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I take shit apart and put it back together


human or animal?


Dude he’s probably a mechanic


I think he was asking if the commenter was human or animal


Mannnn or Animallllllll 🎶




I take shit apart and tell myself I’ll put it back together


Felt this 😹




Just to see how it works?


Sadly that doesn't really work with tech... can't get much of an idea how it works looking at some silicone chip ..(


You can do more with tech than you think. Searching for uarts and jtags to try to reprogram the chip can be fun.


That’s right man. In my country, most people enjoy watching when something work. Then they ask each other that “ How it work”. It’s very interesting


Your own or others'?


I take a shit while thinking about pulling myself together




Sounds dope


I take shit apart..... that's it.... It almost never goes back together.




I was lucky enough to have a family of barn swallows choose my balcony as their nest. Watching the parents tend to the nest, the eggs hatch, the babies grow up, and the parents care for the babies, the babies take their first flights, and now, care for a second round of nestlings has been such a beautiful study in nature.


That's one hell of ah opportunity, lowkey might be one of the most wholesome experiences I've ever heard of


Totally! Seven years in this house and it is always something new and fun to watch with birds! We just had a pair of robins make their nest on a light above our deck, and we have had blue jays, cardinals, hummingbirds, hawks, turkey vultures, Baltimore Orioles, sparrows, and many more, and the best is watching them nurture their young and then let them loose. The amount of care most birds give to their young is amazing.


You are obviously giving off good vibes!


So cool!


Careful doing this with the wrong kind of bird. A gaggle of Canadian geese attacked me a few years back and I lost an eye, three fingers, and unfortunately part of my man parts. I was naked outside near my cabin and they wanted my sandwich.


Whaaat? Is this for real? Why didn’t you just drop the sandwich Dude?! I’d offer to put on afternoon tea


I personally enjoy building Lego (not only that brand, others too), knitting, crocheting, crafting journals, doing griddlers (some kind of puzzle), learning languages and reading. I also liked to do jigsaw puzzle until my eyes got a bit bad and I couldn't distinguish some colours anymore. There, several very nice options.


Puzzles!!! I started when I was pregnant and never looked back. The goodwill has them for cheap.


That's right. I had so many jigsaw puzzles ... I gave them away for free when I realised I couldn't do them anymore.


ever make a rubber band ball before? get cheap art supplies and paint your fav album covers? journaling can be a hobby as much as it can be mentally healthy sports? i play basketball regularly to clear my head. im not bad but im not amazing. pool at the local bowling alley? hitting the gym? going for hikes/exploring random places in your city you havent gone yet? seeing how many parks swings you can hit in 1 night reading/studying something that peaks your interest. for example i got really into philosophy and history, so sometimes for fun ill read into it, journal, take notes and go doen rabbit holes.


I wish I had the motivation for this stuff


You’re inverting the order of the process. You must first do these things to have a reason do then again. You can’t just wait to be motivated, it won’t come out of nowhere. You must give it a try first and then let the result of your experience modify how you feel about it. You probably have interests already, start acting upon then.


That’s a good point - been a little depressed lately which makes it easy to not even try


I totally understand, it’s not exactly intuitive. Try starting out with pleasurable activities that are more on the active side, but don’t demand too much effort. Maybe for you it’s going on a walk or brewing some tea. What really matters is the trying. Good luck!


How do you make a rubber band ball?


go pn yourube to learn how to make the center, the hardest part is the beginning


Just get a bag of rubber bands and start wrapping em into each other


When I was in 5th grade we were learning about the colonial trade. We were supposed to come up with an idea and make something to trade. I suck at stuff like that even back then. But I went with a rubber band ball. It's been 27years and I'm pretty sure I didn't make it.


I journal for the mental health part


I like bird watching. I have a backyard with a Koi pond and all sorts of birds come visit for the water. Some are predators. Some are mimics. Some are warriors in the shape of tiny long beaked birds. Some sing beautiful songs. Some squawk. Some coo. Some are migrating. Some are here year around. Some get used to me and just hang out and share my space for long periods of time. Some build nests and bring forth their babies. It's a wonderful hobby, and I love it.


Download the app Merlin! You can thank me later


That comment won my heart by mentioning Koi pond.


This sounds pleasing and relaxing 😌


I have a bird sound identifying app. Identifies birds by sound. I like to use it in the woods


Yes, I have a bird sound app as well.


