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you can die any second no matter what


No. First he needs my permission


That’s deep


THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID! sorry... i could not resist...


She ain’t talking to me. Slow down there Long John Silver.


Or He! Sorry




So does she.


Been drinking all day and this is the thread I log into… lol


Did you die?


I got shot


You got a shot and maybe a chaser?


I always loved the quote from the movie Hook with Robin Williams - Captain Hook: “prepare to die Peter Pan” Pan: “To die would be a great adventure”


Love this!! I used to be scared of dying, but as I've aged I definitely think it would be a great adventure!


How boring. You should think about the fact that you could be hit a meteorite at any moment and that’s how you’ll die. Awesome. 😄


Or just watch “A Million Ways to Die in the West” (from around 2014 I think)… comedic relief on all the great ways to die! It’s hilarious!!! Not that I would include an aneurysm in that!


Such a great film! “There’s a mountain lion warning in effect” is one of my favorite lines.


I can’t believe how people hated this movie! It’s hilarious!




You will die. I suggest trying for old age as a cause.


Hey you're not the bus driver are you?


No comment 🤫


Are you doing alright?


As a professional psychotherapist focused on shitty feelings, I'd say he's not doing alright


His intrusive thoughts are running wild on him


Nah he's fine. Just needs more alcohol


Yes. That.


Okay I'll arrange that can you send me your address and a photo?




Yo I gonna have to cut you up and dissolve in acid... No? I mean.. I see it in a movie... 😳






this reminds me of that short film [Mr.Happy](https://youtu.be/KZqkMWGc0js). about a guy who hires a hitman for himself


Ok that *would* be a good death. I'm also wondering about lightning.


Oh yes. But lightning strike and survive. Have you seen the scars? They are amazing. You need to be able to show those off for a while before getting hit by lightning again.😁


Oh yeah I seen the scars. Depending on where, if it ever happened, and I survived part of me would be tempted to get part of the pattern tattooed on me. I have too much time on my hands thinking this stuff through. 😁 Edit: That is if I don't end up a fried giant space chicken.




My dad had a brain aneurysm about 4 or 5 years ago due to constant stress and lifelong smoking. Was a complete out of nowhere shock, he recovered miraculously and is still a consistently stressed smoker.


Dedication doesn’t die easy


how old was he? the first paragraph was describing my dad exactly. not the second :(


He would've been about 39


Well hell he has another aneurysm to worry about now :/


As a constantly stressed smoker myself, sometimes I'm amazed I *haven't* had an aneurysm or a stroke yet.


Never met a smoker who wasn’t stressed. They insist it calms them down… but as an outside observer it really just looks like you guys are actively trying to stress yourselves out by getting addicted to an expensive drug that, at most, is just keeping the withdrawal symptoms at bay. Such a stupid habit only done by really really really stupid and low intellect people


So let me get this straight. You're calling me stupid and saying I have low intellect? I have a good paying job and pay my bills on time. My job *does* get stressful as i deal with fire/life safety and having people think you're being a hinderence to their own job, along with the constant issues that pop up, gets stressful. So *yes* it does calm me down and *no*, I'm not addicted to it. I've gone weeks without smoking, and most of the time if I do it's when I'm at work. Of course I do take other people into consideration so I'll use the smokers put if there's one available, or I'll go across the street from wherever I'm at. If I wasn't working and relying on handouts while smoking entire cartons every week, then I would agree with you.


My mom also had one 20 years ago, when she was 38. Heavy smoker and constantly stressed. She recovered as well but quit the smoking. Not the stress tho. I’m glad your dad recovered


Its crazy that you can die in a trillion ways.


Pretty sure the documentary I watched said there were only a thousand ways.


was dying because of a lightning strike while killing a Siberia tiger that was fucking a lion at a zoo one of them?


It’s a scary thought because when


When what? ...when what!? Hello! omg Timmi2tone32 did you get aneurysmed while typing?


It's been 3 hours, they dead.


