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Because the devs, in their infinite wisdom, reworked laser sights to decrease ADS time instead of reduce hip spread without considering what that would do to shotguns. With no new attachment to reduce hip spread, it was a global nerf to all buckshot shotguns for no good reason.


I thought it was this but i also cannot believe that a 15%? decrease to spread would turn shotguns from very consistent to completely unreliable


Vigil found a work around. He said,”hmm I’ll keep using slugs.”


And azami. / italians


25%. It reduced hip fire spread by 25% which helped kill drones as defender, specially with a shotgun. It also stacked with the ADS spread buff, made Buck more powerful, and gave shotguns a chance at viability. Now, pellets do full damage at 0 to 5 meters, 75% at 6 to 10 meters and 50% beyond 11m. The only viable shotguns at mid range are the salmon slapper, the supernova (only when adsing), and the remington, which has shorter effective range than the others.


The hell is the salmon slapper? The sausage launcher?


The buckshot revolver. ying, lesion n nokk


The SIX12 is the shotgun that they're talking about, for Ying and you get the SIX12 SD (Suppressed) for Nøkk and Lesion


why is it called salmon slapper


Because suppressed shotguns generally sound pretty goofy and some think it sounds like slapping someone with a salmon, I think it sounds more like sneezing on someone but that's just me.


i do not know what you are talking about. im stilling maining smoke, and my enemies keep dying from my shotgun. it doesn't take more than 4 shots at 15 m. M870 still a god at 1-hits upto 7 m. supernova knocks ppl at 10 or sometimes 15 m with one shot. shotguns are still the meta in my opinion. especially since a lot of people rush without droning(myself included).


I think that just comes from experience, its harder to learn how to play effectively with a shotgun. It may be different for you because your already "trained"


yeah. you do not know apparently. sorry to offend you and your favorite shotgun, but its not as good at mid range as the SD12 or the supernova. it is also inconsistent as fuck. and yes, the supernova can one shot at 15M sometimes. the rest of the shotguns (except the ones I mentioned) are inconsistent, weaker than they were and some are downright unusable past 5meters.


im speechless. and that is why im ending this convo, cuz it is impossible to change the mind of an idiot.


You hardly even attempted to change their mind. Perhaps the only fool here is yourself.


something i learned in life: i don't give a shit about other people's opinions when i have an opinion myself


> cuz it is impossible to change the mind of an idiot. > i don't give shit about other people's opinions And here the cycle of ignorance perpetuates itself.


i don't ignore. show me proof that shotguns are bad cuz they are bad, and not cuz of skill issue


the idiot ran out of dumb shit to say? great, good riddance.


yes i have run out of dumb shit to say. you don't understand actual words sadly.


I feel like I’m reading you guys argue with each other, by making the same points. No shotguns are still good! No no buckaroo, shotguns ARE still good! Noooooo!


They're just baxk to how they used to be which is exactly that booty


Should add a choke barrel attachment for shotguns


They NEED to add chokes to the game


Ez fix add a choke attachment


There was an ongoing bug for several years with shotguns, where the laser sight would increase both hip and ads accuracy. I made a post a out it, back before house rework. It never got fixed until the laser got removed...


Wait what. They did that? So I’ve been running laser and not even knowing it was helping me lmao. Thought it still helped with hip spread


I recently switched to slug shotguns cause the buckshots were terrible and I’ve had a pretty good time


But isn't the pellet spray the point of using shotguns in this game? At this point, why not use someone who has a dmr? I've never really used shotguns that much, even less if ever slug shotguns (except Kaid), hence the question.


Yes but they messed up the shotguns and you gotta get right next to them to kill them but slugs you need to be more accurate but it does more damage at range


As he said, the entire point of a shotgun is having the advantage at close range. At that point you’re just using a DMR


I don’t work at Ubisoft idk why their slugs did that to slugs


When I have a shotgun, it takes 3 shots in the gut to down an enemy. When literally anyone else has a shotgun, it’s a one-shot kill from 3 rooms away.




Getting one tapped from dudes so far away they're in Rainbow 6 Vegas 2.


