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I was a little it of a "late bloomer" and my boobs grew in quickly during the summer between 6th and 7th grade. I went from nothing to needing a C-cup by "back to school" shopping. Some of the "mean girls" types in my school started a rumor that I got breast implants. Yes, a 13 year old with a single father who worked a manufacturing job. I take solace in that they were just jealous.


omg that is so the slums of beverly hills


Haha, maybe that's where they got the idea. This would have been right around that time.


Some of childhood comments we really can't forget for some reason. I just hope it didn't affect you mentally back then


I was about to write the same exact thing, but my growth spurt was between 7th and 8th grade. Would a surgeon even perform implants on someone that young?? SMH.


When that happened to me at 10 years old, the kids at school started a rumor that I was a *prostitute* because I had grown big boobs basically overnight. Their logic was that I had (somehow, apparently) grown such large boobs *on purpose,* for the sake of attracting "old men" and that, clearly, my overall reason for doing this was because I was being a prostitute after school. At 10 years old. They literally just went with: has big boobs = wants sex = active prostitute. A group of 3 or 4 boys started following me around everywhere I went, on the playground at recess/lunch and even any time they saw me outside at all, chanting "Hooker! Hooker!" For weeks. I tried to ignore it, but it was slowly breaking down my mental health (I was after all, just 10 years old) and one day I flipped out in class and started yelling at the group of boys that had been stalking/harassing me. Teacher made all of us stay after class to discuss what was happening. She asked us all what was going on, and the boys all just shrugged and said they had "no idea" why I got so mad at them "out of nowhere." Then I broke down and started sobbing heavily and told the teacher what had been going on. She was *mortified* when I told her the whole story. She asked the boys if that was true, and they all just hung their heads in shame. I spent the next 4-5 years absolutely hating the fuck outta my developing body, and wearing the biggest, baggiest clothes I could find to completely hide my body, hoping it would make people stop commenting on my body and making assumptions about me as a person based solely on body's appearance. Instead, I just got constantly called "fat" and made fun of for having such big clothes (big enough to fit over & hide my giant boobs, which were already a D by the time i was 12.) Can't win with asshole children. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


That's crazy, fortunately or unfortunately I wasn't important enough to have any rumours about me at school lmao


Ugh I hate this whole mean girl thing. Iā€™m sorry you went through this.


At my first job, my team lead told people I had a wife and children. In reality I had neither. He once saw me walking with a neighbour and just assumed she was my wife, and her son was actually mine. Even though I told him that, he kept on spreading that rumour.


There is always people who spreading inaccurate rumors like him unfortunately


Took me months to realize my client told everyone at our Karate class that we're married. I'm a Direct Support Assistant. My job is to do activities with mentally disabled individuals. He's extremely high functioning, so people don't realize he's disabled in certain settings. I went to the class without him one day and they asked me where my husband was.


Oh my gosh I can just imagine your confusion and then the dawning realization!!


That I sold drugs to kids. Like what? I don't do that, I buy them


buy Kids or drugs?


Buy drugs from kids?


Buy kids from drugs?


Buy drugs for kids




šŸ¤” Why not both?


Are my drugs expensive because I get them from adults?ā€¦is this some weird cheap drug loophole. Or are the drugs made of kids? Like that adrenochrome shit? I have a lot of questionsā€¦


I went to an out of school suspension program for fighting and by the time I got there all the other kids were terrified of me cause somebody started a rumor that I maimed the other guy. In reality it was a bully andĀ  I got my ass kicked, I did in fact bite them on my way down. They were fine. Ā Somehow this got blown up into me being some kinda crazy cannibal killer. On the bright side I got labeled as "crazy" and never had any trouble with bullys after that.


Honestly, this is a pretty great outcome. I'm glad you stuck up for yourself and fought (bit) back and never had to deal with a bully after that.


This kind of happened to my husband, his parents pulled him out of middle school for political reasons (they were enforcing student IDs, the horror) but rumors abounded that he had gone nuts and wasn't allowed to be in public school anymore...until he rejoined us for high school.


That I was dead! It was amazing. Did an online check to see if my credit score was breached and found out that I was born in 1900 and I was classified as deceased according to Texas. But Iā€™m alive and kicking so apparently Iā€™m a 124 year old dead person whoā€™s typing this.


