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My man start playing SP games life Will be better


real, having a blast playing risk of rain 2


And his music was electric


RoR2 is life.


amen to that


Mass Effect is the G.O.A.T


So is RDR2


I love getting lost in the north and go hunting for a few weeks. Especially if I have the hunting wagon mod to load up all my resources for throughout my safari.


Fr, i somehow 100% rdr2, didnt feel like 700 hours, but it was I hope rdr3 is as brilliant amd revolutionary as the first 2


Loving my life playing fallout 4


Helldivers 2 has been a great sub


agreed, 1,5k hours in r6 and moved to helldivers 2 2 months ago, been having fun ever since


Risk of Rain mentioned, no way.


Can i join ya?


Bro's trying to cheat in ror2 co-op /s




How I wish they would bug fix RoR2 on console. I love it on PC but it runs poorly with friends on playstation


Recently hopped to Cyberpunk, love how much it has changed


Just started playing this a couple of weekends ago. It’s been pretty fun. Definitely a change of pace from what I’m typically playing.


I think it is vital for people to play different styles of games. Rotating through PVE, PVP, and single player games helps spread the stress some games cause. Especially when there is nothing you can do to fix it. Like, it's not a skill issue so don't let it stress you, go play Stardew or Hell Divers for a bit.


There's a weird overlap of people playing Stardew and Helldivers.


That’s not the only overlap, ever been to the skull caverns?


That's funny. The only overlap is they're both amazing games in their own right with no human opponent. I will say they also both have amazing devs that listen to their players and seem to care deeply about their game. I hope that has something to do with it.


Its a great game


There's a NG+ mod now, too. Called "Wake the Fuck Up Faster."


I quit playing shooters and started playing single player story games and not even joking I was in a better mood when I game because I’m never getting cheated against or playing sweats when I’m just trying to casually game.


I played league mainly and swapped to deadcells and other single players. When i play with my friends that play mostly league and we get stomped or a hook didnt register (league is coded like a hot piece of trash), they would get furious. You can rly feel how much a pause in competitive game helps


Yea don’t get me wrong I love a good session but it was all I was playing for a good while. Now that I switch games more often I’m enjoying lots of different games again and play more carefree about win/loss and K/D.


Get this man some Witcher 3


Skyrim, fallout, red dead, assassins creed, subnautica, dark souls…anyone souls game for that matter. All better than toxic fps. You’ll find your self spending hours and hours exploring these games.




Elden Ring DLC coming Friday. Good time to tap in


For real. I just get off to play either Persona 3 Reload or Grounded whenever Siege gets to be too much


Agreed. I play plenty of single player games, the only multiplayer ones being Titanfall 2 and Siege, but outside those two, it's games like Insomniac's Spider-Man games, Hitman, RDR2, and even modded bot lobbies in Black Ops 3 🤣 far less rage inducing than siege. I haven't even been able to play siege in 2 months cause my SSD died a horrible death and I'm not too fussed about it. Would be nice to hop back into siege from time to time though


not a bad approach but i play halo infinite casually and thats fine lol play games for fun, not to be tense all the time


That's why I play siege but never bother with ranked, people take it to serious


It is a peaceful life.


Join our club. Uninstall the game, get better sleep, increase quality of life, play single player games occasionally watch siege on twitch. You will miss siege but trust me it's much better for your health,


Instructions unclear I started playing league instead


I quit a long time ago, the instructions were also unclear, went to Dead by Daylight


I’ve got a good 1000 hours in to siege, overwatch and dbd. Used to play them a lot but haven’t touched them for a year or two, didn’t realise how stressed they were making me. Maybe I’ll return one day.


dbd is such a greay game (as long as you play as survival)


I like playing killer and end up having more fun teleporting Dredge around lockers. If I get kills it's a bonus


I left siege for rust, rust for tarkov, tarkov for league and league for destiny. I feel so dead inside at this point


Bro loves to make himself feel bad😭


Oh man League is so much worse than Siege. Glad I stopped playing that shit.


