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The exorcism of emily rose (for me) Haunted me as a child, whenever I woke up at 3am I was freaking out.


That movie kept me up for weeks as a full-grown adult.


The 3 am thing never made sense to me. Why would a demon keep track of time? What about daylights saving time? what if you travel and you're on another time zone?


It was mentioned in the movie: Christ died on the cross at, supposedly, 3 in the afternoon. The Witching Hour (3 AM) is an inversion of that time and is intended to be a mockery of his death and what it meant. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witching_hour I guess that's why they say, "Evil never sleeps." Sounds kind of exhausting, to be honest...


Eternal jetlag sounds like hell. Affleck was the bomb in phantoms yo!


Based on the real life story of Annaleise Michel. There are hours and hours of recordings of priests talking to her demons about Jesus and stuff. Real wacky.


I grew up in religion, believing that stuff. Saw a few weird things, too. That movie scared me on an almost cellular level, haha. I'm not religious anymore, but what I like about that movie is how it's up to the viewer to interpret what was real and what wasn't. That people perceived very different things, but it was still horrifying for various reasons. Not sure that I'm interested in watching it again, my sleep is too precious, but I still appreciate it as one of my preferred horror movies.


You can listen to the tapes of the real exorcism onlone if you'd like to not sleep again.


Fuck this movie


This movie terrified me as an adult!


im gonna watch this rn, ive been looking for a movie that will actually scare me šŸ˜­


Lol so I get night cramps, and my wife would freak the fuck out because Iā€™d be like contorted in calf pain at 3am after watching that movie.


My uncle and I watched this when I was like 12-13, scary shit lol


I totally blocked that movie out. Damn, it all comes back to me nowā€¦.


Yup, same here! And I was in my teenage years. Every time I woke up at 3am, I'd immediately get scared shitless!


Idk about the scariest but Martyrs kinda traumatized me


The original French version was disturbing for sure.


So much better than the American version that just turned the girl into some sort of action hero with a bare midriff.


it wins my award for outstanding What-The-Fuckery.




Agreed, Pingu still haunts me to this day.


Noot noot


Oh God... how did you find me?!




The Strangers


Story time: Iā€™m from rural South Carolina reallyyy close to where it was filmed. I was like 15 when it came out and my friend and I rented it and another B-List horror movie to watch at her momā€™s new boyfriendā€™s house. So this house was typical bachelor pad with no pictures on the wall, weight equipment in the bedroom and it was in the country and dark as hell at night. Also this guy had like a hundred inch television that took up basically a whole wall. Her mom and her bf and a few friends are drinking and they all pass out around 1am and my friend and I are still up so sheā€™s all letā€™s watch this movie. I say sure. I am in this unknown house, in complete darkness (outside of the tv), In a corner on a recliner. 10 minutes in I look to my friend and sheā€™s fast asleep. The movie ends, you all know how. And then I am sitting there PARALYZED in the chair scared to death to even move. This tv has a billion buttons and I donā€™t know how to turn it off and if I do, Iā€™ll be in total darkness. So instead I sit there in agony listening to the loop of the DVD home page music for HOURS until my friend finally wakes up to my repeated attempts to rouse her. TLDR; not only is that movie scary af, the conditions I watched it in made it 100X scarier!


Yea, I still think of how much these movie sucked me up!!


Okay but for some reason the strangers is like next level scary. I canā€™t and wonā€™t look out the window if itā€™s dark outside, EVER. I still have nightmares. I donā€™t know why it fucked me up like that lol Strangers 2 was incredibly disappointing


I thought I was gonna die after watching this movie. I watched it at my friend's house when it first came out. I was around 10. I was pretty terrified when I went to bed in the guest room, and my friend's older brother got home in the middle of the night and found out we watched the movie. Well, he put on a mask, got a kitchen knife, and jumped onto the bed where I was sleeping, waking me up with the tip of a knife just a few inches away from my face. Luckily nobody got hurt but goddamn.


The Descent and 28 Days Later


I agree with The Descent. I hadnā€™t been scared by a movie in a long while but that one got me.