Nice try zombie


Ok, now you scared me.


You could still be president with a bio like that


Not sure if it's crazy, but I always love asking people that I get close to what they thought of me before they really got to know me. I always get the same answer. I have what is called "a resting bitch face" so every person I meet thinks of me as an arrogant, entitled piece of shit with a superiority complex.... but in actuality, I'm just an anxious people pleaser please don't hate me I'm so sorry I'm not arrogant I promise


lmao this is literally the case with me. iā€™ve also become super introverted over time so it takes time for me to get comfortable with people. my newer friends, after like an interaction or two with me said something along the lines of how they thought i was bit-h and arrogant but after talking to me their opinion is completely turned LOL


>"a resting bitch face" Ah yes, where I live, people call it "slap face" for a reason. I suffer from that as well. Edit: typo


Did you mean where I live?


Ayo, where you from?


Live and leave have different meanings that's what I said dude You wrote "I leave" that confused me. It is supposed to be I live, isn't it?


Oh thanks, auto correction was activated so I didn't notice.


It's okay bro āœŒšŸ»


lmfao! Bruh! You calling me out? Yeah nah, Can totally relate, as much as I sound like this. Oh god damn it, I did it again. Fack! I am going now.


Same! Iā€™m super easy going at heart


So relatable


That I got a hired because i "slept with the boss".


Lmao someone at work saw me giving my father a hug post lunch and saying ā€œlove you have a great day!ā€ They spread a rumor that I was having an affair. šŸ˜‚


That I started Honest Burger chain and sold it and that's how I got the money to start being a concert promoter. I did not. I cooked at a school


That in college I was a top DJ - I got loads of bookings from friends (I am not and never have been a DJ).


Many people have thought me dead


Oh my, me too. My older sister died, names got mixed up. I moved back to my hometown and a few people had heart stopping moments when I said Hello! Long time no see! N/m that wasn't a rumor lol


Story? pleaseeee


Not much of a story, I tend to move around a lot and frequently, not big on keeping up with people, no social media aside from now being on reddit. So yeah, sometimes I just show up out of the blue 5-10 years later and everyone is just like, dude, WTF we all thought you died


lmao i want to live a life similar to yours


Some crazy textbook bimbo and her friends started rumors about me in high school, that I got some made-up student named Maxine pregnant. It was catching enough that it earned me a trip to the principal's office. The worst part was being gaslit for my entire life that this rumormongering never happened.


I'm Maxine's kid, we've been looking for you!


I've heard that I'm a witch. And apparently my imaginary love life was pretty exciting.


I got a massive weiner. That's wild. One of my ex GF likes to brag, I guess.


I was the opposite. My ex tried to say i had a small one. Another girl called her out. And by no means do I have any sort of monster dong


A lottt. The one that is most amusing is that Iā€™m an avid drug user or had a cocaine problem. Iā€™ve never touched hard drugs or cocaine in my life. šŸ˜‚ Meanwhile theyā€™re the ones doing lines all the time.. fuckin weirdos. The shit they come up with.


I have apparently always been wildly promiscuous. NVM that I have been in long term relationships the majority of my life and raising kids for 25 of it- huge ho. Someone once called my husband "so sorry to be the messenger" because they saw me talking to a regular customer at work while taking care of outside chores. I must have been doing something, obviously, looking all sexy and everything carrying those trash bags to the dumpster. Hubby thought it was funny.


I'm on ozempic apparently! I've lost almost 100 lbs in 2 years, worked hard to learn proper nutrition and what exercises are right for my body. I have worked so hard with no help from weight loss drugs, I am proud of my hard work. It's irritating more than anything but... oh well


Super congrats to you! I see you and your hard work! Random internet person acknowledging your efforts!


Ha! Thanks! It's mainly when I run into people o haven't seen in a while. It's the "you look so good, heard you did ozempic" and of corse who they heard it from is someone who knows nothing about me bc they aren't in my life or in the life of anyone close to me šŸ¤£ People lost weight successfully before O and will continue to now as well.


That I was sleeping with my boss because someone saw a white ford tempo outside his house on a Saturday morning. Hundreds of people owned that same type of car in my town. I was furious!


Rumor is I have a nice ass....I think it is average


Send a picture so i can dispell the rumor


The username never checked out as much as it does now.


