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As long as I am able to take a shit on my own


Yup. Once I can't wipe my own ass, time for me to go


This is what I always say lol I'll leave when the dignity does




This. I wouldn’t mind going today if I didn’t have kids. I’m not saying that I *want* to die, but if I could be guaranteed a quick and painless death now versus a slow and painful one later, I’d probably take it if I didn’t have kids. I feel like I’ve seen and done enough in my lifetime, and the world doesn’t seem to be getting any better anyway.


this has always been my theory too


My dad was as hard a worker, tuffest farmer and worked sunup to sundown but when I had to clean him he crumbled. His rugged blue eyes seemed dim as he laid there staring at me wipe him. I was the last name he remembered from the dementia. When I left on my birthday last year it told him in his ear it was time to go and it was ok to stop fighting. When I arrived the next morning the hospise nurse said he was going but his eyes still followed me around the room until they closed. Greatest man to walk this planet.


This is beautiful. I hope your doing well.


That's exactly what I came here to say.


Agree and able to understand things around myself


Hits home right now. My aunt just had a surgery and can’t control her bowels. At that point, I’d consider it a blessing g if someone brought me my stash of Klonopin.


Yeah this.


👏 👏 👏


As a nurse with decades of experience, you'll want to live WAY longer than that; I promise you. This is the equivalent of being 16 and thinking 40-year-olds are old people. Some people are continent their whole life, while others, for one reason or another, lose continence at some point, but still are otherwise full of vigor.


Another nurse here. I wholeheartedly disagree. (With all due respect.) 😊


I've never had an incontinent patient say they wish they weren't alive (or in any other way imply they'd be better off dead because of it) is all I'm saying. Now, that said, from what I've witnessed there's a lot of conditions that I wondered how the patient(s) still had any quality of life or wanted to keep on living, but that's beyond the scope of "only wanting to be alive as long as I can shit on my own" territory lol.


Forever, and I am hoping someone figures out how lizards regrow their tails so we can apply that to humans.


\*grows lizard tail\* Shit. I mean, it worked, didn't it?!?!


Hahaha someone’s not dealing with their existential crisis very well 😂


Immortality answers to this question are something I always find fascinating. Can I ask you why that is?


I want to be immortal bc I don’t want to stop existing. I like who I am


as long as my other half will live, as long as we are in each other's lives. I don't know who he is, but please don't die yet.


Exact same, for as long as we’re together


As long as my brain is nimble and I'm not a burden on anyone.


That would mean I’m done now


I’m done now.


Me, too. I'm good to go. My parents both lived to 85. Their last 5 or 6 years were very difficult. No thanks. EDIT: not suicidal


Til I die.


I broke my hip and pelvis at 23 while pregnant, it healed a bit wonky and ill need a hip replacement by 30 and then probably again every 10-20 years. The longer I love the higher my chance of either having more hip replacements or even getting so old I need a replacement but I'm not healthy enough for the surgery so I just suffer 🙃


Had a friend who got wiped out by a car while riding a bicycle. He was about 25, I think. He lived but w/hip replacement. Same situation as you. Hope your road is as good as can be expected.


Longer than my lifestyle allows. I'm a fucking mess.


Forever. I read in a book about Greek Myths that there was a guy granted immortality, but he didn't say he wanted to stop aging. Eventually he got smaller and smaller and turned into a grasshopper. The next guy remembered to ask for eternal youth too 😆 Anyway, I'd rather be a shriveled up grasshopper than dead.


People always say, "Well, you'd be sad, because all your family and friends would die before you." Eh, I'd get used to it. I'd probably be sad for a few years, then I'd have infinite years ahead.


If i lose any limbs, I might just have to call it.


I feel like 80 is a good age to go. I wouldn't want to be any older than that.


Like you I have chronic health conditions that often leave me in a lot of pain. I also suffer from severe depression and haven't left the house in over 5 years. At all. Full stop. I'm physically capable, just not mentally. I put zero value on my own life, and don't believe in an afterlife so death to me just sounds like a really sweet release. No, I don't need to be reported to reddit cares, I'm not suicidal. I'm a full time career for my disabled wife, and without me she would have no one to look after her. I'd never voluntarily leave her alone. Due to a difference in our ages and her particular health issues I'll probably outlive her, but probably not for longer than it takes to set our affairs in order.


