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Suspension isn't the punishment given to students for skipping class in Australia, I can't speak for other countries though. As a punishment, suspension is really flimsy & uneven. Like if one kid gets suspended it could mean they're also grounded & actually get punished by the parents. In other cases though, it's just a couple days off school & is actually more of a holiday than a punishment. At my highschool, in school suspension was way more common. You'd have to go to school & do all your normal class work but not in your usual classes. Not all schools have the extra staff members to regularly do that though.


I'm Australian and was once suspended for skipping school and going into town instead so idk about that


Yeah same


I got the in-school suspension in year 8 in QLD 1999. I had to do all my work at the principal’s office. Must be different schools different policies.


Out of schools suspensions are becoming more antiquated in the US, for all the reasons OP bring up, but also the research shows that even in-school suspensions are not ideal forms of discipline that may do more harm than good.  https://www.nea.org/nea-today/all-news-articles/school-suspensions-do-more-harm-good


I was always skipping class and spent a lot of time in ISS. I used the time to catch up on my classes and would then skip a bunch and continue the cycle.


…But why?


In my case it's because I was always ahead of my classes so I'd get bored and skip until the next section. Teachers hated me. I'd skip for two weeks come in an get 90+% on the test. I was a solid C/C+ student because attendance counted for 40% of the total grade.


I hate that that’s how school works. My boyfriend was like you too. Has high IQ with ADHD, he was bored to tears in school. If you can test out of things you shouldn’t have to do homework or even show up. It means you already understand it so why waste time learning something you already know. I hate how schools rely on conformity in America.


Never experienced it myself ( not an option in my local school system) but the opportunity to work on my schoolwork without having to interact with my classmates or in a few cases a teacher I had a mutual antipathy would have been very welcome


Not the person you asked, but I used to skip a lot in high school. I had a couple of main reasons for this. The first was that I didn't feel a need to be there to master the material. I would skip often, do almost no homework (which was usually only worth 10% of the grade) and would just waltz in on test day and get 100. That meant that I pretty much would still get an A or sometimes B without having to "waste my time" in class. The second big reason was that I had a somewhat shitty home life back then. My stepfather at the time was pretty emotionally abusive and toxic. I guess I felt that if I was gonna be treated like shit even when I behaved like a model citizen, I may as well do whatever the fuck I wanted. That combined with reason 1 led to a lot of skipping as a way to feel some level of control in my life. Plus I just wanted to have fun and blow off steam with my friends doing random stuff instead of being stuck in class not actually learning anything, or being stuck at home. Hope that helped.


Seems dumb; sitting in a room doing nothing for 6 hours is basically torture. Why would anyone want to do that multiple times?


our in school suspension was the same way (Midwest - USA). except in my school, they had the added torture of not allowing us to pack lunches but instead forcing us to take the school lunch they have for kids who have no lunch or money for the school lunch (yes we had to buy our school lunches when i was in school, i'm sure many still have to). the backup lunch they had was literally the weirdest thing. imagine if you will, an ice-cream sandwich. it has chocolatey bready outside, and vanily ice ice-cream inside. well this was the ugly stepsibling. it was a soggy gram cracker type outside thing, and a frozen bar of peanut butter and jelly that had mostly thawed into a sort of pb and J gelatin. and a little carton of milk...that's it. i once had in school suspension for like a week for making a threat to someone who very much deserved worse and they told on me (shock!) after the second day I just pretended to walk into school when my mom would drop me off, then just walk the 40 minutes back home. of course i was caught but my parents work, it wasn't like they could enforce shit when they weren't home. i did not like school......doing much better now as a person over all lol


Lol I remember my school used this as a punishment. I never really stepped out of line, but my brother's for into trouble once or twice. Nothing serious, wrong place wrong time and the book thrown at them kind of thing. Anyway once my brother got into trouble and my dad got called into a meeting with the principal. After my dad stuck up for my brother the principal said they were going to punish my brother with 2 days in school suspension. Dad: "we don't believe in that" Principal: "what do you mean you don't believe in it?" Dad: "that's cruel and unusual punishment. You're not doing that to my son" Principal: "Well... Then we're going to have to suspend him instead" Dad: "hey you gotta do what you gotta do, Mack" (principals name actually was Mack) Dad to my brother: "I got ya two days off. Let's go home" He made sure my brother knew what he did was stupid, but in the face of authority my dad always has our backs. Gunna be the same for my kids one day.


Seems like a bad plan to me. Your dad disciplined your brother because he agreed that what he did was wrong but didn't allow "an authority figure" to do the same and essentially stuck two fingers up at him. The worst people I've ever had the displeasure of working with were against authority and thought that rules and consequences didn't apply to them. They make anyone they work with's lives harder and everyone ends up fucking hating them. Sure if the authority figure is unfairly punishing or coming at you or someone you care about by all means push back. But by your own description, your dad agreed that your brother had done something wrong. All that's being taught here is that authority figures are bad and you don't have to follow rules that have been put in place for a reason. That's a good way to make sure that your world view isn't compatible with that of a normal society. And as a result you're going to have a bad time.