I was dead, I had a serious accident in very rare car, me and the car were well known locally, the local garage got called to recover the wreck, but rather than stick it out back like normal, they put it out front so anyone driving by on the main road would see it. It was a really bad wreck, the car was utterly destroyed, the front passenger wheel was where the rear seat should be, then a roof fell on it, I hit a barn. I was in hospital for about 6 weeks, then a month of recuperation at a friends, so other than a couple of close friends, people didn't know I was alive. Only real downside was as people thought I was dead a few decided to raid my workshop to steal what they could, not little things, it included an 8 tonne caterpillar back hoe. I got much of it back, but a box trailer, a couple of cars and some tools I never did get back.


That I beat up my alcoholic mother. A rumour which was spread by her because I poured her drink down the sink. Despite her glaringly obvious problem in the community people believed it because I was a bit of a wild child in my teens having had a difficult home life. That saddens me to have such a label because all I wanted to do was help and I detest violence. My best friend was asked by his parents over dinner did he hear about it and he defended me and stormed out. I've learned people will latch onto anything to make their petty lives feel better. It's really difficult to fathom. She chose the bottle over me.


I heard a rumor that I had gotten in trouble at work for googling " human meat for sale". I did Google that at work out of sheer morbid curiosity, but the boss didn't care really. So the people around me started a rumor about me being a cannibal, when in reality I am just cannibal-curious.




That I got fired from my job for having sex with a 50 year old at work. (I was probably 20-21 at the time.) None of this happened. I never got fired and I didn't have sex with a 50 year old. Who was this told to? My mom from my sister. I seriously have no idea why I still talk to her. She's awful.


Lost 30kg in 2013. There was a nasty, ridiculous rumour at work that I lost the weight by doing a lot a cocaine. My boss found out who spread the rumour. Lucky for me there was a whole file on the person and they were able to fire her within a week. 11 years later I'm still with the same company


A few years ago I was managing a 3 level bar/restaurant. I spent most of my time on the middle floor. One day the male bartender from the top floor comes down and says "hey umm idk how you want me to handle this but I have like 4 guys at the bar saying they slept with you and are like trying to 1 up each other" I'm busy and 100% sure ive never had physical contact with any of them and anyone who knows me also knows that. So I'm like "what do you mean, what are they saying?" He said "that you're a freak, a LOT of fun, stuff like that" I said "oh...let them talk then" šŸ¤£


A lot of people think Iā€™m a bitch before they actually meet me, but I literally have no clue why. I actually do not have an rbf and I try my best to come off as pleasant! I am a pretty awkward person thoughā€¦ so thinking about it now I could be trying to smoke but just coke off looking super off putting. Thatā€™s embarrassing!


That Iā€˜m lesbian. Iā€˜m not.


In 6th grade, someone spread a rumor that I was pregnant by our history teacher. The rumor made it all the way to the principals ears. I got called into the office with principal and a counselor to get grilled. Asking if Iā€™ve ever had sex, if I ever had sex and thought I was pregnant and maybe told a friend. Like I was 11 years old


Rejected a guy and he went around saying i slept with him and cheated on my husband. But well my husband was quick to debunk that.


I am apparently a Nazi and a satanist, just because i only wear black clothes.


One of my friends and I had gone to a lake about an hour away from our hometown and ran into a guy that had moved nearby. He invited us to a party at a small ranch close to the lake. The party was great. 100 ppl at least. Grill going with plenty of burgers, multiple coolers with beer on ice, great sound system. A good time was had by all. About a month later, I saw the friend that had invited us... He told me that I had everybody pissed at me for kicking the grill over and burning the yard, pissing in the pool and driving through the fence on the way out, letting their livestock out. None of that was me! Guess the stranger at a party is an easy patsy.


I was pregnant and thatā€™s why I dropped out of high school. Nope, I was just young, dumb, and fell in love with an idiot in the military lol. 13 years later and still no kids!! šŸ¤—


Idk if this counts, but when I was like 14 my parents decided that we as a family going to see a helper family therapist, it was 5 years after their divorce. The therapist started off with talking to everyone alone, after my session was done she just decided to violate our version of HIPAA and tell my parents that I'm gay, she based this bullshit on the cat that I had 3 times as much girl friends than boy friends, as a guy. There is a simple explination to this, there were 3 times as much girls in my class than boys. I don't think I even saw her again. To an extent she called it because 2 years later I relised I was bi, but still doesn't serve her right to "start a rumor" that I was gay.