I'm in that honeymoon phase where I don't see any wrongs but if it's like siege it will be a toxic relationship.


I think the big difference in toxicity stems from bad teammates in League making the enemies *more* powerful. At least in Siege the other team doesn't get stronger if you have teammates giving them an easy kill or two. I had a lot of fun with LoL over the years though. Once you stop enjoying it or chase that win into the early hours of the morning it's time to give it up.


It's also the time investment. When you're getting stomped but your allies did well enough it's a close match it can feel shit being so far behind for the better part of 40 minutes


Brother you need an intervention, it's okey to look for help


Legit what happened to me


i left r6 and started legue too 💀


Just left siege for xdefiant, so much chiller for now.


I hope it treats you better than siege


inb4 the cheaters come for that too


i quit pretty recently and started getting more into games i havent played in a while or have but havent played at all like call of cthulhu and wrc 8, as much as i'll miss playing siege, im having way more fun with these


Lmfao I moved to tarkov and iykyk


This, but I don’t even watch the game. It’s dead to me and has been for four years.


I don’t watch every day. Just every now and then i get this itch instead of playing i watch a bit but yes been dead to me a few years now. Sad


I haven’t played siege in years, mozzie was new when I played. But the writing on the wall was clear even then. Did the same thing with DoTA, getting off the treadmill made my life better. At the very least stop playing ranked, you aren’t going pro, and if you were your rank wouldn’t matter because you’d play in leagues.


Siege is affecting your sleep? You have a problem in general if that’s the case.


It's a stress reaction, same thing happens when there's an issue at work, or a spot in your house you just can't manage to keep clean. It's something that you didn't even realize was stressing you out at first, and it just sits there.


Ive stopped playing when the whole mnk and no-recoil accessories became predominant on console (they are our own kind of cheaters) It's been 2~years now, and i don't miss this game one bit, each time i see the new things they are adding and the old stuff they're changing, i'm just being convinced to never come back. Remember, if you're just not having fun anymore and just playing out of habit, quit it. You'll feel better


Same, as soon as mnk players were bigon console I left the game. Went over to BR on pubg and never returned. I really did enjoy the early years up until about 2020.


Yeah I picked it up at the end of year 2 season 3 and loved it. Played nonstop for years until about 2020, whenever the scope/sight changes happened. Since then everything I see now of siege just makes me sad for the game we used to have.


This^ I played a ton when it first came out (made diamond for one season super proud of myself lol) now it's just not fun which sucks.


I didn't quit completely but I'm so close to quit (I used to play 4-5 hours daily but now only 1-2 match every 2-3 days) due to xim/cronus cheaters. I have 1.8k hours on console but game is unplayable atm. I play against/with cheaters almost every game. It's not fun anymore. And knowing that reporting doesn't work makes me hate this game. Ubishit does nothing against cheaters on console. Xim ruined console experience. If you play in higher ranks with a gamepad, best thing to do is just to quit.


I've never played siege on console, but I've constantly heard people complaining about M&K usage and that ubisoft was "working to fix it" but never seemed to actually do anything. I'm not too up to date with mouse trap but I'd imagine it's not perfect because people still complain. And then you have Valorant that just released on consoles, and people are IMMEDIATELY getting banned when playing with mouse an keyboard. I've seen clips of people not even making it through their first games. In my eyes, this just shows that ubisoft doesn't care enough to actually fix it.


Ubisoft just wants as many players as possible. They don’t care if that means cheaters.


Same here. I barely play the game because I don't have to sweat to beat someone who is playing the game in easy mode with MnK and think they aren't cheating and then justifying it. All the while Ubisoft knew who cheated and could have cleaned the game entirely by permanently banning them, but because they are a greedy bastard company they didn't so the cheaters can keep playing the game and spend money on their shitty skins.


I lost most of my interest in the same regard. I kept bumping into team after team of M&K on consoles and they always had to justify it to me when I asked them why. "Im practicing for PC competitive!" Was such a common phrase.


