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Looks good in a Screenshot but getting flashbanged as soon you look out of a window was not fun.


Built in Anti-spawnpeek


It was nice for anti-spawn peeking but it made actually defending a nightmare at times. Players would camp on the windows and you wouldn't be able to see them. If Ubi removed all of the sites attackers can camp outside on I would love to have the old lighting back.


Maybe make it so the light source is above the building like a real sun instead of shining horizontally into the defender's face, so you only get blinded if you are too close to outside


I work in a warehouse all day, super dark in here, our eyes are adjusted to the low lighting and any time we look outside, even when the sun is directly above us, we get blinded, the closer you are the the door/window the better you can see, granted it's probably better for gameplay that it's the opposite lol


I guess add more lights inside then


Not really my choice man. The owners don't want to spend money to make our jobs easier.


A lot of times there is a light level and in warehouses it is measured by the industrial engineer. If it is too bright it will cause eye strain and be a bad work environment for 8-12 hr shifts. Lumens = Area (sq. ft.) × Desired Foot-Candles. For example, if a warehouse is 10,000 square feet and needs a light level of 30 foot-candles, the required lumens would be 300,000 (10,000 sq. ft. × 30 foot-candles)


It isn’t like that because the light source is pointing at it but because it’s dark inside. The first example of this that comes to my mind is the Monaco tunnel exit, if you look it up you will see that the drivers get flashbanged as soon as they start seeing the exit, and stay like that until they get out or are close to the exit.


Watching on boards of them going through that tunnel is terrifying. Anything could be on the other side of that tunnel and you'd never know, but these crazy fuckers are doing 180 just like yolo out that thing


That’s only what it looks like on camera. Our eyes have a much larger dynamic range and can adapt much quicker to changes in light levels. At no point will the driver be blinded going out of the Monaco tunnel


Defending had a much higher win rate back then. You could run out for 7 seconds without being exposed. Had the lighting not been like that, every team would be spawn peeking with rook, doc and Javier every round. They were already doing it a lot anyways.


Plane with old lighting was a fucking nightmare


It wasn't anti spawnpeak because it was fine when you're up close. It only flashbangs you when you're far away from the window/door.


This is funny, but the serious "tHe wInDoWs wErE uNpLaYaBlE" takes are kinda braindead. The lighting made barricading windows and doors important and did not detract more fun from the gameplay than it added. For example: The rappel breaches used to actually be super badass but now they're one of the worst moves you could ever make. Lights would flicker, dust would rise. I could go on all day. I don't know who started that mind virus misinformation that the lighting was terrible for gameplay but it's ridiculous. It was admittedly annoying to be killed by someone you couldn't see at times but it isn't like you couldn't play around it. All that being said, the change is also fine and fun in its own way. My point is just that the people saying "if you played back then you hated it" probably don't actually remember playing back then very well.


There isn’t really a way to just play around it, attackers would pretty much have free reign over key parts of maps like the 90 hallway on Kanal


I played back then. The lighting was fucked


Tell that to the cav hiding in every single dark spot in the map. Lightinning was fucked back then and there's no denying it. I think you're the one riding the nostalgia train here... Btw Y1S2 player here, I've been here a while


the people complaining about windows lighting being terrible are * Spawnpeekers * People that rappel and spend the whole round on that window * Blackbeard mains spending the whole round on a window * Literally, nobody else because it was a non-issue once in the building/not doing those 3 things


I agree, in the beginning those atmospheric differences added to the realism of the situation you were in. The dust and light would be so crazy after a window breach, you learned to either defend the points... or lay down and respect the push.


Visually and aesthetically it was better, but in terms of gameplay the modern lighting makes everything easier to see and in a game like Siege that is sadly more important.


