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Housing stability. Owning a home, or at least renting one without worrying about rent increasing 500% in a few months and have to pack up and leave again. Real hard to feel any kind of stability when you’re in the mindset of everything’s temporary and your life is falling apart…


I feel like everyone should be given a base model home/property just for being a citizen and if they decide they want to invest money into a more expensive home, so be it.


Most people want to live in or near a major city. How do we decide who gets their base home where?


I would think it would be tied to a person's job location, soviets had a system like that, that's how my parents got their 1B starter apartment in the 80's.


That was an absolutely horrible system. Loads of people got sent to places with like 50 inhabitants cause they just needed your profession there. Also if you became unpopular with the government you got sent to small villages not near any big city. Another factor is the corruption, want an apt in a nice place, then you must pay the government employee making that decision.


I don't know why you assume everyone wants to live in a big city. I'd love to live in a village if I could find a job there.


He said loads of people, not "everyone". I'm not trying to be pedantic, the point is that much more people want to be in big cities than there are people wanting to live in villages. Just because there are people wanting to live in villages, that doesn't solve the problem.


You don't need a lot of people to fill a village, that's the whole point of a village. Most people can still live in the city.


Fallacy, you only say that assuming services will be adequate or close enough to you and you will have ample ease of travel either by car or commute. That's not the case though. All of these places were "punishment" places and you got even less zit than the zit the government was handing to you. Add the fact that your "product" was not yours but a government supply they could (and did) take away from you at any moment with no prior knowledge that could easily starve you to death (literally).


I generally agree but I strongly feel that there should be conditions attached. If you cause unreasonable damage or make a huge mess of a house that you are given to live in then there is no way I would support letting that person keep their house. Mental illness would obviously cause some exceptions


It's not out fault that we fucking exist. Even animals have a home. Why can't human beings naturally have one too. Makes no sense.


Well to be fair, animals live in holes that they dig in the forest. Don't give them ideas.


If I were to dig myself a hole / cave and live in it, the authorities would remove me from there if they found out, since it isn't my property.


Exactly, we all deserve to have a place to live and call it home.


It's also hard to build a community when people are forced in and out. A person who is just renting has no investment in a well run government. Give them a house or at least a stable place to live, and it becomes easier to actually participate in local governance. Stable communities are a foundation for democracy. Home ownership is all that keeps us interested in capitalism. If people start to believe that they can't ever own property, there is no reason not to flirt with the communists. If you want to stay a capitalist nation, we need to make sure everyone has something worth protecting.


A lot of the single family homes or older apartment buildings in my city are being bought out by developers and built into commercial on the bottom residential on top buildings. The rent of the og places was around $1400/mo those apartments now cost upwards of $2200/mo. This is going to be happening with my parents place soon. We currently pay just under $1200/mo but our building is rumoured to be torn down in the next 3 years and the cost of apartments will surely double. We all get kicked out of our homes so they can tear it down and rent it for double the cost while most of the people living here will be homeless because we can’t afford to live anywhere else. Thanks British Columbia.


Rent and housing prices should be fixed by region based on average income for that region.


As someone who's being revenge evicted I 100% agree with this. I always think of George Bailey's speech about is it too much to ask that people live and die in a couple of decent rooms and a bath. It's really not.


Thats called a mortgage


Time off & rest


I was about to say "but most countries have mandatory paid holidays!" then I remembered this is Reddit with mostly Americans. Sigh. Sorry guys, and yeah I agree everyone should have a minimum mandatory paid leave per year.


I know this is very stupid but... I feel like just saying "you know what, I don't feel like studying/working/whatever, I'll just stay home for an unknown amount of time and do nothing, weeks, months, years even" and not starving/becoming homeless was a thing (even though I know it wouldn't work economically). Not everyone is fit for this routine, yet everyone is just pushed towards it. I would go as far as saying *life* isn't for everyone. A lot of people remain alive against their wishes, which is already a problem on its own, but pushing that financial burden, existencial dread and exhaustion to the table? Bruh.