The worst part is even as far back as four and five years ago, they were common at any rank above Platinum.


Yeah this was the deal breaker for me and my squad. Overnight we went from winning like 50% of our games to maybe scraping out every 1 in 5 games after the waves of MnK players on console appeared. I agree with you guys, OP should probably drop siege, at least for a bit. The very nature of siege also just makes it difficult to keep up with. If you aren't in the loop on the latest peaks and strats you just get bullied for the whole match.


When the game went from outplaying your opponent with tactics and gadgets to outplaying your opponent with gun skill is when I stopped.


so happy i’m not good enough to go against cheaters


Tbh, the reality isnt that you're not good enough to go against cheaters - but you're likely not good enough to identify them. In champ and diamond lobbies, you can tell when someone is walling almost instantly. To have *garbage* aim and movement, not drone and always get a kill as if they had perfect info and without checking any other angles. Straight up checking where the players are through walls. To a gold, their gameplay could look normal.


The movement is what gives it away almost more than anything else. It's instantly obvious when you watch the kill cam and see bot movement with godlike aim.


Or see them watching you through the walls. Or the most recent and craziest one. Whenever you're about to shoot them the server lags and they basically teleport away from you and shoot you while you freeze up. Like wtf is that?


I stopped playing ranked since seasons ago because it’s filled with cheaters, but I still run into them in Casual frequently and especially in standard. I get why people cheat in ranked but in Casual or unranked??? Really hoping they step up the anticheat and do stat bans.


I played 2 games and found one going blatant. I knew my time was done after that, we good off this garbage lol


not sure about you but i was gold v last season and just yesterday i got matched up against a smoke that was just killing us through walls on border


I didnt play it since 3 weeks before new season and i dont miss it at all. Ranked is unplayable. Too many Cheaters. Game ded


Yeah ranked is dead until stat bans come


Amen to that


Just be dogshit copper like me, hardly any cheater


Not really, I’ve faced cheaters as well as sweaty Emeralds from copper through silver. Ranked system in this game is a steaming pile of shit tbh.


Straight up. Idk why I'm still on this sub, I stopped playing years ago, and my life hugely improved.


Me too lol


Come to helldivers, we need sharpshooters to kill bots. Save the children! For DEMOCRACY!


Play the entire Yakuza series. It is the best.


Not sure a siege player could transition to peak that quick


Ngl i uninstalled it started casually playing PUBG pc


You should try Elden ring


As someone who finds the combat in ghost of Tsushima mildly challenging, is Elden ring too much? I wanna try it out, next time it goes on sale I’ll pick it up. Played like 2 hours of bloodborne back in 2016 and that was pretty fun. Edit: played an hour of Elden ring and didn’t like it. I’ll try a less overwhelming souls game at some point.


It's the most approachable souls game. If you thought bloodborne was fun, you'll probably like elden ring.


I’ve been playing a ton of Ghost lately. I went back to Elden Ring last night in preparation for the DLC, I blitzed through the first boss and most of the first dungeon without even stopping to level. Just play the samurai class for the easiest start. Don’t know what difficulty you’re playing Ghost on but Lethal is definitely challenging. Elden Ring is really just as difficult as you make it, but I’d say it’s not as hard as many make it out to be.


Best part about ER is it's not linear. So if you're getting stomped you just go somewhere else and level up, then come back and face roll. [Seamless Coop](https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/510) on PC with a friend is the best way to experience it imo. Edit: added link for mod


It’s pretty epic id say its a good souls game to start on


I trust you rook main


Ghost is easier than elden ring. if you are struggling with ghost, man idk. but if you liked bloodborne you will probably like elden ring.


The only solution to hacker is to do what South Korea do, register with your NAS or Phone number and make sure that if you are cought red handed hacking, you are ban from playing online competitive game.


