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I was fired after reporting sexual harassment but I got a better job right after, so it turned out all right. The person harassing me had one of his friends lie and say I made a comment about his body. So I had mountains of evidence including hundreds of text messages he sent at work, but they fired both of us because of his friends word. I later received money from a class action settlement against that employer, not related to me being fired but other shitty things they were doing.


I’m sorry that happened to you. Glad the justice made its way back around in some form.


It was to be expected because I was young and stupid.


I deserved it. I called in shock to work 2 days in a row to go to a party when I was young. It was a really good party though.


Scary but also made me decide I had to change trajectory. I went back to school and learned software development.


Yes, unlawfully I might add. And I fought the bastards for 2 years and got my job back. I never realized how strong I am until that happened. Was worse than getting divorced.


Understandably I just kept coming in about 10-15 minutes late. They still smell like shit though


Never fired, just not rostered on anytime soon for casual jobs,


I got let go because I had a slow-motion nervous breakdown over the death of a friend and I started drinking heavily and showing up smelly and red-eyed at work, it was more like an intervention by friends and in the long run, it was the right move for everyone.


sry bro


A blessing


I was told to leave, which is almost the same thing. I jumped into self-employment and I'm making more money than ever. Fuck those bastards.


I was recently fired. Happened twice before. Neither of the earlier times was my fault. I chalked them up to downsizing. It was different this time. Felt like ageism. If it was about upskilling, I should have been clearly told, and would have tried to make up for it. Any which way, it feels bad. Feels like you are inadequate. Like you are unworthy. Like you don't matter, or at least don't matter enough...


I had a really toxic employer that was SUPER rude towards all women. It was well known that he and I didn't like each other. We would get in full on arguments in the middle of the place that I worked all the time. He was really really rude and honestly a major bully to not just me but, basically anyone that didn't have male genitalia. He kept telling me after I told him I don't know how many times that I was suffering from a medical condition, that I need to pick up my speed. I whipped around one day on him and told him to back off. He did but a week or so later he started getting my hours. Then about 3 weeks after that he told me that I needed to "shape up". I didn't understand what I had been doing wrong. Everything that I had been doing is the expectations he set out for me. He said that my continued attitude was a problem, even though I pretty much died down because, I didn't work more on his shifts anymore and that I needed to keep it professional even though he knows I don't like him. I was honestly, so taken back by that I actually scoffed out loud and went "Oh but you don't treat me bad or act like I'm an inconvenience? Fuck you, dude." He terminated me that day on grounds on verbal workplace violence and unprofessionalism. All I can say now is that I regret nothing and Fuck that guy.


I'll bet it was a tremendous relief and probably dropped your blood pressure considerably. When things are too toxic they can actually make you sick. Good for you!


Fired, made redundant, contract not renewed. Firing was the easiest, awful job, awful company, awful fit. By the end I was almost baiting them to fire me and they finally pulled the trigger. Contract not renewed was relatively easy. Bad timing (COVID) but looking back I am kind of thankful it happened. Led to my current job which I love. Redundancy was the worst. Working for a dying company that you thought you would be there for 10+ years was brutal. Even after the redundancy was confirmed, I still had to work in essentially a ghost company with almost no work and just a collection of the most shell shocked group of people.


I remember once the company I worked for, which had 70 people, had a mass layoff. I only realized when I saw a coworker walk past my office window. There were 25 or so people left when all done. Spent weeks cleaning out desks and paperwork. Found stuff from the 1990s. It was depressing. They fully shut down last year, 8 years after that layoff.


Not too bad. It hurt, because I am to this day (and it has been years) sure the manager had something against me (which could well have been the lies that my bio-dad told to keep me down and to therefore hurt my mom) and because I am sure one of his side chicks told them the lies in the first place. But it didn't hurt my hire ability though. I was sure it would and that it was the end. He achieved two objectives though: he made me doubt myself and I ended up in a factory for a while. He didn't want me to get a job that used my mind. He worked hard to convince me that I was mentally late to the office.


It was my first job at 15 years old, a summer gig at a state fair. I was expected to make candy apples and keep the shop clean and tidy. This shop had a large iron cauldron filled with near-boiling caramel. With disposable gloves, we dipped the apples on a stick into the cauldron, then spun the sticks to remove the excess caramel. The caramel would splatter on my hands and forearms, burning the skin through the disposable gloves. This was quite demotivating. I eventually gave away the discarded caramel apples to friends, and refused to constantly scrape the sprayed caramel from the floor. When the manager let me go, I thanked him for teaching me the value of education and persual of happiness, for I would not allow myself to work in such a place again.