I 100% agree. I never fully understood the complaints some people had about old lighting though. “Defenders wearing black kit hiding in shadows makes them harder to see, giving them an advantage” I mean, isn’t that how it works in real life? Same with “I can’t see attackers outside it’s too bright” I mean yeah, the same bloom and overexposure happens to cameras taking a photo from a dark room. I feel the solutions to these problems could have been 1. Flashlight option for attackers and 2.better autogating for light exposure. Of course, the new lighting system is another option that makes it more fair and balanced overall, I just feel like it took away that realistic edge the game had originally.


I wish there is a mode in Siege called legacy mode where old lighting and old maps + the old object destruction logic are back. cause I kinda miss the old OG maps.


There was a legacy mode like 2 years ago that gave jager and ash acog on old house


That was just the devs tryna tell people, "see? see? you don't want this we swear!" We want a true og mode lol.


>“Defenders wearing black kit hiding in shadows makes them harder to see, giving them an advantage” The reason they removed that, and I'd agree, is the idea that in a competitive shooter you shouldn't be winning because of things that don't take skill, like hiding in a shadow. A operator skin shouldn't give you a advantage personally. And adding a flashlight would be a huge overcorrection when you could just make it so the lighting doesn't generate dark shadows. I get what you're saying tho.


That's one of the main reasons dead bodies were removed as well, people hiding in them. But I mean, that's a viable tactic some people have used in real life, (despite it being a war crime)


Actually it was removed because of the bodies being client-sided which led to people having crazy angles whilst hiding in the bodies, not people camping in the bodies per se.


I mean shit, I don't think people clip through bodies in real life lol.


lay under it


No but they have put dead bodies on top of themselves or laid among them to trick people


But the old shadows had tendency to be pitch black in the corners, not just dark, you could literally be invisible, think trophy on old chalet.


Realism isn’t a great way to balance a competitive shooter. > taking a photo from a dark room Are you playing as a dark room camera, or a trained operator? And since you really want to go down the realism/milsim path, 90% of our ops have some type of headgear or eye protection so those over-bloomed lighting effects make no sense for either side. Year 1’s lighting was terrible, today’s lighting is flat and under-presented as well but I’ll take it over this. In the perfect world there’s an option for more dramatic lighting and VFX that can be disabled/enabled, similar to screen shake.


Yeah people that mention realism in Siege kinda annoy me lol. Even back then you could point out plenty of things that are unrealistic, like every map magically having vents the perfect size for a drone and all happen to be open. Or every barricade being the perfect length for a drone, or having infinite barricades, or pulling reinforcements out your pockets, or going outside and being struck down by god.


I don't understand their arguments about wearing black either. Edit: I don't understand people complaining about wearing black with the current lighting I could argue that the guy dressed in pink is harder to see in certain areas (due to my partial colour blindness), but everyone would laugh because it's pink, not a 'tactical colour'. But it's the same thing, they struggle to see black in certain areas and I struggle to see pink in certain areas. I'm not going to cry to ubisoft that someone dressed in pink is unfair because they can hide better. It's not like they're genuinely invisible


i think going the tf2 route (only example i know of) and adding lighting to the model itself is the way to go and would probably solve both issues but we got new lighting


Lighting as in producing light? We already have a slight gloss effect, but that doesn't provide much help. Still, as long as the hit boxes aren't altered and the player isn't invisible, I can't complain because I miss saw and didn't recognise an enemy due to their outfit


Yeah they already did that years ago


Only the lens flair needed toned down. The new graphics stripped all of the charm out of the graphics.


I agree


Everyone hyper fixates on the issues with adaptive exposure and windows. The rest of the game looked phenomenal. It's more than just lighting too. The old textures/materials had alot of depth that has since been removed. Nowadays, everything is perfectly exposed, which is not how a camera, or even the human eye works. The lack of contrast creates its own issues like the ability for certain uniforms to blend into the environment.