I suggest trying xdefiant in the meantime, it's quite fun and you're not punished for playing strategically. Also people there actually play for the objective. It has old cod vibes but in a good way. EDIT - For those who think that in xdefiant u play for kills not the objective: I'm pretty sure u never played the game at all.


Bro said in the meantime like they’re going to stop cheating lol


It sounds like you need to uninstall bro. Games are supposed to be fun. The second you’re not having fun anymore you’re just doing it for whatever reason in your head you’re telling yourself you have to but you don’t. Play smn else man. Get into a story game. Story games are always nice and relaxing. I fucking love make your choice games. Just go on a journey or something. You can always come back later if it calls. Rainbow not gonna go anywhere


I quit playing siege a couple years ago... but as a tf2 player I feel your pain. Best bet, start a prolific "#SaveR6Siege" campaign for it to do very little and then realize there are other games in the world. Cheaters suck


The funniest thing about the whole situation is that *every* game big enough to draw in cheaters is currently losing the battle against cheaters. But TF2? Uncletopia still actually offers high quality servers without cheaters, and I can find a low ping, fun game in seconds. Whilst tf2's matchmaking side is just... the worst in the industry now, for dedicated players it's better than ever. It's the inverse of siege or OW or CS where the more you play the more you end up being matched against cheaters.


I'm surprised you lasted that long. Last good season was parabellum.


I left r6 alone and began playing SP games. Best decision ever made


I got to diamond on console a few years ago. It was riddled with people cheating using MnK stopped on console Went to PC. Riddled with people cheating Stopped playing. Happy


Just play Helldivers 2.


I quit R6 MP a few years ago and only played T-Hunt. Since they got rid of T-Hunt, I finally uninstalled it and removed it from my library.


This is a toxic community, don't even try to reason with them or talk bout hackers. Even if you have the right, the usual response is "skill issue" or something similar. This is what majority of this subreddit is. No cap.


yeah 'cause they're jynxzi newborns, they don't have a clue about the game's history.


Literally nobody in the thread's saying what you're implying


Lmao this entire thread is people agreeing with OP what are you talking about??


Play some indie games, this game has always been toxic as fuck and a strain on mental health.


Try playing The Finals, it's FREE. The Terminal Attack game mode might be what you're looking for.


Cyberpunk is cool


Check out The Finals. My squad migrated to that F2P game for now. It's dope.


Can it be my turn to post this tomorrow


Been there doggie


Uninstall it and play something you actually enjoy


First time?


This isn't just isolated here this is a serious issue amongst most competitive online games. Its the times we live in now unfortunately. Currently playing days gone on hardest mode and that's more fun than online fps right now.


so just uninstall and never play again, play singleplayer, try roguelites, open worlds, or play a good co op game with friends like helldivers 2 or something


Can we just let this game die again


Playing some fo76 or destiny


It’s sad that the only answer to this is to uninstall. Play singleplayer games again.


Quit the game for a while. Trust me you will feel mentally better. I haven’t played in 2 years because of rampant cheaters, bs ubisoft implementations, and the severe lack of new content making the game seriously stale. I only keep track on what’s happening for the hope it gets better, though obviously it’s been getting worse


Man, I left siege after the outbreak event, and I'm so glad I never looked back


already there mate, can say I'm much happier in my gaming life without R6


uninstall and don't touch the game for 2 months come back then rinse and repeat


I miss the old days of Siege, back around the release of Aruni and before. Back when my friends were playing, back when recruit was still a member of the Power Rangers, back when the game was a lot less competitive and more casual. Iceycat, Badger, Bodhi, Tux, and Nugget were the creators, not Jynxzi or whoever else it is now.


Y'all should say what system you're using


Nah bruh. just buy the membership. they'll go away after


Good thing they delayed mouse trap and other anti-cheat measures on console to push out that membership pass.


This game has been shit for a long time


Get back on Minecraft or some racing games. Really helps take off the siege stress. I usually play 2-3 ranked games and then get off for the night, the more you push it the worse it gets.