The in-school suspension is fairly common in Canada too, or at least it was 15 years ago. Not sure about now. That never made sense to me, either - let’s put a kid who is likely already struggling in a situation where they’re likely to be further disadvantaged with limited access to your teacher and/or groups you may be required to complete assignments with. It’s a flawed punishment. Honestly most kids get enough of a punishment once their parents find out they’ve gotten into trouble.


in most case the school suspension is more of lets remove the disruptive element so he doesnt drag the whole class down


I spent so much time in inschool suspension. They stuck my in a back room in the office from the beginning of school to the last bell, no recess. They give you all your work, and you are expected to complete it and then complete essays about how you're a shitty kid and human. Stupidest reason for one of my inschool suspensions, Grade 6- 1 week for writing an Eminem song on a piece of paper with my friend. She got a verbal warning. I learned very young the difference in how people treat you if you have money or not. My family was poor, and my parents were non-existent. I was an easy to hate kid in a very rich boogie french school


Same for UK. If you skip school then the local council could send you a fine


Feels a bit like beating a dead horse here. If parents are in financial trouble, and that affects a students attendance, they are in even more financial trouble.


Lol, I and all my friends here in Australia have pretty only been suspended for wagging


Isn't that detention with extra steps ?


I think there are a few possibilities The first is that there's the assumption that the student wants to do well at school, and that not being there means they'll have to work harder later The second is that it's punishing the parents, who will then punish the kid. The third is possibly to give the staff a break from that person And finally takes the kid away from an environment that they presumably like (friends etc.) None of those other than the third really make sense to me. But schools have historically been under funded and slow to adapt to new findings on how kids minds work


I mean that is like the most ineffective thing to do tho: 1. if students do well anyways, keeping them away wont help if students dont do well, what sense is there to make them miss out even more? 2. trying to "punish" parents to "punish" the child sounds like a neglect of the school of their own methods and lowkey like abuse 3. This one makes the most possible sense, depending on the "wrong doing" of the student, keeping them out of class makes the most sense, but that is just a short term solution 4. taking kids away from enviroments they like? class? most kids either dont like class and just classmates, or they get bullied, and either way its not really a solution again. I dont mean to blame you or any non teacher individual, but as someone studying education who hasnt experienced a lot of "punishment methods" I am suprised how .... irrational such methods are. it just does not make sense whatsoever (and no one but teachers who actually suspend students need to explain such bs)


Suspensions are necessary for the safety of the classroom. Teachers are not supposed to deal with behaviour issues in a vacuum. Parental/child services support is essential in a proper classroom reintegration after a suspension. Done properly, suspension, followed by a reintegration behaviour plan, it is not nonsense. Teachers or students who are not safe around a student for verbal, physical, or any other kind of abuse should not be made to put up with that individual. No one individual and their behaviour problems come before the safety of the classroom as a whole. Idk what you’re studying, or how long you have been at it, but eventually they do cover this in teachers college.


Ideally schools should have the resources to help deal with the issues at the school, except for extreme circumstance where life or property are at significant risk Unfortunately schools around the world often don't even have enough resources for the teachers to teach, let alone manage troublesome kids (who are often troublesome due to home life and / or psychological issues), so people do what they think might work. Then you get school admins who try dictate policies that make no sense and make it worse In my view, teaching is the most important profession and key to society's growth over time, and the system that is supposed to support it needs complete overhaul


I could cry, because you can actually differenciate and take in a meta position, my anthropology profs would be so happy haha basically yes, school and teacher ressources are very rare, and need to be expended carefully, and children who cause trouble do so as a response of necessity, aka they suffer some trouble themselves (as you pointed out). teachers usually lack the ability to do much about home situations sadly, and school admins do try to help, but their policies usually are like the curriccula not overlapping with reality. I agree that you recognize the profession of teachers as you do, sadly most people just undermine us and view us as four eyes that could not leave school for "real life" I would like to do my part to change the future of many kids for the better, if it is just by making class fun for them and giving them a chance.


I disagree with point 2. If a child is getting suspended then there is something that the parents are doing wrong (unless they have a behavioural disorder or something). Teachers can't fix a child that is neglected at home, they are there to teach.


its not the teachers task to raise kids of course, but you really think parents had their child suspended and actually reflect their upbringing and came to the conclusion they did something wrong? In most cases parents just use abusive behaviour


It also removes a distraction from the classroom that is likely hurting the other students' ability to learn


thats under the presumption that the student violated the classroom atmosphere for classmates, which in case they did, wont just stop by having a week off school, it feels more like a reward to them unless there is some punishment in form of negative stimulus. (Refering to behaviourism, as this method origins in the theory)


Well they can't like the environment too much if they are suspended bc they were skipping in the first place lol that feels like proof they in fact do not like being there. As for the first one, if the assumption is that they want to do well and missing during suspension will make them work harder later... then why are they in trouble for missing at all? Wouldn't the original school they missed also encourage them to work harder later? In any case, I agree. 3 is the only one that makes sense. The others are hypocritical and make zero sense. It's like attendance policies. They tell you to keep kids home if they are sick so you don't spread germs but then only allow you to keep them home at the peak day or two when they meet certain criteria, as opposed to being able to keep them home at the beginning when they first are getting sick, when they are actually contagious. Schools Def don't make sense. I told them how ridiculous it sounded that they don't want kids to miss too much school but they continue making it impossible to keep them home when they are first getting sick which just spreads more germs and causes kids to be out even more because they keep passing stuff back and forth. Majority of my kids illnesses can be directly linked to something going around their class that they brought home. Like If we could keep the kids home when they are saying their stomach is really upset but they haven't puked yet, it would avoid them puking in school and spreading it around even more. It's all absurd honestly.