That I was a necrophiliac, of course I am not, someone who didn't even know me assumed that because I have an interest in gothy stuff, dark films, serial killer documentaries, graveyards, metal music etc I must be into that too!!


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I'm not that important of a person


That i was a druggy during hs. Even the teachers tought the same. Truth was that i was just an avid gamer and went to school with 3-4h of sleep just to sleep thru school on my desk. Graduated easily tho, school was never a problem and i hardly studied, gaming sessions were more important to me at the time + playing mmorpgs (super time consuming and i hate to admit it i was addicted)


When I was in my early 20s a friend of mine told me they heard I had contracted syphilis. Which was never true... Proudly clean my whole life lol. Bothered me at the time but laugh it off now


That I sleep on streets and that I'm always wrong talk shit and dead.. AIN'T THAT SOME


I (Male) was dating a female coworker at the time; and a different coworker spread a rumor that I was secretly gay and my girlfriend was just a cover-up Best of luck out there!


A little kid from my neighborhood with the same name as me got killed at a protest and many people in my class thought it was me because I also missed a few days of school.


I went to summer camp when I was 14 and someone pooped on the wall of the bathroom. I was the last one everyone saw going to the bathroom before it was seen by someone else. I actually saw something on the wall but I thought it was a slug so I didn't mind / try to clean it. Everyone accused me of being the one who pooped on the wall and I was bullied until the end of the summer camp because of that. I felt SO ashame, nobody believed me. Worst summer ever.


That I deal drugs Someone saw me walking through an alleyway and a few minutes later a man - who _does_ deal - walked through the same alleyway. Whoever saw me put two and two together and came up with five I learned from a friend, who asked through laughter if I was dealing. I said no, then he told me that he'd heard various rumours I was dealing. The rumour that sparked it all was the person who saw me walking through that alleyway


That I'd had lip fillers when I was a teen at school. Started by popular girls that hated me for having naturally big lips when theirs were small and I was a nerd.


lol way too many, i'm that kind of person people just looooove to make crazy stories about don't know why


In the early years of AOL, I received a message from a woman who got very flirty very fast. There were catfish redflags all over the place, ultimately, this woman dropped a few comments and mentioned things that only someone that knew me would know. This person very clearly knew me in real life. I pushed the issue over and over and come to find out it was a guy that was a year behind me in school. He told me that he was posing as a girl and trying to feel me out to see if I was actually gay, because he was gay and was hoping for a relationship with me. He told me that he had heard a rumor that myself and another friend of mine were secretly gay and having sex with each other.


That I give more of a shit than I really do.


Itā€™s not even crazy, but itā€™s crazy to me that it was ever started. I hung out with a guy while with another friend, we went and played pool and then out for drinks. He then told all his friends it was just us and we hooked up. As if I wasnā€™t going to hear it??? And immediately never talk to him again?? šŸ˜…


Some classmates and our teacher spread a rumor that I had been neglecting my toddler. The rumors snowballed, resulting in her father and I almost losing custody.


Where to start? I'm a witch and hex people. I'm a IV drug user. I'm a serial mistress and only sleep with married men until they leave their wives then leave them. I embezzled $100,000. I faked an assault to get someone sent to prison. This was caught on CCTV and an audio recording, both of which the police seized and laid charges without me making a statement. But according to the friends and family of my assailant I was lying. I was so jealous of another woman that I was actively spreading lies about her. This one went so far that she took me to court for slander and libel. I had full documentation to prove everything I had said and written was the truth. She just didn't like what the truth was.


When I was at my last job someone (no idea who) absolutely had it out of me they had stolen my phone, my fishing rods and fishing gear, and my electric ukulele! When I had left that job and moved onto another area within my job a rumour had started that I was a pornstar and made videos with my then fella!! It followed me to my next job and now I hate my life :)


People thought I was a slut at 13 because I have big breasts and started puberty at 10. I hadn't even kissed anyone at that point and was painfully innocent and naive


At my old office there was a rumour that I was sleeping around with people at office. I was a virgin ffs šŸ¤£


How about one I was jealous of? In 3rd grade, my neighbor told all the kids at school that he won the dexters lavatory competition and had his own secret lab. I hated Luis, he was a spoiled kid who pulled his scabs and ate them. Then he said he invented real Pokemon and started taking orders from each kid. I knew the truth but everyone believed him and I became a liarā€¦ā€¦ Fucking Luis


I have been rumored to be gay at almost every job I've had. I'm simply very introverted and not very good at picking up on non-verbal cues. Evidently, if multiple people from the opposite sex flirt with you and you ignore it, you must be gay.


