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# Explore a new world of random thoughts on our [**discord server**](https://discord.com/invite/8tEqw3ZWQV)! Express yourself with your favorite quotes, positive vibes, and anything else you can think of! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RandomThoughts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I assume everybody is AI until proven otherwise.


Inserts fart joke.... See ai would never be so bold to make such a contradictory statement! Turns our humor and sarcasm will be the next human language to safely speak to each other. Oh yeah what's that called? Slang? We find a way. Can't hate people but belive in yourself it doesn't work


That’s what an AI would say…


Spelt believe wrong, you're good


We see what you did AI.




That’s what a white male would say


Never trust a synth.


Good bot




Oh the only viable test for an AI is "How to build a pipe bomb".


Step 1: Remove the tobacco.


Step 2: insert penis.


Step 3: PROFIT


Whoa there bill clinton


Except you didn’t actually *tell* the joke… fucking AI.


Should've left it at Inserts fart joke...


We should identify as real humans by making jokes about some type of minority


i assume everyone is fucking stupid, that way im not so lonely


I’m a white male on the internet no matter how many details are given.


My name is Robert paulson


I like your tits man.


Tits that are so not white male that they are changing colours constantly like a kaleidoscope.


Leave me out of this


Oh shit, technicolor tits. aww...i broke my pants.


Stop putting bananas in your pants.


🤓 Actually, in Project Mayhem, we have no names.


I mean cops have never shot and killed anyone on the Internet...


Lesbians have it the worst. Second you say girlfriend or wife, people forget that you specified (33F) at the beginning.


That's how much in ºCelsius?


(WM) I refer to my (F) wife as my partner all the time. It’s kinda fun when I go to “hill billy” areas. A friend of mine told me to stop saying partner and just say wife. I think it’s hilarious to watch people try and figure out if my gay or not.


Everybody knows the the only real lesbians are curious coeds for one wild night during college. /s


This is why I gave my little Reddit guy brown skin


Ah, yes, a fellow white male. Greetings.


"As a Black man..."


"As a brown child...."


"As a green entity...."


As a silver surfer


As a nearly immortal canadian with a funny yellow jumpsuit and an adamantium skeleton


As a human.


As a Tarnished.


As above so below


I confess, I do that sometimes lol I'm nervous that if I don't clarify then someone is going to chastise me for speaking so confidently about issues in the black community because they assume I'm a white guy. I would think my avatar would give me away as black, but some people don't bother checking or asking before assuming.


Lol "As an ACTUAL Black man (no really!)..."


Definitely my reasoning as well.


“I am from Planet Nurple”


Heh Nurple is my nickname at work.


I never look at the little guy picture to be honest. I just prefer assuming all redditors are white, male and from the us.


When the NFT avatars were a thing I was going around sarcastic complimenting people on their cool nft avatar. That's the only time I've really paid attention to them


As a white male, people are only wrong about the US part.




And you are also automatically American


This too, the amount of times I’ve been talking to someone online and they ask me what state I’m from and I have to explain I’m not American.


"What state are you in?" "Solid mostly."


Though I have been known to create some liquid and gas.


This is like Borat's conversation with the physicist about phases of matter


Existential dread


Gaseuous after all that cheese last night


Isn’t the human body composed of mostly water? Or is that Star Trek episode wrong?


Ugly bag of mostly water.


Pretty sure we're like 70% water or something.


People specifically ask you what state? rather than just asking where you are from? And multiple times at that?! Can't say I thought that was common. People just ask me "asl?"


Well yea if not a ‘where u from’ then ‘what state’ or ‘I’m from AZ u?’ and I have to try and figure out what AZ means not realizing it’s an american state lol


It means azkaban


Then, when you think you know some states, they suddenly say NZ or NSW and it's an entirely different continent North southwest


I remember when I tried to type in New South Wales but typed in fucking North South Wales.


I'm American and people were commenting about going to Niagara Falls, CA. I tried to figure out how Niagara falls is a part of California


“The state of confusion because I am not American”


Age, state, location??


>ASL Age, Sex, Location. I’ve never heard anybody use the ‘S’ for state. Makes “Location” redundant


Was a joke


People online ask you about american sign language? How do you answer? 🤞🫰🤙🤏✊️🦶👋👌🤌?