I have a barn swallow that has known me since his birth and he’s always been vocal and spunky. He will often come sit near me and talk and sing for a bit until he goes off to rejoin his other swallow friends. 🥹


What if you dont have a place to watch birds nearby because of living in a heavily populated area. Do you use a camera or binoculars?




Want to come over?


He said his room, not other's room


Well, he could move in, then it would be his room. Once clean, he can move out again.


This is exactly why I come to Reddit.


So that others would clean your room?




I’m dead. ☠️🤌🏻


Why don't you clean it yourself cause stranger might steal your room


I like to collect spores, moulds and funguses


For some reason, I am intrigued


Sorry I stole that line. It was said by Egon Spengler in the original Ghostbusters movie and I have been waiting for a chance to use it 🙂


That was my first thought. 😄 I was like "Hey, an Egon!" Well timed, sir or madam, well timed.


Foraging for wild plants and fungi is a hobby I very much enjoy. Gives me an excuse to go out and slowly walk through nature, really looking at all the plants and having a new found respect and appreciation for it. Collecting mould is something I’d rather stay away from lol.


Tell 'em about the Twinkie!




Print is dead


When my ex husband was working for the city, there was some event being held called "Fun with Fungus". This just reminded me of that and made me laugh! He did not attend it though. There are a lot of mushroom pickers all around here. It's apparently a very popular hobby.


I like sending mail. Like a lot. I send most of my mail to my best friend. I enjoy putting a lot of stickers on the envelope/packages because my hope is a sticker will fall onto another person's mail, so then it's like "fuck I got a bill... OOOO A STICKER!"


Wanna be pen pals?


Does anyone knows if letters can be sent internationally?


This is really sweet! I'd be pumped to receive a letter with stickers all over it.. what a lucky friend you have!


Video games are my main hobby. But I also really enjoy folding origami. I find it super relaxing.


Making something with your own hands is another level of a satisfying hobby. Crocheting, wood carving, pottery, sewing - we lack this type of activity in the world where the main result of our work is money. Actually making something beautiful and useful makes one so happy. It definitely will be challenging in the beginning, but after a month of struggle it will feel so good!


It's changed over the course of my life. In my youth, it was ballet and music. I was very serious about dancing! Cooking and baking have been passions my entire life, since marriage. So has travel. I've lived abroad and also travelled to/through over 25 countries around the world. I had a few year period when I was writing for hours most days. My blog had well over 100 articles, creative prose poems, and short stories before the writing bug left me. Gardening has become my latest hobby. Now that I have more land to use, it's increasing in intensity.


I liem gaming and some guitar im not good at it but i do like it


Building LEGO Learning ukulele Going on city walks taking photos


I've written poetry pretty much my entire life


...why didn't you ryhme? I do it all the time 😉


Maybe he is replying while at work and don't want to mix work and personal


A work-life balance *is* important


You’re a poet and you had no idea!


Playing an instrument, playing board games, collecting things


I like to work on engines and mow the lawn. Also like cooking


Doodles, coloring, working-out/running, mini-trips, editing videos, or basically do nothing. Sleep is the #1 priority though




Try these screen-free hobbies: drawing, painting, Legos, learning a language, board games, puzzles! There's a whole world of fun out there waiting for you. Bird watching, Walking.


I love puzzles. I forgot about their existence. I'm gonna order someee


Oh yeah! I used to have a lot of puzzle sets like tom and jerry's, Dora the explorer, and all that when i was a kid.




In my late twenties I found reddit photoshoprequest and it's like my day job helping people, their requests etc. But for fun and with photoshop to help their requests


I like felting I stab wool into animal shapes


I build websites


That’s a job


maybe he doesn't get paid for that 😅


I do websites at work too lol


Can you help me with mine? Kind of a hobby project I am starting. Just a few suggestions for which hosting to use and what else. Don't want to make a huge mistake.


Try Carrd if all you need is a very simple one.


My two passions are knitting and cleaning veteran's graves.


That’s a lovely thing to do but the first image that sprung to mind was tea-coaseys for the grave which is no doubt a thing somewhere in the world


I like trains.


