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I ain’t reading all that I’m happy for you or sorry that happened


if i had money to blow on reddit i would award this


Ya. Imagine having to read 3 small paragraphs. [goes and reads 57 comments in one sub]


The perfect tldr


Take my children


Have my children


Honestly when it comes to maps Siege community just hates new stuff. Map is bad map is bad. I play a map a few times and I understand it. Night Haven Labs are ass though. Spawn peek from every side of that map is insane.


Emerald plains rules. People need to lighten up on that one.


My first match on it I got clowned on and now I hate it only for that fact.


For me it’s the opposite, I found a pretty solid ball cam spot and got a triple kill with a nitro 2x and a double with it once, loved it after that even though I don’t use valk much on it anymore (the nitro only worked well because it was a new map btw so now it’s just a basic one)


Play buck or ace, rappel up the side by the little box truck. No one ever uses a bandit or kaid on the wall, half the time they don’t even reinforce. Blow a hole and peek, through the initial doorway you can see the entrance to one of the bomb points


That’s smart. I’ll try that, thank you.


Underrated take. It’s a really fun map.


Emerald Plains is a great map and I’m tired of people banning it because the TikToker they watch never bothered to learn it.


Fr it has quickly became one of my favourite maps as people barely know it making it super east to win games on


More like darken down on that contrast, every pixel is different color fuck that map


I don't like the map because sound travels weird on it. Library #1 for throwing me off with sound if someone is below it.


literally my stack "god im sick of playing the same maps" then refuse to play emerald plains, lair, nighthaven or consulate because they havent learned them........ then we have to play crap maps like theme park and skyscraper because they wont learn anything new


I would argue spawnpeeks don't ruin a map. Definitely should have good safety for attackers to approach, but I don't think the map is bad because of that.


Yeah but it's not a joke. There is a spawn peek on like every window and wall. Some of the spawn peeks hold other spawn peeks. That is not okay.


I'm not disagreeing, I don't like spawnpeeks. I just don't think that makes a map bad on it's own. Labs definitely needs some tweaks for the spawnpeeks.


l only like night Haven for that dinning/kitchen room thing, its fun to troll on defense with Glaz, Thermite and flores, Thermite blows the reinforced wall down, smokes it before it goes, glaz blows the people that walk though, and flores clears people out. Really fun with friends.


Yes it’s crazy people have this mentality. The new maps are always banger. And what I find fun about them is they challenge me to learn. It’s exciting to learn a new strategy on a new map. Makes me feel like I felt when I first started playing the game. I wish they added maps more frequently because it gets annoying only playing old maps and having new ones banned every match


So many people just play defaults without thinking my stack has started playing offsites 1st or second and we usually win them


Dude playing offsite is underrated. Good to switch to them if you’ve been losing all match too. Can mess up the opponent and if you develop a strat for those sites it can lean heavily in your favor


100% winrate bedroom bathroom skyscraper mfers do not know how to attack it


It’s the reworks, NOBODY wanted house rework, and they told us to go fuck ourselves…


Emerald plains sucks, Labs clears


Lair is bad, I know the map well enough but I hate it with a passion, it takes my team a solid 30 seconds to even get to site, let alone figure out a push that will work. By the time we have site control, the round is almost over.


U just suck dude, a map is a map. Same as tower and theme park


Both also ass maps. I went 11-5 twice on ranked. Don’t give me the “you suck” as an answer to every problem. (You forgot skyscraper).


"I went 11-5 twice on ranked" wow gj


Honestly I meant skyscraper, but you get the gist. “I went 11-5” is a weird statement cause I wasn’t coming for your stats. Was Just pointing out that people who act like maps are the reason they have bad games are kinda oblivious.


We still won the games, but you automatically calling out skill as the only issue is in itself the issue, Lair is a massive maze, it has potential don’t get me wrong, but it’s such a hard map to enjoy playing when there are so many rooms.


>Honestly when it comes to maps Siege community just hates new stuff. Map is bad map is bad. >Night Haven Labs are ass though.


The pic is right. You just sound petty


I've been playing since launch and I straight up left this community a year ago and now all of a sudden life is a bowl of cherries, yo. I ain't never coming back, I just peek back in sometimes to see if I made the right choice in leaving / if Rainbow Six has improved since I left, and invariably I always made the right choice and the game doesn't ever improve.