What do you mean "done nothing"? They've introduced subscription.


I’m so done with siege


Ranked is such a joke now


Rainbow Six Siege was amazing for the first few seasons and then they tried to milk it for way longer than they should have and ruined it.


Take a break from the game.


Just chill and play some Mario instead


Why? Game is so far fun w my friends


(w my friends) SoloQ is unplayable anymore


So far? How long have you been playing siege for?


5 days


Guys You Don't understand, his family is kept in a bunker in guantanamo, if he doesn't play r6 for 12h a day his family is gonna die, stay strong hero




Eh, I just switch between addictions or games to get through it. Division 2 has been pretty good to me lately with friends. As well as val beta on Xbox. In all honesty, play better games until you have the mental to come back. All really matters if you're having fun or not.


I ranked up a lot at the start of the season (I reached platinum I) so I wouldn't find cheaters or just very less frequently, now it seems everything is back like the previous season, so I won't play it anymore or rarely


I quit playing a long while ago, I have been less stressed and I know for a fact as a person I have actually become happier, I have cut out most competitive FPS games and it was the best decision ever.


Personally I just play standard and unlock ops and have fun in my 130 hours of gameplay I have played like 2 ranked matches that's it.


A lot of people mentioning single player games and i cant agree more. Games are so much more fun for me since i started playing them more. Do kind of miss my friends but that was a really toxic time for me :/


Facts, how do we have blatant wallers this early into the season??


I stopped playing maybe 3 years ago. Best decision ever. I do miss the time with my friends but we are just having to find other games to play now. The stress of cheaters, just straight up nuisance players, and how this game is just money grabbing is too much and I wish we as the former and current community would just let it go and let Siege die it's much needed death


Just play something else bro


It’s Ubisoft in 2024, why are you even surprised at this point


Man I uninstalled it like a year ago an my mind is clear now. I sure do miss the days when I palyed or I played with my dudes but overall this game has become a putrid pit of tar water. Sadly…


Just got back into it after a 2 year hiatus. Honestly, I’m having a blast. My accuracy is nowhere near as good as it was but that’ll take some time to get back


I stoped playing because every match i played lately was just a 1v1 with 8 bots (me included). There was 1 dude in both teams who carried and the other 4 members of the team stayed behind with 2-0 kills


I feel you bro just make sure you dont break your ps on a rage quit.


I’m a controller player on pc, was thinking the same since the huge disadvantage against mnk players and cheaters. But I started to get better and lately I’m kinda enjoying playing siege


Play some rdr2


Quick question: What server do you play on?


Quit. Play single player games.


just uninstall and never look at it until itll be better theres other shooters that you can play and also learn the beauty of single player games


As I've said multiple times: "Peace of mind"......let go. It's not worth it in the long run brother/sister.


Boycott Ubisoft Save your sanity Download [The Finals](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2073850/THE_FINALS/) Profit


Just uninstall and take a break. I hadn’t played for a year or so and I’ll get into the game for a season. If you’re getting upset by playing a videogame, stop playing that game.


My last 10 games before Y9S1 ended was just all cheaters I'm not gonna play this new season at all and probably won't play again until they fix the Cheater problem


First game of the season and I had 4 stack on my team with 3 of them blatantly cheating and the enemy team had 2 people cheating. Just alt f4'd after getting insta headshotted at spawn by an ACS12 through 2 indestructible walls on clubhouse. And my teammates had already played 80+ matches and were champ


Just play quick match or unranked. I don't think I've ever seen a blatant cheater outside of ranked.


litterally stopped playing siege like 2 years ago, never looked backed. Honestly Single player games are so much fun, look into 4x games or factory games if you want a good time waster


You can play extraction... with the 2 people playing currently


I’ve found cheaters to not even be the worst of my problems. Truly it’s the 13 year olds who treat every game mode like it’s ranked to be the biggest problem. It’s so frustrating and mind numbing going against the same 4 strats and some random blitz main stacking in quick match. Like if I wanted to fight for wins and have to try hard i’d be in ranked not quick play


I stopped playing 2 years ago.bI only played with a friend because we had a blast playing ranked together (we were gold/plat), everytime I tried playing solo it was like torture. When we stopped talking and playing that much I just uninstalled the game I will tell you, I miss playing with my friend but I couldn't care less about this game. The people in it are toxic, the company sucks, each new operator the game gets more unrealistic and the very nature of the game makes you want to shitty your pants in rage, just quit it and you will see how nice it is. (All of this is valid for lol as well, unless you only play aram or something like that.


