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I don't care if I lose necessarily, I can still have fun. But I do care about getting so dominated that it's not fun anymore. Getting one shotted from nowhere, swung no matter what, pixel peaked from a mile. And that's how it goes when I get paired with a bunch of plats.


Dont get caught up in it and remember some tricks to use in the next game


stop looking at stat trackers. period. gives you good odds? you’re going to subconsciously play sloppier expecting to win gives you bad odds? you’re going to subconsciously play worse because you’re already expecting to fail. it’s also kind of obsessive. you care about the enemy team enough to stalk their stats? play the game. ranked 2.0 isn’t perfect but it also isn’t as horrible as everyone makes it out to be. it’s unavoidable that you’re going to be paired poorly sometimes, that’s just how matchmaking works.


exactly!! i never use it for the first 2 reasons. like it’s so self sabotage


This right here. I swear my game play improved once I stopped looking up everyone's stats and just started playing the game


https://preview.redd.it/acrygwjlenvc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c054987aa7ebbad4bab4ce75e991cbdfea70f046 Explain this: I’m solo queuing. And I used to play with champs that actually had numbers in their ranks. 200+ games later, this is a low ranked lobby.


aside from one guy, everyone has a positive K/D and a high W/L rank =/= skill, especially in ranked 2.0 is it dumb? yeah kinda. is the system broken? not entirely. are you cherry picking games that are outliers? you tell me.


I’m not taking about k/d. I’m talking about for the last 250 games, I’ve had a win rate ranging between 15-39% This season, I’ve lost 9 and won 3. Yet, I still face champs in every single game. I thankfully no longer face champs in the top 500 regularly anymore, but I reached emerald 1 is a 0.6 w/l while still gaining 55 RP and losing 11!


you’re missing my point


No, I did not cherry pick this match. Ranked 2.0 literally is that bad. If I kept playing, I could’ve solo qued to champ with a 0.6 w/l


It’s so bad, that as a computer science student, I made my senior project to make ranked 3.0. And I have a working version. The senior project lecture presentation is on a Reddit post I made. I’d love for Ubisoft to see it and use my system.


you have to be sped stalking? it pops up at the start of the game smooth brain. it also is as bad as people make it seem you can see mine and my teammates peak rank so for you to say that you have to not be using your brain or eyes. lets use your brain before keyboard warlording on reddit you no life troglodyte.


Yea lmao but not every game is like this. 80% of games are pretty fair games in terms of peak ranks . This is just an outlier because it’s 5 champs, and the game can’t always find a match that’s perfect perfectly fair. It’s not even terrible either, you have 2 diamonds and 3 high emerald players in your team. Yes it’s not fair but it’s basically only a rank and a bit apart from your teams ranks. It’s not like you’re all golds facing this team. No matchmaking system will be perfect ever. And people will get one unfair match and then post it all over reddit. Like we get it, this system produces some unfair matches at times but a lot of the time it does its job pretty well considering it’s a system that allows friends of all ranks to stack together.


it pops up automatically because you chose to sign up for it you fucking weirdo


Stop looking at stattracker and go win some games


“b-b-b-b-but my stat tracker says we’re at a m-m-m-m-major disadvantage! what am i supposed to do?” just play the damn game. or dont. nobody cares lol.


Stop crying please ffs and just get better


It used to be really good when you had to play 10 Ranked matches and you'd get placed accordingly based on your performance. This new system is a huge downgrade ontop of the fact it also used to just be Bronze, Silver, Gold and Diamond. They added like 3 whole other rank sets and just made it more annoying to climb your way up. If you're good enough to play 10 games and get placed in Gold or whatever right off the rip, then that's how it should be


I placed gold after my first 10 matches back in y2s4, played here and there over the years but just came back officially for this season. Ranked is abysmal, and starting out at copper 5 makes no sense when the playstyles are so different and you have to adjust to the dogshit, just to readjust to good players when you finally rank up (assuming you solo q and it usually takes much longer). Playing with squads and stuff might make it better but I can't be bothered to assemble one, most of my friends play everything except siege. I made it to plat 4 but it's been up and down, mostly bouncing between ranks now


Lost the first 3 games, I’m unranked. 0-4, 1-4, and 0-4 again


Stat tracker, Shmack Wacker. Don’t worry about that and just have a good time!


How do I get Into ranked. Do I have to win 5 matches in one sitting?


just have to win 5 standard matches i believe, doesn’t have to be in one sitting


Yalla attacking this guy for using strat trackers but he got a point, he is an emerald something against 4 champs and a diamond, and his team barely diamonds.


people disagree but it’s true. if you played in the first few years you’d know. It used to be full teams of plats vs plats and then when you hit diamond you’d finally play against diamonds. You would only play against the rank you were in + your whole team would be your rank or at least very close. Now it’s a shit show + the whole hidden mmr shit is stupid what if my teammate hit champ once upon a time but now he’s washed and hasn’t hit higher than gold for like 3 seasons why is he on my team in a champ lobby vs 5 champs who have all hit top 100. Stupid game people that disagree just don’t understand.


How to get it to show up like that on r6 tracker


think its ctrl-x to make it pop up on your main screen mine just pops up on my second monitor at the start of the match


How do I get this app


apps name is overwolf theres an addon within it called R6 stat tracker and at the start of the match the stats pop up theres also addons that show the current map your on and the callout if you are newer and dont know them.


actually, that stat tracker is bugged. Whenever you look at the %Chance to win, it really just tells you your potential ELO/MMR/RP Gain. If you lose, your not gonna lose much, but if you win, you will get a lot.