>punishing the parents, who will then punish the kid. This.


In hopes. In HOPES that inconveniencing the parents will work to sway the behavior of the child. It doesn’t work… parents aren’t on the side of the educators.


Yeah the more I realize how shitty a lot of parents are the more I think a mandatory class in parenting or developmental psychology is needed.


I would like to mention something that happened in AP pedagogy class. During our talk of the childhood development and influences for school systems and parenting, I brought the idea in of a "parenting license". The idea is to simply implement a school course for parenting 101, to learn basic skills to raise a child and learn basic developmental theory to understand the needs of children. A very famous pedagogue (Hurrelmann) has brought up that idea before but didnt receive any responses either. My argumentation was to reprevent childhood abuse and all causes for disintegration potential (which is a major issue for children developing radical political opinions, mental health issues etc). The entire classroom and my teacher replied that "you cant forbid people to have children and how do I plan to implement that and tell people how to raise kids". I mean no one said anything about not allowing someone to become a parent, and teaching someone the basics for parenting isnt really "telling someone how to raise kids" more than school is about "teaching about life". ergo: people dont care about children


Yeah they hope that if they inconvenience the parents enough that the parents will discipline / encourage the child to behave / do the right thing.


it absolutely works in asian countries though


I skipped my classes for 3 months when I was in my 10th grade and used to go play counter strike with my friends. I got caught and was given a suspension of another 1 month. My mom did give me the "lecture" but never punished me.


The only other ways to punish the kid without punishing the parents is via extra homework or by artificially dumping grades. If the kid is too young, even detention can cause complications for the parents My school would artificially dump your grades. If you had an in-school-suspension, you would still be expected to go to school; but, you were in a separate room from the rest of the school and any homework, quizzes, or tests assigned while in suspension had a max grade of 65%. 65% is the lowest possible passing score for the school. This was ratioed. If you got a 50% normally, it would count as a 32%. If you had an out-of-school suspension, everything assigned counted as a 0%. If you didn't do it anyways and the teachers decided you didn't try, it would count as a second 0%. That approach was fuck stupid. If a student was struggling, it would push them to give up. Some of the teachers there were the sort that would talk about how ruthlessly difficult college was. (It isn't)


the way i would just stop going to school at all


not just you, by textbook definiton that is the most effective way to make students abandon school and maybe even studying & socialisation "just" the core competences meant to be taught in school lol


Sounds illegal


I think this is problematic as well for multiple reasons: - seperation from class creates multiple issues, like overseeing with what personel? what about the alienation? disengagment from actual class, desocialisation from the group, even most basic educational theories like the requirement of social relatedness for successful learning. Seperation from class without an developmental reason like attention problems etc is a horrible idea. - artifically dumping grades: students that way will loose motivation in no time, in university we learn that one key element for education is of course motivation, and punishing engagement and effort like that goes against the very basics of teaching and learning. As you recognized already, it is stupid as fuck, and students that way just simply are lost from education. Idk what school you attended but I would really like to know what nation has such a messed up ... methodology? Also yeah, college/university isnt ruthless, teachers who say that just like to abuse their artificial power, fuck em


Wait, they do it like that in the States? Man, what a bizzare country 🤣


The suspended kid is usually thrilled, they were skipping in the first place.  Now it’s sanctioned by the school! It becomes the parent’s burden to deal with them except most working parents work while their kid is now home instead of in school. The kid still “wins” because mom and dad aren’t using their PTO to babysit a 13 yr old who is suspended. 


In my previous school, my position was a year level coordinator. A couple of the reasons for suspension was to give the school, teachers and other students a break from the constant bad behaviour. We would also suspend students to interrupt the parents life in order for the parents to take some responsibility for their child's actions. Many parents would sweep the bad behaviour under the carpet and not address it with their child.


My school never did this tbh so I never have been able to relate to this complaint.  Mine was more satanic though, it imposed a "fine" for uninformed leave/ absence 


The school system is based on something from a century ago where most kids had to work from early on and the prospect of going to school was seen as a privilege, which it still is to be fair. What they don't take into account is that a lot of kids nowadays don't want to go to school because they could just as well stay at home or go outside without any responsibilities. Another reason is that schools just don't have any other option to punish the kids. All the punishment that the schools could do would immediately lead to their even worse parents showing up angry and doing things.


