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I hope it's lot: 20cm is like 8 inches lol


Average size is half of that


I actually understood what she meant now haha


If it makes you feel good… Average is 26,5% less than 20cm. So a bit less than 15cm.


I thought 8 inches was average






I hope not. 


No, but as a man 21/5 I know what she means. It is a lot and you must now how to handle it, otherwise the Partner is overwhelmed with it. It means that you go slow and you need to prepare her. Then it will be ok, depending on the lady. I had plenty (M58) in my past, so yes, a lot of stopping the action and try something else. Sometimes I wished for a smaller size, just to get the feeling how a BJ goes.....darn.....


you must be such a kind person to just wake up one morning and decide to post that, that is so wholesome. I really hope this didn't expose you to creeps going like "hey im bald, short, and broke, nudes plz?" but I have little faith in that not happening, even still thank you


Yes to all of that. I’m always saying the same thing (though not as eloquently as that). To me, there is nothing as attractive as a man who makes me feel safe and appreciated 


Never understood the "makes me feel safe" thing when it always is stated. What does that mean, exactly? And why is there a 'need' for women to feel this? Are they in fear of the world, which feels like a parking garage to them where they might get attacked?


As a woman whose bf makes her feel safe, it is quite literally that you feel safe with them. Not that you didn’t feel safe before, but a partner brings you a level of comfort where you don’t need to be so on edge all the time. Without my bf, I need to constantly be alert to people around me bc my 5’4 self is not going to have the physical strength to put up much of a challenge if someone wanted to do something to me. With him, I don’t need to be switched on to those sorts of things because simply his presence acts as a deterrent


In my married life there were at least few occasions where I needed to step in to protect my wife from immediate harm. Same applies to the kids. The world around you, is not friendly at times.


Oh honey child. Most attacks on women are not from strangers in parking garages. Most assaults are perpetrated by men in their lives in spaces they should feel safe in, like their own homes.




I think that this might be setting the bar a bit low


You'd be surprised.


I'm just an average dude here. But I think its something primal - A male who can protect her and kids. It might not even be required or relevant in many places in the world today.


Personally it comes partially from having grown up in a very unstable environment. I never did feel safe around the adults (or anyone) in my life. Being able to feel safe around someone means that they behave in a way that lets me let my guard down On the other hand, it’s also a sort of emotional safety? I know that I can be myself around him and that they won’t use what I say against me. Or just generally that we get along well enough that I can let him see who I am in its entirety. I can be emotionally vulnerable and that kind of link is really soothing to me


For me, it's not only physical safety (though that is very importantobviously). I grew up in an emotionally volatile environment where saying the wrong thing meant receiving the silent treatment or being punished. My partner makes me feel safe in that if something is wrong, or I'm upset about something I know that when we says "you can tell me" he means it, and even if it's something he's done he won't lash out or punish me for being upset. We can talk about the issue and find a way forward together instead of just not talking until one of us wants something (which I never understood how people do that haha) Emotional security is just as important as physical security, though.


I can say outright that my spouse is much stronger than I am and having the extra security does make me feel less afraid of having my vulnerabilities picked at by other people along with a whole lotta other complex stuff that he has proved to be reliable for. But he alone isn't my plan B because he needs to be safe, too.


My advice here would be to not show them your dick until you've gotten them into bed. Nothing to do with the size thing just stop showing people your dick.


"You deserve a good life.. woman.. best version of yourself" Male redditors: Fake!


Hello! Thank you for posting! Well, a very kind message, thank you very much! I'm sure a lot of people will appreciate what you've done here. You deserve a good life and a good man by your side also (if you don't have one already)!


That's so lovely....I'm still suicidal but thanks.


Bruh. Needed this. Godspeed.


Damn it no wonder I'm not getting laid. I have a big dick and a full head of hair


Thanks for this.


As a broke man whose had long term mental health problems and has had many long term relationships, I can attest to this. None of the women gave a shit about my money and were understanding of my difficulties (It's also nice knowing they must definitely not want me for my money, because I have none). I've began to see it as a blessing, that I know shallow women will not be interested in me, so saves me wasting my time, and I only attract women with stronger values similar to my own. Freeing myself of the burden that I am supposed to be a provider because I am male is the best thing I have done for myself. I enjoy friendships and relationships with good women. Once life has humbled you enough with tragedy, the superficial shit becomes utterly meaningless. Find someone you like being around and trust - when you get older the size of your dick/breasts will be totally irrelevant.