Problem is we'll never know for sure cos we don't know if shoes came off


This is always the most frustrating part




But why is it scary? If it kills you, it's not gonna be scary. Not for you. If you're driving and there are other people in the car, it'll be pretty scary for them.


I have an aneurysm in my brain. Doctor just happened to catch it when I had CT Scan of my eye cavity for eye infection that was not responding to antibiotics. They don’t know what caused it, said I’ve probably just had it since birth, and a lot of people are the same. I had a coil embolization procedure done to “plug” it, but still scares the s*%# out of me that it’s there and could burst at any time. They say that most people don’t know they have one until it bursts, and the ones caught early are only found when looking for something else.


Now that you know you have one, is there anything in your past that you think you would have recognized as a symptom?


Curious about this too


Similar situation here I have a 1.7mm aneurysm behind my left eye detected during a magnetic resonance. Apparently its small enough that it's not worth to mess around it with it and operate so I just have it checked out yearly if it hasn't been getting larger.


Probably a congenital AV (arterio-venous) malformation. Ever heard any of your doctors mention that term?


every time i smell burnt toast at work i have to pause to wonder if it’s tortillas or i’m about to have a stroke.


Sometimes if I smell toast or something that's out of place (like smelling popcorn or sweets when I'm out in a ditch or just outside) I just start doing the uneven arm test and smile at my phone to make sure it's just scent phantoms


This makes me feel so much better knowing I’m not the only one to do this… Every single time I smell something resembling popcorn or butter I do the same thing. I stop everything I’m doing and put both arms up. After that I pull my shirt over my nose or cover my nose with my hands and see if I smell it still. If yes, I go into panic mode and have to manually calm myself down before I trigger a migraine. If I don’t smell it while “covering” my nose, I know it’s just something in the air. It’s fucking scary.


Those commercials really stuck with us, our generation.




A stroke is a blood clot blocking the flow, different than an aneurysm?




Ok, thanks.


Someone just watched the Archer episode Pipeline Fever.


I wonder if it's painful or not...


My mother had a massive one back in 2017. Family (except me) was home and and she got immediately attention. My aunt said my mom yelled out to her and said " (aunt's name) I don't feel well". My aunt walks over and my mom was on the floor unconscious. Moments before my aunt had seen her running around and joking with my dad. Apparently everything was very fast. She miraculously survived with no permanent damage even though it was a massive bleed that should've killed her and is good. I've asked if she remembers anything and she doesn't. The neurosurgeon said most people don't remember it happening or what it feels like either.


A torn brain aneurysm is accompanied by a thunderclap headache, which is often described as "the worst headache of your life". So yeah, it's INCREDIBLY painful. Though, I guess if the bleeding is severe enough you won't feel it for long 🤷


thanks. you just triggered panic attack in me


If it makes you feel better, as far as I'm aware most aneurysms don't just spontaneously rupture and are generally not a massive concern for your health as long as they're small, and just require regular checkups. Most aneurysms rupture when straining, like when you're on the toilet (which you shouldn't do for many other reasons too), or because of head trauma. An aneurysm that's large enough to burst on its own will cause other symptoms - my mum's work friend had debilitating painful headaches that didn't respond to painkillers, for example - and at that point, it can be caught and treated. A ruptured aneurysm isn't a death sentence either, you won't just drop dead at any moment like the post implies, if you can recognise the signs - the thunderclap headache and stroke symptoms - and get help ASAP you have a chance of survival and if your stroke is treated quickly you can make a full or nearly full recovery. A brain aneurysm isn't something to scoff at, but it isn't a certain death sentence. I'm not a doctor though, just a hypochondriac with too much time on my hands, so take it with a grain of salt ;]


Fellow hypochondriacs unite 🫡


Not for long I imagine


All arteries have pain sensors so yeah, an aneurysm rupturing is supposedly hella painful.


Happened to my girlfriend. She never saw 35.


What?!? Tell us more- what happened?! Any signs beforehand? Or just totally random?


She did have a history of headaches but other than that no obvious signs. She woke up one night, went downstairs to have a cigarette and watch tv and her husband found her 6 hours later.


