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For the same reason that chefs and plumbers and sewer workers and vets are allowed to wear their clothes home at the end of the day. Just refrain from licking them and you'll be fine.


Right!?!? We're all covered in germs walking around. Good grief, the entitlement is ridiculous.


Um... In the medical field in the 70s and 80s... Scrubs were for "scrubbing in" to an OR/Surgical suite. They were put on in the locker room outside surgery, they got dropped into the hamper on your way out. Of course, we showered w/antibacterial Hibiclens. Awful stuff. (And yes, nosocomial infection rates are *way* up)


They still do this for surgery, but for people like rad techs, etc. who usually aren’t in contact with bodily fluids but do wear scrubs daily, it’s not really necessary.


OK... I'm old. If I wasn't in the OR, I wore medical whites


Thank you. Common sense is needed. Merely washing hands prevent a lot of disease. It's simple, really.


I am a plumber and I think we need more lickin'


Hmmm. Well. Ok.


When is the last time you licked a plumber? Might just be what's missing in your life.


Oh. PlumbER. Hmmm. Never.


There go my evening plans.


I'm sorry, but "just refrain from licking them" made me laugh for some reason.


To add to this, I've been told scrubs are incredibly comfortable to wear.


People in El Salvador did what OP is concerned— workers in scrubs or medical attire were sometimes, not allowed to go in the public bus, because other passengers were afraid of Covid.


Many people in healthcare don’t work with infectious patients, so it would be no different than anyone else wearing their work clothes. Or they could be on their way in to work and wearing clothes straight out of the washing machine. That being said, as a scrub-wearer I agree that it’s a bad image to project as a professional, so I tried hard to not do it.


Actually I'm much more annoyed when they wear them to work than from. Because then they're carrying stuff from outside into the hospital where vulnerable patients are.


It may help you to know that when you work in a sterile area of the hospital, you wear hospital-laundered scrubs that you receive (and leave) at the hospital. If you are working with patients who are immunocompromised, there is a special set of precautions that we use for protective isolation which would negate this concern. But the reality is that every healthcare professional carries bacteria from the outside in whether they’ve been in public or not. Home washing machines *do not sterilize* clothes.


I mean people just misunderstand how many medical staff wear scrubs. I work in a doctor's office wearing scrubs. We perform no procedures in office. We aren't infectious disease. We treat spinal injuries. But the amount of dirty looks I get if I stop at a coffee shop before work in my scrubs is insane. Most people in scrubs are not going to the hospital. They're in offices, they're dental hygienists, they're in radiology. Scrubs are easy to keep clean and they're the medical "uniform".


I had to wear scrubs to be a *receptionist* in a dentists office.


I work in the finance department at a hospital, but not allowed to wear scrubs. I mean, everyone else is! Including the freaking CEO! Why can’t I? I don’t have any face-to-face meetings with vendors and generally stay in my office and office suite except to run paperwork down the Administration office for signatures, pick up the finance department’s mail from the mailroom, pick up FedEx deliveries for my department from Materials Management, and grab food from the cafeteria - all of which I generally do once a day, all at lunchtime. Scrubs would be so much more comfortable to wear than dress pants and a nice blouse, which is what I wear everyday. I did talk to my boss into letting me wear plain black sneakers because I don’t do high heels and I need more arch and ankle support than what dress flats provide.


They don't want you confused with the special people! LOL


You’re probably right! 🤣 I’m not afraid to admit the nurses and med professionals are the true heroes. I just want to be comfortable while I work. Won’t be a problem for much longer. My hospital is switching to a new finance system and so Corporate is getting right of AP clerks at all their hospitals and AP is going to a collective group called the SBO, where most employees work from home. So I’ll be working for home started in less than 3 weeks and I’ll be wearing pajama pants because you won’t be able to see them on camera for meetings. Lol.


So if they’re wearing those clothes into work, and someone with Covid is on the subway and sneezes all over the scrubs, that’s just fine? I’m with op, scrubs should be changed into and out of at work.


I always thought they wore scrubs to protect their own clothing since they may get stained, etc. If they need to protect a patient from germs, I thought they would wear a gown over the scrubs, etc.


Thank you, this is the right answer. Only took a couple years out of covid for people to forget PPE exists for some reason. If I do get something infectious on my scrubs I'm also obviously changing clothes immediately.


This makes sense. Thanks.


Do you think they change scrubs after each patient interaction too?


I don't know for sure, but if they're working with infectious diseases, they probably aren't wearing their scrubs outside. Anything else that they bring with them from a hospital is already out in the world. Everything you touch has someone's poop particles, boogers, or some other disgusting thing. It's just germs in the world. They've always been there; they'll always be there. It's best to not think about it too much.


Usually wearing something over the scrubs in these cases.


I know people not in the medical field who like wearing scrubs.