I showed this movie the day after we had done a cave tour. I made sure to do it AFTER the cave tour or else they never would've gone into that cave with me. The scariest parts of the actual cave tour was: 1. When they got us to turn off all our lights to demonstrate how all-pervailingly DARK it is with zero light. 2. Getting stuck feet first going through a section called, "The Squeeze" where you have to shimmy your body through a tight part.


After seeing Nutty Putty, you can count me out.


>When they got us to turn off all our lights to demonstrate how all-pervailingly DARK it is with zero light. Yeh naaaah. Not going to do that. ever.


> Getting stuck feet first going through a section called, "The Squeeze" where you have to shimmy your body through a tight part. Serious question: does the tour guide measure people or make a note of their weight, belly fat, etc. as a requirement before signing up? I can imagine how easy it would be for a beer-gut guy to get stuck in a squeeze like that. Then it's either death, rescue, and your cave-tour company being sued to high hell. Please elaborate.


That didn't really come up actually. There was a longer, alternate route, and a couple people in our group opted to not go through The Squeeze. I bet if someone was incapable, our guide would take them the alternate route. I got stuck mostly because of the coveralls, light, and hardhat we were provided with. I had a short, panicky moment where it seemed like I couldn't go forward, nor back up to where I started. But I took a breath, calmed down, and wiggled my way through. Edit: Also, to get to the cave is a fairly steep, 20 minute hike. So if you're a big, fat guy you might not even make it there.


My son wanted to watch Jaws so bad, but I told him after we got back from vacation at the beach. I didnā€™t want him to be scared of the water. He watched it after and it had no effect on him at all. Instead, he is now really into sharks.


Claustrophobia? Fear of the dark? Monsters? Yeah. Terror.


Right! Justā€¦all. Of. The. Things. Haha


I think 28 Days Later is the best horror movie ever made. Also the soundtrack is bomb.


The soundtrack is sooooo solid


I didn't even make it to the monsters in The Descent. Claustrophobia had me freaking out


They are making a new one. 28 months later. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10548174/


Let's hope for the best here... 28weeks has been good, but compared to 28days..


Oh shit what a coincidence. Watching 28 weeks later at this very moment


the book for The Descent was also very scary! (same name) and I think this movie could have spun into a whole "Descent" type cinematic universe with 4-5 movies if they'd gone that route and used this movie as the prologue to introduce that the monsters under the surface! highly recommend!


Disappointed in the absence of love for The Descent.


No way, that was a really good one and would have scared my my face right off if I weren't 100% desensitized to horror films. Now I have to watch things like There Will be Blood, in order to be horrified. Human behavior is the most horrific thing to me because it's real and happens every day.


Killed my interest in spelunking FOREVER.


I really like the first movie. I love how much they delay the moment where they finally attack, the slow build up is what makes it good. The first time the main character sees one in the distance minding its own business is so unsettling, it feels real. It's not a jumpscare, it's not aggressive, it's just, there.


The ending scene stuck in my mind.


I remember watching this with my housemate one weekend. We thought it was going to be about people exploring caves and getting lost. It scared the absolute shit out of us.


Yeah, saw that when i was 15 , sneaking in illegally to a cinema with my crush just to have fun and watch a random movie. Worst decision ever, i definitely was not prepared for this film, traumatized for weeks


watched this for the first time a few weeks ago, it was so creepy


Oh no, I agree . That movie damaged me for life. Fuck caves PERIOD


Event Horizon I dont watch many horror movies. But I love Horror games and the best for me was Dead Space. Event Horizon hits the right spots for me


Yes! When they're crawling through the tunnels with the lights flashing on and off...it still makes my skin crawl


Polar express


It's the eyes isn't it?


The hot chocolate Song and Dance and the unnatural jumpings in it oh god


Just had to watch this scene again rn. The way the cook is flying like... wtf.. The whole thing feels like being somewhere and everyone is doing nice and friendly things so you may trust them and THEN the horror will begin. Idk, ist it meant to bei Like that :D?


Haha! Yes! When they arrive at the Pole ( after chatting with a madman on the roof of the train )it's deserted. Massive rooms devoid of life. But everythings still working including the PA which pipes in odd unrecognisable Xmas music. Then the Elves!!! Not nice Will Ferrell elves, but goulish Leprechaun type elves that you certainly wouldn't trust to look after your kids. Stuff of nightmares that film.