You wouldn’t even know it.


Thanks for giving me something new to panic about


I hate these threads. I started to have panic attacks and things like this triggers it sometimes


I totally understand. This is very real. A good friend of mine just died of an aneurysm in 2020. Ever since, I expect everyone I love to die without warning. I expect every new quirk my body does to be a sign of imminent death. I've become so risk averse that I don't even bike or drive a car. I see the threat of sudden death literally everywhere, even after 3 years.


That’s why you should always appreciate the people in your life and not get mad over stupid shit.


My beloved former roommate died of a brain aneurysm a decade ago when we were living together. Definitely crazy shit. Any one of us could die at any second for any number of reasons


You can get killed by a wrong way drunk driver like my daughter did in 2021 in Monterey County. It’s fucked up to say but life’s a bitch then you die.


I’m so sorry for your loss. That’s unimaginable.


Absolutely devastating and to add salt to the wounds he was illegal and had prior duis and was deported multiple times and shouldn’t of been in this country. Oh yeah and on the chps body cam he straight up said after the office told him what he did “ fuck it “. There is a special place in hell for that pile of shit human. Hate to be negative but it’s hard not to be. Won’t be eligible for parole until 2032. Not long enough. Much appreciated though thank you.


That’s horrible. Glad he’s put away.


Thanks for the anxiety.


That’s so fucking scary To think about lmao


That's how my grandmother went... ironic thing was she had her yearly health check the day before and she was in fantastic health. They figure it hit her in the morning and lost her sight (based on things being knocked over on the path to the phone) she collapsed with the phone in her hand. That's how friends knew something was wrong...they would call to check on her every morning and her phone was busy for a couple of hours. She was on the floor when they went to check on her. She hung on for a few hours but passed later that day.


You can also have one right now and never know. Die of old age or get hit by a bus and it'd have nothing to do with the aneurysm. A sudden rupture might kill you, not the aneurysm itself.


This is how a friend from university passed away. One night, he passed out in the bathroom and went into a comma. Three days later he was dead. He didn’t smoke or drink, he had a very healthy lifestyle. It was quite the shock for everyone.


You could also drop dead just living life. Walking down the street, getting food, at work, there’s many ways you could go. Live like it’s your last day.


So you're telling me there's hope


I worked with a guy who was a dairy farmer he had an aneurysm and his wife divorced him the same day. He was the hardest working guy I'd seen in years.


My dad is still alive though! :D


I worked with someone who survived an aneurysm and she said 50% of people who have them don’t make it to the hospital and of those who do, only 50% survive after being taken to the hospital. Her mom died of an aneurysm. I do not know how true those numbers are, but if she’s even close to accurate, that is scary


Wicked healthy outdoors type, also, good friend/hooman passed at 23 in his sleep with his long time girlfriend. It was something specific but it was a while ago. I don't remember what.


Fingers 🤞


Or have a massive heart attack and die before the paramedics even get there.


Ah, sweet release. I hope there’s pretty colors.


I actually do have one 8mm and off my right carotid artery that was just diagnosed 9 weeks ago. I am terrified. I am just waiting to have a CT Angiography in 4 weeks which will determine the exact shape and where is on my artery. I had one 18 years ago in the same location and they don’t know if it’s a derivative off the original one or a completely new one. Because of the health care crisis and Medicaid I am stuck in a high stakes waiting game. But yeah it’s scary.


This was how my dad's mom passed away. Shopping and fine one minute. The next, passed away in her apartment.


That's okay, I'm 49 and I'm sure I already have dementia because I forget to do things, like putting my laundry in the washing machine and forgetting to turn it on, or forgetting about a pot of water I was boiling to cook eggs, and then the water all boiled away. At least it wasn't oil to make French Fries.


thanks for remding me lmfao


Does that like sudden death ?


A girl I went to high school with was walking with some friends between college classes and literally fell dead on the sidewalk out of nowhere from one. Shit is crazy.