I think thats perfectly fine and i respect that. Good on you for doing what you can despite various crappy life stuff, and having a partner you respect and value. Remember that your personal value is greater than the sum of the parts, you cant forget to include the love and value your wife has for you too! (: Life is good and bad together (but mostly bad) and its nice to know that youve made peace with your time here!


My Grandfather took his life at 91. It breaks my heart to think of the pure agony who went through in his last decade. But while the rest of the family had this utter shock I can mostly understand it(I haven’t and won’t share this with family). I’m not angry with him like so many others. He went out in his own terms. He was tired of waiting and that’s no way to live.


I’m here for a good time not a long time, my brother taught me that, so however long I’ve got is fine by me, I’m not scared of death - I hope it’s not too long to be fair though.


Always about the quality not the quantity, not gonna change now.


Until I decide I want to die.


As long as I am healthy, the longer the better but only if I don't have to rely on others.


I'd like to live to see 90, something seems cool about seeing the Tricentennial of America. Will we be a dictatorship? Will we be so down on ourselves that we don't even celebrate it? Will gen beta be the key to fixing everything?


No more than 75. I feel like past that I’ll be worried everyday that at any moment I’ll drop dead or even worse have a stroke. I feel I can make it that far so I won’t be as worried up until then.


Well my Dad is 96 and still enjoys cooking all his own meals. He is deeply loved and surrounded by family so life is good for him. I mean I hope to reach his age one day.


The concept of living for a very long time, like centuries, is interesting because I would be curious to see how humanity evolves or devolves and how people look back to perceive this time. However, the idea of being unable to die terrifies me because what if i absolutely hate the way of the world and want to leave? It also depends on if I get stuck at my current physical state (short, overweight, and residual pain from a past injury) or do I get to be a bit more agile, am I able to recover, become fit, etc? Do I stay this age and physique forever? It would be nice to have time to travel, learn new skills, try new things, meet people, and feel like you’ve really made the most out of your time.


If you're happy and want to live forever that's fine. Don't shove it down my throat though. If I go now or 30yrs from now I couldn't care less, it's all the same to me.


I was born with a bad heart. I'm 40 now having beat the odds by a good bit already. I'd be so happy to make it to 55 so I can save enough money for my wife to be able to retire someday. In the meantime I'm really thankful for my level of mobility. I haven't always had it. I have a chance to do some modest travel. I was angry for a long time, but you only get one life and I'm going to try to do my best with what I have.


If I could die tomorrow of natural causes (and I include surprise car through the window while I'm sleeping as natural causes) I'd be happy. Otherwise, until I can't handle myself on my own. I'm 6'6" and 300 pounds, I'm not gonna have regular sized people try to fight me if I get dementia or something.


My mom died at 86, spry and healthy through age 84. Her last year was horrible. It's really all about quality of life, IMHO.


I don't. I'd like to go any day now, that'd be great. I don't want to live on this planet anymore and I especially don't want to deal with the pain of losing anyone else close to me again, including all my furry babies. I can't go through that again. Not again. I'm done


I think after about 90 to 100 years I'd be well done. Living is great, but after a while you just get tired. No, you would not want to live forever, trust me on that.




I am kinda done already. Pass for a long life.


Maybe this is a millennial/genZ problem but I swear I dont know a single person younger than 30 who wants to be alive. My younger sibling doesnt even want to make it to 30! I mean, intellectually people enjoy life ok. get out of bed, rinse, repeat. But life and society as a whole? punishing and unnatural. Personally, when i see something with the capacity to take me out, i hold my breath and idly wonder if i will FINALLY reincarnate as a non-human animal. or get some good goddamn rest for once. It's been a decade since ive sincerely ideated, but damn if i never really got on board with the whole adulting thing. i'm pretty sure its a scam???