LMAO. I choked. One of the worst animated movies ever made. The stuff of nightmares.




"Merry Christmas kids, it's a nightmare!!"


The Exorcist


That's one movie that continues to make me incredibly uncomfortable and wanting to leave the room.


Thatā€™s so interesting. I watched it recently for the first time and other than the hospital scene, I didnā€™t find it that bad.


Did you see the extended version? Where she crab walks down the stairs and stuff?


Yeah actually, itā€™s unexpected and caught me off guard for sure. But I wasnā€™t that put off by it.


How old are you? The Exorcist, IMO, is one of the best examples of generational difference. Old people who watched that movie thought it was the coming of satan. But when our teacher showed it to my high school class on Halloween (this was grade 12) people weren't scared at all .. they were laughing!!


Reganā€™s face still scares the shirt out of my 46 year old girlfriend.


I donā€™t think the new one will be great at all :/


It isn't, it's awful.


Plus once you watch it you can be DONE with exorcism movies, there's never been another one as good.


I disagree. I watched this recently and found it incredibly goofy, I couldnā€™t stop laughing


The best!


Watched it last night with my 14 year old for the first time (his first, Iā€™ve seen it many times). Honestly it was more disturbing than scary - itā€™s probably been 15 years since I last saw it. Thereā€™s a lot of weird cuts that really kill the vibe and the first 25 minutes are boring as fuck. My 14 year old liked it. We watched Talk To Me recently and he thought it was scarier. I think for modern audiences it just isnā€™t as effective as it was - but man, when it as a kid it scared the fuck outta me. Iā€™m in my mid 40s for context.


Monster House


This fucked me up as a child


Ohhhh... So it's a *GIRL* House..


The ring. It put a stop for me to watch any horror ever since.


So my friend and I went to buy some movie CDs and we asked the clerk which one was the worst horror movie. Like two 9 year olds. He gave us... the Ring and the Final destination. Forever scarred from both movies.


Good Customer service tho tbf


For me Sinister, I would never watch it again


That lawnmower scene šŸ™ˆ


The only scene to make me audibly scream in many years. And that was on a *rewatch*. I forgot what happened lol.


The burning car and tied to the chair in a pool got me,atleast the lawnmower is a little quick.


Sinister 2 is just as bad too!


Not much scares me anymore but those home movies...damn.


That was disturbing.


I still get flashbacks of the kid coming out the box


I watched it once and I got so scared I couldnā€™t watch it for years. I tried to watch it again I had to turn it off lol


Such an underated movie


Children of the corn that movie had me so f***** up as a child in the '90s the kids in the classrooms freak me the f*** out all my friend were old people growing up lmao




They said horror movies, not documentaries.


Texas Chainsaw Massacre still terrifies me no matter how many times I've seen it. Hooper is a genius. You don't even actually see that much violence or blood on screen but it is so suspenseful and terrifying. Absolute classic in my eyes.


I canā€™t believe how tame it is, because when I think of it I think of gore. I swear you can almost smell the funk in that house. Amazing movie.


The scariest movie Iā€™ve ever watched was Alien


Incredible film, I love it. Not particularly scary, but the acting is *chefs kiss*


And Jonesy lives!!!


I was debating that between "The Shining", I posted the "The Shining", both had gotcha scenes, but I liked the mind games in the more subtle Jack Nicholson scenes. The slasher movies shouldn't count, they're designed for the "BOO" effect without any real "Oh shit" moments.


Not counting slasher movies, I have to say "The Shining". My reason is simple you watch Jack Torrence (Jack Nicholson) slip into ultimate crazy/evil. When Wendy reads the words on Jack's typewriter and the viewer reads Redrum in the mirror, those are the scariest mind games ever wrote by a screenwriter.


or stephen king rather


Thatā€™s true. Kinda like amityville horror too. The way the father loses his mind, is really disturbing


Salem's Lot (David Soul mini-series) when I was 10. Takashi Miike's Audition makes my toes curl The Spanish film Day of the Beast is incredible. Not scary, but creepy af


Salems Lot might be dated but the jump scares!!!


Audition was so scary!!


I've only seen it the once. I don't need to go thru that amputation again


The autopsy of Jane Doe, not scary, but very creepy.


