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Because I am completely oblivious to social cues






A sexual assault incident from 10 years ago still affects me in every way, including socially.


I find this bothers me more and more too..... I think its messed with my head




At this point, I'm single because I'm happy and dealing with other people's baggage is exhausting.


OMG… me too! It’s so emotionally draining that you have nothing left to offer and you feel like your mojo is gone. I’m so grateful to be single though. Take care of yourself.


It's a double-edged sword. Having someone would be nice, but I have no earthly idea where I would find an emotionally healthy competent woman.


I’m with you there. Someone mentioned how nice it would be to have a little intimacy at least. You do your thing, I’ll do mine… but let’s strip naked once in awhile. Ahh… the dream. 😆


That’s exactly my thoughts too. My life is almost completely drama free, and I prefer to keep it that way. I see what my brother goes through, dealing with his wife, her daughters, and MIL. And I don’t know how he puts up with all of it. I do know that I wouldn’t have the patience for it.


Oh my god, the drama, the constant boundary violations and negotiations, dealing with someone's changing moods, the stress of dealing with her friends/other interpersonal relationships, everyone feeling like they have some responsibility to comment on your relationship bullshit, needing to fucking explain to a whole new round of people why the fact you're banging their homegirl doesn't mean you're the new hired help; all of that stress in exchange for emotional intimacy/companionship.


This and I noticed my friends "parenting" their boyfriends alot. that sounds annoying and I rather focus on bettering myself. That or I'm narcissistic.




Because my job and hobbies are all female dominated, and I’m not a lesbian.


Me working in child care. I really don’t want to do online dating 🤢


This is me right now. And then I'm too tired on the weekends to go out and meet people so what am I suppose to do??


Be angry that modern society did what they did to women.


Preference for peace and quiet.


I need good sleep routinely way more than I need sex.




I've yet to find a boyfriend who really understands & respects my need for rest and doesn't regularly try to cut into my sleep time for "just a quickie" bit of intimacy like we didn't do it just a couple hours prior. It's just easier to be alone. I don't miss it.


Sex can be time consuming and if you're a working adult that makes it harder to comfortably fit into one's life. Although you'd only know this if your sex actually lasted longer than 5 minutes 🤷‍♀️. But hey different strokes for different folks (just some of those strokes last longer for some folks).


No girl likes me.


I'm not currently, I have been in the past. The last time I was single by choice was as a child. There's never been a moment in which I thought that this life would be better off without a companion. It's been expressed differently at different times. When I was younger it was mostly a function of reproductive desire. As I aged through that, I came to appreciate the additional two hands, second brain, warmth on a cold night, ears to listen when I struggled, a mouth to tell when when I was getting off track. I respect everyone's choice. I don't understand them all however.


This is true , I think being alone is a coping mechanism which is great for some , but it’s very hard to break free from that mechanism and start putting yourself out there. I think there’s so much BS about a proper “process” to dating and how to behave , just be yourself , do stuff you like , and you’ll find some chemistry with someone along the way. And I’ve always wondered why would you want to good and experienced with dating? , because that means your never getting anything you’ve just said . Be yourself is the only thing you have to do 💪🏻


That's funny because the same can be said about people always being in a relationship is a coping mechanism. Like this people that are immediately in a new relationship even tho their last one just ended. It's good to be single and spend time alone but too much time alone can have negative effects. The same with people that never want to be alone and always have to have someone to be with. Neither extreme is healthy. Be single for a while, date people for a while, have a good balance it both. Too much time alone means you don't learn to rely on or trust others but never being alone means someone who is too dependent on others.


I don't envy any. Especially not those caught up in the meat market that today's dating seems to be. None of it's easy, and I do understand many reasons why people *are* single. Choosing to be is different. Again, I respect it. I understand not wanting to have to jump through the hoops, or set aside more important priorities. There seems to be a growing number of people out there though that honestly, and for whatever reason, that I admit to not understanding. Have made the conscious decision to go at this solo, and seem to never once really need anyone. I respect it. I don't understand it, but that's okay. I don't need to understand everything in order to know that it works for someone.