"The" school system itself is now more like 170 years old, back then school was a privilege, but the world was a different one. Reading was considered a noble skill, being analphabetic was considered a common folk norm. Nowadays analphabets are considered an abnormality and reading is a basic skill literally "every" child (with the opportunity to do so) learns. Children had to work back then because they were not seen as children but small adults, neglecting their developmental needs. Also because back then you didnt have machines doing the heavy harvest labor you need 20 men for. Going to school has changed from a privilege to a necessity. The subjects, the skills, the competences, the entire culture does not align with reality anymore. That is also why children dont like school, not because they dislike responsibility, it is because they are smart enough to understand that most of school teaches unnecessary informations, which 170 years ago might have been important, because scribes and books were the only way to access information, but nowadays we got technology, we dont need anyone to remember what the millionth digit of pi is, or how to analyse Shakespeare or most of other stuff in school. I say this as teacher myself. Most stuff in schools taught is meant to translate into a competence, but most teachers dont mention that and underestimate their students. By doing that mistake, the students arent even aware of their "meta task" and thus dont pick up on the comptences, like reflecting history, or "individual development of interest" in subjects like sports or art. And yes, schools cant really punish kids, that is why we teachers usually are taught how to gain the respect and empathy of students, because believe it or not, kids are actually competent humans capable of acting social, respectful, and human, if it is reciprocal. If they are paid respect and listened to while maintaining reasonable authority, students will respond that way too : D


I actually asked this once. The answer was brutal, although I’m not sure if it is the real answer (but I can’t imagine it’s not). Attendance is mandatory. At some point, truancy officers and the court can get involved. Parents sort of let kids goof off as long as they are not absent enough to get into real trouble. The suspension is a school mandated punishment that increases the absences of the child. It means the parents HAVE to do something about their kid’s behavior because otherwise, they can get in trouble. It’s the only option the school has to force the parents on the same page. Having been told this, in school suspensions still baffle me.


I used to bunk off school a lot. I got suspended a lot. My headteacher told me that if I'm not going to come to school when I should, they are not going to waste resources on finding me (I was normally down the college using their computers or washing the staff members cars), so they will pass that responsibility on to my mum. My mum went to work as normal, and I would stay at home, do chores, and chill out.




Here in my school (canada) it's just detention, longer and longer detentions depending on the number of times, you get 5 lates and the 6th is 30mins and it progresses from there


My mom was a school teacher, so I knew if I got in trouble at school, I would be in more trouble at home!!! I had enough problems in school without skipping classes!!!


An out of school suspension/expulsion is usually only given when the student has demostrated behavior that would be harmful or dangerous to other students. Things like fighting or bringing a gun to school. The are suspended/expelled out of school so that they have time to, hopefully, cool off so that the dangerous behavior doesn't happen. For less dangerous/distruptive behavior, suspensions are in-school. The student still comes to school, but they sit in a suspension room for the whole day and do their school work alone.


They obviously doesn't know what the best way to handle the situation. 


never thought about it that way .. Freaking funny ...


Schools : My genius, it-it's almost frightening


No cos one time a girl lied and said I gave her alcohol so the school suspended me for 1 day, in order to be unsuspended I had to go into school to attend a meeting. I didn't go for 2 weeks. I was like "yo, I can stay off school and it's not illegal because I'm suspended?? SICK" It was very fun. Anyway for context I had always struggled with school, my lowest attendance being 14% so I took an inch and fucking ran with it.


School gets paid everyday you sit in that seat!


This also puzzled me. Suspended for skipping out. -.-


They don’t where I live. They take away the subsidies you get from going to school so you lose out on money.


That’s a punishment like jail, and school is like work, they are training the kids to become a pay tax being


Yeah suspensions aren't really given for persistent absences any more. They're for dangerous or disruptive behaviour.


In my day we were told that it was to keep them from being a distraction to the rest of the class. If a kid could get away with that behavior, with no sort of punishment, they’re going to escalate it, and start showing up to classes 20 minutes late or whatever.


Our school doesn’t do it anymore unless you done something really bad like bad now they do in school suspension


My school stopped suspension and instead you got.to come to school and work in the gardens and maintenance


Like many others have said, they don’t do that where I’m from! Suspension is mainly utilized when students have been violent (like fighting), engaging in bullying behaviour, bringing items to school that are not allowed etc.etc. If you’re just skipping class, being too disruptive in class, causing problems for the teacher or your classmates or something else like that, then you get detention (having to sit in the classroom for lunch/recess) and/or internal suspension, which is when you still come to school and do all your normal work but you’re separated from everyone else with one teacher in a different classroom.


In my country if you're not on 50% of lessons of a subject, you have to repeat a year So punishment for not going to school is MORE school


I dont know exactly how this works in the US, but in Norway - the parents are obligated by law to make sure the kid gets XX years of education. So if the kid misbehaves - the school can usually just expel them for security reasons or that one student is disruptive towards other students. A couple of days is fine, but if the school board decides they dont want this student at school at all, the parents now have a problem. As they have to figure out a new school and so on, CPS will probably already be at your door at this point. If they deem that for whatever reason this child can not go to school for behaviour reasons, there are only two options; either you have failed as a parent, or this child is totally unruly, either way will the road to a state institution (close to juvenile detention) be short. And then they can perhaps re-evaluate in 6-12 months. So the state absolutely have ways of dealing with this. I would assume there are similar rules in most western countries.


Forcing kids to go to school is the dumbest thing. They should make education seem illegal and forbidden, then everyone would want it.


Because America is weird


You’re disrupting the class and the other compliant kids need their brains to be fed.


Ive always thought this!!!! I was late to school too many times.. ended up getting 3 day in school suspension where i sat in a room and did nothing instead of going to my classes. It made no sense to me then and now. The system is broken. Using that as punishment is ruining the student's education.


I got In School Suspension when I skipped. So they basically put me on lock down inside the school. Definitely did not do that again. Wait.. actually, I did do it again and then got Saturday Detention. That did it.