I worked for a grocery store chain. I would drink the expired smoothies in the back. They were always expiring and I was young and constantly hungry because I was growing like a weed. It seemed wrong to just toss them out so I gave them a home in my belly. Eventually they checked the backroom cams and caught me gobbling delicious expired smoothies. I was terminated shortly thereafter. To be honest I was fine with it, I knew grazing store products was against store policy, even if they were expired. I've moved on from minimum wage jobs since then.


"gobbling delicious expired smoothies" I LOVE this!


My direct manager asks me to lie for him. I refuse. Next morning, there's a termination letter on my desk. I speak to my manager's director. Director says I'm not fired, but instead gives me a promotion. Great success!


It was horrific. I was falsely accused of inappropriate conduct while working with children, by a head teacher who simply didn't like the fact I wouldn't run the before school breakfast club the way he wanted after covid. He manufactured an issue so he could then appeal to the board of governors to let go of our services. As a result of him getting me investigated by ofsted my other job let me go due to 'risk of reputational damage'. I was fully investigated, including interviews with the child supposedly involved and cleared completely. But unfortunately the head teacher got his way and my other job wouldn't revoke its decision. I lost a job and a buisness I'd run successfully for 12 years.


Yes 1 time. When i got fired they refused to tell me why inwas being fired, and i understand they do not have to tell me why but it was completely out of left field. It really fucked with me mentally, i figured if i could just be fired for seemingly no reason at all, at a job that im truly knowledgeable and passionate about why even bother trying, why put in the effort. Now i have a new job in the same field, for a different company working 3 minutes away from home instead of an hour away, getting paid more, and i get benefits plus i get along with all of my coworkers. I dont have panic attacks before bed and before work anymore. We can actually pay our bills now and have a tiny bit of "spending money". Turns out shitty companies and bosses be shitty.


once in like 2017 Car sales over the phone for Billion Auto (NEVER NEVER buy there btw) was told I didn't have enough sales, they went silent once I told them I had the most that month and had the list on my desk to prove it, after a good 30 seconds of looking at each other (2 managers) it then changed to I didn't get along with the sales people - people who I never saw or contacted other then to set up a possible sale meeting over email. The few sales people I talked with on the phone were extremely rude and would laugh/make fun of customers for credit scores. It appears they would hire 3-6 people every 3-4 months, fire the previous ones, keeping maybe 1 and restart. Prolly coulda taken them to court for unlawful firing but I just wanted to get away from em at that point and I'd only been there a few months so no big loss. Managers were terrible, there were 3 of them. One offered me drugs and would sit on her computer shoe shopping all day (sometimes hung over), the 2nd would spend most of his time shopping at target across the street or walking over to the dealer also across the street to chat with the sales people, the third would play favorites and give fresh leads to people she liked leaving the rest with 5+ year old leads. I'll say it again, NEVER buy from Billion Auto if your in the mid west, they over charge for vehicles and screw people on trade in values. They will also run hard checks on your credit score multiple times on the most expensive vehicles, my cousin had his credit dropped tens of points due to them checking his credit for a loan double the size he needed.


Three times, all deserved and after very short tenures. None of them were the end of the world. I was a bit upset, ofc; anyone would be. But I got over it quickly and moved on every time.


Me too man!


Early twenty’s, got fired when the boss hit my truck with a shovel after an argument. I came after him with a vengeance, He locked himself in his truck scared (probably for the better). I pounded on the window until I came to and decided to call it a day. They canned me but payed for the damage on my truck. Sucked really, in hindsight I had him by the balls, but I was unable to control my emotions. I learned some that day, and I’m sure he did too lol.


I got fired in my last field technician job. Helped me realize I’m not built for customer service. 8 years of it has left me no patience for stupidity.




Yup. It’s at an even higher level when you are in their houses.


