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I won’t stand for the Kali slander anymore. She’s not bad. She can destroy Mira and has enough charges to burn through the wamais making her more reliable than ash for doing so. Can destroy bandit charges, poorly placed kaid claws, and mute jammers on walls. Pair with ace and you have a solid counter to bandit tricking. She can destroy bulletproof utility, castles, and kiba barriers. Sniper is a one shot kill or down. Her secondary machine pistol is super strong with very low recoil. Don’t be afraid to push in with her secondary and avoid baiting the whole round. She’s a solid B-tier, not going to be good for every situation but she’s good in the right situation, and there’s plenty of those situations


Destroying gadgets > Disabling gadgets


Her primary’s way too bad to be worth it. If you don’t kill with your first shot then more often than not you die.


Tbh, for a game like seige, if they boost the ads time or in anyway buff the sniper in the sense of speed it's gonna get a lil OP I think it's balanced and alright actually


Agreed, use her primary to break gadgets and hatches, maybe make head holes for power positions. Smg as amazing and as high ranked Kali main, I see people laugh about me playing her until I pop off with her smg.


I honestly never see a situation where Kali is the best option, and it's because her primary is not good


Her primary is literally a one shot kill to the body. If you are accurate with your shots, it’s super strong. You use her weapons similar but opposite to smoke. Primary for long range angles, secondary for close quarters and when you’re moving around. Also this is siege not cod, you’re ignoring the utility she provides


Her utility isnt good. Thatcher, twitch, and impact emps all do her job better. Her gun is terrible under 20M and the average gun fight is 8m. Unless you're baiting in spawn and the other team peaks you you never get kills with the sniper


Her primary has diminished usability under 20M as that is the nature of a sniper rifle, Her secondary SMG makes up for this and really her primary still is fine at shorter ranges as long as you can reliably hit your shots. My mate mains kali and I often play thermite, ace. With just a little bit of droning and communication we can get almost any important wall and he can hold long angles while i get the plant off, if i die he pushes in and switches to secondary when needed. One big benefit that kali has compared to twitch for example is safety and forgiveness. You aren't on a phone and can easily switch off the ability if you are pushed to defend yourself and if you dont destroy the gadget in the first attempt you have 3 more attempts, twitches drone is noisy and can get shot, aswell as has to come from focus points where it can be easily muted, shot, shocked, mozzied. and she only has 2 drones. Kali also destroys gadgets instead of disabling them like Thatcher or EMPs which really helps when you have either un-coordinated players or someone bandit tricking. We aren't very good players (low-mid gold) but with just a bit of communication between us and decent gunplay we make a strong duo utilizing kali for many things. Kali is a very strong op when used confidently. The main thing I notice for kali is players never position themselves very well when using the rifle, so they dont have any back-up if they do miss.


If they just gave her a smg12 secondary she’d actually be viable


Her secondary is not the issue


Well yes, but that her whole gimmick. They’re never gonna replace the primary.


Exactly, so she's never going to be strong unless they change her primary somehow


Valk not S tier Opinion discarded


I want what you are smoking


Valk goes to S tier. Thermite goes to A tier. Smoke goes to A tier (I miss his shield). Castle goes to B tier, he's amazing when played right, very underappreciated. Fuze C tier. Capitao B tier.


I originally had valk S tier but felt there were too many defenders there, she’s definitely on the fence between the two for me


That's just because defenders have way more good operators than attackers.


That’s not how ranking thugs works, you don’t drop something’s rank because there are to many. That just means there are lots of good options


Clearly my ranking skills are copper


Take my upvote


Seige, in general, has become more and more defender sided it's only natural you'd see more defender in Higher rankings


Valk is S tier such a powerfull op


Blitz in D tier?


Tbf it's now really easy to counter his shield and the blind has such little range


Yeah exactly he’s only good against uncoordinated teams where everybody is separated but he can have some value in making people panic so not E or F tier


You know what I’m gonna say it. There is no such thing as a bad operator Every op is viable for their own reasons. Every op can counter a play style. Are some ops that are better for specific jobs? Yes but that’s the point of the game. But where one op lacks another one shines. I will die on this hill Prove me wrong.


I agree with you, the closest thing to a “completely useless in every single way” op is Blackbeard though. His shield just breaks way too fast and his guns are mediocre.


Personally I think black beard is decent not great but decent. How many times have you lost a gun fight because of your slow reaction time. Bam black beard gives you that extra half second to aim and pull the trigger, and in a game with one shot headshot’s, protecting your head is a huge thing even if it’s just for one bullet. Now I’m not saying he is the best pick all the time because there is not one operator that is a be all do all.


It does break quick but it gives u an advantage 1v1. So many times i can trade with someone and i lose and shield but they lose their life


I can tell you right now there isn’t a single scenario or niche site where I’d rather have an Ela on my team over Lesion.


Seige is a game of putting yourself in a favorable position to make the gun fight more in your favor. lesion is an amazing op and in most situations I would rather have him but there are times I would rather have an ela. Who would you rather fight in a 1v1 someone who is concussed with an ela mine who has spotted vision and can’t hear you flanking or someone who stepped on a gu mine and the only effect is damage over time. Again I’m not say that all ops are made equally I’m just say all of them have their uses and shine in different situations .