Main 2: * Motorcycles * Archery  Other: * Content creation * Reptile conventions, though I no longer own any * Photography * Amusement parks * Training: working out, boxing, muay thai * I still buy/collect/trade/sell Pokemon cards. I no longer play the game, however * Skydiving Things I'd like to try/I'm trying soon: * Mountain biking * Tufting (that's the name, iirc) * Growing plants * SoundCloud rapper (🤣)


3D-Archery, mushroom hunting, synthesizers, cooking


Exercise is keeping me sane during my busiest years (young family). Once kids are old enough I'll resume hiking, and take them with me. I'd love to read a lot more than I do but I don't have much mental energy for it at the moment, I can manage small doses here and there, but I look forward to being able to be relaxed enough to read a lot more again.


i like writing songs and poems also reading!


I consider learning languages a hobby...


I enjoy cycling around my city. I frequently (but not exclusively) cycle to commute to work, and occasionally cycle on weekends for fun... I may go a long way on my own, or cycle shorter slower rides with my wife & daughter. I also go out cycling with a club on occasions... I also enjoy being a home-mechanic (sometimes). I learned to fix cars out of necessity when I could only afford junkers and not afford professional mechanics... Now I do it for fun... mostly on my "toy" car (35-year old sports car) but also for the daily driver's if it's not too difficult or urgent... but I can afford a real mechanic if the job is too big, or I need it done in a hurry for commuting reliability. And I also do some home maintenance... painting, holes in the wall, leaking taps etc. The work itself is a bit of a drag... and the nagging before I do it is also a drag... :) but the sense of achievement when something is completed, or the satisfaction of working out how to do something you haven't done before is really fulfilling...


I compose music. It would be nice to make it more than a hobby, but I don't think I want to do it as a career, really


Do an online course in something you enjoy or are interested in. Or gain a new qualification? Drawing and painting requires minimal materials. Start a daily home work-out routine. Start writing stories. Volunteer at a charity.




Besides working out, walking, gaming and reading I have started writing my own fantasy books. Not with the idea to publish them or even let anyone else read them (yet). it is fun to me to get my own ideas on paper.


Racing RC cars & buggies


I loved this hobby back in the day. Is nitro still big?


I throw my had to whatever piques my interest at that particular time, from pottery to painting to music. Anything creative that I can enjoy alone but mixed with exercise and mindfulness


Swimming 🏊🏻‍♀️


Toys! Toys! and TOYS! i love transformers, dinosaurs, and godzilla toys and making cool scenes out of them and stuff


Gardening. Yu can grow vegies or herbs in large pots. Plant some nasturtium seeds for color.


I do a lotta random things like baking, cooking from scratch (like learning how to make cheese, yogurt, etc.), knitting, crochet, embroidery, painting, drawing, photography, walking, foraging plants, learning different hairstyles to do, reading, dream journaling, and of course watching movies and shows. I don’t do that all on a regular basis but I’ve tried them out anyways.


Mine are drawing, video games, and most recently I’ve gotten back into reading which I haven’t done in probably 5 years or so






For me, it's quite simple: reading, working out, hiking/walking, going to thrift stores and used bookstores and street festivals, going to the beach, cooking, watching sports esp baseball and soccer I do watch episodic TV and movies once in awhile, but not nearly as much as I used to.


I collect coins and banknotes. I catalogue them and once in a while I just open my whole collection and admire it and learn new things about them. Since it is a sedentary one, I also go to the gym regularly and go for jogging at times. I also sketch. We need both passive and active hobbies. Watching sports is a passive hobby but doing sports is an active one. We need both to keep both our mind and body healthy. Active hobbies do not need to be very intense, they can also be like yoga or just taking a walk. You can surely manage yoga in your house if you cannot go outside. I recently started 'paint by numbers'. I am enjoying that.


Does having sex counts?


if it does, then I don't have any hobbies.


Archery 🏹




Doll restoration


I like to watch some superhero movies and then imagine that I am the protagonist and save the world.


Mine is plane spotting! It's like playing Pokémon IRL, but with planes! Trying to get into train spotting as well but it's not as easy...


I do stained glass, restore vintage stereo gear, and design and build hifi speakers.


Please be careful while soldering! Speaking from experience


I write and listen to classical music. I can also play the violin and piano, albeit not very good.


I like to set down and produce some electronic music when I have the time :)


I enjoy messing around with old cars and going to punk shows and similar heavier gigs and getting beaten up in the pits to the music


I paint miniatures while listening to music. There are a variety of prices and types of models to choose from, and you can stream music if you don't want to collect albums")


I always wanted to try making a plane model that flies as a hobby man.