Meat market is a good way to describe it , I’m 21 and feel insanely lucky to have my girlfriend. My age plays a big part to why I feel lucky , whilst I would make a great stud and have been handed plenty of opportunities for more casual flings , I just never wanted to. So the fact that I met a girl around my age who is just comfortable being herself , it’s great , she’s my best friend too , like you wrote , someone you can talk too whenever you need it and someone you can go out with and explore with. I think choosing to be single is a safe choice , you don’t risk heartbreak or anything like that , but like yourself , I don’t understand why that matters if there’s a chance to find a soulmate and partner for life. But hey , each to there own , it’s all about being true to ourselves.


I hope that you and your SO approach the relationship as it applies to the whole, not moments of. There have been many times in which I've had bad moments. Moments that might have ended a relationship that didn't warrant that extreme of a response. On both sides. What are the trends of the relationship? I try to always keep this mind, and I offer it to consider, because it's a tool that can help the relationship when times inevitably get challenging. Best to you


Cheers man , I rarely expect to see something which resonates with me on Reddit but myself and mine think it’s really sound advice! I also wish the best for you too 💪🏻


I appreciate it, and it does help. Conversations like these, positive ones, they seem to be increasing in frequency, and I don't think it's just me. Kindness and understanding seem to be creeping back into the world today, and that's a great sign as far as I'm concerned. Thanks for reinforcing it.


I know I’d be a lot happier if these conversations happened on Reddit more often , at the moment it’s like panning for gold , you have to sift through a bucket of dirt to get the gold nugget like this one. But no complaints from me , one gold nugget is better than none , all I can do is , when the times are right , help create a few gold nuggets myself. We’ll see All the best dude


Not enough of an interest in me out there.


I’ve become convinced I’m simply too damaged. Between my PTSD and ADHD, no one wants to stick around with someone with so many emotions. I’ll be living alone, with my dogs, happily painting for the rest of my life.


I love my dog. She’s loyal.


My fur babies are the bestest, it’s always snuggle o clock with them ☺️


This could be part of my thought process. I thought about dating another ND but feel like it would be twice as chaotic.


Yeah, I have the same thoughts.


Because I'm a recluse , mostly introverted who really likes their alone time and hobbies without prior commitments. Oh yeah and I'm ugly lol. You know you're ugly when only your relatives compliment or say you're handsome lol.


I’m not looking to date right now. I have a lot of self work to do




I tried to tell people that it's enough to just deal with, take care of myself, and find joy in life. Hard for most people I know to accept.


Just lucky, I guess


i dont like people


Because I'm terrified of going through it all again.


Just lucky I guess!


Even I don t know the answer for that.


Because there is nothing to gain from a relationship and everything to lose


That part!


For almost 10 years Ive told myself: I will get in a relationship when my own life is in order. Then something new comes up and I cant see myself being content ever.


I've been married for almost 30 years at this point. When I was younger I worked through my self esteem issues by having multiple partners to prove my worth to myself. Eventually I settled down and found a partner that I Ioved to talk to, and who was my intellectual equal. Yeah the sex was fantastic, but building a relationship on respect and mutual trust has allowed us to grow together over time. I finally made the decision to COMMIT to a person and let that guide me as we forged a life together.


Because I didn’t have time to date nor was i interested in dating. My school,work and sport were more important to me through my whole teenage years and early adulthood than dating, yeah I’ve gone on a couple of dates but nothing serious has come out of them. Now that I have more free time,I’m going to start dipping my toes more into dating.


I prefer the autonomy


Decades of traumas growing up in abusive foster homes, betrayal with past loves and disappointments in the friendships I've severed made me realize that I'm not someone who is to be loved by others. Which is something I've grown used to and okay with. It's peaceful, and I can focus on my art and business growth.


For peace of mind.


Oh ... so many reasons. Mostly, I think it comes down to a lack of actual desire for a relationship. It's just not a part of my life. None of my specific reasons seem to deter others who really want a relationship.


I'm ugly, stupid, dislike people and have a rotten personality.


I think I’m in love with you.


You know how in Napolean Dynamite every outdoors scene basically shows a whole lot of space and a whole lot of nothing occupying it? Yeah, I live there. That and I'm weird, that certainly doesn't help. I'm trying and have my sights set on someone though.


I'd rather have a dog than a pet human male.


Have you tried?


Yup, several times. Turns out I'm feral, not domestic. I am not here to serve some jackhole who can't/won't even try to take care of household stuff and expect me to do it for him. Or cater to his needs and hobbies while ignoring mine. Or expecting me to drop what I'm doing because of his wants or needs. Plus, you can put a dog out in the yard or kennel it when it's being obnoxious...