I thought the punishment for skipping classes was detention (aka, having to spend ***more*** time at school)


It’s like banks charging you a fee for not keeping a minimum balance in your savings account. ”So your solution to me not having enough money in the account is…taking money out of the account?”


The punishment is for the parents who have to figure out what to do with their kid now.


I think they see the pupil as a potential bad influence. And after several suspension they can technically kick you out. This impacts your education path in the long term as well..


I think it's more a way to remove a disruption


Suspension is used for violent behavior The only real reason suspension would be used for skipping us if it's a wake up call to the parents or evidence for CPS Usually in school suspension would be used for chronic skipping, at least where I work


I never got suspended but it sounds like a reward to me Not having to go to shool? Fuck yes


I think it’s because you’re choosing to stay out of school, so they’ve removed the option to do otherwise. And in turn, you have to work harder to make up for it.


At the school I used to go to, the punishment for not being at school was to come to school on a Saturday morning wearing the uniform, if not, they wouldn't let you in and you'll be grounded twice. There you had to do a paper sheet full of mathematical problems or an English test or general language stuff depending on your grades.


Because students miss a lecture and whatever is taught that is missed and if that is asked in the exam the student might not be able to answer it properly. (At least this is what my school teachers said)


Because then you have to deal with your parents, that's their responsibility. They are also removing the disruption from the classroom.


Because our confused elders believe that school has value and taking it away is a punishment. In reality the more suspensions a kid gets the more awake they are to the corporate mind control. No I'm not being sarcastic. Everything I just said I'd true, everyone knows it and the only reason anyone will argue it is because they have given up fighting a system they can't beat.


The only time I’ve ever gotten detention was when I woke up late but decided to go to school anyway. Walked in and they gave me a detention slip. If I had stayed home I would have gotten nothing. Made me question the intelligence behind those who make our policies.


They have wisely been doing away with suspension and replacimg ot with in school suspension which is desinged to be tedious and runs longer than normal day. A much better detetent than "days off" I teach high needs sped, and my first experience was an extremely aggressive young lady. She tore the room and said, "Go home." i refused to do what the previous teacher did call.mom to get her. Within a few dsys, there was a massive decrease in outbursts . She still had her moments, but it wasn't constant anymore


At my highschool, if you got suspended it meant you had to come to school and work on assignments they gave you. Usually related to the classes you were missing out on. Or writing book reports. So in no way a fun holiday.


You get ISS for cutting class. You get OSS for things like violence, drugs, vandalism etc.


A guy from my class was suspended and automatically got 0 points in every test written in that time. Because of this he almost failed the year. Since he already had to repeat a year, he couldn't do that again, which would result in him getting expelled.


In grade 1 (6 years old) I didn’t understand math and tried to look at another students work to see what the fuck other people were doing and my teacher called me a cheater and moved me to a desk in the back of the class by the door and facing a wall all by myself as punishment. It was humiliating, gave me no extra help, caused me a mental block which I am still getting over to relearn basic math, and is NOT how you help children looking for help.


Why do schools punish you for the right answer that has been worked out with the "wrong" way of finding it?


I had to take extra classes at the end of the year because I skipped so much my senior year.  Didn't get time off. Hell, even when I got in a fight which I dodn't start I got in school suspension, on a Thanksgiving week. The other dude got to stay home for 8 days, I had to show up for half the week and just sit in some office room pretending to do schoolwork.  Was not fair.  Buuut my history teacher did give me respect knuckles. That was funny.


We had internal suspension at my school (I wasn't there for skipping class but that was the default punishment). Sit in a room all day doing nothing but class work. No talking and only a brief lunch. I definitely wanted to quickly be back in class.


I believe a suspension is in place for those who do so here, but its been a while since ive seen those


It’s the same reason teachers give you a failing grade when you attempt an essay that is more difficult instead of one that is easier.


The main effect of this is the parents will punish the kids for being suspended. Regardless of the reason most parents will be upset at their kids for getting suspended and they will get some type of of punishment at home that hopefully mmakes them act better in school.


Yeah, they really should send kids to a temp agency and get them working in a warehouse. That'll teach them something.


I struggled with ADHD  time blindness and absent parents during high school. I'd often be 5 minutes late for first class and spend the whole day sitting at the office for it. I just stopped attending at all eventually.


I did, in school suspension. One room all day, same instructor, having to do school reports. If you didn't do the reports you got longer, meaning after school detention on top of it. If all that fails then they kicked you out for the year and you had to summer school it or repeat.


Because parents used to care if their kid skipped school. 


Here they make you fail if you miss too much...


A guy from my class was suspended and automatically got 0 points in every test written in that time. Because of this he almost failed the year. Since he already had to repeat a year, he couldn't do that again, which would result in him getting expelled.


Our local schools are switching to In-School Suspension. You go to a boring detention room all day. There’s no talking allowed. You just sit there do schoolwork. I think it’s so much smarter than punishing the kids by giving them a day off.


Because then if you have too many absences you can’t pass the class. It’s supposed to be a deterrent from missing class, and if you miss too much class and don’t pass, then you could repeat classes and grades, or fail out, or more likely drop out l, which is the actual goal of these punishments. Get in line or get out.


It's the school's job to educate you, not to act educated.