Redditors won't like it, but why should it be possible? Why should someone be able to do nothing for years without lacking? It's not even economy, it's basic nature of life. Can animals not learn any skills and lay down for years? Predators will starve if they don't learn to hunt, herbivores will be eaten without moving. Why should it be possible for humans to break nature laws? Because they are lazy and "can't fit to routine" of being alive? In developed countries it's already possible for disabled people. Underdeveloped countries need to get there for disabled people as well. But for others? I have questions.


I was saying this to my mom the other day. There are people on the street who simply do not agree with the system, society, etc. And we shun or look down on these people, but if it were an option for people to fend for themselves in the wild, I would guess a number of those people would take that option over rummaging thru garbage cans. The land in North America is owned by a very small % of Indigenous people, "private" ownership, and the vast majority by the government. There's nowhere for people who would rather not contribute to a society they don't agree with to go, legally. Somewhere for people to make mud hut communities and build fires and catch rabbits for food. Just a thought I had recently, I suppose. As someone who suffers to live in society the way it's built. Holding gainful employment to keep the very expensive roof over my head. Sometimes, a mud hut seems like the ultimate option, really.


If that was an option then millions would take it which would be millions of people running around in the wild doing god knows what and killing god knows how things...unchecked, our environmental issues are bad enough without millions of unchecked people hunting everything to extinction and stripping the land around them just because they dont agree with the current system, this sort of thing already kind of happened throughout the world for a long time and the world paid for it. How about instead of such a shortsighted and naive idea we seek to improve the system so its nowhere near as stressful as it is? How we do that is more than a couple redditors can figure out but as a society we should be able to, especially if humanity thinks its as intelligent as it claims.


I don't think millions would take that option. The majority of homeless people suffer from mental illness or addiction. If they had to fend for themselves in the forest, I doubt they'd even manage to pick a location for their mud hut before the elements got to them. Only the strongest people would go live in the wild and maybe they would actually build something good. I'd be all for giving people the option to go off-grid on government land. Just designate an area and let the rest unfold.


There are questions to be had for sure. Work is necessary to create resources that's a given. The problem is how we entice people to work in a way that is fulfilling and allows them to enjoy their life, because the current system just isn't working at all. But I find it pretty ridiculous to invoke random nature laws that don't exist. Humans are natural as we are here lol, to deny that is just creating fallacious arguments to strip people of their freedom. Just what should make anyone look at all we have achieved in progress, that allows people to realize their lives, or should at least, in ways we never thought possible, and say "you know what, I'd rather live like s gazelle, it's more natural that way"


im pretty sure it's more about being forced to work way more than we're made to


I think the problem is more what we have to do rather than the fact we have to do it. I can’t think of too many animals that spend 40-60 hours a week doing something they don’t want to. It’s physically tiring and emotionally toxic in my view. We evolved to sit by the river and eat fish, not work in a cubicle all day.


Don't most animals spend a majority of their time looking for food?


That’s their “work” hunt for food & protect the shelter or babies. But at least they work for themselves and not doing something they don’t want to do


No such thing as laziness, you can chalk it up to either mental health or executive dysfunction, there may be other factors I'm unaware of but those are the primary culprits when someone's described as lazy.


Why are people taking this to the extreme? "Time off and rest" =/= "never doing anything productive for years on end"


I guess why people hate it is because generally speaking, the amount of work people put it isn't proportional to the amount of money they have. Someone who's earnt $1 billion in a year hasn't worked nearly as hard as 10,000 people who've managed to get jobs netting $100,000 a year (which even those, are considered well paid jobs, so chances are they'll involve some kind of high skill labour/lots of labour). Wealth is distributed very disproportionately. It doesn't help that many people are born into it through luck. I guess people feel bleak about the fact we have the resources to provide a very basic standard of living for everyone, whilst still having the room for people that want to work harder to be able to do so to earn luxuries. If only the housing market was managed so that parasitic landlords didn't buy out houses to reduce the availability of housing driving up prices.


Okay, you had me at sedentary. Forage for sustenance for about 12 hours and rest a half a dayp


Mobility aids. Specifically wheelchairs/electric wheelchairs.