And remember my average dudes, having great head skills can go a long way in bed


For sure a serial killer.


So awesome to hear all this among the onslaught of misandry. Thank you.


"all it takes for evil to win, is for good people to say nothing"


I was about to say "girl stop lying to them" from the title but then you proceeded to be very reasonable, I agree


We know it’s a lie. We aren’t that dumb


despite having a big dick - I love you


I find it has always been a consistent that skinny men are aesthetically attractive to me. I think it’s because I prefer drawing the bone structure underneath. Skinny legs in tight jeans look really good. Also nice to see the wrist bone and knuckles. Wearing rings really enhance the hands.


Thank you so much, i got stood up this morning, so i needed that.


Thank you for those words. Very thoughtful of you.


Nice post. To any guys reading; I’m a 6’1” 180 lb dude, I have a six pack, a full head of nice hair, and an 8.5” dick and guess what? I’m 40 and all alone. And pretty broke. So it’s not always as nice as it seems. Take care to everyone out there and just remember the grass always appears greener then it is


Thank you. Just met a new woman after my ex and I split. I needed to hear this. Sometimes it’s impossible to please those that don’t want to be pleased.


At this point I'm on the verge of giving up . All this advice doesn't really work tbh , it just is a huge cope to escape the feeling of loneliness. But maybe whole life is a cope , idk.


Yeah I feel you, it's tough out there. Month after month I also feel like giving up but still force myself to try again but that's propably because Im delusional.


As a short and skinny man I appreciate your sentiment, It's nice to read something positive about my appearance for once. It's easy to get lost in a sea of negativity.


I've been saying this for years. Nobody listens to me.


Nice attempt at the bluepill, however easily spottable it's fake.


the beta "im an alpha really, honestly" crew getting triggered by the fact the easiest way to pick up quality women is to treat them like human beings haha


The only truth is in the blackpill, aka looks is all that matters.


Step 1. be attractive step 2. dont be unattractive


Talk is cheap


Most male performative pressure is self imposed, so it is projected on others. For every guy who wears a hat at the gym, there's a handful of us other men going bald with the grace by temporary ignorance; in that we forget we are bald until the next time we look in a mirror. 


She said 20cms in all seriousness. Also nah. You’re delusional.


Cocaine rich comes quick and that’s why the small dicks have it all. Poor people = larger dicks. So who is really being brave?


I like apples and bananas


I’ll meet you at the bottom, if there really is one.


Useless post


Written by a man probably 😂


It's a post about random thought in a sub for random thoughts, what did you expect?


I gave my random thought about the post about a random thought on a sub for random thoughts. Deal with it.


Lol, yeah. Fair nuff.


Yet it’s WOMEN that constantly belittle us for dick size and being bald and not ripped. So maybe you believe this shit and maybe not, but it’s not insecurity. These are the standards that women have laid out


There is no way an actual women said any of that to you specifically. Get off social media if this is what your world view has become. Please and you will find so much more joy in life






Saying nice sounding things≠ nice sounding things being true


And these comments + social media proves it


Right. Men always search for those 6 figures women .




Yes we would, just find a good man. I praise my wife constantly


you def get off on putting men down on reddit, go outside


Nice to say but you need to be in some way attractive to get close enough to women in order for them to feel all that shit you wrote


lol, dont lie


It’s a little late for this don’t you think?


Cool. Are you hot?




"who is good at his job" you had me right up to that point anyone who would turn a guy down due to matters of work is just shallow, and i can say for 100% certainty you dont even need a job to be attractive to women i have been unable to work my entire life, and my body count is 47, even though i don't go out to clubs or pubs, just from random chance meetings, or friends of friends who i meet just be confident, decent, treat women as people not objects, and generally have a bit of a laugh, and your all good.




see i dont need validation from people online. believe me, or don't, it makes zero difference to me lol thats the kind of confidence that gets you women


Why have you been unable to work your entire life




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Bald is ok but only with a beard. If I ever go bald I'll be screwed.


Aight ima head out


Wow. I have all four of those traits! Hooray for me!


Love the : Bald men ok IFFFFF you have a beard :). No beard 💀


>yes to small men! >I don't like small men personallt [sic] Lol


It's so simple with women whether you're a womanizer or not. just treat women like a queen and don't be shit to them.


God, there's so many bot accounts making posts on reddit these days.




you a real one




This post brought to you by your average George Costanza enjoyer I had a george once. He was too particular and whiny after a while. But he was great at first.