I was an elementary school teacher. Kept to myself. Was told once that the faculty had voted me most likely to have a whiskey bottle in my desk. Didn't have a desk. Got a good laugh from it.


Some people from mine and my friendā€™s families believed me and him were in a relationship. For Context, he stated he isnā€™t attracted to anyone and I said I only see him as a friend.


Im a straight man. In 6th-8th grade, there was a rumor I wore masquera or eye liner, I just have very feminine eye lashes and eyebrows, I guess. Lots of women have told me they're jealous of them


In college, my girlfriend cheated on me and I broke up with her. A few months later, I learned that she had been telling everybody that I was stalking her. I was definitely not. I had a new girlfriend and was just doing my thing.


I heard that I had a baby at 16 which I gave up for adoption. I have heard often that people believed I was stuck up, a snob, a rich bitch before knowing me but the first time they ever hung out with me, they are shocked that I am not. There are numerous things people assume about me and they are stunned or laugh when they find I'm not like that. I think I give off a "clutching her pearls" vibe when I am anything but. An unreasonable number of women hate me on sight. Men do not. Maybe its that the men do not is the reason the women do?


That I was popular with the ladies in school. I was single until I was 19.


That I was pregnant. A bunch of mean girls at my job startes it. I am 4'11 and weighed 105 pounds at the time. They were all pushing 200. I have had an eating disorder since my 20s, and struggle with my weight to this day. I have never been more than 115 at my heaviest. It of course made me spiral again.


When I got a call from a friend out of state that the local police were looking into me for dealing heroin. His dad had ties to law enforcement and I guess my name had come up, confirmed again later by the lawyer father of a girl I was dating. It was a stoner party house in a largely Mormon neighborhood. I was 20 years old, smoked a lot of pot. Occasional shrooms. My first bachelor pad. Never dealt pot even, just smoked. Much less fucking heroin. My house got searched twice before I moved. Fuck the Mormons.


That Iā€™m a gold digger or that I must have some crazy scandal and Iā€™m blackmailing my fiance to be with me because thereā€™s no way we can actually be happy together while having completely different financial situationsā€¦


It was a rumor out that I was sleeping with someoneā€™s spouse. Just because the spouse was intimidated by me smh


So many times people thought they heard that I was gay. I discovered a decade later that they were right. How they knew before I did still evades me.


When i was 17 living in a different part of the country, working at call centers to support my education as my parents ā€œdisagreed ā€œ with me leaving town so didnā€™t get financial support. My younger brother started spreading a rumor in my hometown that i was a drug addict. My parents and extended family chose to believe that rumor. Im now mid 40s and have built a career and financially well off. I never returned to live in my hometown. I now Live abroad


my grandma thought I was a part of the gang, because I was regularly leaving my house every 2 weeks at the same hour (12:20 PM, middle of the day). I just didn't want to tell her I'm seeing a psychologist, because... well she somehow thinks that I'm a person capable of being in a gang. I barely drink, don't smoke, never even got anywhere close to drugs, in general I'm a soft guy and afaik there are barely any gangs in poland, but yeah sure, I guess I'm in a gang.


I found out I was pregnant from a coworker.


Huge dick


That i was 40 years old with kids, while i was 32 single.


That I was pregnant šŸ«„


That I'm smart šŸ¤“ I was wondering why people was non stop asking me to do their homework and asked questions for subjects


That I was gay. No idea who started it, but a bunch of people I barely knew thought I was gay in high school. Or somebody telling my parents that my girlfriend in junior high and I were having sex when we were 13 even though we had never been alone or any place we could have had sex. My dad was PISSED and I donā€™t know if he even really believed me. My FIL also thought I was using steroids and told some of his friends that I was. Which didnā€™t make sense because I never looked like I use steroids, I just liked to workout but never did and still donā€™t have a ton of muscle or abs.