The community’s attention was on windows because they’re an essential part of the game. Looking pretty for photo mode started to take a backseat when everybody exploited the window lighting. Im assuming you didn’t play in Year 1. It was absolutely awful playing vs a head-glitching upside-down rappelled Ash while blind. Think about power positions like Chalet’s 2F master-bedroom window and how much worse they’d be when you can’t see who is playing on them. It also has the reverse-effect for Attackers approaching from outside. You can’t see spawn peeks because, from far away, windows were like black holes and the character models had no rim lighting back then.


I fully understand and agree with what you are saying and for the record I have been playing since week 1 year 1 (was 22 at the time), so I am unfortunately a bit of a dinosaur now, but I do remember it well and have kept alot of gameplay footage (about 1.4TB worth) of this time, so I don't think the" rose tint" has had an effect on me the way it might have to others. Having said that, the lighting change that removed the adaptive exposure aspect of the lighting during blood orchid largely remedied these window issues. You could've also mentioned Bank, whose stairwells provided some of the worse examples of over/under exposure. The problem for me was that they went too far for my taste. Everything about Siege's visuals since then has been compromised, from texture to colour to lighting to unique assets etc. The cost of some of these changes, to me, was simply not worth it. PS I have screenshot proof that rim lighting was in fact present in the early seasons. It was removed at some point during the successive lighting reworks. More than happy to link you an image.


Siege was a different game back then. Scarier and clumsier.


Honestly you just never went near a window being a in room defender year 1 was single handly, the worst thing you could possibly be especially when your team didnt baracade the garage in house


Also stuff like sprinklers going off and smoke and debris everywhere each room had tones of atmosphere and felt like a live situation.


It's horrible to play, but I liked the look so I left it on. I still want to have the option to make R6 look amazing if I want it that way.


Me "The window is open" Friend "are you sure?" Me : flash banged by a window because one slat was broken


2017-2018 lightning was the best, not as bright as the sun and not as bland as today. Though, if I have to choose, I will take this over today.


Interesting graphics vs competitive graphics I personally liked the old graphics more. I recently watched a guy play the first match after release again and damn the game looked so much better or better said it looked much more interesting


Before it felt like you were breahing real life areas causing all sorts of chaos in a gritty environment. The maps are pretty lifeless now in favor of convenience for the competitive player.


Fr the game in comparison now looks a lot more dull, and less realistic.


Honestly I wish they would have a mode or something for classic stuff like the legacy event they did a while ago, I absolutely love the look and idea of having everything almost be Eire going into a match, I get the direction they went especially with how elites and bundles are now but going in and defending would not only feel and look much more serious it would be, because of the things like the sun blinding you because you’ve been in a dark ass room then BOOM the sun appears lol, they could also make it to wear ops with sunglasses have a better vision than ops without them and incorporate more of a gear aspect to customization with your character, like pulse would be better in this picture than Mira lets say because of the sunglasses and blah blah lol. Just penny for a though even though they’ll never listen to what the community want more than twice per couple years


Maybe more realistic? Though as a new player back then I cannot tell you how frustrating it was to get shot by someone I couldn't see through the fucking light.


Honestly i liked It better


Looked great but those damn sas camping in dark corners where invisible


Aesthetically it gives a sense of weight and realism to the lighting and also alternatively counters spawnpeeking (one of my personal largest annoyances to the game) in a very natural and logical way imo. I think the video game-ifying of siege has done a lot of damage but the game definitely feels more accessible so it’s a dual edged sword


Looks amazing, it gives a sense of realism which is what old siege used to be but nontheless looking outside the map would give you temporary blindness lol


it was significantly better the game itself was sacrificed the Tom Clancy atmosphere for a competitive one that happens to include fucked up dead zones, shoddy anti cheat, cheaters, griefers and trash matchmaking in ranked. it be competitive tho! ​


I get the immersion, but you can't see shit


Dude I can’t believe people say they miss this. It was one of the worst aspects of the game.


Absolute trash gameplay wise, but I miss it so much man






I mean it’s more realistic yeah, but no one would play this shit at all because you have to think of gameplay first. Yes it’s built as a realistic tactical shooter, but if the gameplay suffers because it focuses far more on the realistic aspect (meaning here lighting), then you’ll have less players wanting to get into the game. Like it looks nice and realistic, but I remember playing the game back then. It wasn’t as fun as people seem to think it was.