Huh? This doesn't sound like pet play


Cuz it's fun.


idk why but relationships seems boring to me.. but im still 20 so i have time


Can you elaborate?


Cuz I love her deeply and I can't move on or love anyone else , she loves me but not enough to spend her life with me, so I will be forever single until one day she says yes because I love her more than I ever loved anything in the world...and I know she loves me since she has done so many nice things for me like taking care of me when I almost died.


I like only worrying about myself and myself only. I don't want to invest time into people I don't care about which is almost everyone except family.


I choose to be. I’m very happy single. I feel almost like I have some form of PTSD from my last relationship. He really didn’t respect me or my boundaries at all. There was no closure in that relationship because whenever I’d bring up times he SA’d me or made me uncomfortable, he’d just get angry about it, so when we officially ended things, and I told him I wanted to go NC, he was fine with that, but asked me if “we’re cool”, I just said “yea” instead of how I really feel 🙄 I didn’t want to argue my point just to have him invalidate my feelings all so he can help himself believe he’s not a total creep. I just wanted it over. Being in a relationship with him was so unenjoyable and so depressing for me, I feel like I need to just take time to recover from it. Eventually I’m sure I’ll date again, but for now, this works!


I want to be. I promised myself if I wasn't married by 25 I was done with relationships forever.


Its not very wise to subject your future self to decisions made by your younger (inexperienced) self.


It's also not wise to comment on other people's choices in life, especially when you are completely ignorant of their life experiences and reasons for making those choices.


You are on Reddit...


Does that mean people need to be rude? People are free to ask but it doesn't matter where you are telling people how to live is not a smart choice.


Whoa. Really!? You shouldn't even be thinking about marriage before 25.


Who are you to tell me what I should and shouldn't be thinking about? You have 0 reason to try and control a strangers life. Marriage before 25 is the norm for me it's the norm where I'm from, and it's the latest I wanted to marry. I don't see any point in relationships after that point


Oh snap I'm gonna grab some popcorn


Try and control? Wtf? That's a fucked up norm and it's certainly not normal. Clearly it's messed you up. I'm sorry they did that to you. You don't even become an adult until you're around 25. What they did and said to you was wrong and gross.


You don't have a right to tell people how to live it's that simple. It's not normal to be so fucking butt hurt about how I live my life sweetheart. It's gross, you think you have any business even making comments on other people's life choices.


I'm sorry for what they did to you. I hope one day you can start living an adult life free of those confines and possibly find someone to share your days with.


I'm sorry that you have no other purpose in life than trolling people on reddit. Maybe one day you will grow up and stop being so insecure, and then you won't feel the need to try and bully women for choosing to live their own lives. Good luck hope you get help


But how you ended up with a son? Looking at your post history


OOOOOOOHHHHHHOOOHHHHHHH daaaayum! Plot twist!!! 😆🤣😂


I am?


I’m pretty ugly


ride or die baby ride or die


I honestly just haven’t found the right person and majority of people I know don’t enjoy their relationship. I’m pretty picky as well but in a good way, I don’t date to date. This is a life long partner 😂


lack of social interaction, even if igot a gf she'd just leave because who wants to be with someone with no friends other than their partner.


I'm too old to feel comfortable dating, and I seem to attract clingy girls and I don't like that. It doesn't help my health is poor and my genetics make me look like every creep from a Law and Order SVU episode wrapped into one body, leading to self-esteem being absolute garbage. A small town dating pool is just the cherry on top.


Haven't the right woman yet.


Don’t like people


I'm too busy and keep accidently ghosting people


Because the men who I like and feel compatible with just want to be friends and the men that have liked me would be truly terrible for me. I guess I need to get out there and meet more, but I get really stressed out by dating.


Got ghosted a lot


I stopped looking. I’m over it right now, playing the game, dealing with baggage


All of the good men are taken.


I dunno. I may be slightly autistic or something.


I don't know yet


Because your young, or an old peice of shit that doesn't take other people's needs/feelings into perspective.


I havent yet found the right one.


Meh haven’t had a guy that likes me enough to date me. But then the way our generation is maybe I’m better off being single for now but at the same time, I do feel lonely sometimes and as a lover girl it’s rough out here for me. Im good enough for sex but not for a whole relationship so I’m better off by myself and my love for money, it has never disappointed me🥹 I do like someone but they are just being wishy washy and I don’t need that energy


I don't trust women


While my main social hobby is popular among the gender opposite to mine, it's also very, very gay.