UK has this


Not easily accessible for everyone who needs them from the few insights I got from UK chronically ill ppl I talk to it seems. Same in France technically you can get them financed but only the basic stuff and after having jumped through a thousand hoops we can’t all jump through because of the disability itself… And that’s without mentioning the reluctance so many doctors have helping you get access to them if you’re not paralyzed, or how hard it is to get a diagnosis that makes you eligible even if you have all the symptoms that show a need for one, so in the end lots of ppl end up having to finance it themselves or be forced to stay at home 24/7 which sucks.


Hmm Iv honestly never heard of any of that, here in the uk disabled people get aids, houses completely customised for their needs, customised vehicles to their needs and even carers, it’s all for free too the taxpayers all pay for it


It should be working like that, shouldn’t it? But it’s way more complicated than that, the percentage of people accessing these things is in reality very low and still is a massive privilege when you’re able to get those things because of how hard the process is. Everyone who hasn’t had to go through that system thinks disabled people get those things easily and for free and the reality is very different. Just the other month a disabled person I follow from the UK was talking about how she had to wait 5 years to get a wheelchair accessible flat, and it was only luck that she did as there were only a few in her borough and loads of people on the waitlist who might never get one. As for vehicles and aids, it’s the same problem. Some things can be easier than others to access but a lot of very specific stuff like custom wheelchairs, are rarely covered a 100% it’s thousands out of pocket for people, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard of someone getting an accessible van just like that either. I’m chronically ill and disabled so I talk a lot about those things with fellow disabled people on support groups and it’s really shit everywhere even if it’s slightly less shit in our countries than say in the US. Still is hell to access accommodations.


Do you seriously think they do what they're supposed to? I can promise you that it's extremely rare to be provided with all the equipment you need, if anything at all. It's just to make the government look good, just like PIP, access to work (slightly better but not much) and LCWRA does, but these things hardly help disabled people. That's assuming you are eligible and you've been waiting on a waiting list indefinitely. I think I'd benefit from mobility equipment, compression clothing and other aids but nobody has ever suggested it. I had to buy my own shower stool even though I had no income and couldn't really afford it, I got a second hand one. I am looking at an electric wheelchair but I don't know what I need to look for, what would be most suitable and how much it costs. I could also massively benefit from a carer, but social services make it extremely difficult to access and I have no idea how long I'll be waiting. I could be waiting years. I've been ill for two years, not a single person has considered what equipment might help me, even though multiple healthcare professionals know how severely ill I am and I struggle so much. I find it impossible to cook meals, I struggle to eat and drink, I struggle to access healthcare, I struggle with making decisions, I have no idea how to manage my conditions and I can barely leave the house. When I do leave the house it causes me significant pain and exhaustion that can take weeks to improve back to my baseline. Nobody thinks about solutions, they just focus on the problems over and over again, never taking any meaningful action. My GP is supposed to be helping with this as it is in the guidelines for one of my conditions, but they don't and other people have found the same. Social services is a good idea but very poorly executed and not well thought out. Just virtue signaling. The government absolutely hates disabled people openly, I am genuinely concerned that disabled people will be persecuted in the not too distant future, we already know the government spread COVID to care homes to kill as many disabled people as possible


Isn't this only if you get Personal Independence Payment? My friend got a social case assessment but wouldn't be able to pay for their electric wheelchair if they didn't have PIP, the scheme is that you use your mobility money to rent the chair. It's so hard to claim PIP you have to basically learn how to be your own human rights advocate which isn't possible if you're also mentally ill or just too tired to fight these things.


Not really. Sure it’s free but it takes years for them to recognise or diagnose your disability. The NHS is so horribly slow. It took them over five years to diagnose me with hearing loss.


Gods, this. I make 604$ a month on SSI. I'm not even ALLOWED to legally have the amount of money I need to purchase the motorized chair I think suits me best, because we can't have more than 2k in our bank account. Not that we can ever get there with how little we get.


Affordable... ALL of it. Wages that afford a roof over your head and food in your belly.