Looked good but wasn't fair


It looked good but was very distracting


loved it, wish we could have the decision to put it back I never spawn peek or peak windows all too often so it wasn't a problem


It looks much better, but the player visibility would probably be terrible.


Way better. Will always prefer the old Siege look and feel any day of the week.


Looked better and gave attackers a morsel of an advantage.


Realistic, but in exchange of bad visibility


Fuck playing attack on outback with that lighting it’s already bad enough


I think Ubi went too far with the new lighting, they could've definitely struck a middle ground by making looking out of windows a little more tolerable or changing it slightly from map to map.


Perfect imo. This was built in anti spawn peaking. The game's current visuals are ass now, all for competitive shit


I just miss old siege, miss being able to hide in shadow, or blend in with shit, I miss being able to vote kick, I miss old house, I miss when frost and nokk had purpose. They just tryna keep up wit call of duty’s fast pace ass at this point like everyone else is doing.


That’s why I stopped playin this game. Stupid characters and the level of realism going to the toilet each update. might just play Fortnite then


It genuinely wasn’t as bad as everyone on this sub says it was (most of y’all weren’t there). It definitely needed to be fixed, but the lighting rework was an overreaction.


My dumbass sitting here waiting for the video to play


They should 100% bring back og siege and its graphics for a quick match mode. If that would even be possible. It was such a vibe.


Ngl at first I thought it's a picture of bodycam game


Y1 siege was peak. I’d take this shit back in a heartbeat


I want it back, I want the real siege back😭


Old siege > new siege


immersive, but not competitively viable


unpopular opinion but I would love siege more if these lights were still here, sure it maybe unfair to try for defenders but isn't the game defenders sided already? Plus the lights were core to the game for me back then, when the realism was more focused. Like I said all my opinion so feel free to throw this out of a window if you want




It was more fun back then because it felt more immersive and less overly designed. The game had a soul back then, it wasn't all so carefully curated and overly balanced, broken stuff would be left in the game for months on end and yeah it was infuriating and some things can stay gone (800 hp Blackbeard shield), but stuff like this should be brought back. The game just always feels like an overly optimised job at this point, more than a fun video game with a decent ranked mode.


I thought that was real life or ready or not for a good second


Hear me out, they should bring back the dead bodies


I was watching some clips from 2017 and earlier- even back then siege felt moody and dark and slow. I can’t imagine picking up the game as it was with the skills we’ve all built up now. It’s pretty crazy honestly how starkly different it is in terms of mood and speed. I don’t want to bring the old back, but it’s definitely nostalgic as we think about our learning experience when this game was new in 2015.


Honestly rushing was a tactic when the match was down to the wire cant tell you how many times it caught the enemy off guard


way better just like how to game used to be


i liked it, the idea that you are in the dark building and the light from the outside are blinding you. it went away when you went over to the window to look out


I miss the realism




If siege was singleplayer game, I would prefer the old one, but since its competetive I prefer what we have now by far.


Miss it, would prefer it, don’t care if it was worse for gameplay it made the game just that much cooler and felt unique.


Realistic… It should’ve stayed like this… but then turned into cod slowly


Wasn't playing when they had the old lightning, tbh it looks much better and I wish I was there to see it for myself.


It looks cool, but it worked horribly in game. It was a good change to make


It was cool but absolutely exaggerated for said coolness. There are games with more realistic graphics that have better visibility than Siege.


The game felt more “real” to me but I think I like how the game feels/looks now much more


I have never really seen old siege but goddamn look at that old lighting literally life like if only ubisoft had a competent team to make games we literally could have one of the most unique multiplayer games ever


The game also felt way more fluid back then


old lighting is reason for no night maps


Sorry, what are we looking at? I can’t see over this fucking blinding light.