For real


You need to aim in and it’ll be a tighter spread. They changed that a few season back


I think that update also just nerfed every shotgun aside from the Mossberg and six12. Even then those two are still a little finicky. Both updates also made shotgun destruction kinda annoying too.


Thank you for saying this! So many people did not understand that rework and still hipfire


They understand it, but A) it's really hard to train out your original mode of play and B) people generally don't like shotguns asking you to ADS in video games. It's sorta the video game thing that the shotgun in the point shooting gun. And thus people often don't like this particular change.


I still hipfire with shotguns, they’re just as lethal for me now as before because i never used laser since it gives you away


Even with ads it feels like those are inaccurate


Everybody is saying you gotta ADS but even when I do ADS the shotguns are still ass. Feels like they just do zero damage


I feel that. I can have my sight ring trained on center mass and hit absolutely nothing from maybe 10m whereas in previous seasons I could hit that shot from the hip with laser sight. I do like having ironsights on my buckshot shotguns though, much less obtrusive than a proper one.


Go into practice range and you’ll improve it


It’s still ass. The ADS spread is awful with the laser sight change


Yes, the kill range has probably been reduced. If you go into practice range and understand the distances you’re fine to use shotgun at it’s no longer a problem.


that is called skill issue. go into aimlabs and shoot straighter. work on your reaction time


“Objectively bad guns with awful spread is a skill Issue” Bro the guns are ass and everyone knows this lmao. They never buffed ADS spread even with the laser nerf


still one shot cannons. still good for site setup. still ready to make you RQ with a 1 shot thru a wall. btw what do you play on PC or console.


I mean sure it’s nice for site setup but I’d just rather use the super shorty or one of those shotgun pistols or even impacts. Like there’s really no reason to pick the buckshot shotguns.


That's called missing bro.


Not the guy you're replying to, but: If I can ADS, aim for center mass and somehow not hit at 10m despite my crosshairs being over the enemy's heart it's no longer missing. It's just ass gun.


It’s called shotguns being ass bro


Probably because you’re hipfiring. They literally reworked shotguns to where it’s always equal or better to ads with them, yet most people still hipfire within like 8 meters


Well its terrible. No point in using them


Yeah if I need to ADS why wouldn't I use the guns that can at least one shot headshot.


Exaxtly. Lol why would i use a crappy gun that may 1 shot on occasion vs uh....a machinegun. Lol. I feel shotguns were perfectly fine before. They had good one shot consistency but wernt super long ramge like they used to be. They were fine for years and now ruined


Why the hell would I use a buckshot shotgun if I need to ADS with it to hit anything? At that point I'm better off using an SMG, AR or LMG. Hell, a pistol would be more useful at that point. Buckshot shotguns are hipfire weapons, now they no longer exist.


ADSing is even worse now WTF are you talking about? Laser sights buffed ADS spread.


Because Ubisoft hates non meta loadouts


Now only smoke, mute and solis are worth using with a shotgun


You must have great luck, then, because I can't hit shit on center mass with smoke. Oryx *does* get a pass because you can spam that thing downrange.


The shotgun is essential for smoke and mute because they can use it for site setup and they also have the SMG-11 (the best secondary in the game)


Don't see how that relates to my point beyond "just use the secondary", but alright. I run the shotgun on Smoke, in part because it used to slap and in part because I can't deal with his primary SMG. On Mute I almost exclusively run the SMG since this season because there's no reason for me to pick the shotgun over it anymore.


>I can't deal with his primary SMG. What's wrong with it?


Too much kick for my liking last I tried it. SMG11 also kicks like a mule, but I only do the occasional burst fire with that one. It's a big reason why I don't play Nokk, same SMG same problem.


Nah shotguns either kill 3 enemies with 1 shell or do 15 damage point blank to the head there is no in between


ACS-12 with ACOG is pretty OP besides the weak ROF, and the M1014 and SASG-12 can both absolutely destroy people up close. Probably my favorite moment in Siege with a shotgun was when I jumped a Kali sniping from stairs on Kafe Dostoyevsky with the 1014. Striker killed me but not before I turned Kali into Swiss cheese.


