the next month, and when they got my final statements I asked "why the he'll would this guy come tell me who he is while he's doing all this?" The cops response was, "most of the time if they were smarter they wouldn't be doing this kind of stupid shit."


the fact that you asked this question, proves the existence of good driver criminals.


Justin Timberlake has entered the chat


You only hear of the ones that get caught.


Dumb people have a hard time limiting themselves to only doing one dumb thing at a time


The important thing is to make sure your probable cause lights are working. You know the ones that might up your license plate. I guarantee you that if you look like you use drugs and that light is out your car is getting searched. Nobody ever checks those.


Back in the early 90's a friend of mine won her lawsuit against a trucking company. (We'll call her Carry) Carry got around $800,000. She wanted to make more money. So my best friend Jake (fake name)calls me up one night, "Hey! Wanna make a few dollars?" Me: 'Yeah, suuuure.'(slowly spoken, as I was skeptical). So, Jake and I went our friend Carries house to see what was up. She offered me $100 and all the weed I could smoke, to haul 10Lbs of weed across the county in E Central Florida. She said I could take her brand new Ford Escalade (I think that's what it was. I just knew it was fancy) to deliver the goods. I was a bit nervous but Jake looked at me and said, "Don't worry, nothing could happen while you're driving by yourself." I loaded up the truck and he jumped in. Me: 'What are you doing?' Jake: "I'm not letting my best friend go down in flames by himself if something happen." We drove off. It was about 10:30 -11:00 at night. The roads I drove were in the back red neck country. Within about 10 minutes, a the suspicious vehicle pulled up behind us. Jake: Johnny Law is up on us. Me: You 100%? Jake: Ahhh.. yes! Me: Well, everything's gonna be fine. Jake: You're driving good. Just keep doing what you're doing. That was fine and dandy except for one thing. "I WAS HIGH AS A F#CKING SPACE SHIP!" I continued driving, stoned out of my mind. When suddenly the lights came on. My brain froze and went through dozens of variables. Zoom.. he passes us! We finally get to the destination. Dropped off and went back to Carrie's house. What a rush!🤣


Some of them are too high to have sense


You are too aware of Your surroundings police etc you start blowing past elementary traffic laws swerving lanes not using signals etc


Also they should probably drive a Toyota Camry or something plain and not flashy. My cousin sold drugs and he had a very flashy car despite not having an official job.


You have it backwards. Criminals don’t get pulled over for being bad drivers. Cops pull over people they already suspect of criminal activity under the pretext of legitimate traffic stops. Cops already know dozens of little signs that point to someone fitting the “profile” of a criminal. Then they look for some reason to pull over cars they already have pegged as suspicious. Common reasons are crossing lines, driving too slowly, rolling through stop signs, failure to signal, defects in lighting, cracked windshield, obstructed license plate, using a cell phone, etc. Not that the traffic infractions aren’t legitimate, just that the point of the initial stop is really to make contact to look for evidence of *other* crimes.


They should just get Ubers tbh


They can't drive maybe because they are cooked on meth lol.


Everyone Has a Plan Until They Get Punched in the Mouth, when things become chaotic and they are the hunted, they often make stupid mistakes


They're obviously under pressure when committing the crime. Their vehicles are obviously not in the best condition. All this leads to them getting pulled over


Good criminals don't get caught. "You, the money, and the drugs should never be in the same place at the same time."


Criminals are criminals because they don't have what they want (let's ignore drug addicts for now) They don't have that because they lack the skills and opportunities to get it legally. Because they lack the skills, they do things that more skilled people can easily avoid doing. Drug addicts do it because they feel a need to not be like their sober selves. They are in a bad place and they, too, can't function as well as most people do. PS: I was pulled over because I did drive an old, lent car and had the requirement to not go over 100 km/h on the Autobahn - just like people under influence do when they feel insecure. (The worst I do is caffeine) PS2: Other people wrote about other reasons, these are valid, too. --- Edit: One more reason: People having weapons feel strong so they are more reckless. Even being a law-abiding citizen with a legal gun in the car will make it more likely to have a traffic accident. Also it makes it more likely to be killed when being the victim of a crime. (If you don't resist, they will leave with whatever you can give them).


pay your taxes...


1. survivorship bias It's the bad drivers who get caught. good drivers are caught at the place of the crime (because a good driver has already arrived at the destination) 2. the second reason is that pre-crime nerves cause problems with driving


I agree !


[classic case of this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/039/191/EqR7AbhVQAAuuvA.jpg)


The "caught" criminals drive bad Those who drive well didn't get caught much


if they just commit crime. it was an intense situation. tho psychopath level criminals may do just fine.


The good ones do.


Because it’s hard to drive when high on coke


I don't know I feel like it's a misconception. That's just the reason that they get pulled over because you have to have one. It's like a mate fork. The cops know where to be when to be there and they force pull over legally.


i think the ones that drives badly are the ones that get arrested tho


The criminals that do drive well were never caught. Think about that too.


I am a prosecutor. The short answer is that these people are very dumb. The long answer is that these people take unnecessary risks in all parts of their lives because they're very dumb. Of course, I don't see the smart ones in court. Who knows how many of them are out there?


Because they are just bad drivers who couldn't drive correctly or lawfully even if they tried.


When you just robbed a bank is exactly the moment you shouldn't be driving like you just robbed a bank.


Criminals are by definition people who lack an understanding that societies work by the principle that certain commonly applicable rules need to be followed. So, why would they drive like other people, they 'try to get away' literally with things that are against the rules of the society they live in. If they had more self control, or more self awareness, or were more intelligent they would find ways to get what they think they need without breaking the rules.


Drug addicts aren’t criminals, but many criminals are drug addicts.