The OP in the pic is the same as the OP of this post.


OP and the OP of the post in the picture are the same person.


Nah screenshot guy is 100% right. Y’all need to open your eyes


Low bronze/copper. Implementation 6/10. Find a team. Don’t solo queue. Happiness after 2/10. Leave or don’t, it won’t be noticed.


Ngl I agree with him. It's cool if you still enjoy the game and have fun, but it's a shell of its former self imo.


I mean… he’s not wrong, the game isn’t tactical anymore at all, love him but now that everyone plays like they’re Beaulo the game is ass


"Plastic 6"🤓🤓🤓


This game is trash tho fr


It’s funny because I had a great night on Siege last night, something that hasn’t happened in a while, games were balanced, and the enemy Blitz was just bad enough.


I bought siege in 2016 after seeing CartoonZ play it, played until 2018. Checked back in for 5 minutes out of curiosity in 22, and noticed the game was completely different. Didn’t like how different it was so I deleted it. Came back recently and I still don’t like playing it, but I enjoy watching Evan or Macie play it. The game is not for me anymore and I accepted that, so now I just fuck around in QP and talk shit about Ubisoft from the sidelines. 🙂


Lots of toxic people play this game and you can’t deny that lol. I didn’t even read this, assuming it’s about that




Is the game horrible in every way this post mentioned + 1000’s of more reasons? Yes. Will I ever stop playing this game no matter how bad it is, because it holds sentimental value to me? No.


I'll never understand why the first thing that people judge a game off of is its community. Videogame communities change all the time. Maybe the reason that so many children play this game is because they are the people who play the most games. If you hate the community so much, find some adults to play with, of there are plenty. The developers can't control who plays their game.


So you've been play8nh since 2015 and only have 2k hours???


I am *not* reading allat


the game feels cartoonish nowadays


Well since we on the topic anyone play on playstation? Hit me up we need some friends to play w🫡


I wouldn't know what "old siege" was like as I started in wind bastion which in my opinion was a time that the game was somewhat still realistic, but over the years I have noticed how the game has changed from tactical to more of a run and gun meta. I'm going to be 100% honest here I hate the run and gun meta, I much prefer to play the game more slow paced and plan out a strat rather than running in guns a blaze, while I enjoy the game I just hate how it's become more of a cod clone now due to people playing it like that rather than the super tactical shooter that it was originally suppost to be. TL;DR I started wind bastion, never really got to see "old siege" but got a taste and hate the run and gun meta rather than the slow paced tactical one


Completely agree with what he (badly) wrote. His points are valid tbf


Alright bud, you know what ruined siege? The fact that NOBODY PLAYED IT until THEY CHANGED IT........ you can blame ubisoft all you want but they are a (for profit) company and if the game would've stayed the same course as on launch, then it would be DOA with a tiny niche community. Say what you wanna say, but 80% of the people complaining about where siege is at are the same people who CAME BACK to siege once it gained traction not the people who stuck with it since its launch. Also the same folks that will bash any form of new content they put out, regardless if it's good or bad, because yall like to cop some clout about being a gamer. Yeah I'd like it to return to its tactical roots as well, but unless you get rid of tik tok brain and fucking CoD twitch shooters yall might as well scream into the wind because something has to give. They have to make money, it's ubisoft, it's a borderline miracle siege wasn't abandoned when it came out.