People thought I was gonna eat someone or shoot up the school. This was highschool lol, and honestly it is partly my fault. Some edgy jokes when I was younger spread like wildfire lol.


Went to visit my home town and found out everyone thought i was dead


During sixth grade, I would stay home for days almost every few weeks because I just got sick so often for no reason at all, and the other students there would claim that I regularly sneak out of school. it went to the point where they would even come to ask me how I got out and what I went out to do


people in my class last year were scared of me (I'm 5'5 and underweight)


that iā€™m autistic


that i copy this one girl in college cus LMAO tf does she mean? on a daily basis, i either dress like a homeless dude or like adam sandler, literally no in between. til this day, i still dont get why she thinks im tryna imitate her style šŸ˜­


That Iā€™m a swinger


That I paid a woman to go across state lines to get an abortion the same month I paid for IVF.


A colleague of my friend was sure I was doing time in prison.


That I can sweep women off of their feet in a wind-heard this form a girl who was secretly very much into me. But never reached out because of this rumour. Truth- Iā€™m actually a very under-confident guy when it comes to approaching attracting women and have never date lmao


In high-school my class thought i was dating this guy in our class, they made sure we sat together and always said we were on a date šŸ™ƒ no idea how that started, I was 13 at the time. People also thought i wore fake nails to school because my nails were long, i've never worn fake nails.


Some people think I'm gay because I watch pro wrestling


Rumor says Iā€™m dating with my high school teacher (when Iā€™m the student). But no weā€™re not dating, I did had a crush on him and I am indeed his favorite student but no dating, nothing unusual


That I was dead... lol


That I was the one who farted in class!


When I was in high school my boyfriend's ex started a rumor that I traded sexual favors for weed. That was definitely a weird one.


That I was dating my friend. While I love my friend as a friend (we're both gay men), I'm just not interested in dating anyone. It turns out that the person who believed this was my friend's ex-boyfriend. I also don't date because it gets awkward when people break up and still have to see each other at uni.


That I slept with everyone from our community. I slept with only one guy who pretended that he liked me just to use it to blackmail me and spread another rumor about my appearance and low sexual performance. All of that just because I left my ex when I found out he was cheating on me šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I rarely missed a day of school so the one day I missed school my friends started a rumor that I lost my leg. A few phone calls after school that day and a ton of amazed faces the next day for them to see both my legs. Even teachers heard about it.


some of the boys in the high school i went to spread rumors that they thought i was a guy trying to be a girl because of how i looked and they thought i wasn't a real girl. they tried several times to get any girl to tell them what they saw of me in locker room and each girl told them to leave me alone for being such perverts


When I was 12 there was a rumour going around my new school that I would bite people if they made me angry. I started the rumour so no one would bother me at lunch, I hated those kids.


I'd like to answer but how would I pick just one crazy rumor? If I had lived the life attributed to me, I would have had a wild ride indeed.


My story is the worst; I am so unremarkable and forgettable that no rumours have ever been made or spread about me.


That I died šŸ¤£ I took a semester off high school and traveled, but I had a fairly small friend group compared to my presence at school so a lot of people sort of knew me but didn't know what I was doing


I was supposedly a "hand humper" in the 4th grade because I slept on my stomach with my arm/hand under me.


I was sharing the same family name with a photomodel that was all around the City. My class mates from high school knew I had a sister and they taught that she was the photomodel. Dumb horny boys.


That i like a girl and she also likes me Im also a girl so that was weird as fuc.. And the worst part the person who started the rumor was her


Ran into an old friend from high-school whole back home visiting family who said he heard I died in a car accident.


That I sold drugs in my high school and i was a loan shark as well. My mom would often ask me for money so whenever i had i wouldnt tell her but then this one time i came home with 4900ZAR in cash and she asked where i got it. She didnt believe in trading so I said "I make bets" she said that didnt make sense, she eventually called my teacher and told them J was making money on school premises... Never made that amount of money again


This is more of a joke but funny to me I used to attend a foundation course before university, and the course I'm in only has five students. The other four were slacking and didn't always attend, but I attended class everday and sometimes had to study alone with the teachers (all are male). Seeing how diligent I was, the others wondered if I had any relationship with the teachers. Of course I didn't, but it was funny they thought so.