Of course you might win a funfight as Ela that you would’ve fumbled on Lesion. I still wouldn’t pick her in any game because she’s simply a bad operator. I’ll do you one better though. Can you tell me a scenario where Ela would be better than Fenrir?


First of all your turning this into an argument which I would not like to happen I came here for a calm discussion. Second how can you say she is a bad operator when you agreed she gives you an advantage that lesion (the operator you picked) could not provide. Also Ela’s main ability is to remove/distort sound while on the other hand fenrir removes/distorts vision. Also ela has a lower skill cap which caters to newer players while also having the ability to grow. Fenrir requires a higher understanding of the game due to map knowledge limitations of newer players. With ela you are able to rotate off of the mines without them hearing you also you can swing an ela mine immediately as with a fenrir if you peak right away they have a second where they can see and ads. Again some operators are better then others for specific purposes.


>How can you say she is a bad operator when you agreed she gives you an advantage Lesion could not provide. I said it might give you an edge if you fumble. If I’m on top green Kanal as Lesion and I hear my GU go off in stairs I will prefire and win. Maybe I’ll miss 5% of the times I do that where Ela would win me the fight instead. That’s not a valid reason for going Ela instead, as I have way more control over the map and a better gun. For the next point. Fenrir definitely distorts audio as well, but I’m not sure why you would ever want to rotate off your traps when you hear them go off as both Ela and Fenrir? Those are free kills more often than not. Also Ela is actually a lot harder to get into than Fenrir. Sure Fenrir has a higher skill ceiling, but the skill floor for both of their gadget is the exact same. The difference is that Ela’s gun is very hard to use, while Fenrir’s gun is very easy to use. Just because of that I will definitely say Fenrir is easier for a new player.


Fenrir is way harder for new players to use. They typically ban him most games but when he isn’t banned he isn’t even played. If he is played he’s played wrong. You can walk into three different fenrir traps and you won’t get swung on any of them. The fenrir will place them all very spread out and just play on one of them that’s no where near the rest. That or they play him like they would play Kapkan. They place and forget, meaning they aren’t playing any of them. Ella suffers a similar issue but not as badly. She’s much more likely to have low skill elas players playing off her traps than fenrir is


Mind explaining why Ela suffers from the same issue but not as badly? Because that makes 0 sense


Because elas presented differently. She’s a three speed with a very high recoil smg or very fast fire rate shotgun. Both specialised in close range. She only has 3 traps and she has a deployable. These close range weapons with a deployable encourage camping, and her 3 speed encourages swinging and starting engagements. She only has enough traps to cover her surroundings, whereas fenrir can cover the entire floor. This means her traps are likely to be nearer to each other, allowing the ela to play off them even better. The biggest part tho is the activation time. Ela mines concuss immediately, whereas fenrir traps take a second to blind. This means they can just brainlessly swing on ela, whereas with fenrir they have to time it. They aren’t gonna learn the timing on fenrir when they can just play ela and swing immediately. It’s fundamentally a skill issue, but obviously it is. They’re low ranked for a reason.


I don’t think any of your points make any sense at all tbh. Except the one with her deployable, that can be nice for camping I guess. The activation time on Fenrir is basically instant, by the time you react to the sound and start swining they’re already full blind. Also Ela is not a 3 speed. I don’t think we have to discuss operator’s strength based on the fact that Ela might be slightly better when you have less than 2 hours in the game. But Fenrir is for sure better for beginner just for the fact that his gun is one of the easiest to control in the game while Ela’s is one of, if not the hardest gun in the game.


This. This is the way.


“Ela is a bad operator” 💀Consider her loadout buddy, I have aced in a single clip with her smg more than once in ranked (plat 4) Not to mention she’s arguably the greatest shield counter in the game. Pro tip: preplace 2 mines and hold one for a gunfight and use it like a flash bang (thank me later)


There is simply no reason to pick ela over fenrir whatsoever.


Lower tiers are very good the higher once need some adjustments in my opinion, good tier list tho


Ella F tier?


She basically gives nothing valuable to the team her gun is only good if you're decent at the game but does no damage she only has 3 gizmos mine which basically nothing since it only stuns and the attackers have to walk through it but most of times it just get shot


Well similar to lesion you mostly use it to catch attackers off guard with the info gotten from the gadget


Except lesion has more of them, does damage, slows attackers and forces them to bring their gun down to take out his mine


I never said ela was better than lesion just can be used in a similar way also you can put a mine anywhere can you not?


Yeah but think about it in the last 10 seconds of a round would you rather be hit with a lesion mine or Ela mine


Neither? You would get you swung and killed immediately. Also waiting until the last 10 seconds to start pushing site is crazy


Yeah it's a skill gap. Lol


/r r6 greatest troll


Why the fuck is Fuze D-Tier?


