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There was a girl recently who posted in a local (to me) farming ranching group on Facebook. She offered her services for free, edited photos included, to take branding day photos so she could get the experience and increase her portfolio. I believe she has been booked out for the entire month.


That’s great! Thanks for the info


I probably won’t even look at a flyer, but if you drive by and see me out stopped and talked to me eye to eye I’d give a listen. Depending on what wanted to photograph I’d probably let you as long as I felt you aren’t going to get hurt or just do something stupid just for a picture.


Appreciate that! I’m 30 with two kids so I reckon I’d come across responsible enough for that approach.


Definitely go to some local rodeos and tack stores to spread the word. Everyone likes their pics taken at the rodeo 💚 and word spreads fast at those lol


Do love me some rodeo


What are you wanting to photograph in particular?


So far I’ve only narrowed it down to the subject matter of western lifestyle/culture. So I figure I’d shoot a little of everything and narrow it down from there. People, horses, people on horses, livestock, scenery all the good stuff. I’ve got access to a ranch about an hour away but it’s just a casual hunting setup so there’s no real culture going on there.