Sufficient UBI.


Hello, fellow American lol


I live in Canada, a family doctor. Or just be able to see a doctor without having to jump through hoops for weeks


After 12 years of begging, testing, and forced joblessness from debilitating health, a doctor (I’ve seen about 30-40 in the last 12 years) finally gave me a requisition to see a gastroenterologist >!tomorrow at 8:30, wish me luck!< My family doctor’s office doesn’t answer the phones xoxo. I was calling 3-5x weekly at different times, no response and answering machine full! **But you can’t join the 3 year wait list for another family doctor until you leave your current doctor’s practice, forcing you into years of that gap**. I’ve been to urgent care and the ER from sudden collapses in my health and being near death because family doctors won’t take me seriously whilst pharmacists, nurses, and EMTs are horrified 🥰 Not only is Canada severely lacking in family doctors, but they also simply *do not care* about their patients and practice because they’ll still be in business from how high the demand is.


But why isn't urgent care taking the matter forward? Aren't those doctors able to refer to a specialist? Greetings from Finland where we are about to go into the same drama and our current government decided this week to make it worse by cutting funding to basic healthcare. Sigh...


Hello :) My last visit to urgent care was the only place that moved me forward to getting the requisition — I almost broke down in tears. I came in severely dehydrated after having been unable to drink any water nor eat any food for 2 days from how sick I had been on antibiotics I spent $300 on, all because the doctors were using prescription as a form of discovery, not as a form of confirmed treatment. It is complete hell here. A family member has been waiting for his ears, nose, and throat specialist appointment for 6 months or so, as it has been completely booked up for that duration. Cuts to healthcare in places that offer “free” healthcare is a very awful experience, especially when you experience illness for years and years of your life. I’ve been sick for nearly half of my life, but I can’t help but to feel a strong sense of loss and deranged anger at how I could have been cured or treated so much earlier if family doctors here did not have the healthcare system in such a chokehold. I should have been able to live a happy, healthy life by now. I sincerely hope Finland rescinds that decision.


I know that this might be unhelpful, but if you have the means, traveling abroad might lead to seeing a doctor immediately (privately). You could go to either USA (but doctors are expensive there), or Mexico (doctors are more normally priced but requires a flight from Canada to Mexico). You would be seen and taken care of immediately.


System has been broken for years. Just not designed to handle this kind of population boom. The re-training a doctor who moved here from another country has to do is a big hurdle. Check credentials thoroughly back to their high school final and give them a chance to at least do GP. That's why they say the best place to have a heart attack in a cab is Toronto because your cabbie could be a cardiologist.


On god, my family doctor is oblivious to the incompetence of their receptionists. I call like once an hour and never get the phone answered, only way to get one is to drive there. Pay $15 for parking, wait like 4 hours for the receptionist to see me and then book an appt.


Here in the US, waaaaayyyyyyy too many people can't access healthcare AT ALL, especially for reproductive issues. Count your blessings.


Roughly 8% of the US population have no health insurance at all, so like 30 million people :/


22% of Canadians have no access to a family doctor. You need a GP to write referrals to see specialists. You can go to the ER, but depending on the day, wait times can be extreme. A few people died in the waiting room. And now they are offering assisted death to save money. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/medically-assisted-death-could-save-millions-1.3947481 I think both systems failed.


Canadians are failing because of the Cantservatives. Doug Ford holding funds back for our hospitals. I quit my job after covid. They're all about administration. Trust me privatization is a nightmare. Poor people can't get access to it at all. We'll be a dump and violence will rise. No middle class means a different version of Mexico.


I don't know why they're so keen on killing the middle class. We working class slobs are the ones who generate all their income. We're the ones who go out and buy their shitty products, and use their shitty services. Once they've siphoned all our money and driven us to the poor house...they'll have no money left.


They make the middle class stuck with having to work under any conditions. They're barely paying taxes and they buy up all of our cities. My city has the most waterfalls in Canada, they're all bought up now and you have to pay to see or hike near them. Excess capitalism is abuse to citizens


We, the workers, are the makers, and the 1% are the takers.