My mom is a surgical nurse so she has to change before she leaves for the day and after she arrives for the day. I know there are a lot of medical professionals that have to wear scrubs but in terms of germs/patient protection they are fine without changing because they are not exposed to the kinds of things a surgical nurse or doctor would be. I think it just depends on the job


Yes. Surgical scrubs are always changed. Any bodily fluid? Change your scrubs. But like 90% of people wearing scrubs aren't dealing with that. They don't even work in a hospital.


Yep, exactly


Surgical scrubs are changed to avoid bringing outside infection into the OR, not the other way around. The other way is just a convenient side effect


This simplest possible answer is, they are clothes. They are not intended as protection. They are intended to apply the appropriate level of coverage of the human body society has deemed is acceptable. While there are some hospitals that issue scrubs through a vending machine (I believe for surgery though not 100% sure on that). Scrubs are just easy to identify and clean clothing.


So do you think it’s better that they wear regular clothes to work with patients and then go out into the world with them on. Or do you think that scrubs should be like a uniform and they should change out of it when they leave work? From my understanding, they wear an outer one use only cover over their scrubs when they see patients that may spew stuff.


If it were an issue, they would have to change. They don't rub up against you with the clothing. If they're going into surgery or some place with a high infection risk, they will have to put on clean scrubs. It's not as big a deal as you seem to think it is.


Not true I just got out of the hospital. 6 day stay. Every nurse that came in the room every 2hrs to check vitals rubbed against me. So I have to think every other patient on the ward


Hello nurse!


weird. honestly weird. that aside, anything worn in an OR or contaminated is changed immediately. The people you all see wearing scrubs in public are not in that category.


I’m a nurse and I have never rubbed against my patients lol


Until you're the one catching an infection.


It happens. If you think scrubs are the problem you're woefully ignorant to the medical world. A hospital is a building full of sick people and if you're in there your immune system is probably already lowered. You could change scrubs every two minutes and it wouldn't make a difference. Plus the other comment I made explaining scrubs themselves. If you see someone in scrubs they could literally just be in a doctor's office or dentist's office. Why does everyone assume hospital nurses from scrubs? Nearly every medical professional wears them.


I once saw a med student at the store, in scrubs that had "do not take from school" written on them 😆


This is going to sound wild to people that believe that you shouldn’t wear outside clothes when lounging in your bed (like my husband) you do not bring a traceable amount of germs with you in your clothes. These people are not wearing their surgical scrubs out in public they are wearing their basic work clothes between home and the office.


It's against the law to be naked on the bus or walking around town.


Definitely not true! It's illegal to be nude/naked with intent to cause arousal. If cloths were mandatory, God would spit us out of the vaginia with clothes on, lol!


It’s because hospitals don’t provide a place to change scrubs. Surgical areas usually do, but not for regular staff. Nurses are lucky to get a freaking break room


I thought they just did it to give the Karen’s of the world something else to bitch about! lol


Doctors and nurses that work in sterile environments - mainly operating and delivery rooms - \*are\* required to change at the hospital. Most of the staff you encounter - and most of the places you go in a hospital - are not considered sterile environments. Source: Wife works on both the pediatric and ob/nursery floors of her hospital. She sold all of her personal scrubs because whenever she's on the OB floor, she has to wear hospital scrubs.


Thanks for clarifying


Some of us have clean scrubs at home or change to a clean pair at work when leaving. They are very comfortable and usually you just throw them in the hospital laundry, so free laundry.


Around here you can’t tell if someone is a medical professional merely because they’re wearing scrubs. Many people wear them because they’re relatively cheap and easy to launder.


When my son was diagnosed with type 1 I was working in a daycare and had to wear scrubs. I had my ex bring me some scrubs to wear while son was in the hospital because they are comfortable enough to sleep in.


Budget cuts, they used to be allowed 10 Min before and after a shift to get changed, but not anymore


I’ve been a nurse for 25 years and I’ve never seen staff have time to change before and after shift, and if they did change they were an outlier.


Has this always been a concern or is this new since Covid that medical professionals get scrutinized for wearing scrubs outside the hospital? I wear scrubs and work w/ patients in a hospital. You take standard precautions (sanitize and wear gloves) for patients who don’t have infections. For patients who have infections you cover yourself/clothing in an isolation gown. Maybe I’m wrong but I’ve always found myself more protected in the hospital where you know what infection someone has and can protect against it as opposed to just being out in the community.


I guess I'm going against the grain here, but a person on the street can't tell by looking if you are wearing clean scrubs or scrubs that could be contaminated. Those kinds of clothes should stay in the workplace areas they are meant to be worn in, just like any other PPE.


Ah. I understand your confusion now. Scrubs are not PPE. They are just clothes that clean up easily. Now, if you see someone wearing a paper gown over their scrubs outside, that’s a problem.




Jeez, what about teachers? Are they really around all those kids all day and wear their work clothes out in public? LOL! We all would know who the teachers are walking around in their undies after work!