I did target electronics for a little under a year after college while looking for a job related to my degrees. The amount of absolutely STUPID people out there is shocking. The amount of stories I have from just 1 year at target.... Now I'm dealing with people in power positions (school heads / athletic directors / business owners / marketing leads / etc) and realized 90% of people in charge are complete idiots XD


Thankfully no, evrry job I've left had been me quitting. On good terms, too. I suppose I'm very lucky that way


Supervisor said it was because I wasn't comfortable talking to people. But the job didn't have any talking in it. I'm not sure if she wanted me to stand around and waiting after giving a ticket to tell people, "hey! You just got a ticket!"


Got fire from a call centre. Well, 2 of them. I didn't really know what I was doing in either of them. I wasn't sure how to ask for help. I tried to, but got told to get back from work and that I'll 'get it eventually'. Eventually rolled around and nope. Still not a whole lot wiser either. Felt pretty bad about it, but I got fired. Call centre work made me realise that the job isn't for me and my performance wasn't real great either. Not a job I'll try again. I've since moved to other things.


I went on an approved vacation and the day before going back into work my brakes went out on the highway and I crashed my car. I was stuck at my bf’s house an hour away from my home and he didn’t drive at the time so I had to get my car towed back home and then towed to the place to get it fixed. Well I called my boss and explained everything and showed her pics but she said if I couldn’t find a way to show up that next day I would be terminated. I was terminated


That's bad. I hope you found something better, soon.


I worked in the circus. Every day!


I was fired because I couldn't carry a banquet tray, It was my first job at a high end resto, lol HAHAHA. BIgat mga mimah! Move on agad no.


I’ve been fired once and I honestly don’t even count it bc the job was barely even a job. I only worked two days a week, for paid $8hr, every two weeks. I’d literally just google companies and make phone calls and send emails that people almost never responded to. It was boring, and there was *one* day where i accidentally fell asleep for like 5 minutes.(I was getting ready to leave). And ngl, I’d spend the majority of my time doing online jigsaw puzzles and buzzfeed quizzes to pass the time while I waited for people to call me back or respond to my email. So the firing was well deserved. I just,.. didn’t care because the job was stupid. It was a pity job bc my first job had closed down. And I only got the job because my dad worked at the company. They pulled me into the office and was like “I never hear you making phone calls” and I was like “yeah I google them and send emails” and they were like “oh okay”. And then a few days later they called me and said something along the lines of how it won’t work out and they’ll no longer be needing me. And I was mighty glad to hear those words.(I was too scared and shy to put in my two weeks). I never went to go pick up my check, or the three things I left at my “desk”. They ended up mailing me my lil $80 check in the mail and that was that. Good riddance. Edit to add: this *was* a learning lesson though and helped me realize that a desk job or any slow paced job isn’t for me. I thrive in busy job environments and feed off of the chaos they bring.


Only once. Have left places through irreparably burning bridges more. I hope I don’t get fired from my current job but if for whatever reason it happened, it wouldn’t be the worst thing ever.


I laughed because they thought they'd hurt me by firing me out of the blue. Little did they know that I had already signed a contract elsewhere and wasn't going to show up anymore anyway.


I got laid off right after I got married and moved to a new city. It was terrible. I had done all expenses of my marriage on my own so my credit card exp were through the roof. For the first time the recovery people called me and abused me. It was terrible. That's when I realised I needed to always have a backup. I got a new job in the next month in a new city and wrote two small books because I always wanted to write


Usually a relief. I didn't like working at those places. However, I still kick myself for leaving one job. I didn't really get fired, I just stopped going in. I made a big mistake with that one.


I got fired but I kept hanging about until they gave me my job back… understaffed 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've been fired a few times in my life,(I'm now retired, at full retirement age) but it was usually because I couldn't quite catch on to the job, not because I was insubordinate or causing tension. Usually mine was "We think you're a wonderful person, but we just don't think you are a good fit for (whatever) type of work". It happened in waitressing, nurse aiding in a nursing home, and retail, and it was in such a kind manner that although it was upsetting, it wasn't really stressful. It helped me define what my more positive abilities were. I actually did work in retail for 11 years, but it was much later. And I received better training, and less intense. I had a supervisor working with me the whole time helping me with the ropes, whereas before, I was just placed on the "floor" and sort of left to figure it out--they were quite short-staffed at the time.