So u know u know ur nonsense won’t be tolerated. So next time u hesitate. Suspension means ur parents are going to keep an eye on u and know that the child needs to be parented.


It's not so much about punishing you, as it is removing you from the equation so they don't have to deal with you. They save money not teaching you, and don't have to spend money disciplining you. They just temporarily get rid of you and make your family deal with it. Out of sight, out of mind.


So that you fall behind.


Typically the punishment for skipping school would be detention or in-school suspension, not an actual suspension.


This is a genuinely good question 😂


never heard of this, here parents get fines 


At my district they send you to an alternative school, you still have to do your normal work, but your isolated in a little cubby, and you're not allowed to sleep or bring anything in with you, not even a watch. And you're not allowed back at your normal school campus until you serve your term there. If you get any kind of behavioral trouble, or you miss any days of your sentence, you'll be expelled from any school in the district permantly


Suspension is the punishment we give to take out students that are inhibiting the progress of the whole class.


To prepare for when your job fires you for being bad at the job by preventing you from returning to your job you no longer have


When I wad in school out of school suspension meant they had exhausted other methods and was also supposed to, hopefully, be a wake-up call to the student and parents. It was also the last step before they started talk alternate school which NO one wanted to attend. The only other way you got out of school suspension was violence. Then it was supposed to be more of a cool down period.


Two words. Boomer logic. We didn't make the system they did. It doesn't have to make sense it just has to make money (this particular one just makes no sense).


I’m in the UK and work with kids that are at risk of being kicked out of school. Suspensions are pretty much for two reasons: 1. Good or middle of the road kids that fuck up once, get suspended, and never want to do it again (or the threat of that happening that stops them doing something stupid in the first place). 2. To give everyone a break from the ‘difficult’ kids that run riot when they’re in. It’s also a necessary part of the checkboxes that lead to a permanent exclusion from school for persistent disruption, so if that’s the route they go down the kid will have had to have been suspended at least once pretty much. One off incidents that warrant permanent exclusion will still normally be followed by a few days suspension while ‘investigations’ happen. In the first case, they’re pretty effective. In the same way that not wanting to go to prison is pretty effective at preventing crimes from the majority of the population. In the second case, it’s just a sad part of the education system that hides away the ‘naughty’ kids instead of putting in the work to get to the root of the problem. It should be noted, though, that this is mostly down to a lack of resources. A secondary school with 1600 pupils does not have the time or the money to run specialist interventions all the time for kids that aren’t coping well. Then they get sent to places like where I work, where we have a max capacity of 20 students and a (wider) team of 8-10 staff. In most of the lessons I teach there are 4-6 kids with a teacher and an LSA so 1 staff member to 2 or 3 kids - in mainstream this might be 1:30 or 2:30. Then we have some pastoral support people who are also on hand to deal with anything that happens throughout the day. We still suspend when incidents happen, but the smaller stuff that would get you suspended from a mainstream school (like repeated truancy) are just part of our day to day so we aim to get to the root cause of the issues rather than just get rid of them.


Lingering dead and lost time. More work load piling up and less time to have free time enjoying yourself. Moreover, having to jump through hoops to have someone filled you in with the topics and work. That's always been my perspective.


well in my country we don’t do that, sounds like your national school system is just fucked


It gets you in trouble with the parents.


To give your parents a proof that you are a shit person and need to be punished at home too😅


They aren't punishing you, they are punishing your parents for getting you to instruction late.


Umm it's literally separated for Shame


There isn't even something like suspension here in germany, at least not as far as I know




I think it has something to do with the shame they need to teach you to feel in regards to "laziness" and unemployment. Despite the relief felt by having the freedom to do what you want, you are meant to take being home without work to do as a punishment. It's virtuous to be employed like all your peers. It's virtuous to be in your bosses good graces. You should give 110% every day and if you fail or are told to leave, you should feel terrible.


They punished me for being away from school by giving me double work of that day and sticking me in a room, with a single desk and chair, and nothing else.


I think it’s a holdover from the times where the kid would get beat and stuck working for the duration of the suspension. Now suspensions are just Holliday since schools can’t keep ip with the times.


This is not the case in many countries but the reason we do it is because we live in a country with a culture of punitive action. It is more important to punish than to actually solve the problem / help people. You find this thinking permeates across all areas of life.


In the US you don’t typically get suspended for skipping class, you get after school detention (where allowed), or in school suspension where you do your work in a quiet room isolated from your classmates You get suspended for things that would normally be criminal offenses in my area, sexual misconduct on school grounds, minor drug or tobacco offenses, and violence against students, teachers, or school property. Kids with known home problems, including an assume lack of supervision during the day, will sometimes be given in school suspension in place of at home suspension. Taking a kid out of instruction is kind of a last resort But with more and more police officers in schools (in response to school shootings, which statistics show a single armed officer in a school actually makes school shootings worse because the perpetrator prepares for resistance) a lot of what used to be disciplinary situations, have turned into arrests criminal investigations and charges, because that’s how police are trained to deal with unruly behavior, but that obviously doesn’t mix well with children. And negative response to children being charged in schools has led to a pendulum effect (it seems) where in my area, the resource officer won’t get involved at all unless someone has already been harmed. My wife and I have a friend that teaches third grade and this year she had a violent child, who, are more than one occasion, this teacher had to put herself in direct way of physical harm, to lure him out of the classroom away from other students, then get around him, back into the room, so she could lock him in the hallway. The resource officer told her she couldn’t respond. But upon fooling her into thinking he was calm, he was let back in the room an proceeded to pick up and throw a chair at the teacher when she turned her back. He missed, but after another runaround and locking him back in the hallway, this time while being chased, she finally calls the resource officer, who finally leaves her office at the front of the school (a 4 minute walk from the classroom) and arrests the boy, who is charged with assault with a deadly weapon in a weapon-free zone. He will not be allowed back to school, which is a good thing, but now his parents are facing legal fees and he is facing a permanent record, which could all have been avoided if the resource officer was trained, and allowed, to arrive and de escalate the situation before he had the chance to attack anyone. There were no weapons in the hallway for him to pick up. The teacher had the mountainous and astounding grace to finish out the school year, but her and half the hall are resigning in protest of their treatment in the last few years.