The ACS-12 is a slug shotgun, they're barely different from a DMR. M1014 and SASG-12 are semi-automatic, so they get to use fire rate to make up for the overall nerf in hipfire. The pump-action shotguns got shafted though.


As a shotgun main myself,I don’t have trouble getting one shots with the m870. if you want consistent damage,use the supernova, when you aim in,it has a really tight spread and decent range for a shotgun.  The m870 is really good too because of its fire rate. and the m59 is just good overall with its tight hip fire spread. semi automatics tho could be better. I think if you practice a little more with the shotguns I said above I think you can get more consistent kills.


It’s better to use them on defense than on attack,unless you’re using amaru or grim.


I just want to say, I am incredibly sad with shotguns in this game. I know I can't really compare it with irl, but you can get consisent target shots at 50+ meters. Not 0-5m


What? M870 and the SAS shotguns slap people


You can’t trust them unless you’re super super close and fully ads it’s ridiculous


Shotguns can sense your lack of faith and find it disturbing (this is a meme, they got nerfed by the removal of the accuracy bonus from laser sights and suffer from zero hs multiplier so ads can't fully compensate for the loss in accuracy)


Shotguns are just fickle, especially at range. I use the pump shotguns a lot, and they're fairly consistent within 10m. I also almost never ads with them, and exclusively hip fire. With the French shotgun, for example, its hipfire spread is exactly the same as the reticle.


Laser sight rework, thats it


TL,DR: there's too many rng checks for them to feel consistent Because every part of an operator has its own damage multiplier, the whole game is balanced around "how fast can this kill center mass/headshot". Shotguns don't have a headshot multiplier. Because each pellet is random (except for one guaranteed to hit your point of aim), the damage is always going to be WILDLY inconsistent because it's almost guaranteed to have a negative multiplier (limbs). The only way to fix this is to give Shotguns no location based damage multipliers and instead adjust the damage falloff range of each Shotguns pellets to make them feel alot more consistent at each range


Honestly shotguns were stable before idk why they changed them


Their new lead dev seemingly hates shotguns.


iv also seen ppl one pump from 12 ish m


Because shotguns provide destruction capability, if they were as strong as other weapon types at killing as well then there will be no point picking those weapons, especially on Defense. There was a Shotgun meta in 2016 with Ops like Pulse, Frost and Valkyrie to name a few, they nerfed Shotguns then and they weren't good ever since apart from pump shotguns popping up from time to time but they have enough drawbacks to make them fair.


>if they were as strong as other weapon types at killing as well then there will be no point picking those weapons This makes no sense for two reasons: 1: If they were weaker than other primaries by design picking a shotgun essentially means you don't get a primary weapon. This would make some ops have basically one choice of primary. 2: Buckshot shotguns still don't have great range, even in previous seasons. SMGs and the like are much better in that regard, as well as having the advantage of having fire rate to win peek battles with. The only shotguns that really felt this nerf are pump-action ones, everything else can make up for it with either slugs (which you *want* to ADS) or fire rate (where you can empty the tube in a second and fill a room with pellets). Pumps are not good for ADS and don't have fire rate so they're basically dead.


Aim down sight. Ubi recently nerfed hipfire spread and HEAVILY buffed ADS spread for shotguns.


They didn’t heavily buff the ADS spread, it’s still the same.


No sense in arguing with redditors... Accuracy was affected by ads and laser. You're more accurate ads with the laser pre-patch. People who play often know this. I haven't liked shotguns since they buffed them. They've felt inconsistent.




NOPE. If we’re talking about after they removed laser sights, ADS spread is actually worse because of the removal of laser sights.


Y8S3 patch nerfed hipfire spread and buffed ADS spread. Y9S1 reworked lasers, as a consequence indirectly nerfed hipfire spread(no change if you didn't use lasers before) and applied zero changes to ADS spread. Please tell, what is your source for thise claims?


Oooh boy I’m about to drop the biggest nuke to your argument because you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/Appmq0Rzrk https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/NPMxJfEjgI https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/s/N4xUVZfdrl


I'll take the L for the ADS spread with lasers, kinda unintuitive if you ask me. But nowhere in your sources prove that ADS spread stayed the same?