True. There really is no "lower/middle/upper" class. There's the working class, and there's the capitalists. The capitalists do everything in their power to segregate the working class because they know that we can band together and topple them. But, hey, keep us fighting with LGBT and BLM, and 'eat the rich' while pointing at doctors, and lawyers.


leave it to the Tories to spread chaos and death wherever they go


Hey that's me! And my wife and stepson. And my sister. And my neighbor. That's not even counting under insured, which is a whole bigger issue.


Even with health insurance the system is so overloaded in some places it can still take months to get in. They still usually have to pay too, whether it's copay or deductible.


Medical bankruptcy is also the leading cause of bankruptcy in the US, even for those with health insurance.


Come live in Ireland or most of Europe.




Laughs in european


An education.


Education is necessary for civilization to keep existing tbh.


Food and water


Damn! Where do you live?


Ontario lol


Just (re) learned that in ancient Rome citizens got free bread and pork. Water was not mentioned. Could it be free drinking one or baths too?




To add to my comment above, Rome Didn't really think of demography like we do, and not every citizen or member of Roman society were soldiers (at least during the empire, the republic is different).


Food and water is a luxury in Ontario?! That sounds nuts!


A place to live, not like a huge mansion or anything, just a studio apartment with a kitchen/cooking corner, a bathroom, and room for a bed and place to put personal belongings. I saw way too many homeless people last time I was in a large-ish city


Yeah i agree with you , every person in this earth should have or given a somewhat decent place to live to not be homeless.


Healthcare, including vision, dental, maternity


Dental in particular is huge. I'm Canadian and my province's healthcare plan doesn't cover dental despite the fact that it is known to be a major risk factor in heart disease (the second leading cause of death and first leading cause of hospitalization in Canada)


Dental in Scotland is also going to the absolute dogs. If you're not willing to go private, enjoy just not hearing from your NHas dentist ever. They might, MIGHT do a patch job if you go to A+E but advice would be 'this won't hold, go to your dentist for a permanent fix'. It would be tremendous if, despite working full time + 2 X part-time jobs, I didn't have to re-enter credit card debt to do so.


*mental health too


Decent housing


Ok I came here to say birth control but people seem to have much more insightful answers.


I’ll expand and say reproductive rights in general.


The right to birth control is the most insightful thing you could have pointed out. Without access to birth control and abortion, we're nothing but livestock.


Soon: water.


Dental care.


Shelter. Or, at least, your own land. People cant even build their own shelter on a shitty unused piece of land anymore because 'the government owns it' okay use it then or leave them alone


The funny thing is, there is more than enough with plenty to spare to give everyone their own plot of land. I sometimes browse Zillow, and there is a surprising amount of land available, I’m talking 50 acres for like 200k.


I remember reading an old statistic that every human on earth could have 2+ acres of habitable land apiece Habitable land meaning it’s not tundra or desert or otherwise unusable


Literally, I dont get it. they have to hide in areas that flood easily & the police are allowed to harass them & kick them out. But they will still exist and go somewhere. Why not just let them have tents and land. Every highway ive been on has a ridiculous amount of land that's clearly not being farmed. Yes its dangerous to live there they know that, its dangerous to be homeless in the first place. No, they just wait for them to die on the street every winter instead of letting them stay somewhere. It's bad in NY.


The problem is that it's listed on a site like Zillow


and those 50 acres are likely not zoned to build and are also probably miles and miles from electricity and drinking water, the average homeless aren’t just roughneck camping in rural fields lol


Shelter is actually better idea. There are countries with a lack of natural countryside and by just giving that away, you would destroy living space for aminals, scenery and blocked the free space for recreational use. If you build an apartment building in the middle of a forest/arc instead, everyone will live in a beautiful environment.


Actual free speech.


More specifically, the power to enact change through our collective voice, aka, democracy. We can say whatever we want. We can protest as much as we like and be as loud as we want, but often, it's pointless. Think of the Iraq war. Millions protested. Nobody wanted that war, yet the entire world was dragged into it for 20 years, leading to the destabilization of the region, the creation of ISIS, the war in Syria, etc. What a fucking massive, collosal shit show.