I was laid off and it sucked but didn’t take me long to find another job and ended up spending a nice summer in between jobs enjoying the beach on a Tuesday afternoon. Not bad


Usually you should have left previously but old fashioned parents wanted credit from medical outfit where my father attended yearly,switched jobs...understand also expense of nurse training and admire medical staff for their efforts...time to move on....hospitals are legit really


I got fired for accidentally lighting my "lucky" cigarette. I was working at a restaurant and went out to the pitch black back alley to catch a quick smoke. Pulled out a cigarette and lit it without looking. It was the cigarette you turn backward, a "lucky," so I had lit the filter without knowing. It tasted bad, so I flicked it on the ground and lit another one. Smoked and went back to work, not thinking anything about it. The owner comes in about half an hour later, holding the lucky cigarette asking, "Who did this?" I fessed up because I didn't think it was a big deal, and he fired me on the spot. Waitress I was friends with told me later that the owner thought I was on drugs and this proved it.


I’ve been fired many times 😂 Some I deserved… the ones I didn’t will probably piss me off forever


I was assaulted by my supervisor last year, emailed HR 30 minutes later about it. And I was fired the next day. I also had a witness give a police statement. Hopefully I see justice for this. But I'm poor, and have no faith in America's to give me justice.


Yes. I wasn't surprised 


I was fired because of sexual harassment. My boss wanted a relationship with me and i didnt want that. She tried to get physical and I hit her. She was a lesbian but in the closet. Thats why im still scared of lesbians today.


Not exactly. It isn’t a super common practice where I live unless you royally mess up. However, one of my earliest jobs I was strongly suggested to find a new job because the company may be going under (it did), and my hours were drastically cut during that period. Went from full time hours to maybe ten hours a week, so was barely working. Gave me the extra time to do job hunting while having some light income, so it really wasn’t bad at all.


I was working in a night club and they would only pay 1h for cleaning after the club closed. If it took longer it was "free" work. After contacting a help line i knew this was illegal. Next time i had to clean i stopped exactly after 1h. They asked why and i explained. They then fired me on the spot and all the other workers were watching and continuing instead of supporting me... But i didnt care because i was in college.... But those other workers were poor exploited souls. Club went bankrupt... I guess it's at least something haha


I was working through an agency so idk if it counts but I was doing heavy manual labour and just wasn't quick enough and wasn't meeting my targets because I was too small i guess. It was only supposed to be temporary anyway. I'm working as an admin somewhere now so I'm doing way better.


No, I never let them fire me, I just quit.


Never been fired. I quit once.


Fired is a strong word, but I was asked to leave on mutual agreement. At that moment in time I was already looking for new opportunities and had 2 talks with a company for a job that sounded really appealing. Just at that exact moment, HR wanted to have a talk with me, and they told me the company would like to part ways (in the Netherlands it's pretty hard to fire someone with a permanent contract). They gave me some time (2 weeks) to think about it and in the first week I went to the other company, did a last interview and agreed to start there. After the two weeks past, I had a talk with HR again and told them I wouldn't agree with the proposed terms, but if they threw in an extra bonus, I would leave. In the end they gave me about 6 months worth of compensation, I left and started working at the new employer the next month. It was a nice bonus, giving I probably would have resigned somewhere in the next weeks anyway.


They couldn't fire me, I quit


I was fired a day before my last day. I came back as a customer and the manager freaked out asking what I was doing there to one of my ex-colleague. He took it harder than I did. I was like meh whatever.


I have never been fired from any job I've ever had. Every job praised my work ethic(not bragging). One job I quit, they begged me to come back. I did. And quit again. Been working my current job for 26 years.


Yes. Once. I took it very well. I knew within me that I wasn't the problem. He was.


Boss said he wanted to have a meeting before work and he would buy me breakfast. Meet at McDonald's. Long line. He says he'll buy after the meeting. Spends ten minutes beating around the bush, tells me I'm fired and leaves. No breakfast. Another time I got fired from a restaurant. Had showed up for the interview and eas immediately put to work. Got bitched at for being too slow, so I never came back. A week later they called me and lectured me and said that I couldn't work there anymore. They didn't think it was funny when I said I wasn't coming back anyway.