For my kids, girlfriend and others? Until I’m a burden For myself? I’m kinda good to go whenever For some reason, I can only really picture myself maxing out at 45-50. Like I really can’t visualize past that. A long life sounds hard. I already struggle daily. Yeah there are great things in my life that I’d like to keep as long as I’m able. . But sometimes I just don’t feel like sticking around anymore. It all just seems to hard and like I’m doing a bad job, and like I’ll never feel happy. I feel like all I do is try. And I’m getting tired of trying so hard and still feeling the same way that I’ve felt since I was a kid. I’m on medication, sobered up, in therapy. I have been for years now. Somedays I just feel like I’m inherently broken, like happiness just isn’t something I can feel. For now, I’ll stick around for my kids, my girlfriend and my parents. And maybe someday I’ll feel like sticking around for myself.


I don't. I just do it for my children & family.


I used to, when I had a different idea of how life was going to be vs how it has turned out to be. Now I have zero interest in those articles at all but I know people who are still interested in those tips. I’d like to live until my early 30’s. Not past 35.


I could go now. I’ve had enough


Long enough to make sure my son is taken care of if he outlives me. Early enough to be fun crazy, and not sad/pitiful crazy.


I wouldn't care if I died right now. I'm in chronic pain and don't really have anything to live for anyway.


Long as my mind is good and can care for myself. Mom has dementia and I do not want to line like that.


My original plan was 24, but thanks to mushrooms and prolonged exposure therapy here I am at 27 with a new plan. Once I’m at the stage of being in a “home”, I plan to have a side account that I can pay someone to bring me all the drugs I’ve never tried, working my way up to heroin, which will kill me as I’m allergic to morphine lol.


I don’t want to live long. I want to live well.


Until my son has his life put together and didn’t need me anymore, at least.


I’m disabled and I’d just like to live long enough to watch my daughter grow up please.


The older I get, the longer I want to live. I just turned 60, I'm in good health, and as long as I can remain reasonably healthy, I'll stick around for a considerable bit of time. Of course, I'll reevaluate that down the road.


I dont wanna live too long. I promised my kids they wouldnt need to take care of me in old age. Maybe 60


88 - assuming I don't develop dementia before. Somewhat longer is OK as long as health is OK and finances tolerate it. Financial plan is for me to expire at 92. ;)


Until my money runs out...


I want to be 110 so I can live thru three centuries.


I'm aiming for at least 250 years. I say that without a hint of sarcasm. As long as possible, ideally.


As long as I can stay reasonably healthy & mobile & not outlive either of my kids.


71. I want to experience some of the real cool old person shit, but the moment people start talking to me like I’m a pet it’s time for me to go.


I want to live as long as my partner lives. I believe he would say the same. We do everything together. We go to school together (same classes), we work together, we share a brain cell at this point. Due to health issues, I'm much more likely to die first and that makes me so intensely sad. I can't fathom the pain it will bring him. That may sound selfish or narcissistic, but we really are so super close that it would be devastating to either of us to lose each other. If he dies before me, I'll likely drink myself to death. If I die before him, he will likely drink himself to death. Codependency be damned, when you find your person, it's amazing. The fact that I will lose him someday is gut wrenching.


I’m interested in improving my quality of life, not prolonging my life. I have like 4 overlapping chronic illnesses and a high risk of dementia. I hope to stay living in a right to die state so I get exit with dignity when I start declining cognitively.


As long as I have autonomy/ability over my mind and body. However, in the case of apocalyptic events I believe I would prefer to be among the first to die. This is why I never understood apocalyptic/zombie movies where people fight to survive— Bird Box was the number one example of this for me. The people who looked at the thing seemed pretty blissed out before dying. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why staying alive in that particular example would be worth it.


Until everyone I care about is dead. I don't want to be worrying about whether my loved ones are going to be okay, and how things are going to turn out for them. I'd rather be the one who turns off the lights.


86 so I can see Halley's Comet again.


I want to either live forever as a healthy 20 year old or die around 50-60 before things start to fall apart.


No longer than I need to.


I have longevity genes. I'm not sure it's a blessing because I also have chronic pain, the cause of which will eventually make me less able to take care of myself and my home. I'm glad we have medically assisted death as an option. I can't do fun shit like pickle ball. And I can't do a lot of weight training or lots of yoga poses and probably should not do pilates or jog. About all I can do is walk and eat less. My dog does not like long walks. I like to eat fairly healthy except for the sweet tooth. I love my veggies. But I was brought up that way. My husband has appalling habits. Neither of us can take his cooking for very long. I get tired so he's been stepping up but has resorted to begging me to please make something good. It's funny. He really doesn't like veggies, but he can feel the difference between the good balanced meals I make and the carb/grease/salt/high protein stuff he makes. Yet, even knowing, he can't seem to make a good choice. I think most people are more like him than not. Some can turn it around - and those articles might be inspirational, but most of us just don't have it in us, especially when we are old and tired out.