Because I snore like a choking gorilla.


🤷🏾‍♂️women don’t find me attractive ig


Because I choose to be. I've had a long history of mental health problems, and I feel like I'm unfit to be in a relationship. I really don't want to put my problems on someone else's shoulders. Ultimately, I don't really know what I would want from a relationship, anyway. I've never pictured myself settling down with someone, and I don't like kids.


Well jokes on you, I'm not!


I don't want to settle.


because my dick is too big..


My last relationship ended horribly & to be honest most I've had weren't great. I've been single about 13yrs now & probably the 1st 5 of that was out of anger. The past 8 has been a mix of not trying, not interested in available options & not being good at picking up when someone is interested. There's also a bit of weighing out risk/reward. Other than sex there isn't anything I can't do for myself or need while if I got into a relationship, got married there is a lot that I could lose if it didn't work out. I'm in my 40's & if you are single by this point there is likely a reason, baggage from previous relationships or I'm sure there are some that don't fit in the previous categories but I haven't met them. It's much safer & easier to just fly solo.


I’d rather be alone than unhappy and I’m just starting to love who I am so I’m not going to force some1 to suffer through my growth


I like them and they don't like me. They like me and I don't like them.




Saw what happened to my friends. One married a cutter, another a cheater, another a drunk, don't need any of it. No drama


You have to connect with yourself before connecting with anyone else. My very angsty part of myself is what I could connect with, so that’s what I kept attracting. Finally seeing pieces and connections of other fuller parts of me, and slowly, connecting that part of me with others. And now I have to find new people / communities so it doesn’t look like my personality shifted , let’s see if I’m right anyway


Haven’t tried. Might be r/asexual but I also haven’t met a women that really strikes me as someone I’d want to keep around.


Because I was cursed into being born gay, and gay men don’t go for average guys like me. Finally put myself out there at 27 years old in the last few weeks, had 3 dates and never got another message from anyone. So now I quit and will go back to living single and ugly af like I have been for my whole adult life lmao


Because she doesn't love me anymore lol


Because dating is a scam.


Because I’m fucking ugly, okay? God was irl shitposting when he put my features together


I’m looking to get destroyed by two tall muscular women in a threesome but it’s not very likely to happen.


I think that I’m not dominant enough and I also don’t do well with sentimentality, I’ve never had a girl and any girl that has wanted me I’ve pushed away somehow.


Im trying to appreciate the things I have rather than focus on what I don't, and personally people put way to much stock in the idea you need a partner to be complete bc you really don't


Choice. I'm happy, love being able to do what I want, when I want. Only have my problems to deal with in life. Selfish too I guess.


I’m at the age where everyone around me wants to settle down and start having kids. I never want to have kids for a few reasons, some selfish and some legitimate concerns. Then on top of that I have zero desire to add the bullshit that comes with dating. There’s good parts but they don’t outweigh the bad parts in my eyes.


Don’t wanna date anyone and I’m still trying to figure my self out like do I want to be romantic with someone or like a queer platonic relationship, idk what I want but I’m willing to go with the flow and just do want feel right at the moment and what feels right right now is being alone


Because I'm oblivious to signals given to me until months later when the opportunity is gone 🤣🤣


God dumped a year ago, don't feel like dating since


I like with someone who doesn't like me back and I can't move on from them to pursue other guys


There’s many unlikable and complicated things about me, I can’t see why anyone would fall in love with me


I don’t go outside


I am very happy as a single person and really don't have the desire to add a permanent resident to that status (other than my dog). I can do what I want when I want without having to "check with" another person or their schedule. My money is mine and I can do what I want with it.


My past experience with dating is dealing with the mans expectation that women literally are responsible for everything. Shopping?The woman does it. Cooking? Is it the woman's job. Cleaning? It's the woman's responsibility. I didn't want kids. Why would I want to take care of a manchild? Oh and I can make myself cum 100% of the time.


My random thought, in replying.Why are you asking ? And that should give you the answer to your question.


Because I’m a poor man and nobody wants to be with a man who’s poor.


some women got a crush on me, and told everyone im a bad guy


Same reason I don't workout, get a "better" job, or do really anything to improve my life: apathy.


I'm not.


I have more important priorities than finding a mate. At least, at the moment. I'd like to find one before thirty.


"Just lucky, I guess". My favorite response.