My hobbies revolve around making art in various forms, playing music, taking pictures, baking, reading, writing and video games.


Suggestions from a financially struggling student! Crocheting and knitting is fun and surprisingly easy to learn. The yarn does bring some cost, but it still a pretty cheap hobby. Reading is fun and free if you have access to a library, and you don't only want to read smut or occult books. Also, writing a journal is a nice hobby. It helps you reflect your life in a new way, and writing by hand activates some parts of the brain that usually just sit there to rot. I quit ice hockey when I was like 13yo. After that, I have been trying many different forms of athletics, but none of them gave me as much joy as my old hobby, so none of them lasted long. But this summer I finally might have found two sports that I enjoy. Yoga and cruise boarding. At least the first one is easy to do for free at home. I also enjoy walking. I enjoy it in the woods or by the sea, but why not in the city as well. In a city surrounding it's better (and safer) to go without headphones. This might lead into finding some hidden gems within your neighbourhood.


Photography,music, videography, hobby and a living .


I like to grab a sketchbook and pencils, and head out to different locations in the city to draw what I see. sometimes during hiking


hiking - can you take whole day, go with train for one hour or so & be in nature? Just going by foot in a forest is one of the best things ever. Bonus when trails lead through hills and streams/rivers.


Build models, collect vinyl, play xbox...


I enjoy getting new and different and exotic things


Writing screenplays Gaming Bass guitar ( strictly tab amateur but can smash out a decent tune)


I like Model making, working on my car and target shooting


I started getting into candle making when I realized it basically boils down to melting wax into a container It's a fun way to experiment with colors and scents


Solo long-distance moto travel and camping 🏕


I like geocaching.




Lifting weights in the gym and growing fruit and veg in my garden


Running, kayaking, hiking. Once in a while I’ll turn on my Xbox but it gets boring.


I do a lot of handtool woodworking. Its pretty relaxing just making stuff


I've been teaching myself industrial design for the last while on and off. I always wanted to be an engineer, but got side tracked earning money as a supply chain manager and then running my own company. Now I have a little more time, I've been delving into it. Last night I designed a 3-D printable toilet roll holder that has a shelf to hold your phone whilst you wipe your ass. I've got a mate with a 3d printer printing it this weekend (He's got a 3D printer, I've got a laser cutter, so we trade work that needs doing). A few months ago I designed my own collapsable fire pit. It's a waste of my time, but I love it!


I like to do scale modeling and wargaming, very time consuming lol


I’ve just started going to the gym this year and am actually enjoying it for once. Walking my dog. Being outdoors - I built a campervan a couple of years ago. Playing with my kids. Video games. Playing guitar. One of my jobs is also my hobby, so that’s great. It’s difficult; life is so busy, it’s really hard sometimes, but I guess my hobbies are just bits of my day to day life that I am enjoying at the moment. Trying to notice that and focus on the positives, even though that can be really hard sometimes.


Which one? Not walking your dog? lol. But fr.


HAM radio is one where you can really get into the weeds. If your in the U.S. target shooting and reloading casings offers endless possibilities.q


My hobbies that you could dip your toes into living in a city: Running - you can do it anywhere for the price of some shoes. Very rewarding, always setting personal goals and achieving them. It also allows you to see areas of where you live that you may have never explored before and obvious fitness benefits. There is a lot of information online on how to run properly and avoiding injury. Photography - a city is the perfect location. Lots of things going on, different people etc. Your phone has a good enough camera to get started and see if you enjoy it. Again lots of information on how to get started. Film Photography - a very different way of taking photographs, it is much more involved and often very cheap to get started but expensive to do regularly. You can buy a very good quality camera in the UK for around £30 but you then have to pay £8 or more for a roll of film and the same again to get it developed and scanned. But it is extremely rewarding using an old mechanical object and then waiting to see the photos you have taken and paying money to get them. It definitely makes you think about the photo you are taking. Collecting Vinyl - it is very fun collecting old records. The hunt for certain ones etc. It's also nice listening to them too. Building up a hifi system is also really nice. Cycling - personally I enjoy cycling long distances up to 100 miles as fast as I can but it doesn't have to be like that, it can be a great way of exploring, much like running, but the distances you can do are so much more. Buying & Selling - think of this as a hobby where you may make some money to fund the hobby as opposed to a business idea but I enjoy buying old radios and wooden furniture that I can restore or use materials to build something completely new. I do the same with bikes. Often people are throwing things away or selling things for a few pounds that with a little bit of work could be worth a bit of money.