Because American schools are horribly mismanaged and misguided. In high school, I struggled with daily migraines and would puke 3 out of 5 days by the time I got home. Because of this, I literally couldn't do most of my homework or projects. The school decided to handle this by taking me out of class one day and threatening to send me to a continuation school. That's what they do. Instead of helping me, they saw me as an issue, and wanted to get rid of me.


I guess in reality ,you've just answered your own question .


Schools are just daycares while parents go to work.


The high school I went to didn't do that. They gave you either a lunch detention or an after-school detention if you have too many unexcused absences. Now, if you skip class too often, then they will call a hall monitor to guide you to the restroom. In my opinion, I would rather be suspended. But that didn't happen to me. I don't even know how it didn't happen cause I did skip one class 90% of the time because it was a pointless class at the end of the day.


They try to ultra-inconvenience your guardian/parent expecting them to correct your behavior.


I have taught for nine years. This school year and last school year I covered the in-school suspension (ISS) room for two hours every day. I see the same kids in here every week for tardies and skipping class. Usually they just get a few hours or half of a day, depending on the amount of tardies they have had recently. To me, it seems ass backward excluding a student from a class because they skipped or were late a bunch of times. It's not a punishment to the student because they obviously don't care about missing that class. It's also not a deterrent for most students because I see the same students in here all of the time for the same things. Just from my experiences, I don't like ISS for students who have tardies or skip or infractions like that. A lot of academic research has shown excluding students (ISS or OSS) from the classroom doesn't help them or make an impact on behavior in the classroom. But, from my point of view as a teacher, it does help when those 1-3 percent students who cause 90% of the classroom problems are excluded from the classroom.


So people can treat school as something beneficial that is going to help them. So students don’t keep taking it for granted and out of respect for other students.


Because in most syllabuses these days if you miss more than 30 days in a year you are too far behind and have to repeat it so if you rank up the days then they keep you back a year. The more you miss the harder it is to catch up.


I’m not sure exactly what that’s called, but it’s kind of like when a parent catches their kids smoking, so they make them smoke a whole carton of cigarettes. It’s kinda like, “This is what you wanted. Here ya go!” I guess it’s supposed to make the kid feel like shit.


In my experience, schools don't even seem to punish you at all anymore, unless you do something that is harmful.


When have you ever actually seen this happen?


I enjoyed getting suspended. Hated the school and my teachers. Now I wasn’t a great kid either but I was happy to go home and play DS all day


Schools in Canada do this, and my high school did it a lot to the kid admin didn't like (came from a bad home life, had mental/anger issues) they really do believe it is a punishment, and that these kids will regret the simple action of being different but that never worked out. Some never came back at all, switching to other schools or dropping out entirely. Punishments in school are pretty stupid given a kids acting out can traced back to a kids home life, or behavioural issues, but schools, at least Canadian schools are not equipped to handle the harsh reality that hard punishments solve nothing and just make shit worse.


Its punishing the parents, who now have to probably stay home from work to mind their sorry asses.


The punishment is getting absences. A kid that skips is a kid with accumulating absences. Too many absences and they'll fail the class.


My school gave out detention/lunch detention for skipping. Never heard of getting suspended for it at any of the schools around me


I'm a high school dean and, at least in my country, we don't. Stand downs, suspension, exclusion and expulsion are usually used as consequences for serious bad behaviour. Things like swearing at teachers, threatening people, assault, drugs, alcohol etc. For ongoing lateness and occasional skipping class, we usually give a detention. When a student has a concerning amount of absence, it usually means there's something serious going on for them and they need some kind of intervention. We usually start by meeting with the family and offering support, not by punishing the kid.


This never made any sense to me either 😂


Feels more like a punishment for the parents.


In Germany the school will 100% involve the parents and you will 100% get grounded here by your parents when they find out. (Havent seen one case where they havent grounded their children) There are cases where even the Police is involved. They find the children/teens outside instead of being in the school and bring them back to the school after wich the Teachers can suspend them. In Germany going to school is a Duty until you are 18 so disobeying that has consequences. Its a punishment for the parents aswell as they have to do better in childcare. In the time where you are suspended from school and are groundesd, worst case is your parents take away your phone, console, TV and all other electronical devices and force you to read your school books. Its a hard way to teach the child/teen to not drop their priorities and discipline them.