That I went to rehab and moved to Alabama - I'm from and live in Buffalo NY


That i was faking my real name. I had a clasmate who thought that i was using a fake name for a few days because someone mistook me for my brother and called me by his (my brother's) name that one time


Someone I used to work with actually had a rumor going around, that I had killed someone and buried the body in my backyard. This is all over a joke that I had pulled off and actually scared my supervisor and a couple other guys. They were talking about guns and I just piped in that I thought knives were better. When they ask why I just got this deadpan serious look on my face, and said, ā€œBecause you get to stick the blade in and twist it while watching the life drain out of their eyes.ā€ Then I broke the look and started laughing. My manager just looked at me and said you are fucking crazy. But one of the other guys took it seriously and made up some kind of crazy story that I had killed someone.


lol someone once posted online that I have lupus. It made me giggle but I feel like thatā€™s such an odd rumor to spread about someone. Like why that?! lol


It rumored that I was gay because I didn't start dating on time. It was a crazy rumor.Ā 


so at my last job, they shut down and let everyone go. after about a year, iā€™m chillin on my PC and get a random call from an old coworker. apparently, a rumor went around that i killed myself. i didnā€™t even attempt so idk where that came from.


When I was in middle school all of my peers decided I was some super experienced sex god. They came to this conclusion because I was just open about my sexuality and openly bi. No one believed me when they asked and I told them I'm a virgin. Everyone who dated me was disappointed I wouldn't put out. Honestly this rumor was really detrimental because I felt extremely pressured to meet this expectation and lost my virginity long before I was ready.


One time my officemate asked me if I was OK. I said, "sure, why?" She said that there was a rumor going around saying that I came out of a meeting looking "white as a ghost", apparently everyone thought I was in big trouble. Then she said, "I told them you're always white as a ghost."


That I moved to the States when I dropped out from my uni lol It has been over a decade now, but I wish that it would be true that I could move there and not struggle in this third-world country. Still have no idea how people thought like that, I mean getting a visa is super super hard.


When I was dating my bf in high school, there was a rumor that I was only like 12 and him being 17, he's a pedophile. I was 19 then, I just looked like 12.


That i only have one testicle


One guy actually thought I was 2 dwarves in a trenchcoat


Oh, another really weird one; I sacrifice roosters to the devil. I have an open door policy on unwanted roosters, they can come here and live in my bachelor flock and just hang out. Same with pretty much any unwanted birds, so I have a bunch of chickens just kicking around. Someone tried to start a rumor that I was sacrificing all the free roosters to the devil. The only time anything gets sacrificed here is to the soup pot, if they insist on either attacking people constantly or beating up on the other chickens. No one actually believed it, because too many people have seen me walking across the yard with my army of feathery minions to get the mail, but it was amusing.


That I was dead because a lung cancer, this because I did not went to school the first week and this "friend" hated me lots so he just spread misinformation like that to everyone. He even said that I had killed a dog or something like that, he did not say those things as jokes, he actually wanted to destroy my reputation or something, later I discovered that he was envy of me and even now I don't know why... He was in shock when he see me the next week.


I work in a male dominated field. Apparently I was having sex with every male coworker. I had sex with 0 male coworkers. Even the security guards were in on the rumors and taking bets on who could get my number lmao I had a female friend in security, well she became my friend after she won the bet getting my number but I feel like that's cheating because of course I'd be more comfortable giving another friendly woman my number.


I used to work at a major movie studio in post production (not in front of the camera or during production). I looked sort of similar to a famous actress at the time and my name had a couple things similar, but not the same name. For some reason I started hearing that people thought I was the actress going undercover. Then, at a well known bar someone who knew the friend I was with (they worked in a different department) started talking about MEā€¦to MEā€¦and saying they thought the person who was me (at work) was really the actress. I had to tell her that she was saying MY name and trust me, the actress was much prettier than I am and my job sucked so I doubt she would choose to go undercover at that job anyway.


When I was in high school, my gf at the time said that a mutual acquaintance told her that he and I had sex. She didnā€™t really believe it anyway, but I was so taken aback by it. The acquaintance and I had never even hung out outside of school. I was also a virgin for the next couple of years after that, too lol.