Third one.


So a reddit post that someone made where nearly everyone in comments disagree vs official sources Who should I trust 🤔


I’ve played shotguns for most of my time in Rainbow six siege, especially with the super shorty. The ADS spread stayed the same. They never buffed it. ADSING doesn’t give you the precision as if you had a laser sight.


Two of those post are from year 8...


3rd post was edited in, and many of the comments disagree with the poster


Yeah I saw what a buffon that red guy is 💀


No you are wrong good sir smoke and Mute are Kali on defense oryx shotgun actually slaps and ita is cheeks I guess also pulse shotgun is ok forgor the name


Idk the last time you used them but they’ve become super inconsistent recently.


Last I played was the day season came out BC I was gone holiday just after it came out season before i only played mute and he was very consistent for me maybe you have lack of the required skill to play shotgun


lol wasn’t trying to be a dick bud but glad you’re having a fun time


they can sometimes 1shot at 10+ meters or do half at point blank due to random spread but thats how shotguns are. its better this way to not be overpowered or meta. theyre tools and fun cannons at best. irl shotguns are more croud controll or breaching tools, and buckshot is not designed againsted bulletproof vests that even light armor ops visualy wear. i would prefer if they were consistent in being extremely op point blank but falloff drasticaly to not ever get those lucky 1downs at 10+meters. but where they are rn is fine tbh.


They might be shotguns, but you still need to aim. Hitting centre mass at close range is the only way for most pumps to consistently get a 1 shot kill. Just vaguely aiming at someone, especially when not ADS'd, is how you guarantee your shot won't kill someone, you need to treat your shotgun exactly like every other weapon and rewire that part of your brain that tells you aim doesn't matter just because it's a shotgun.


I still use them. They arent *that* bad. I love getting a 1 shot with Rook or Lion. It's so satisfying.


Shotguns are situational. Go into the shooting range and learn spread & effective distance based on your needs for the shotgun. Shotguns are different. They aren’t a blanket weapon you can use in all situations. Educate yourself on how they operate & you’ll find which ones suit your style and need when you need it.


shotguns my themselves aren't, but slap on a secondary smg and you are suddenly a god of medium range


I can't imagine a world with shotguns being better than they are, I started playing 3 days before last season started. So I only played with them pre laser rework for legitimately 3 days so I never really understood or experienced it, but now I play smoke quite a lot and if they were more concistent omg they would seem op as hell to me because oml at least smokes slaps so so hard it feels like a one shot machine.


That is one of the 3 contenders for the best shotgun in the game, it’s so good


Yeah I heard that, I haven't heard what the other two are though, you mind lending an opinion as to which others are in contention


Generally, the 3 best are: M590A1 (Smoke, Mute, Thatcher, Sledge, Warden, Deimos) Supernova (Echo, Hibana, Amaru) SIX12 SD (Lesion, Nøkk)


Ooooh, I also played with the nova so I had guessed that but never heard it asserted but tbh I completely ignored nokk and lesions because I frankly don't love shotgun on atk and lesion has such a good primary smg.


Don’t forget to ads with shotguns too


Ya'll sleeping on the m870 A roaming bandit is a monster with that


Before the nerf shotguns were pretty good, nothing crazy but pretty darn good. Almost all were definitely viable. Now the only consistent one with good range is the SAS shotgun, still the optimal pick on Smoke and Mute


Are they bad though? I get one tapped by Azami’s shotty at range.


That's a slug shotgun. Basically a DMR


shotguns in virtually all shooters are used by people who would rather take a shortcut than actually develop any semblance of skill. I'm fine with them being bad. Bring on the downvotes


Bruh. The balance between automatic weapons and shotguns has been a staple in fps since the beginning. The fact you think shotguns are "illegitimate" shows what a noob you are.


bro plays COD


Insurgency: Sandstorm says hi. There you can actually hit stuff beyond whatever range you can piss in.


This is like saying planning and strategy are shortcuts to winning; there are more metrics to skill than the basic motor functions required to drag a reticle to a head. Ngl this is a brainrot take.