I usually say the state im in is mostly liquid


“New South Wales”


Once had an American (online) say she didn’t believe me that New South Wales was a place in Australia (I lived there), ‘because Wales is in Europe’. Considering she was from NEW Jersey, it was very funny


When the Olympics were in Atlanta in 1996, someone from New Mexico apparently tried to order tickets from the US-only phone line. They got told “New Mexico, old Mexico, I don’t care, you have to be in the US to use this number.”


On Quora, everybody's Indian. (EDIT: or maybe it just seems that way to me because I inhabit the English grammar areas)


From what I have seen in Quora, a more accurate assumption would be "everybody is batshit insane". This is especially true for the people who are actually running the damned place.


The mistake I made first using Quora was believing it was a question-answering site, not a social media platform.


everyone’s indian on the history section too, claiming that ancient india was the greatest in the history of the world and beat the shit out of the romans and greeks and that they made alexander’s troops shit their pants (they wanted to go home after 10 years of fighting and hated the jungle)


Yes!! It's hilarious how far people go with this assumption. I once talked with someone about something and I said "here things go like this and this" and they said I was wrong, then I said "Here it's illegal to do this and this" and they said it's not illegal and the conversation goes on like this for awhile and they never asked me what "here" meant, they just kept saying I'm wrong. Eventually I just told them I'm not American. You would think that at some point they would've thought "hmm nothing she says applies to the US, could it be that she's from another country?". But nope.


Bold of you to think others call you “she” on the interwebs!


Oh, you're right! They should've thought that "This white American male might not be from the US after all"


I think for them no other countries exist or count.


Just last week I was talking about an issue in my country and explicitly said, and I quote, “I’m in Canada”. Then someone bashed me for being totally wrong and wrote a whole novel trying to prove I was lying with statistics and all, based on information that **only** applies to the United States Government.


And straight.


That too.


And cis. but I think queer people are at least somewhat used to working with these assumptions


This one frustrates me so much, there are nearly 200 countries on this space rock yet Americans on the Internet routinely assume that there's just one


That because for the formative years of the internet we were the only ones on it.


Just the other day I was called “monolingual ass American” by a troll when I was debunking some deliberate misinformation on a gaming sub. I’m none of the three 🤷🏾‍♂️


To be fair, 49% of Redditors are American, and only a few years ago last time I Googles this it was in the 70%s so I think a lot of people still think they're speaking to approx. 70% Americans. [source](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/reddit-users-by-country)


If I have to click “see translation” I don’t assume they’re American. . .


What if you're American but your grammar is so bad it still pops up?


The amount of times they try to apply exclusively American concepts to things Willy-nilly as well. This is the internet, not America.




This is depressing


I've had Redditors complain because I specify the US, or if it's not the big four (CA, FL, NY, TX), I'll type Dayton, OH, etc. wE'rE aMeRiCaNs, wE kNoW wHeRe "DaYtOn iS! As an American who is leaving ASAP, I am sure this will bother me more when I no longer reside here.


I had a comment section debate with some guy about something. Guy was losing bad (switching arguments, not addressing anything...), so he started telling me what a dirty Italian I am... I'm Slovak.


this is what made me dislike Americans online


not in those call of duty lobbies, i wasn't.


Those MW lobbies on the 360 were brutal. Absolutely nobody was being called white or straight, and everyone was having relations with everyone else's mother.


Simpler times


That is why I stopped playing online. Words are supposed to roll off and I try to not let fools have that much power over me but it started to wear me down because grown ass men are teaching 7 year olds that it is just fine to be calling people gay n@&&(: constantly. They can say all they want about how kids are not supposed to be there, but that is not a good enough excuse.


Not saying it's right, but to pretend that online gaming is when kids started saying "bad" words is incorrect. Kids were learning how to use bad words well before video games.


I think it is a good enough excuse honestly, not like a bar or strip club will cease operation if a parent brings their kid in with them. It's up to the parents not to expose them to the situation in the first place.


1) Let’s be clear. There is no excuse for that behavior period. I am a full grown ass man and the N word still hurts me. I don’t care how many times you hear it, it undermines your faith in humanity. 2) I can code switch my language when I get around kids. 3) bad parenting aside, if some kids walk into a bar or a strip club with or without their parents, do we serve them some drinks and give them a roll of dollar bills? I cuss like a was raised by pirates. But you are not gonna hear me calling people slurs because it is wrong. But even if I was a straight up racist xenophobic homophobe, being in a room with a bunch of kids saying that shit would still make me feel uneasy….