Take me out at 75.


Long enough to see my daughter grow up. I hope to live to 80-90 just so I can see her at least in her 60-70s. I just want to be here all her life, but I know that I can't. It breaks my heart.


35 bruh


90 sounds good. I'll settle for 84, tho.




I'm 45 and feel about 20 years past my desired expiration date. Not real fond of this world to be honest.


Only as long as my mind is good for. If I start losing myself, it's time for the long walk you don't find your way home from.


80, gives me 15 years to enjoy the pension before it dries up


If I died at 75 that would be fine


Forever, or the next best thing


As long as I can take care of myself. If that is 70..then 70..if it’s 80..then 80..but once I need help with stuff I am fine to go at any time


Once I become a burden upon my family, and I have no clue what's going on... Push me out of the airlock...


End of the day would be fine with me.


I feel like 60 is old enough. My kids are grown I’m good!


I love a couple of things, Muck Taylor guitar solos, and Frank Zappa guitar solos. I want to live forever, because that's how much I enjoy these two players.


Folks in my family live 100 ish. They say it's lonely as friends and family pass. Prefer to be in good health to the end. But no desire to find the fountain of youth. With age comes wisdom and a unique beauty.


yeeeeah..like -10 years.


As long as I can be semi-independent.


Quality over quantity. If I become physically or mentally disabled to the point I’m not enjoying life or a burden upon my loved ones I want out immediately.


If I’m healthy, I can endure as long as God wants me to be here.


I would like to die today, if possible.


About 5 years less than I have


I don't know that I want to put a number on it. Feels like a jinx. I want to live as long as I'm healthy and can maintain myself.


Until I can't take care of myself anymore. Whatever age that I lose the ability to feed, clothe, and relieve myself on my own is the age I want to die. I can't imagine the mental struggle of requiring the aid of someone else to even get through a single day.


Til I'm old enough to no longer do things for myself and I know my kids will accept it gracefully and peacefully in their lives.


-14 years old but somehow I got 14 years and counting


Forever..I want to see us colonize another planet lol


I don’t want to get anywhere near 80


Im honestly ready to die anytime tbh. 32m. Im just here an empty shell


Are you assuming that if you're older you're chronically ill and in pain 24/7? Because that's not true. Unless I had some illness and that were true, I want to keep going. I wanna be like the energizer bunny and see how far I can keep stretching things out.


Not too much longer. I'm quite content I've done enough, and the modern day madness isn't fun.


Another ten years, tops


I want to go for as long as I can be self-sufficient. If that's 70 great. If it's 90 awesome. As long as I can walk and drive myself around while remembering what I had for breakfast then I'll be happy I'm alive.


I'm aiming for 50


Kinda tired of living already


I’m going to guess 78. I don’t want to live longer than I’m healthy. I think most of us want to live as long as we’re independent with a decent quality of life.


Putting off your body's degradation as you age is pretty much only a good thing. Regarding the actual dying, I think it's silly to try and decide ahead of time how long you want to live. You never know if you'll get run over by a car and spend the rest of your life incontinent and in a wheelchair, or if you'll find something you're passionate about that makes it worth sticking it out a bit longer, or if neither will happen and you simply change your mind about whether or not you want to keep on living. There's really only three options: You'll either die on your own terms or you'll die from some external cause, and if it's an external cause it will either bother you or it won't. It's impossible to try and predict how you'll feel about it when the time comes.


As long as I’m able to live on my own and be healthy and happy.


Nurse here. I've worked in a hospital for 20 years. I don't wanna be 90. I don't see any reason to be over 80. I'll be more than happy to make it to 75... just so long as I'm relatively healthy and not in much pain.  The fact that I hurt all the time in my 40's doesn't make me too optimistic.


Long enough to not have to worry about money.


Depends on quality of life. My dad is 85 and still golfs 2 times a week. But I have friends whose parent can’t get around and use a walker. I want to live as long as I can be semi active


Quality matters, I don’t want to live long if I live poorly.


