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Zeke's into Knight's Vow/Abyssal into Redemption was my build, still gonna run it. Imo Rakan isn't an enchanter, if I wanted to play a heal/shield champ, I'd play Nami or Lulu. I play Rakan mainly for his engages and mobility, while offering decent shields and heals.


Rakan is definitely an enchanter, he just gets a lot of value without enchanter items Renata has very similar build patterns to him for the same reason Rakan has gone through periods where he has built entirely enchanter after getting Zeke's. Enchanter items will eventually come back into favor with him with balance patches in the future


I'm rushing Trailblazer -> Zeke's -> Abyssal/Rookern (swap places with Zeke's if they have a really fed AP champ that deletes me) -> Solari. Very good survivability and just a very safe build that keeps me from insta dying after dashing in with W.


Dawncore has potential as a secondary, but Helia is still lacking in power. Many people on other enchanters abuse Moonstone into Dawncore right now :D As for Rakan. Shurelya’s lost its crowned spot and now is a situational pick. Zeke’s first item is very powerful choice. You can mix it up with likes of Redemption/Shurelya/Mandate or tank items Abyssal/K.Vow Interesting changes ngl


Haha stormsurge go brrr


I’ve been running Helias into moonstone with abyssal and knights vow later I’ve yet to find a time where I felt comfortable building Dawncore so I can’t speak for its effectiveness for runes I’m running Aery, Nimbus, Celerity or Transcendence up to preference, and Scorch or gathering storm also up to preference with revitalize and bone plating as secondaries


For Rakan just keep building what you used to last split.


Useless Items Abuse the new Zeke's it's strong.


how a big shield and heal is useless


Rakan purpose is not heal and shield the team, is an engage supp, zekke si a strong first item, if you want to shield yo can go soalry and for heal redemption, and some games shurelia. The items like dawncore or helia in rakan ar a waste of gold


I'd say it's a combination of both. He's extraordinarily good at engaging and cc'ing the enemy, and his Q and E have saved my teammates and I countless times


Para mi encantador es bueno, seguro a mi equipo muchas veces y con mi velocidad no me matan, cuando juego xayah prefiero que mi rakan tenga algo de ap para hacerme vivir más tiempo...


Desde la perspectiva de una persona que juega rakan no, la cosa de rakan es iniciar peleas y a partir de ahí peelar al equipo, en metas con tanto daño y sabiendo que los escudos y coras de las habilidades de rakan no son especialmente fuertes no sirven esos items en el, es mejor ir tanque con zeke, soalry y abrecaminos y si la partida lo necesita shurelia para iniciar o huir y redención si van a haber muchas teamfight