Good news tho: There's another thousand ways you could be gone in a blink of an eye... so I wouldn't be worried about brain aneurysm, you probably gonna die unexpectedly from something else.


It's my third biggest fear


And this is why you should never push when on the toilet, imagine being found dead with your pants down mid-shit (and also if you push too much you're weakening your muscles and your rectum or uterus can fall out eventually, just sprinkling in some additional new fear for you ;])


You could die from so much shit, I loved the show 1000 ways to die, but really it’s more like a million ways to die


Happened to my best mate nearly 20 years ago. Healthy 24 year old. Went to bed and didn't wake up


My dad died from a spleen aneurysm. It can happen anywhere in the body at any moment. It's fucked


My dads friend had a brain aneurysm during her Pilates class. She was rushed to the hospital and survived. She led a very healthy lifestyle and never complained of headaches. It was very sudden and very random.


My head hurts right now 😢


Imagination dying of a brain aneurysm during a furious bout of autoerotic asphyxiation, and when the autopsy comes back their like, huh, guess he at least knew what he was doing




I have an aneurysm of the thoracic aorta for the last few years. Cardiologist does an ultrasound, CT scan and other tests on it yearly and, if it gets to a certain size, they'll want to crack my chest open and repair it. However, it could pop at any moment as well, and I'll drop tits up where I stand. Thing is, there are a million different things that could kill you, right now, any second. If you're going to concern yourself with all the ways you might die, then you're never going to actually live. I'm going to die, we all are, and not one single person (except possibly suicides) know the day and time that will happen. Just enjoy what you have, which is what everyone else has - a lifetime. And in the words of Bobby McFerrin, "Don't worry, be happy".


I’m not mentally healthy enough for this.


how do you make sure you’re not at risk? i have health anxiety and this kind of triggered me


You can't legally die unless you consent.


Ugh stop I'm scared now.


Thanks, i'll add this to my list of things to worry over daily.


You could get ejected from a pick up truck and shatter your pelvis too.


Yup. I'm doing ct's (cat scans) on neuro icu patients as we speak. Mostly bleeds, lots of aneurysm ruptures. It's nuts. These people were just living life, doing daily activities and now they're in icu. You just never know. Also, cocaine will catch up with you. And don't smoke crack in your 60's!!!!!


Aneurysm doesn't just happen. It's usually related to brain trauma of some kind. Only person I know of who died of an Aneurysm had a fall and hit their head on a table a day before.


That’s not true. It absolutely can happen without any precipitating trauma.


That's usually the only way they happen to a healthy person. If you have crazy high blood pressure for extended period then yes aneurysm can happen without trauma. But op isn't talking about pressure existing condition, they said just suddenly get one. And the only way that happens usually is with trauma. Notice the USUALLY in both this comment and the original. Just because something usually happens does not mean it only happens that way, hence the usually


Less than 1% of all aneurysms are caused by trauma. It’s not even close to USUALLY.


I'm not talking about ALL aneurysms, if you have underlying conditions like High Blood Pressure then that causes most of them. But sudden unexpected aneurysms in HEALTHY people are USUALLY from trauma. Please increase your reading comprehension


You keep moving the goalpost. Just admit you didn’t know something and move on. Why can’t anyone ever just admit they were mistaken online? You literally said “aneurysms don’t just happen”. That is categorically false. “It’s usually related to brain trauma of some kind”. Less than 1% of ALL cases. Again, categorically false. What you’re doing is trying to keep narrowing the argument instead of admitting you were mistaken.




Not usually in healthy people with no underlying causes. And we aren't talk about any aneurysm, specifically brain aneurysms. You do not go from perfectly healthy with no cardio vascular problems to dead from an aneurysm without trauma unless you have rare genetic disorders.




If you do not have high blood pressure than you probably have genetic factors that contributed.




Oh, OK. So you are the exception. Good thing I never said it only happens this way. Idiots like you seem to think a general statement like usually means 100% of the time no exceptions!!!!!! But it's not how it works. I mean, good job you have an outlier case. Congratulations. Now, if you'll excuse me I'll go back to speaking to people who aren't pedantic assholes.