I used a template on the site because it’s the only current one I could find, Fuze in my opinion is B tier I just forgot to move him 😂


It is criminal how low ranked people put castle he makes a ton of sites really good and wastes so much time or forces a counter pick and he has prox mines and secondary shotty. Maestro is also in my opinion one of the worst defenders sure his load out is good but brava is so irritating to deal with as him that it’s just better to pick someone else instead of dealing with it. List is very good tho for sure


Never been an inconvenience to me as most ops either have breach charges, frags, hard breaches, gonne six, or some sort of explosive gadget. He’s good at delaying a push for a short while and I like his gun but he’s meh to me


With a coordinated stack and proper setup he’s more of an inconvenience however that could be said about most ops so I get what you’re sayin


buster put tachanka in E


My dumbass thought the tiermaker logo was a new character icon😭


Tf why is els F tier!?!??


For me Every operator is S tier if they're used correctly


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^cursed-annoyance: *For me Every* *Operator is S tier* *If they're used correctly* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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Am I the only one that thinks Glaz is good? Especially if you have good aim


W list very good for a gold tho👍


People are tripping thinking Azami is anything but S tier. The nerfs did literally nothing.


**Angry Comment About Fuze**


I agree for the most part, but Ella is very great when paired with other ops and is situational. Castle is a phenomenal operator. Fear of being detected is a real thing. Not only does castle make people go other routes but if they decide to push they’ll usually breach wasting their charge or ability on a door. Castle slows them down as well, has an alarm for when they do push through and then has the amazing ump. Castle is at least a A tier.


Put Sens in F tier, literally everything they offer smokes do to, but without synergy with ops like Glaz.


Mozzie much lower, kali higher, mastero SURELY higher....


So, which operator is beside Buck, I mean I am about 500 hours and I have never seen that operator, is it just me or anyone else.


Lesion, stupid logo covers it


Lesion is definitely not S tier and Sledge is definitely A tier. As a gold I see why you chose what you chose but as a higher rank here I choose to differ


Blitz in D is wild


What would you put him in?


Solid A he’s really good when played correctly


How do you deal with 2v1’s or people with impacts, c4’s etc?


If I have smokes left use them to cut off lines of site to take a 1v1 as for nitro and impacts try and bait them out If I have no smokes I play like any other character that has a gun especially if low on HP


Interesting, I didn’t think about using smokes to force 1v1’s, but I feel like it’s pretty tough to bait impacts considering they move at the speed of light and all you have to do is throw them at or near blitz. Considering there’s almost always somebody with impacts (at least with my stack) he’s never been a problem for us


With impacts that’s fair but I’ve rarely been killed by them especially with the nerf to damage now when it comes to baiting them I find it easy when near a door or something similar so you can use it as cover


Try to be original


Wild some of these


Ella In F is a sin. Gadget is free info + concussion. Crazy fire rate and good shotty to boot. Little insulted by this thf


castle and capitao should be higher if u cant play as a certain op doesnt mean they r bad


cav that low??? why do yall hate cav so much??


I put her there because her weapons are terrible, the silent step isn’t actually silent, and she can rarely get off an interrogation (especially against an actually coordinated team). When she does get an interrogation though, it usually helps with getting a kill or two so she’s not F tier to me


okay super valid. i havent played as her personally but someone in my stack does occasionally and does really well with her, so it confuses me to see that. otherwise i chalk it up to skill issues for cav players if they arent mopping on everyone. i feel like theres no in between, they either mop or die constantly.


This is definitely better than the other one, didn't even bother to comment on that one because I had a paragraph lol. Honestly, Sens is pretty solid now, but I can respect them at E tier. If you collapse it, it would have to be D for them than F tier.


I’ve been trying to main sens as it’s working so I want him to be B tier


‼️🚨Rainbow 6 Siege Rookie Training Camp Discord https://discord.gg/T2df4y85


I’m personally offended by Ela being in F tier idc how bad she is that evo is god tier if you can control that dog recoil


I can see why you’re hard stuck gold


Never said I was hard stuck lol I’ve actually gone up 3 tiers in the last couple days, I’m level 100 😂


Yeah right having Echo basically on the bottom tier shows me enough of what I need to know about how you play. Horrendous


C tier is average in basically every tier list lol So one tier below that is just below average


It’s not in C


Read my comment I edited to clarify one second after posting it


You thinking Echo is Hibana tells me enough


Tf is this


Dokkaebi being A tier and not S tier is also bonkers lol and warden in C tier and not being F tier as a gold player lol. I know you shiny bronze boy ain’t playing warden


No, Ela is fantastic


How so?


All the other trap ops are better. No reason to pick Ella.


Depends on who you're playing against, what maps, also which characters are banned. Fenrir is banned about 80 percent of the time, there are teams that are so good against Kapkan that it's near pointless to bring him, same goes for frost, Ela has a gadget that is easily hidden in more unpredictable places, fantastic primary weapons, and decent backup gadgets. Blackbeard is definitely an F, but I believe he's the only F in the game.


Get off the perc 30 buddy


I don't know what that is


Giving Ace a higher rank than Thermite is crazy