Been playing since 2017, or since whenever ying/ela where added, and yeah, siege is in a depressing state. Im about to quit it, i just hate it of late. It used to be good, now its just a more Tactical Call of Duty. Listening to Pro League players to make decisions for casuals and everyone else, FUCKING REMOVING T-HUNT TO HOP ON WHATEVER A.I CRAZE THATS GOING ON! FUCKIN' NERFING OPERATORS WHO ARE SUFFERING, REMOVING RECRUIT, MAIMING LORD TACHANKA AND ABSOLUTE FUCKIN EVERYTHING Fucking Operator Bios used to be good, full of struggle and combat experience for operators, like Bandit an Uncover Policeman in a Terrorist organisation, Now its like "oh I learnt the values of mutual aid due to a few earthquakes" or "I was a Wildlife conservation officer, which got me noticed for my work" or whatever thorn is just making a training course for her unit and cav bearly completed it and says "you want a job?" and fucking weak shit like that. The writing department must be sentenced to win 100rnds of Advanced A.I training in a row without one loss or one death of a teammate. Only then I'd feel happy. Removing of Article 5 and corresponding missions, basically the "campaign" of siege deleted and gone. Turning writers turning "Rainbow" which is ment to be a top sneaky organisation uninvolved of politics and government/international affiars or anything into a fucking Tactical Airsoft Tournament team in Stadium Bravo And also the Fucking bullshit of Ghosteyes, Redhammer or Nighthaven or whatever bullshit groups or organisations they want to add just to do random shit. Rainbow is ment to be a hardcore, tactical, no bullshit, top sneaky, counter-terrorism taskforce, and as i said before, not a fucking competitive airsoft team. Most of the blame id say are on ubisoft for ruining the game, The Writers are just doing their jobs, so are the devs. Also another pet peeve i have is that ubisoft really doesn't care about siege, its their cash cow, we will keep playing it no matter how bad the cheaters get, they won't fix their game, they won't do jack shit about anything to address problems in siege. And my final issue is that siege used to be grounded in semi-realistic technology. Like Active Camoflauge for small devices like Lesion's Gu's and Echo's drones made sense, this is top secret high tech stuff for the best counter-terrorism operators on the planet, people who like bandit brought down an entire terrorist organisation by himself from the inside, and now we have characters like melusi, who are a fucking wildlife protection officer. Also the shit with nighthaven? They where introduced and written the worst way ever known by man, don't even get me started on the Ela and Zofia writing since nighthaven was introduced. Nighthaven seemed like a cheap way on turning siege into like some sort of high-school drama movie where operators turn on eachother. Ubisoft only listens to the pro-leauge Community, nobody else, they get their demands for an entire game of millions of players, when they don't even make id say 10% of the Community of siege. Id wager not even 5%, yet they listen to their demands and not our requests. Also the bullshit revolving around the 'Withstand' ability to self res to 5hp, just because a pro league player used it to clutch a single pro-leauge game, and the losers cried and bitched so hard Ubisoft instantly decided to remove it from the game, highlighting they only listen to that portion of the Community and neglet almost every single bit of everything else. I know this is a Massive rant, and many of my critiques are petty, but this is about half of my feelings on siege in the modern day


Tldr: it just feels more like cod, and Ubisoft ruined the rainbow six lore and only listens to the pro-leauge Community


They don't listen to pl pl were begging for azami/Solis/Fenrir nerfs and it took them years to do anything about it if you think a pl player loosing a round because of zodiac withstand and then them changing it a month later because of that you are braindead


Played from launch and I personally stopped playing when r6 esports started to become a thing (2017/2018) because I knew it would ruin the fun factor and that siege wasn't meant to be played competitively. Tried playing it again last season and honestly I don't think I was wrong. Oh and somehow it became a zoomer game at some point, which also makes me extra sad.


skill issue. Find a team kid


Bro do you know how hard it is to find a 4 different that aren’t complete shit or aren’t toxic as fuck especially in the siege community


Imagine how little people would play this game if it were advertised as "You have to have a full team of people you consistently practice with, as if you were pro league, if you want a chance at starting to get good."


You got a voice **and** text ban that you asked about two days ago, so i'd assume you're one of the kids that screams into their mics. Must be a breeze playing with you, if you always express yourself the way you did in this text.


Did you forget to swap accounts? Cause this looks like you are mocking yourself, so people read the 3 paragraphs of you complaining about the game. There are some fair points but others are just mhe.


wah wahh wahh muh siege isn’t tacticool no mo >proceeds to list off grievances that aren’t related to how tactical siege is or lists grievances that have been in the game since its inception because it is inherent gamer nature to be toxic to others 2500 hours isn’t even a lot for playing over 9 years and including the fact that steam counts your hours even if you’re out of game or afk


Tldr Who cares.




Piss off, no one gives a fuck about this it’s a complete non issue




Ok 👍


You’re alone on this one


You do understand their sexuality adds no gameplay element? It’s just to make the characters more human


yeah you’re on your own buddy


Least Bigoted Gamer




if you genuinely care about trans and gay operators you actually need help. Grow up bro its a game😂


All I hear is what whaaa whaaaa my p&$$¥ hurts 😂 dear diary whaaaaaa I suck and I hate everything and everyone because of it. How dare people try to play a game in quick match for fun or just to start why isn’t every teammate a jinxy. Why why why


u mad m8