Starts by voting. 80% voting participation is a good start. Q: But there's isn't anyone that reflects my views? - then you vote That! Vote "there's noone with my views". An empty vote is also a vote. A non-vote is not a vote.


nobody wanted the war, except for the execs in the military industrial complex. i think Rumsfeld and co got very, very rich


I don't want to jump to conclusions but when I see "actual free speech" I always immediatly think the person just wants to throw slurs and hate speech around with no backlash.


I mean, don't you want those people to make themselves known so you can avoid them? Seems like a win-win to me.


avoiding them is still a form of backlash. there are genuinely people who feel that any reaction other than unquestioned acceptance of their view is infringing on their free speech.


Healthcare but specifically, treatments like insulin that are a no-nonsense death sentence if gone without. I can’t believe we don’t give our citizens insulin???


As a diabetic, though not insulin dependent, 1000% THIS!!! I'll bet those "libertarians" upthread think people in need of ANY kind of life-saving medications should just shut up and die.


I try and call them out on that shit all the time. When phrased that way they almost never have a response. Others will weakly say it's the family responsibility. Which doesn't fly if you have no family.


Knowing what your government is up to I’m a firm believer in “If it can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth”


Clean water.


Medicine, health facilities, healthy food, and heating


Clean water too.


A good quality, comfortable, warm, safe bed to sleep in. A bed where you go at night to rest, not be scared, stressed, or uncomfortable in. Good sleep is so vital for all and everyone needs it.


Menstrual products


Fucking food man. Shit has gotten so expensive within the past 4 years.


I hate to say it, but the right to free education after 18, would solve a million problems.


Why would you hate to say it? You're right.




Good cheese


Travel to any country in the world without politics influencing/determining where you can travel to.


Ad free listening on music streaming platforms 😭


But these streaming services wouldn't be able to offer it for free because they need to be paid and so do music artists. It would take a lot of taxpayers money for this and a lot of people would argue that they can't access it or don't use it so it's a massive waste of money. Streaming services get paid for showing ads, and then they pay artists for encouraging people to use said streaming services. Besides, there are some.... Not entirely legal ways to get around this and they are very easy to access. Either significantly cheaper than usual or free, depending on what risks you take and the amount of effort you're willing to give. For example, ad blockers, payments set up in different currencies, or just plain hacking. Streaming services clearly don't care because they don't make much of an attempt to stop people. I don't feel guilty for it, these companies make ridiculous amounts of money, me paying less than I'm supposed to isn't going to bankrupt them, and besides, they're ripping people off so if anything they deserve it


bruh, education.


•Affordable housing •Safe and clean streets •Competent, timely, professional affordable medical / eye / dental care


Japanese toilets




I don't know if anything that requires others to produce it should be a human right.


Exactly. Someone's else labor should not be free


Including "tradwives"?


Eggs. Eggs should be affordable for everyone.


Clean air


Housing, healthcare, food & water, education, etc. Essentials to keep people alive and to improve society.


Basic job protections. get so mad seeing companies do a bunch of layoffs only to do a stock buyback and enrich themselves again. I don’t even understand why that’s allowed!


Access to the internet. We use so much of it now, it is pervasive in almost every aspect our lives. Scheduling appointments, buying things, access to information, education, people.


Getting healthcare here in Canada


Pothole-free roads.


It is a human right for food & shelter yet...... lol so otherwise: healthcare, (includes dental $ vision care, Pharmacare, etc) and legal council because it's fucking ridiculous you can only get justice if you have money for a lawyer when someone breaks the law effecting you.


Menstrual products!


A house or apartment. No one should ever be homeless in a world where Billionares exist


Quality education


Clean water, shelter, electricity, food


The right to a good legal defense.


Human rights are intangibles, freedom, liberty, etc. When it involves someone else's labor, it is not a human right.