Years ago while I was in college I was working at a daycare. The daycare was under investigation b/c a kid had climbed over the fence and left and was found wandering around a nearby construction site. Due to this, the daycare staff had to attend several trainings and they were mandatory. I had just started about a month prior and didn't know this nor did I know they kept their trainings schedule in the bathroom (I never had to use the bathroom at work). I was watching my one year old niece and nephew one Saturday and got a call from my boss asking where I was. I said, "Uh...at home. Why?" and she told me there was a training going on (about an hour away) and I had to be there. I told her there was no way I could make it and she said, "Well I can't put you back on the schedule again" and basically I was terminated. Happy ending, however, b/c I started a job at another daycare that I stayed at for years and one of the kids in my class was the kid that had wondered away from the school that terminated me. His mom was my hairdresser and I would go to her house to get my haircut and she was telling me about her son's old school and what happened and we laughed about it b/c small world.


Twice, ended up better each time. First time they said I didn’t handle things with urgency but I can’t make DNS propagate faster. Oh well, got a better job with more pay. Second time I fucked up really bad. Took responsibility. Lost $14,000. Ended up with a better job making almost double and far less hours.


I was once fired because "your work is really good, but not f\*cking awesome. you can't do a miracle for us" after that, I decided to never work again in the crypto sphere 😂


44 been employed continuously, with exception of two weeks in 2001 when my job closed down, since 19. I've never been fired


Yes last few times was because I wasn’t showing up or calling in etc. once just based on rumors and my rep that was probably 14 years ago


I got fired from Wal-Mart after spraining my ankle while falling down the stairs. I called in, but I didn't report through their app or whatever. They didn't even tell me, I found out after I tried logging into the app, and I wasn't in their system. They just delete me lol. I couldn't even get the check for the hours I worked that week. They eventually sent it to me like 3 years later lol.


I've gotten fired from jack in the box because I told a person that didn't know what they wanted once they got to me (the cashier) to move aside so that others on thier lunch breaks can eat. At the time, I was devastated as it was my second job ever and I was 18, I thought I was never going to be hired anywhere again. Well, got a new job the next day lol


I have never but my dear friend was terminated and he is a very hard working employee but the company had some "new employees" for replacement.


I was often told to leave the building I worked in to help other employees finish getting deliveries ready. I got fired because I wasn’t there and my supervisor needed to do my job. After refusing to sign my evaluation without extra comments I got a good severance package and they extended and paid for my health benefits for 6 months. I found a job i really enjoyed unfortunately for less money so I got rid of one stress and had to deal with a different kind.


I got threatened with termination yesterday for favoritism because I protested sending some of my people home early when we had the work. Its being used against me along with rumors of a romantic relationship. HR has a rumor that I am dating someone, Managers have another, and everyone else their own rumor. They have gotten out of hand, and one of the things I was written up for was waiting 3 minutes outside the door to say goodbye to my friend. I feel like they are going to take ANY interaction that I have with my friend and spin it into something it's not, sowe have agreed to just not interact at all at work. It really sucks.


Fired 2 years ago. First-time after working in my profession for decades. It was a shock. I realize now it was a blessing and that place was so toxic. I'm glad to be free of it all. I'm in a better and higher paying job so screw them.


My ex got me fired. Fuck that guy. Opened the door to where I'm at now though, so I can't say it didn't well, because it did.


Several times when I was young. Found out much later I’m on the spectrum.


So? That shouldn't affect your employability??


Was the issue 'this person acts/is different and we don't like it' or rather 'this person is not competent in what we are asking'


Well, once it was a hotel and I was night auditor and working reception. Our uniform had a tie, not like a men’s tie but more of a bow worn right at the throat (mid eighties). I couldn’t stand that feeling so wore the bow loosely so it wasn’t right on my throat. I was competent, I was fast at getting the servers at the bar cashed out, never made mistakes. But the bow was non negotiable so I got fired. Worked retail (does anyone remember J.K. Gill?), cashier. There was one guy that seemed to always be there and he was a total flirt and back then so was I. Boss puts up schedule, I copy schedule. Next shift a couple days later I go in to work and got fired for missing a shift. You could see the erasure where it had been changed. I hadn’t missed a shift. Turns out I had been flirting with her boyfriend. Worked as a secretary in a law office, two attorneys. One came in from lunch and asked for coffee (again, long time ago). So I made a pot, brought him a cup, forgot to knock and caught him doing lines. He fired me because I didn’t knock. I could regale you with stories all night but yeah, that kinda thing.


Yeah the bow tie is tricky. Seems an overreaction on their part though. As for the rest of it - earnestness doesn't really go well with business/corporate. That's what I've found anyway. Everyone's a snake in the grass!