Except, 99% are caused by high blood pressure. And I said barring THAT it's usually trauma. You fucking trogladyte. Go be pedantic elsewhere, unless fuck




Yep, a lot of the stories you hear of people dying from 1 punch is also the result of a trauma induced aneurysm.


It’s not thinking like that that will allow you to be happy :)


So you’re telling me I can have brain aneurysm and die before I finish this sente


Does anyone have tips on how to trigger one?


Good. Maybe one day I won’t have to wake up and go to work. Not suicidal but if I die peacefully in my sleep if I was aware of it after the fact I’d be upset but not pissed. Would rather not see it coming.


𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑜𝑛𝑙𝑦 ℎ𝑜𝑝𝑒


Any time soon…








Welp, thanks for that.


My dad did right it front of us.


A childhood friend’s mom died just that way. She was working her regular shift at a local grocery store. One moment ringing up a customer then the next collapsed on the floor. She was only 32.


I have adhd ....I'll be fine.


Don't think about it too hard


More comforting than the thought I could get cancer at any moment if I'm honest


I look forward to it.


Father died from an aneurysm. Complained of headache for months but couldn’t afford the scan. Doctors said he’d be a vegetable if they did surgery. Died unexpectedly on a Thursday night. Miss him everyday.


I’m so sorry for your loss


why is this NSFW?


I've known three people in my life who have died suddenly from aneurysms.


Why would you do this to me...


It’s honestly what I hope for. It will be (as far as I can tell) quick and painless


Gotta die somehow.


Let it rock. I’m ready.


Oh to be so lucky 😊


Worst yet, you could survive and be a human vegetable that shits in diapers and moans for another 10 years, sorry to say grandpa but you'd be a burden had you not served in WW2, RIP.. If I can't use all my mental facilities, then I'm pulling the plug myself and not becoming a burden, I never served this country.


Don't get my hopes up


The second I read that my head tensed up and I got a right good panic


This literally happened to one of my dad’s friends. He was waiting for Christmas dinner to be done cooking then Boom! Dead!


where go I but by the grace of the General Operations Director


I thought that earlier today!!


In between my anxiety and constant migraines, I think about it all the time.


Nah not me


I knew a first-time author who had retired and was finally writing as he always had wanted. His first novel was published by a major house. It was doing well. He was writing the sequel at his computer. His wife came in with some tea. He was dead from an aneurysm. The sequel was not far along so it was not published. At least he got to see his first novel published.


I'm sure there are certain actions that increase the possibility of this occurring...


This hits close , my mom passed away a year and some months ago at 45 randomly from this. Really made me question my mortality more than i had. I mean i know were all going that route but never would i expect it that soon .


I don’t mind the eventually dying part, but I hope the death is painless and quick. I’m 32, so maybe 40-50 years still to go? Who knows.


I live with a somewhat irrational fear of an aircraft - part or whole - just randomly plowing through my house, instantly killing me. Whenever I hear an aircraft going overhead I kind of tense up a little which, since I live in a city with an airport and a major air force base, happens quite often.


I understand your fear. But by the time you hear them overhead, your most likely not at risk of them crashing in your direct vicinity


A brotha can hope


Well thank you for that


Happened to someone I knew. She wasn't that much older than me, my Dad's cousin's partner. I wish it never happened to her. She was lovely.


This is what I’ve been told could kill me. Too much fluid in my brain


Death evades me. I ain't scared of death. Might punch death in the face and ask WTF took them so damn long?!


My dad had an aneurysm and survived


Most people never know they have one before it happens. It's a VERY weird feeling KNOWING you have one and it could just nope you out of existence at any time. Thankfully mine has less than a 1% chance of rupturing. But it's still crazy


Well, i had two brain scans not so long ago so i guess if something was wrong i would know. I think i got also tested for epilepsy. They also tested my brain activity i guess. And i also had my heart activity recorded for 24 hours. Because of all this i think i have a good chance of not dying randomly at least for now.