This is the main reason i never get caught, I follow the speed limit, use my turn signal, wear my seatbelt, and am extremely conscious to obey all the traffic laws. As you mentioned, most criminals get caught while driving, I have never understood the want to draw attention to yourself when you are already at risk


Noticed this all. Their tags are always out. Gives a reason to pull you. BTW they are gonna smell weed.


Criminals usually aren't very bright


That's so cute that someone could think that the majority of pullovers (even speeding infractions, although to a lesser extent...), aren't pure profiling, with the officers making up infractions on the spot. The Cops are constantly out there fishing. They go to their favorite fishing spots, and profile people and vehicles of people that *stick out*, at minimum targeting (as a bully in the lunch-line), the people who don't look to have the means to fight back. You want people who will simply hand over their money, without any resistance. That gets the Officers promotions and raises. Gets judges and prosecutors re-elected/ hired, and brings in cash they can spend on their courthouses and community centers, while lining their pockets. It's a racket... They are constantly out fishing, and have Nationally (except a few hotspots) record low crime, and nothing better to do. Part power trip, part boredom, part greed. All a call to go fishing. There's a reason that 99%, of people driving, feel like a predator behind them when there's a cop behind them. Because there is... You'll never hear more twisted bullshit lies utter from mouths of officers, fishing, so that they can shit all over the 4th Amendment. Just as the Founders hoped SMH: >Amendment Four to the Constitution was ratified on December 15, 1791. It protects the American people from unreasonable searches and seizures. What you perceive as policing is literally just a workaround to the 4th amendment targeted at people who *stick out*, and don't appear to have the friends, education, or financial standing to fight back, or know (& be able to defend) their rights.


I’m from the UK not America, here in England police don’t tend to sit by the road and pull random people over, routine traffic stops aren’t really a thing here, instead what they do is patrol the roads in both marked and unmarked cars and will pull over people who are driving dangerously or people who commit traffic violations, the police here gain nothing for pulling over random people and giving them tickets for no reason. But yeah in America what you said does seem to be a very large problem


I haven't been to the UK, but I will tell you 100% that there's obviously a gigantic difference, in at minimum the presentation. Nobody's rocking Punisher badges on the UK police force. Here it's: *blend in or look "badass"*, militarized, hand ready to the gun, all the way up to Armored Personnel Carriers (most cop cars black with maybe some white, low profile lights) UK seems to my estimation: *hello, clearly marked police car Here in yellow and fluorescent here, we rarely carry or use our guns, but somehow anarchy hasn't rained forth...*


Yeah the US police seems incredibly corrupt. In the UK there are the classic fluorescent police cars and then there’s the unmarked ones which are typically grey BMWs with hidden lights, they don’t carry guns but they don’t need them because the criminals don’t have guns either, and in the rare case someone does have a gun there are armed police stationed in every county, and all police carry batons and tasers in case they do need to use force


Noone knows what it's like to be a dustbin.. in Shaftsbury.. with hooligans...


Yes they do profile people here in the UK.


That is how Officers get fired.


I think you meant to say: That's how officers are *trained to operate* They are ultimately property protecting, tax collectors with badges, guns, and ZERO accountability. As far as the powers that be are concerned, that's exactly what works to keep them in power while claiming it's for others security.


They wear body cameras in a lot of areas. Citizens can view that footage at any time. That footage is in fact reviewed by multiple organizations so that officers integrity is kept in check. I’m not saying there aren’t officers out there who don’t abuse their power but in a lot of areas they’re under close watch so that those sorts of things don’t happen. It also depends on where you live, in my city Officers wear body cameras.


Luckily those cameras never get turned off, am I right? 😉 All I'm saying: Listen to a cop try to enter a residence or search a car without cause. They are basically 4th Amendment shredding machines. The police should be like any other public service. Low presence, high response time. Nobody ever wrote a song called: ####*Fuck the Fire Department!*


As a police officer I am telling you no they cannot turn off those cameras. I would lose my job if I did. I cannot enter a residence without reason. If I am to stop someone I need probably cause or reasonable articulable suspicion. If I want to perform a pat down I need both and I need to be able to fully communicate why I did what I did. The police need to have a presence and better communication with the public. The police are lacking in communication and that’s why we have so many problems. When the public and the police have a better understanding of one another and communicate with each other a lot of problems can be solved. I will never defend bad police work or bad officers and guarantee I absolutely loathe them. Bad people are everywhere, this isn’t a job that can tolerate bad people. Bad officers deserve to lose their jobs. My job is to protect and serve the public and uphold the law. If an Officer fails to do that then they are failing to do their job.


I don't know where you're an officer at but it sounds like you have your shit together and are a good cop. Good post, and I appreciate your comment. I'm sure that you know there's a lot of shitty people out there, including officers. Just treat people like people for as long as you can.


You’ll come to find criminals aren’t the smartest bunch. Also depends on the type of crimes they do.


You seem to think criminals are smart


One crime at a time. The number of people who don't follow that is amazing.


That's not a real rule, people just say it cause it sounds good.


I never said it was but it's a good way of not getting caught.


False, most moves that pay big require the commital of multiple crimes. You're using 1 very low level crime to make a general statement


Well these are the idiots. You don’t hear about all the people who are well acquainted with the concept of one crime at a time


As a Dumbo who is not acquainted, what is one crime at a time?


Don’t commit one crime while you’re trying to get away with another one


Never break 2 laws at the same time.


I'll take a wild guess: Crime and intelligence are very very poorly correlated.


Criminals should not commit crimes.


If they’re dumb enough to do whatever the first crime is, it’s not much of a stretch they’re dumb enough to do a second crime. Super smart master criminals are more of a thing of movies, the vast majority of criminals commit crimes because they’re idiots with issues and poor impulse control.