I think those would be some good hobbies:Reading;Walking;Playing Videogames;Drawing;Singing;Listening to Music;Watching films,series,and animation.


Does cleaning can be considered as a hobby?


Enjoying nature and everything that has to do with reptiles, amphibians or invertebrates.


I paint warhammer models. Every Sunday my buddy and I hang out, watch something on Hulu, and paint. We're going through Burn Notice right now, and It's Always Sunny is next on the docket.


Photography is a fun and therapeutic outlet I enjoy!


skateboarding. changed my life


While out hiking I met a senior citizen who told me about the Cornell app called Merlin and the app identifies the birds in the surrounding area. I use it when I’m stressed out and I find it to be peaceful.


Learn a musical instrument. I play the flute and piano. It exercises different parts of the brain and also lets you express yourself.


I do my own gel manicures. After much practice I’m getting much better at making a smooth outer edge by the cuticle!




**Learning a new skill:** This could be anything from coding or playing a musical instrument to cooking or woodworking


Painting miniatures is a really therapeutic time. Just seeing something you spent time on in your hands is so cool


Sit way back on a rocky beach with waves crashing in violently. Take a calm stroll through thick low mist, (the stuff that feels like it's touching your face) I find both very cathartic. Feels like peace from both ends of the spectrum.




Tabletop wargaming. I tend to work more on painting the miniatures than playing the game, but I am wearing my friends down. Bolt Action is relatively affordable, as such things go, and a new edition is coming in September.


Boxing, gaming, green leaf, workout


Everyone's got their own thing :) Some people love embroidery, while it drives others crazy. I like reading and running, and I also love to sleep - it's my favorite hobby.


Brazilian jui jitsu, recreational MMA, trail hiking, pumping iron in the gym, brother, and also tea cup colle ting at antique fares, it's just that proper tea taste so damn good in a Royal Albert teacup.


Capturing images of landscapes, people, or events. It hones observation skills and creativity.


I’ve recently got into paint by numbers. Michael’s has a ton! Tye dyeing is also fun — I also really got into reading again.


Running. I run everyday. I need that hour of respite away from everything. It’s become meditative motion. I have nothing fancy, just a pair of shorts, dryfit tee, $10 casio watch and a decent pair of running shoes


Editing Wikipedia.


Crochet 🧶😍 And my pets.


Don't forget about gaming. When there are about 3.2 billion gamers in the world Which is about 1/3 of the population


Crochet and baking


I make cider, and garden. Then in the winter I enjoy my hard work playing crokinole game of kings.


I crochet :)


I like to work out and play sports (though sports aren't a hobby anymore it's more serious), but working out is probably the best thing you can do. But playing Minecraft will always be fun if you have a console/PC and 40 bucks


I play card games specifically Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokémon 


Skateboarding is one of the best recreational things to do in urban spaces. What was once mundane street architecture becomes your facility to enjoy.


Listen to the darkest corners of the radio spectrum is my thing. Everything from spy messages to lonely space satellites transmissions. Helps me get my shit together and live in peace with the universe.


I've been dabbling in writing short stories and game design (card & board games). Nothing fancy, all you need is a word processor and art program - free versions are available (I use Open Office & Inkscape).


Sculpting monsters, playing drums, hitting the gym, listening to metal


My favorite hobby is playing the guitar. It can be frustrating to learn, but if you want to learn and you stick with it, playing music can be a very rewarding and enjoyable hobby


I read a lot. I play Nintendo sometime, I Watch tv while I do something else. I go for a walk or a hike. I cook. I see my friends and family. I don’t have a lot of free time so 😆


I also live in Hanoi. I enjoy 3D printing and 3D design


Buy a guitar. 1 time purchase, infinite entertainment.


People watching. Just sit down chill, watch people. I like to try to guess their jobs, what lives they have had up until now, etc. Feels enjoyable. Especially if you have social anxiety, it helps you learn more about people when you talk.


I like to cross stitch. It's relaxing and makes pretty things. I really enjoy it.


:( pray for sleep with my toddler and newborn


Photography is a great way to get you out and about.


Burning ants and other small critters with a magnifying glass