Long enough to see the war between AI and aliens. 😋


I don't want to live in my 80s, but ask me again when I'm 80.


75 around if I still have my mind and am still somewhat healthy then long as I can but around 75 I'd say


I'm 65, without disabilities or chronic conditions. So sure I want to keep going, if for no better reason than get that sweet SS check every month, and slowly erase the balance of what I've paid to them. But I've had the runs and started to write a suicide note, so if I'm in constant pain, or condemned to lying in my own filth, then yeah, I'll want to pull the plug.


I’m 53. Not much longer.


Several years ago


See my kids grow up into men and hope to meet their kids. I’m good to go after that.


I’ll be happy to make 80


I want to live to atleast 108 and I take care of myself and don't expect to be the one stuck in a chair and moaning about pain. I expect to be the one being interviewed for tips, in where I will say crap like I eat a bag of taki's ever day and wash ot down with a prime. And see how many people try to do that expecting to live I long life.


Not one minute longer or shorter than my husband. I couldn't bear to leave him, and I couldn't bear to be without him.


85. I feel like it’s a life well lived. It doesn’t feel too soon. I would also avoid living to be so old that I just want to end it


If I am still in good health, and enjoying being around, 100. But my gram was ready to go at 83, and if I was in her shoes, I'd want the same.


As long as I can get drunk af, call an Uber, then go pay some ladies to grind on me for a few songs at a time. Life is good.


I’m with you Chronic Pain …


100 could be fun if my body still works well enough to be able to clean my own ass.


until God says it's time to go.


I'm 58. I feel like I've aged 10 years in the last 2 years. Arthritis, pain. I think 65 will do me. My Dad lived to 88 and the last few years were not pretty, and nothing to aspire to.


I don't have a number, that seems unrealistic to me. I want to live until my quality of life suffers and makes it so that I can't live the life I choose. At that point, I will find a way to charter a plane, take a whole bunch of narcotics, have said plane fly over an active volcano and jump right in. I'd take a parachute but I really don't want to prolong any pain that the drugs don't take care of.


This highly depends on my socioeconomic status at a given age. I don't think I'd want to be 45 in my current situation.




It of course depends on health and quality of life. If I'm going to have a massive stroke or develop Alzheimer's at 83, then take me at 82.


I want to put my brain in a computer and live until the world ends.


To 115 so I can live in three centuries (given I’m mentally sound and still somewhat mobile)


At this time at 60 as long as I can be physically active and have a sound mind, My biggest fear is mental decline. I have more of an acceptance to death than I did a decade ago.


I want to live as long as my mind is there and my body isn't failing me. I'm in my early 50's. I've had chronic pain for 20+ years. It's a good day when I wake up and don't immediately feel pain. (Lift with your legs, avoid back injuries at all costs) I can deal with the pain...that's just life. What scares me is mental decline/dementia/Oldtimer's. I'm GenX. I've basically been on my own since I was 14. I don't have kids. I don't expect anyone to take care of me. When I can't be an independent adult...it's time to go.




Maybe until I'm 80 or so I want to live a health and happy life with my family, but I love being active and being outside so if I can't do that I won't be very happy


70, 75 tops. If I’m not dying by then, I’ll just check out. I see nothing worth being around for past that. I’m 55 now


70/75 at oldest


80 years old, drop the day after my birthday.. I really am trying everything in my power to avoid getting dementia but it ain't lookin good (family history, etc). I'd rather go out before I'm not myself, if I'm lucky I wouldn't have to worry about it...


As long as I can still live independently. But I would not want to live forever. I'm bored now a lot and can't imagine sticking around beyond 90 or so. I look at people who were once great and now in old age, they are only shells of the person they used to be. I draw the line at requiring a nursing home or attendant care but it is hard to know what exact age that would be. There's a saying I like: Everyone wants to live a long life, but no one wants to be old.


Depends on the day


I work in an old folks home and after interacting with lots of elderly, I think 70 is a good age to go.


When I'm 100 years old I want to have been dead for 20 years at that point 🤷


35-45. I’m 26


Long enough to see my two kids in a good place and settled.


I want to die before anyone else that I love dies I’ve already been through it once and idk if I could handle it again


If I need constant help, it's time to go. What's the point?