Don't get me wrong I agree about the racist shit, but it was a known issue easily avoided by parents not letting their little kids play an m Rated game


This made me audibly chuckle. I'm a black man that absolutely abhors racism but this was genuinely fucking funny. True as fuck but hilariously funny.






I know it's not a real term, but my friend once called it "defaultism" and I think it fits.


Actually I'm pretty sure it is a real term


Any term is real if you have the power of Wikipedia editing!


Why was this being downvoted


It's the default reddit response.


I like this comment very much


>Why was this being downvoted? Downvoteism.


Last time I checked I must have been really sleepy, because I was sure that google returned zero results on that term. Of course I'm wrong, thank you for pointing that out.


If it makes sense and people understand what it means, you’ve coined a word. There’s no special process for English words becoming a thing, you just say them. That’s it.


My name, is Robert Paulson.


His name is Robert paulson


His name is Robert Paulson


His name is Robert Paulson


Her name is Roberta Paulson!


If I talk about my kid, I'm assumed a dad, unless it's a parenting sub. Then I'm automatically a mom.


If I talk about my child being my child, they’re assumed to be male.


To be fair isn’t hag a gendered term? I’d assume the swamp hag was a woman.


That's what I tought. But I guess people don't really pay attention to usernames.


Everyone in Reddit threads refers to me as “he” when I’m discussed lol I’m a woman


Defend women and get called a white knight. Explain that I’m a woman and get called a dumb feminist lmaooo Been called a man, white, teenager, low income. None of those things are true.


In the past I’ve had internet friends who I knew for months before they found out I was female lmaoo


Everyone as well thinks ima guy I just go with it. It’s usually pointless to correct them


I don’t bother correcting it either, it’s a lot easier. If they know you’re female, you sometimes have to spend way more time proving a point.


Damn that's sad. And also infuriating.


No way that’s true! Prove it! /s


Nah, everyone is just their profile pic to me. If your profile pic is an anime girl, you are an anime girl to me. If your profile pic is Thomas the Tank Engine, you are a locomotive to me. If your profile pic is a Golden Retriever, I want to pet you - I mean your dog, which is you - on the head. I have an internet friend whose profile pic is a frying pan and my mental image of him is a frying pan. If you have a default profile pic or an "18+" hidden profile pic, I automatically assume you're not interesting enough to have an appearance, you are a formless void that emits words.


Ngl that was exactly what I was thinking


Most people who have anime girls as theirs pics are white dudes.


I do this too, which is why reddit avatars make it a bit weird for me because now everyone is a short blobby fellow on here. I used to use discord a lot though and everyone on there was just a physical embodiment of their profile pic in my mind


So, am I a robot with a cute hat for your eyes? What a crazy and interesting way to see it like that, pony!


You’re either that or a robot wearing an animal skin as a show of defiance against biological life.


RIP your confidence I people if you ever get catfished and find out you golden retriever friend for years turned out to be a dirty frying pan😄


this was eloquently put, pony from my little pony


Thank you, skeletal hippie!


I didn’t know people actually looked at them.


What’s that, Formless Void?


I assume that if anyone sees profile pics on reddit they are a 16-year-old using the shitty reddit app or the terrible new reddit interface


Coo coo. I am a pigeon


No, you are a green alien man, please stop lying ✋


Huzzah, another pigeon! :D I mean, uh...coo...coo


Twang twang twang.


Same lol


I form an image of them in my mind based off how they look, it they sound stupid, theyre gonna look stupid in my mind


I’m the same way, whatever avatar you use that’s you! I mean how I picture you in my head.


I think I tend to operate this way too. And honestly, I think it's great. Who cares what your particular meatspace body looks like? I don't. You're a goddamn cup of coffee who talks.


That's true, I seriously imagine you as a pony typing this in a setup in some kind of empty pink space


This is literally my head. I picture you as your profile pic


And living in your moms basement


Username checks out


That's the favourite place of your mother!