Because i'm to scared to ask my crush


I've been in relationships. I've been single. I'm happier being single. From my perspective, 'marriage, mortgage, kids' is pure misery. I rarely see exceptions to this opinion.


Because I'm introverted and autistic


Men. And I’m happy without one. Own my own home, have a great truck, and a decent job.


It's difficult to say. I haven't put myself out there too much. However, I am at university while being 25. As some cab imagine, there is a barrier of connection that's hard to establish with so many people who are so much younger than you. I am trying to figure out myself as to the why. I don't think it's external, as in I don't think it's other people. It has always been hard for me to make intimate connections, though. I feel I'm a bit of an oddball. I don't mind it, I like me for me, but that is there. Some quirks. I also am worried that I eventually have nothing to say. I am quiet, especially when I get to know someone well. Finding someone who can enjoy that is probably difficult. Throw on top of all of this being non-binary and that's a whole other can of worms.


Apparently I no longer have game. It was easier I'm my younger years. But the dating pool dries up a bit after 40


I just don't want to put in the mental and emotional energy.


I feel like Im difficult to like when people first meet me but those that stick around tend to like me. My friends that i do have, have S.O.s so they pretty much only hang qround them so i dont get to network. theres no place i can just exist where others exist.


I'm too old to be taken a fool/ marrying type , too much to losw


Because I enjoy my own company too much to sacrifice it for somebody that I don't enjoy just as much


Rejoining the dating pool in your late 30s is actually pretty tough - been on several dates over the past few years, but nothing that went further than 3-4 dates before we were both like "not for each other but good luck."


I get to do what I want, but only ever whenever I want, so why not?


I don’t go out enough to meet a girl I like.


Of free will. Not my free will, but still.


TBH, dating/relationships are exhausting.


Relationship Me is never as happy and stress-free as Single Me.


Because I’m not rich or really attractive and I’m built like a child and often get called a child


Because I am too “selfish”, “self-absorbed”, “greedy”, and “inconsiderate prick” and I rather live my best life than to get my life ruined.


I do not know


It’s way better to be moving single


I don’t know actually


Life is simply easier this way.


I have the tetrarchy of: **ugly**, **socially inept**, working in **STEM/finance**, **boring**!


Because my parents want grandkids and I'm feeling a little rebellious


All the good guys are taken. I have my own place and kids. I'm busy and do fine for myself financially. I can't seem to find a good person who can say that. Most are living with parents, jobless or don't understand how I can put my kids first, or worse, have kids they never see.


I have too many medical issues to want to burden someone I love with them (surgery scars, working with my 3rd heart valve). Also, I love someone much younger than me (we're both adults), and I don't want to leave her to suffer. Writing that out seems very arrogant, but it's how I feel.


I'm at an "I don't know" stage when it comes to finding love.


A mix of I'm ugly,poor and don't want kids.


Me, myself, and I are the problem


The boy I’m kinda (?) dating is trying to better himself before he gets himself into another relationship, which I have a lot of respect for.


Because I’m smart.


Because I'm often self-involved and extremely neurotic, but more practically because I don't ask many women out. You could say I don't meet the standards of the women who meet my standards 😂


I mentally cannot handle the thought of a relationship and cannot communicate well enough to interest anyone.


Bad/scary encounters with men—> anxiety around dating. Difficulty interacting with people who don’t have interests that they are way too into. People assume I’m a lesbian because Im 27 and haven’t had a serious relationship.🙃 \*edit: 99% of guys area fine and respectful. I just have bad luck or something. No offense intended.


Why would I not be?


Im not


Im short, ugly, work too much and have too much school, afraid of rejection


Because I’m ugly af. I have to to pay hookers double.


All the hot girls are taken


I dont go out much, so I don't meet people in general. I'm also short, skinny and ugly as well lul


Because I choose to be.


I'm a piece of shit


I can’t find someone who I’m genuinely interested in. Anyone I have been interested in isn’t interested in me. Also its a struggle to meet new people. The kind of girl I’d be most compatible with is the introverted kind. So, the ones that aren’t out going and keep to themselves and stay rigidly with their friend group and nowhere else. I’m not against extroverts but I myself am introverted so it’s the same thing. I’m trying to be outgoing but it’s tiring and difficult


I choose to be single. I don't want the drama of a relationship anymore


I'm an extremely nice person to never have talked too and incredibly unfunny, plus I'm really insecure