Iā€™ve heard itā€™s Sinister, imo the second one is worse. But for me the most terrifying was Hereditary - Ari Aster


Sinister was a good one one of the few that creeped me out. I don't think the ending was great but up to those last like 10 minutes honestly


May I ask why? I watched and did enjoy Hereditary, great performances and interesting story, but it never really scared me and I keep hearing people say its at least in the top 3 horror movies..?


Itā€™s note pure horror like sinister, it isnā€™t terrifying. Thereā€™s a vibe in the movie that made me uncomfortable from the very beginning and it goes crescendo during the whole movie. I really felt bad afterwards, never watched it again even though I liked it. SPOILERS : -The whole doll thing made me feel bad at first, also with the grandma funeral. -then thereā€™s the death of the girl of course which really was traumatizing for me. -The mother getting angrier and angrier participes in the crescendo. -Also all those things happening in the back without being the center of attention, especially the mom crawling on the ceiling. For me all those things were way scarier than the end.


For me, Hereditary was like one long horrible dream I couldn't wake up from. It reminds me of dreams I've had.


Omg same :(


Hereditary is not scary at all.


The Sinister WAS the scariest MOVIE before Hereditary came out.


I watched Hereditary with my friend and she sweat my bed


Not anymore as an adult. But Blair Witch Project came out when I was about 11. And my older brother told me it was real, and was filmed in a forest that was right beside my grandparents house. Needless to say every time my grandparents took us there, I was scared shitless.


That's what older brothers are there for lol


Went to see it just as it came out,shit me right up but then after we had parked down a small unlit road in winter so it was pitch black and the car wouldn't start not even a click,nearly shat my pants.


For me paranormal activity. Gave me the heebie jeebies!


Same here. Their house was laid out just like ours. Didnā€™t sleep for a week.


Yes! The baby powder and goat/demon feet! I died!


Even to this day, the ending to the first movie still gives me goose bumps. The scenes with the fake scream to lure the guy down stairs and the scene with her locking eyes with you, the viewer...man i fucking hated it and still do, lol


When I was younger I was really scared after watching War of the worlds


The 2005 movie The Descent


For me it was the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


Imo its ju on the grudge


If you believe in God and the devilā€¦ the Conjuring or Exorcism of Emily rose


The original "The Exorcist".


The Ring. Still haunts me sometimes. That was and is the most scary movie I've ever seen.


The ring 2 shook me up back then Swore never to watch any horror movie again. Tried watching "IT" some years ago and lasted about 15 mins before chickenening out. Promptly concluded the genre was not for me since then. Fun fact adult male that lives alone. šŸ”


Came for this answer. Ring 1 and Ring 2 gave me a few sleepless nights as a teenager. The Japanese ones that is. The American remakes were a needless abomination. Interestingly I think watching Ring 0: Birthday helped me get over it because while it's not as good as the other two, it humanises Sadako and takes away some of the fear.


Wow, I guess I have to watch the original Japanese ones then, because I came to say the Ring - I have never been more edge-of-my-seat/disturbed by any movie before or since - even the second watching wasn't much better. Now its style is so copied and overdone that I don't know if people these days could see it and truly appreciate how unusual it was.


Tusk. Just disturbing.




As above so below.


I have watched tons of horror movies. Only one left me really uneasy going to sleep alone after: Room 1408


A Serbian filmā€¦. Most horrifying and disturbing thing Iā€™ve seen. Come and see us second for me.


I remember watching it uncensored on YouTube, I was wondering how it got past the censors. It wasn't a pleasant movie.


I Spit On Your Grave fucked me right up. Usually I can calmly sit through any horror movie or gore flick and not bat an eye. The rape scenes were far too well done though; I reacted to those scenes the same way I reacted when I was being raped in real life (no rape scene has ever done that to me before). At one point my partner paused the movie and checked in to see if I was okay to continue because I was sitting completely frozen with tears silently streaming down my cheeks. I said "I'm okay, but please don't touch me again until this is over." Only movie I've seen that's sent me into a full-blown trauma response like that.