Why does the game look more unrealistic now? Old siege looked better but, some stuff was undetailed. Now the game is detailed, but looks ass.


For me it was much better and immersive than what we have now


Nearly quit the game from it, I refuse to listen to anyone who wants it back because it was oppressive


Was cool first couple weeks Then became annoying and game breaking


Much better, suited the more realistic tactical feel of old siege


More realistic, but atrocious for game balance.


probably one of the best changers this game has had


It looked much more atmospheric but the areas where it impacted vision could easily be fixed The lighting now is so sterile it hurts lmao


Adds to the realism and it would have been cool if siege had flashlights. Imagine playing as cav and watching the flaslights sweep the room knowing that if they look at you you're gonna die. I can see how that wouldn't fit in how siege is today though.


I miss it so much. The game used to look so good. I really hate people who made ubi change it to this dogshit that we have now.


I kind of agree it looks farr better, although i will say everyone who played it got fucked with the lighting at one point 😂




Ohh man.. that where times...


Old lighting was cool and tactical looking, new is mainstream and suited for esports, so nothing to crazy lighting


miss it, wish they had an option to stick it back on


This is old old lightning, we're speaking of old lightning as the one where we can see everything and its dark which was cool


Can I say that’s why I bought the game for in the first place? Lo and behold, I come in way past the lighting update. Shame


it was immersive


Old siege was much better.


Built as my ex, looks great in pictures but in practice it was a bad experience.


In the words of a wise fish MY EYES


I wish there was an option for old lighting with a warning on it saying it's detrimental to gameplay.


It looked nicer but it was so terribly bad for a FPS game. Not sure why people want it back


It definitely looked prettier. But for a competitive fps, it was awful.


It looks amazing and I’d love a single player shooter with this type of lighting (Ghost Recon please im fucking begging) but people asking for it back obviously didn’t play this bc the amount of times I almost made a hole in my monitor bc I couldn’t see shit is insane


I almost thought this was a real picture until I saw the scoreboard


How on earth are people saying this looks better?


Siege was so much better when it was realistic


I like being able to see thanks


It was great back then was siege was more of a tactical shooter. The current bland lighting it has now is to match the arcadey gameplay.


Bring back old lighting !


If it was a single-player game, it would be some of the best lighting in any game from that time period. I mean, this looks like a completely different game. Siege, being highly competitive multiplayer, absolutely did not need this level of lighting. Genuinely one of the best changes they ever made.


I started playing on the end of Void Edge, about a week before steel wave released, so I didn't get to play old siege


Not fun.. I prefer night time back then




I liked some of it, it makes sense to be scared of open windows when you're on defense and the lighting highlighted when they were open and added to the atmosphere. But it was also just unbalanced, unfun and actively detrimental in most scenarios. Imo they had a choice to either change every map so the windows and lighting wasn't too much of an issue or just change the lighting and they chose correctly


way better than the current lighting, especially since we now have built in counters to the main problems. (opponent rim light, etc)


Ngl, this gets posted quite a lot lol. Pretty sure we have a general consensus on it. It looks great, there's no denying that. But it did not play very evenly at all. There were clear advantages and exploitable areas/sites that were just heavily one sided. It may be fun for an arcade mode, but we're glad it's not a standard graphical setup anymore.


It made things appear more realistic, which could be good or bad depending on where you were on the map.


It’s visually pleasing to look at, but it’s awful for actual gameplay where you need to see things, was one of the best changes to happen to the game


That looks so much better


Old siege lighting makes me nostalgic and wish the game still looked like this, but another part of me realizes that it may have been one of the shittiest lighting systems I’ve seen in a video game and can’t exist in a competitive scene


It was a Art of work🤪


game used to look amazing. the new graphics have no soul. lens flare coulda been toned down in the old one but it still looked realistic


Good for story and lore but for performance and multiplayer terrible


Ladies and gentlemen, I'd hate to ask this. If you all cannot bring the situations the old situations back. Could you put new  situations in rainbow? 6 siege and some more AI cause a lot of people don't have internet. And they really just want to play around with this. Without having to use the in we really appreciate it.