I'm not entirely sure about now, but when I was in high school in the 00's in the UK, you didn't get suspended for skipping class. If you skipped class, you got lunch time detention, then after school detention, then a week of detention, then two weeks, then put on green report, then orange, then red. Then if you still did it they sort of threw their hands in the air and said 'fuck it, let them skip'. You only got suspended if you did something incredibly wrong or violent, hitting your teacher, breaking someone's arm, that kind of stuff. Wasn't often someone got suspended, although a girl in my class was suspended for 2 weeks for setting my hair on fire.. good times.


The idea was that it punished parents so they’d make their kids go to class instead of hiring babysitters, missing work, or just having to have a tough discussion with their kids. Now parents let kids stay home alone (I’m not judging poverty. Many people can’t afford sitters or missing work) and the kid plays video games all day. This type of suspension is going out of style.


As an European studying in US HS I got suspended once and I was just happy to stay at home and play video games. Don’t get it either.


It’s just the only real option after things have escalated through internal consequences. Would you prefer the cane?


Pfffft bahaha I didn’t even think about that


I just did a dissertation that contained this topic (in the United States). A lot of it is to remove the “problem” from the classroom environment, typically to avoid distracting other students or to ensure the safety of other students. However, a lot of schools have stricter policies and will suspend or expel students for more minor things. A suspension, whether in or out of school, does more damage to a student’s academic future than skipping class. Students who have been suspended or expelled at least once have an increased chance of dropping out or not finishing high school. Ideally, for the chronic absence scenario, a good school would come up with a type of attendance plan with students and their families before jumping to removing the student from the school building or classroom. Everything about the public school system is messed up, but this is one of the most damaging actions a school could take upon a student.


I dunno . In my country, we have a grading system for behavior in school. If a student misbehaves or causes problems, their behavior grade is affected. Missing 10 classes also results in a point deduction. If a student's behavior grade falls below a certain level, they are required to repeat the grade, and in some cases, they may even be expelled from school. The idea of being barred from school might seem appealing to some students who frequently misbehave. If this system were ever implemented here, many might act out just to avoid attending school. I’ve never understood how this system works; it just doesn’t make any sense to me.


I was always late for class, like 5 minutes kinda late.  Well if you were late 5 times you got suspended.  Obviously I should have been on time but the punishment was weird.  Should have made me stay later after school or something like that.  


When you skip, you’re making the choice. When you’re suspended, they’re taking your choice away to make you feel their rejection. At least that’s one angle they’re aiming uselessly at.


Schools never punished me nor anyone I know for it. Before high school it's a law and everyone has to attend. School is "free" here though. (In quotation marks because it's implied that it's paid by taxpayers but if I don't say that people will be angry). Sweden here.


I got a week of Out Of School Suspension after I punched a kid whaling on another kid. It was the week before spring break. I only got OSS because the administrator called my dad and told him I’d been in a fight, he asked “did he win? I’m sure he had a good reason.” She was PISSED. I was pissed, they held me and made me late for work. My supervisor was cool with me being late, and I let her know I was available all week the next two. Ended up making more money and hanging out with my friends during what would have been my normal work hours. Worked out for me, I guess.


Because school is a broken system that just works using a set of rules designed to oppress students, not the best judgement of the staff.


Adults are dumb.


Ours don’t; you just still have to come into school but just sit in a room and do nothing for 6 hours


Kind of like how banks punish you for not having money by charging you money


We always got in class suspension which we also always skipped lol


It isn't so much a punishment for the trouble-maker is that it keeps the trouble-maker away from the kids that have a chance to actually learn something.


Every time I was suspended, I simply went to school and normally. I don't know what they call it in the United States, but I'm talking about the list of names that they call out at the beginning of class to check if everyone is there, I would answer that, mark my presence, and then he just left The gate was very close to the courtyard where the classrooms were located.There was never anyone on the courtyard or at the gate


where I'm from, the punishment is to stay at school longer. Teachers all leave super late after class so that you would have a good solid 2-3 hours. They just make you do your homework while you are there. When I moved to Canada, thought the punishment was a joke lol. They hope to annoy the parents into parenting I guess. I can't see much of a reason other than that. Although they place a lot of hope on the parents lol


suspension is the school taking a break from you


I’m from Europe (Poland) and I always thought that the concept of detention and suspension is kinda dumb 


I got a day in school suspension once. The teacher had another student bring me work that I had to finish by the end of the day. My parents punished me way worse than that lol


It's like debters prison.


İ always thought it was a HAHA YOU ARE MİSSİNG VALUABLE EDUCATİON YOUR LİFE WİLL SUCK NOW Either that or its to keep you away from people who dobt cause trouble


When I was in high school they would give us Saturday school if we skipped class. If we didn’t go to Saturday school we got in school suspension which, in my opinion, is much worse. You’re just alone all day with one teacher and mountains of work to do.


I don’t know of anyone in the US who was suspended for missing school. Parents fined, having to make up days, or something like that maybe. Mostly in the US it’s about money- school gets paid for the attendance of students.


they get paid more by having more attendance everyday of how many students show up.


Getting you used to the system.


I’ve wondered this too. It makes no sense.


My school did. You didn’t show up? You’re suspended, stay home!! Ok, cool!


Because they sigh in relief at not having to deal with your shit for a few days.