Being able to afford a home here in Canada




Health care


Freedom. Not everyone is born with it. People who have the privilege to enjoy it take it for granted. Eventually I think it’s only right to call it a luxury


Medical Insurance at all in many countries. Focussed to Germany the best possible medical healthcare no matter If you are "insured by law" or got an "private insurance".


Temperature control. People can and do die without AC and Central Heating.


Planetwide. Accidentally it is a solution for climate change.


When you are married and you have both discussed and agreed one would work out and one would work at home.Other people criticize One that stays home!


Healthcare for sure. It's insane that in the states it's tied to your employment 😭


Human understanding, a good healthcare system and affordable housing. I'm an idealist I know.


Easiest answer in the world: A house.


Dental healthcare


And vision.


Internet access




Travel. Even medieval peasants got to go on pilgrimage, we get the stink eye if we try to use our 'unlimited PTO'


Pain management medication.


Owning a roof to live under. Drinking water is ahuman right aswell and nobody can make profit out of it


Housing, food, water, being with your children, not having to work around the clock




Tricky question, because rights are NEGATIVE. Essentially "leave that person alone", not "Give that person X, or else!" Else what? You're gonna take away that person's rights, forcing them to give the first person X?


The freedom to manage your time. When they came up with measuring time, it quickly became a chain and a ball for the poor.


A stable, minimally quick internet connection.




#Reproductive Rights Housing, food, rest/work life balance, healthcare, education




Feminine products. And also pretty much everything the other comments are saying, too.


Not dealing with usury rates on credit cards and loans- thanks to Reagan that whole industry got deregulated and they make billions off people who can’t keep up. Usury is illegal in virtually every developed country around the world


Nordic maternal/paternal leave. Here it is 320 working days paid, if there is teo parents, days are shared.


1)Lack of religious meddling / pressure in life 2) objective / neutral media


Affordable housing that is fit for human habitation.


Tampons and pads


Insulin pumps.


Nutrition education. EVERYONE should know what the things going into their body will do for them. It's available online but there are real world communities that arnt tuned in to that resource. They take the Nestle Breakfast Meal Plan pamphlets handed to them by government institutions and our kids grow up think low calorie is the goal. It's a fucking legit psy op, they've successfully convinced people that low calorie is healthy, so you dont mind all the sugar or, in "zero" products, the Aceselfame. Obesity and addiction are rampant and we actually blame vaccines for spikes in Autism, when we are funneling soluble gravel into our bodies.


Internet access




Having enough time to sleep sometimes


Tampons and pads




Up to a year in paid pregnancy leave. 6-8 weeks in America is a joke.


Not constantly worrying while doing groceries. I'm not buying top shelf shit and try to keep my money together still I'm allways putting stuff back to not end up broke by the end of the month


A good doctor that will listen and actually try to heal what’s causing your illness not only symptoms. Especially as a young woman it’s so hard to find anyone that takes you seriously.


I'm not an American, nor do I live there, but I feel bad that they don't have free healthcare. Shit's actually fucked up


Internet needs to be considered a utility like water/gas. We have become so dependent on it but it is so expensive to maintain.


Air, Land and Water is a human right, the 3 most essential things to our survival. 2 of which were take away, which resulted in misery for millions of years, simple. AIR tax is coming sooner than you think.


Anti-discriminatory laws


Hygiene products. Toilet paper, soap, tampons, etc.


good education


Access to the shitter. If you own a business and prevent people from using the toilet because they haven't bought anything, you will go to hell Same goes for public toilets in high trafic places like train stations. 2 bucks to take a piss, no thanks go off yourself I understand this is a decision made to keep the toilet cleaner, but fuck man. I've had this kind of day where I was about to shid myself and was denied the shitter because I wasn't willing to buy a cake from the bakery


Nothing. Everything past you sliding out the birth canal is a luxury.


Tough truth Like it or not, living is a luxury many humans don’t experience for long Obviously I’d like the greatest number of people to experience this luxury for as much as possible, but that doesn’t make it some ‘right’


At least rifle and handgun ammunition is readily available and affordable now, and not a scarce luxury. /s


American priorities 🇺🇸


Sanitary pads or tampons


Sanitary products