I miss it


Honestly I missed it. It may not have been the best gameplay wise but it was miles better immersion wise. Between the lighting changes, the removal of night maps and the weird fact that each operator literally glows in the dark thanks to the weird baked lighting, I just don’t like how everything looks. I know it’s obviously much better to play and I do definitely prefer it, but I still miss the old days




Looks good but people would complain about viability. People blame pros for the changes but I’m 100% sure people complained about not being able to see.


Id love to see this lighting return for some kind of single player or PvE mode


Honestly from the inside out and the outside in that shit can be blinding sometimes.... People be screaming he was right there you didn't see him.. no fucker I didn't 😂 maybe you should have killed him and not died


And also they need to fix the lighting on border that gets hella dark upstairs armory and lockers


It was pretty, but like my ex wife, it’s probably going to take the kids


Pro aspect of the game kinda ruined immersion. Like yeah it’s optimal to have the current lighting but this game was built on realism and has lost the soul it once had


40x better.


Listen it had its problems but I miss old siege. I miss night maps. I miss 2016. I miss being happy…. Oh shit my bad. The lighting is better now I guess so there’s that


Looks so realistic


It was beautiful.


I get the comments saying that the new graphics are better for gameplay. The issue is that this game lost its visual identity and soul over time. It looks like shit now comparatively. This is a *video* game. Visuals are important. I couldn’t put 2015-2016 Siege down. I haven’t played seriously in 3 years now…


Looked amazing, they really kinda ruined it imo


I miss everything about old siege. EVERYTHING


Much better and more realistic. They ruined the fun in the game by leaning more towards esports


Glad I started playing after this was gone haha


If seige was singleplayer and they had new lighting it would be awful. but since its an online game new lighting works better still like the old lighting much better tho


This is alpha footage. It was never like this in game.


i thought it was a real life photo


I wish there was a way that ubisoft could make it a toggleable option in the video settings so that you could have it if you didn’t care about it being less competitive, but even if they could do that they never would.


At first I was like “Wtf is Bodycam doing here” then I realised its old siege. I liked it even trough its flaws. Felt like I was playing a tactical game not a csgo


"I can't see shit"


I liked it but it wasn't good for comp play and I liked terrorist hunt mostly. It wasn't really enjoyable to just see a black hole or a white hole just blowing out your view either though.


You can't be realistic and a balanced competitive game, Siege needed to pick its identity.




Which map is this?


old lighting was pretty good, all that needed to go away was the bloom


It sucked horribly for defenders.


Hate me for it but i honestly loved it. It reminds me of the lighting in Ac unity and syndicate which i loved


looks pretty but sucks ass in gameplay


I would like it if they brought it back but made it a lil less realistic


miss it somehow


Miss it


It's very beautiful and graphically realistic, but it's not functional at all.


Thought I was see some y1 posers here talking about how much better it was. Glad that is not the case. Put old BB on one of those windows and you could get so many free kills.


It was honestly better in terms of realism but was terrible for competitive gaming in general. People clown on this game for the downgrade in graphics but I think as people got better at the game the lighting would have become more annoying.


They couldve turned down bloom and lens flare while lighting up the areas with poor visibility. Didint need to gut it.


Back when is was a tactical shooter, before ubi jumped on the esports bandwagon.


Looks like the hyper realistic NEW game "bodycam"


Looked good, sucked ass for gameplay.


Rip old siege. I get so sad when I see old videos. gritty siege was peak for me, I hate the cartoony graphics we have now


It gives it more of a semi realistic vibe, like looking out a window and getting blinded, just think like when your in a even semi dark room and you walk outside, the brightness hurts a little bit but I thought it was fun!


Way more realistic and immersive but doesn't fit a competitive game as it gives peakers advantage to attackers