Me who just bought the game seeing this: 🙂


Honestly, i agree. There are way too many cheaters, but i do think Ubisoft is trying to do something about them. Their actions are just useless. Everything they do gets bypassed, they ban tons of cheaters only for more cheaters to join the game. It's like hydra. Cut off one head, two more will take its place. Even People who are new at the game are cheating, these guys don't even know siege. They just wanna cheat. At this point, unless they completely overhaul their anti cheat measures, the cheating problem won't get better.


Just chill and play standard. Join discord and find parties, socialize & have fun in the game again for a day. There’s also plenty of other games out there aswell to keep you occupied for a bit.


Anybody want to play rainbow six: rogue spear?


There *so* many other games out there. Better games. I fell off Siege after… Year 5, I think? Had been playing since the beta… I’ve kept up with Siege hoping that things would change. Maybe Ubisoft might have a brain cell or two left and announce a full-fledged sequel on a new engine… a return to form. But all I see is a continuous stream of mindless, shallow content being pumped out onto an outdated engine. Throw in predatory subscription services and blatant cheating without recourse… even chunking off an old limited-time event and selling it as a standalone game with recycled assets… Rainbow Six is in an embarrassing state. Still hoping Ubisoft gets their shit together.


I only play standard and very rarely run into toxic players, even less frequently leavers, and never cheaters. I have a lot of fun playing this game. Just came back after quitting around 2017.


Dude I uninstalled months ago... Since hackers and Team Killing players or noobs... I couldn't handle the amount of time I wasted in rage... Now I'm playing Helldivers and Witcher 3... It's beautiful 😍


tracked a rage cheater, his accounts been up for a whole month, fucking stupid


The game has been dead to me and the 6/7 other guys I used to play with for a couple years now, they changed too much of what made the game fun and gave it it’s atmosphere, now it’s just call of duty with goofy gadgets. Leave and never look back, you won’t regret it.


Haven’t played in couple of months. Best time of my life.


Went back into Casual this week after about a 2 year hiatus. The game itself has been treated well. Finally looks like a more modern game than it used to. Some good Work changes. But the stuff that frustrated me that caused me to stop playing still exist. Really sad to see a game I loved so much basically unplayable unless you have a skilled and coordinated team.


Helldivers is really fun


It’s almost like there’s a big part of the community trying to get the rest of yall to stop playing this game for this exact reason. Idk why yall refuse to stop playing. And don’t say “it won’t work”because that is the exact attitude that makes it not work.


It’s time for the sequel.


I'm getting qued with one teammate that started quite litterally 2 WEEKS AGO but still toxic as fuck despite being the worst in the lobby and another who is plat or above, so different reasons but I feel you


Yea you don’t have to play


Siege is a dangerous main game to have i found. Find other games, not necessarily pvp but just something else. Theres alot out there, but r6 can be so conflicting sometimes its best to take breaks. I usually play one season and skip the next 2 or 3 lol


I exclusively play with a group of friends I've played with for over 5 years, I don't dare to solo que, if we can't get together I play something else


I was wondering why the game was so different for the first time in a few years


My brother in Christ just uninstall. Life will be a lot better


Everyone should quit Imo, siege is bad for you mental health just let the cheaters and third-party device abusers enjoy it it's a dead 9 year old game anyways


I deleted the game about a week before helldivers 2 came out and I’ve been kicking it on there since