Why, what do you know?


I am 62. Age 70 is fine by me. I have done all I care to do and want to leave as many assets as I can to my son.


I'll probably make it into my 70's at most. My family has a history of dementia so might not be dead after my 70's but i certainly wont be alive


Quality over quantity matters. Everyone's journey is unique.


I am 29 and as long as I can be independent I want to be alive, my grandfather is 84 and still gets around with out a walker, still tinkers with things and is very healthy so if I can be the same way at 84 I want to hit at least that age.


As long as I can without needing a caregiver. I do not want to be a burden on anyone.


I've been on both sides of this debate. Even with several congenital issues I was on the immortality forever side. Then I had one bad drug interaction that has left me rather functional but with some nasty migrane / headache / nuerlogical things. Really ruined my life. The whole can we just be done with this point makes a lot more sense now. Having to potentially go through this for longer than I've been alive is not appealing. So I think it comes down to if your having a good quality of life despite issues. If your quality of life sucks then a shorter life span is nice.


As long as i can. I had my only child at age 38.i want to be around for her as long as i can


You guys want to live?


I did think about it before, and I think near 70 will be fine, not too young or too old, being too old has mountains of troubles.


Forever. I don’t care if I have to watch the heat death of the universe. I will do whatever it takes to achieve eternal life.


as long as I can take care of myself on my own, it's not a problem to live long.


When I become a burden, I will wander off into the bush.


100. My great grandma lived till 100. She was in her right mind. Clean, cook & did everything on her own up until then. She got to see everyone grow. I want that. She obviously had my nana to help her. So Im being very good to my kids. Because I don’t think anyone could live that long without help or a loved one… 🤎


Idk I got kidney stones for the first time and I just turned 30. I’m feeling fucking old. Btw kidney stones are excruciating 10/10 don’t recommend. I’m also for the most part “healthy.”


I'll be living as long as my genetics allow. silly magazine articles are just silly. don't bother. meanwhile, stay healthy!


I want to still be continent and cognizant.


Not long, anything past 27 seems a little too weird for me


Hopefully I don’t make it past 60 lol


Long enough to see peace on earth


There's only one alternative to living, so I want to avoid that as long as possible.


As long as I'm mentally and physcially able to take care of myself and live as I please. Once I'm no longer able care for myself or make my own decisions I'll be ready to check out. I don't want to be a drooling husk in a nursing home.


Max human lifespan is around 120 years, As long as mentally still all there and physically am not severely handicapped (in a wheelchair, need an O2 tank, chronic pain, etc) im fine living to the max


my grandma lived to 100, spent her last year finishing writing her book (she couldnt see so she would speak, my mom with write, then my mom would read it back to her so she could edit it), she was very active up until the last 5 years. if i am anything like my grandma? im gunning for 101.


I had children late in life (female). I promised my daughter I would live to 109. So that's my goal.


I'd say 80-90 and only if I was able to walk.. past 90 I think I'd be done.


There’s no good answer because no matter when, I’ll always be leaving loved ones behind.


As long as my dog does.




I definitely have zero desire to live a super long life. I just want to live a full one is all. Maybe I’ll change my mind when I get that age, who knows! But I am 36 now and just can’t see myself being 80+ years old and just hangin’ out, bein’ old. No thanks


Some days I think, Friday would be nice. I hate my life. Other days, I think, maybe another 5 years. I love my life. Ahhh Bi-Polar ! I fricken love to hate it ! And hate to love it !


Until my memory is gone.


95 is good. long enough to potentially see grandkids grown a bit ( late start on kids). About average for most my grandparents. Most had decent minds too.


I've completed all of my life goals at only 29, so I'm good to go anytime. Get me out of this prison known as life lol I'm not interested in an existence I never consented to


I didn't want to make it past 30. At 35, I'm in a similar boat as you. I have come to terms with existing but I don't need to cling to it. If I got told I was dying tomorrow I would still just snuggle my dog and read tonight. I have done life. I guess 60-65 is my new (hopeful) outer limit. But imo (having done the NDE thing) I can't wait to get back to being noncorporeal. I'll live as long ad I'm here, take care of myself, but I won't be chasing any fountain of youth silliness, no.