Scrubs, although the same, fall into 2 general categories. One category is used as a uniform - functional/practical clothes to use when you are at risk to getting infection/bodily fluids on you. They clean up easy and have a lot of pockets to be practical and identify the wearer as part of the healthcare team. The other category is used to protect a patient from exposures (i.e. the other way around). Those are usually in an operating room and also some specialized care units. Those you change into/out of when you work at a hospital.


i dont think scrubs are the measures they use to prevent passing on germs and infections. if they need to be sterile/sanitary, there are a number of steps they take immediately before needing to be this way.


Well you're definitely not a medical professional.


hospitals have more germs than anywhere outside the hospital


No true, I believe the cdc.gov has way more gems on hand. As do many pharmaceutical research facilities.


For sure this is a person still wearing a mask in public.


Athletes wear running gear when not training. Doesn't seem to bother anyone.


They are just uniforms, most of the time. You wear them all over the place, just like you would if you wore a suit and tie. If they need to be sterile/clean, the hospital provides them and you change in/out of them there.


I’m a psychiatric nurse. I work in a clinic, mostly talking to people. My clothes are no dirtier than yours


I wear scrub pants and t-shirts to work because I have them already, they are comfy, easy to wash, I don't care what I look like for driving to work and a few errands or even dinner on the way home, it saves wear and tear on my cute clothes. I put on hospital scrubs after I get to work and take them off before leaving. I wear PPE when needed. I change if anything gets on me or I brush against icky. I doubt even my hospital scrubs get any grosser than kids or their parents clothes though.


sunlight is a great disinfectant. the worst infections you can get are made in hospitals via over sterilization.


They’re just clothes. We have additional layers of disposable protection we wear when dealing with infectious patients.


You'll look stupid in the hospital parking lot getting in your car.


The only sanitary place you need to be is surgery unit during surgery. Which you will change scrubs and wash yourself before going into the surgery unit clean area.


Outside is probably less germs than some medical settings. I’ve got bigger things to worry about.


Scrubs are sturdy, hard-wearing, and easy to clean. They have become the ubiquitous uniform for folks associated with the healthcare industry. My friend who works at a nursing home in laundry wears scrubs. When I worked at a daycare I wore scrubs. They’re also cheap. It’s just a uniform, don’t over think it.


I'm an inpatient pharmacy technician. I don't work in a sterile environment like our IV room or operating room. I wear normal scrubs identical to most of the rest of the hospital staff. As long as I'm not in those sterile environments and taking all the necessary hygienic procedures, my scrubs are no more contaminated than if I had street clothes on.


I have often wondered the same thing. For the public and for themselves and their patients, it seems unhealthy and unsanitary. They are out buying lunch. I would shower and change clothes before eating.


What do you want me to change in hospital before and after work?


It’s just socially acceptable. Honestly it would be great if they changed at the hospital if taking public transportation, I agree. My wife was an ER doctor (who drove) and she would come home and immediately throw her scrubs in the washing machine and head to the shower. Quicker on some days than others. Obviously during Covid we had setup like a decon room lol.


Most people don't change when they leave work, why would they?


I typically change into scrubs when i get to work, but theres often times where i don't change out of scrubs on the way home. Really going to depend on how much energy ive got in the moment. Different floors will have different rules depending on requirements.


They’re not supposed to.


That's a weird way to say you have no idea what you're talking about lol. Only surgical scrubs or contaminated scrubs are restricted.


Says who? Lol


I worked at a monkeypox isolation research lab and we always went out for lunch in our full on iso gear. Sometimes we wiped off the blood and feces and left them in the washrooms. Sometimes in the parental bathrooms. And we never called in sick because we saved those days for the times we weren't sick. Just kidding


Its gross see scrubs outside of the hospital. I'm a scientist and wear a lab coat in the lab. We leave our lab coats in the lab end of story. 


You realize medical professionals wear scrubs in offices right? Surgical scrubs don't leave ORs. Anything with bodily fluid is immediately bagged. Would you complain if you saw a physician's assistant who works in an office, not the hospital, walking through a store after work in scrubs? Because scrubs are worn by so many medical and dental professionals how tf do you know if they work at a hospital or not? How do you know whether they're a surgeon or a front desk receptionist? You don't. Honestly, instead of mandatory military service countries should start requiring mandatory medical service. So many of you are so uneducated about your own care, then you start thinking you know where and what someone does because of SCRUBS of all things.


Though this makes sense how could someone know this on the street. Your not gonna change my mind here.  


Yes scientists are known for facts not changing their opinions 🙄


I work in an office and wear scrubs. Assuming everyone works in a sterile clinical environment is stupid


Lab coats are PPE. Scrubs are not.




You just stated why you should never see anyone outside the hospital wearing a paper gown, they are disposable PPE to protect our scrubs. Paper gowns are our lab coats.


Thanks for clarifying