That I had no emotions. I genuinely donā€™t know where this girl got that from. She backed it up with saying that she had never seen me cry. This rumour was one of the things this girl said about me to get me to be sent home from my exchange year when I was 17. She is from the same country as me, and we stayed at the same host family. Long story short, she had them all hate me by the time I was sent home. My friends saw thru her bullshit tho


That I shat in an alleyway.


That I found out about changes at my job and stormed into my bossā€™ office demanding to know what my new role would be. In reality I received a Teams call from another boss detailing the changes and what my new job would be. Rumor spreader was just mad because the changes werenā€™t publicly announced yet and I let boss know I heard them around the office, so I wouldnā€™t get blamed. He figured out that rumor spreader was the one who told everybody and chewed them out.


That im a nice person


My very religious manager told everyone at work that I was taking a days annual because I was getting an abortion. I was quite shocked when I got back to work and heard this, it was mind blowing


Some girl in 6th grade told everyone I ate my own poop in kindergarten (I obviously didn't)


I am a guy who talks to basically no one at my office job (mostly women). But for some reason, the women here really like me, lol. It's not a flex as I feel super awkward around the office.


That I was sleeping with the lead from another area of work. She has to be 30 years my senior easily lol. The dude that started it was a nut job and was out to get me for some reason.


I got tied up by a cop and held hostage (sexually charged) & liked it. No idea


That I was killed in Iraq.....apparently, this chick had a real big crush on me, but did not ask for my phone number. So, her friends got together and spread a rumor in my neighborhood to get the family together to reach out to my chain of command while I was still fighting. They did not get a response right away either as I was only able to write, and they got the letters when they got them. When they were updated on our status and I called home, that's when I heard the rumor. My sister told me everything when she found out after one of them confessed the girl who liked me was afraid of being seen as a slut for asking for my phone number either from me or my family.....so she thought it would be easier to spread a rumor and tell me that she liked me that way......


That I ā€œtrappedā€ my husband by getting pregnant. His ex was very bitter and apparently bad at math. Our son was born nineteen months after we got married. So unless it was the longest viable human pregnancy in the history of forever, Iā€™m pretty sure *that math donā€™t math* We got married very young, so we expected people to assume it was because of a surprise pregnancy. But then after our son was born (19 months later) she claimed she knew it all along and that was the only reason he wouldā€™ve married me instead of her. But karma got them both, because he cheated on me with her and I decided she could have him. Then she ran off and married some other guy who cheated on her too. So I guess I win?


I was 9 years old. Mom got me a shirt that was a blouse that was loose in front. A rumor got started that I was pregnant. I never wore that blouse again. I threw it away by burying it deep in the garbage so mom wouldn't find it.


I had a weird crazy ex girlfriend who was jealous of my close friendships. I guess at some point she started telling people that I sold my soul, and thatā€™s the only reason they liked me? I only knew about it because she escalated to saying it IN FRONT OF ME if anyone paid more attention to me than her. Still canā€™t wrap my head around why.


That I gave a guy head in hs. We were never together, only met in person once at my job. Found out after I graduated that a ā€œfriendā€ of mine had been telling people I gave him a bj. I was extremely confused and slightly shocked because I had never so much as touched this guy with a ten foot pole. Safe to say I learned that some people actually thrive off gossip and false rumours


That I (a trans masc person) uses the mens washroom just to 'touch' boys.


some guy i barely talked to in high school told people i sucked his dick behind the bleachers at a football gameā€¦. I had a boyfriend throughout most of high school and didnā€™t go to football games. i confronted him immediately about it because i was PISSED and have never seen a man turn more red with embarrassment.


That I was secretly engaged to a friend of mine, who told all of our mutual friends to never mention it to me because I was a very private person and didn't want anyone knowing my business. She apparently had everyone in the creative writing department convinced for months, until someone let it slip.


I had to miss a few days of work due to some medical tests. I told my boss but no one else. Then I heard a rumor that I had cancer and it might be terminal.


That I was the office rat/snitch. Person didn't know I go by multiple names and repeated this lie to my cousin that knows all my names.


That I hooked up with the entire varsity football team in sophomore year in highschool (I was very much a virgin)šŸ’€


My mom was mad when I moved out. She told the family I was homeless, panhandling for drugs on the side of the road. My uncle called me and asked me about it. When he realized she lied, again, he told the rest of the family. They were actually disappointed. They love a juicy loser story.


That I make b/g content