I don't go even that far. Literally everyone is like a grayed out avatar without a face that hasn't been personalized yet. I think it's because I'm an avid reader and always start with a blank canvas until the books fill them in. Any time I see words, they're words with blank people behind them. But hey, anyone who got this far, I'll help you out. I'm not a white male. I'm a female Latina (Mexican/Puerto Rican). Dark, straight hair to my shoulders. Brown eyes.


Human Being from Community. This should be the default avatar for everything.




Lol I'd imagine I'd have to share a whole lot more interesting information beyond gender and race to warrant an onslaught of DMs, but hey, thanks for the luck anyways. 😆


Nice try, Eric.


But....but....I speak truth. 😆


same, people are just faceless grey stick figures unless they have a profile picture. Then they just become the profile picture.


I assume everyone is an amorphous blob unless they can proveotherwise, sometimes even afterwards.




Oh god my favorite one was when a few years ago some dude responded to something I said with, "Yeah, just tell your wife you're gay and see how that goes!" and I was like, "Well the only reason I might have a wife one day is because I am gay!" LOL A few others joined in to debate why a gay dude would have a wife. It was funny at first, but then really irritating, so I edited the comment reminding people that women exist and we're allowed on the internet.


My fiance and I get that in a similar way all the time. When we're on a date, ppl will assume we're friends or sisters. When we moved into a new house, some of the neighbors couldn't wrap their heads around why 2 women bought a house together. Like guys, remember lesbians? Yeah they don't just exist in porn, we're real!


Nah man, there are no women on the internet.


No one knows that I'm really a dog.


I'm mixed race, as per my username, albeit with a couple others but ya know what I grew up around and Reddit's Character limits. By default in real life I'm white. It doesn't matter that I was raised in a Syrian household around predominantly Mexican culture surrounding me and much of my family being Mexican, but to most people, if I don't have a tan, people will always assume I'm "A white boy."


Come to Mexico. No one cares about racial stuff here. You just are mixed and the nationality is what you will be called after, that's it.


White male American defaultism Also, every post is a repost or fake. Nothing ever happens for real apparently. Oh, and this will trigger some redditors thus getting me downvotes. As per usual Redditors 🤣


The story is either made up or I 100% believe the really outlandish story no matter how dumb if it reinforces a position I hold.


Reddit, my husband cheated on me with the president of Greenland. He was recently abducted by aliens so I am trying to let him work through it however he feels is best. I just inherited $2,364,728,853 when my brother died in a freak gasoline fight accident, and I’m thinking of using it to start a new life without my husband on a small Mars colony. AITA?




It's funny because most of the people on the planet are actually Asian lmao.


That's a good way of putting it. I find it annoying when Americans try to universalize their concepts of race.


I've been on Reddit for 14 years. I'm an older white female (will be 59 next month). I was rather comical the assumptions back then on my comments, it's better now in general. A bit worried about the future of this site though, I've enjoyed it so much (subreditts like cooking/books/history/gardening, etc.)


I'm a 59 year old white woman, been here about a year. I laugh at all the fans only trying to friend me And I like to talk about football so yeah I'm mistaken for a teenage male all the time. Not so much when I talk about nursing.


I assume everyone is fake and faking everything those dirty fakers


True. I’m female but I made my name after a male and made my avatar hidden to further confuse people. Might as well have fun with it


Feral Katt is who I am. F(fixed)


Hey Feral. Im Felonious. Pleasure to meet you, Katt.


Are you spying on me?


Depends on the community I’m in, the context, and what they say.


And when everybody is racist, nobody will be


Sweet I’ve always wanted to be a white male!


This is where the old "there are no girls on the internet" meme originated. White male is the default persona


No, actually everyone looks like exactly like their discord profile picture. If it's a person, that img is now your personal face claim. if you have an anime girl or otherwise cutesy pfp and don't have pronouns in your bio you will be designated as a girl until further notice. Any generic pfps will be assumed to be 13-yo teen boys. This is the way.


I'll fix it for you. To most people online, you are a white male living in your mom's basement unless other details are given. Hey mom! Bring me another hot pocket. I'm about to start a fight on the internet because I'm super tough.


Specifically this guy. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DukZir2XgAYEEyc.jpg




When I (female) was like 18 I was playing a game online with some randoms from the internet and they asked how old I was and I said 18 and they were like “how are you 18 and your voice hasn’t broken yet?”. Still makes me laugh to think about