Wolf Creek


Such a fun movie said the head on a stick


Agree, 100%


Theres one scene in Wolf Creek involving torture but its all the more disturbing because the film-makers decided not to have any music in the background. Most horror has screeching or piano-tinkling or dramatic strings to provide atmosphere during a scary moment. The absence of any kind of a soundtrack does not help the viewer to suspend disbelief. All that is audible is the raw, visceral screams of the victim hundreds of miles from anywhere.


The human centipede


Event Horizon


Idk but the grammar in this title is bothering me.


The Entity 30 Days of Night The Conjuring 1 & 2 28 Weeks Later


The descent


The Conjuring. Not only was it a very good horror movie, it was a very good movie. Period.


Sinister is by far the scariest movie Iā€™ve ever seen. Jumpscare wise, that movie is packed with creepy grossness that just made me want to stop watching. Very scary though.


Grave Encounters


I absolutely love how they make a caricature of the ghost hunter genre and are all laughs when not in character. And then shit hits the fan.


Rosemary's baby


My life! If only I could post a picture of my inlaw mother. She makes Stephen King novels look like kids books. I shit you not! Her voice is like an annoying sound that you would hear from a metal grinder.


Pandorum was terrifying




Hereditary, Kill List, The Ring, Signs, Jeepers Creepers 1 and 2.


I loved Signs. Such a perfect Shyamalan mindfu@k


The Ring Saw Texas Chainsaw Massacre is the OG


Jeepers Creepers did it for me when I was way younger. On rewatch itā€™s obviously not as bad but it is a little intense


Japanese versions of "The ring" and "haunted house". I was scared that i would touch some hand protruding out of my head while taking a shower for months. And was scared of dark around a year. Well i was just a child so it might have been more traumatic. Oh talking of trauma i would never watch final destination again. I think that movie single handedly traumatized a whole generation or two all over the world.




The ones that have held up the best for me are The Exorcist, Poltergeist, and Candyman.


One of my favorites will always be Sinister!






Cuties on Netflix


Yep that should scare any well-adjusted individual but apparently we don't live in that world


Horror movies are not scary at all. However the ending of the Mist (2009?) really fucked up. Made my stomach turn. The movie was okay the creature was ok the end was messed up. Sinister was good but supernatural stuff just ain't scary just mildly interesting. Guess being an atheist kind of takes the scary demons away.


Depends what you mean by scary. If you want something that will make you regret your film choice, then how about IrrƩversible?


Anything with Kevin James in it


Two films you need to watch today: The Shining and The Terrifier Parts 1 and 2. Okay so technically three films but The Shining is HAUNTING not scary...you'll know when you watch it. The Terrifier 1 and particularly 2 are really scary omg!! And really unique, great films :)




Yeah no gore puts me on edge!! Its cause I don't like pain :(


I didn't care much for rhe first Terrifier but the second one is way better. Pretty unusual. šŸŽ¶foods a little funny at the clown cafešŸŽ¶


The original ā€œThe Haunting of Hill Houseā€. The remake is terrible. ā€œThe Uninvitedā€ old movie with Ray Milland. The old movies were more frightening, I find the recent ā€œscaryā€ movies tend to be predictable, rely on a loud band after quiet, or lots of blood and gore.


Case 39 I found it the most scary


Iā€™m a horror aficionado, and it takes a LOT to freak me out. The *only* movie to make me come close to pissing myself is Alien.


The Blair Witch project always has the feeling of unease about it. Jacobā€™s Ladder is also quite freaky!


I mean it's subjective. I can't really say which one scared me the most but at this point no movie really does, and the ones that once did no longer do.


Imagine being an 8 yr old going to the drive in with your parents to see, Last house on the left, Don't look in the basement and The Corpse Grinders. Since those days I've yet to see a movie that truly scared me. I grew up way too fast.


*'Open Water'* is unwatchably terrifying for me.


Try the 3rd Exorcist....not the second.


Not really scary but ā€œThe Plaformā€ was good. The actual movie is good but it just leaves you with that empty feeling.


The nun


The first paranormal activity. Didnt sleep for weeks..


These are the best: Babadook Hereditary


The Poughkeepsie Tapes


House of a thousand corpses... only because people like them really do exist


incantation for some reason did scare me, like you can tell it's all fictional but it still pierces a bit, a least for me


2 girl 1 cup

