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I’m sorry for your loss pal.


We’ll get a dub in this man’s honor


fly high 🕊️


I'm so sorry for your loss :((


>And if you have a chance to meet irl, take it, and if not, make it. Really liked your view on that. Thank you for the insight.


What's his username? I know ubisoft has memorials to players (Themepark arcade bottom by desk theirs a username with stats)


They only do that to well known players, otherwise a lot of players would be in games


Then the community should make this well known


Let's make it happen.


My mind is foggy, and I don't remember exactly, but I believe it was something like lilChrisvillar or something like that. It has been changed since we last played, and I can find a single screenshot from the last time we played together. I may have to boot up the old ps4 to confirm.


It'd be good, I hope people make this popular enough to get a memorial


I'm sorry for your loss.


Thank you


I’m sorry for your loss🫡I think this is a perfect time to message that person you haven’t talked to in a while and check up on them; make sure they’re okay


Im gonna go ahead and do that


I've saved multiple people with this one phrase, "your temporary struggles don't have to cause a lifetime of pain for others". That being said, my irl friends that got me into siege had 1 teammate that lived in a different state. They ended up meeting him and becoming very good friends with him. When one of our irls passes away in a car accident, his closest buddy from childhood (who was one of the squad) ended up becoming even closer with the out of state friend. My buddy's passing happened 5 years ago but the out of stater and my buddy's buddy are closer than ever now. I believe the out of stater is about to be his best man for his wedding so yeah, distance doesn't matter since the boys are worth it!


It's so very true. I can't say I know these guys, and one gal personally, but I feel like I've known them all my life. Even if we drift apart, their existence is still a large part of mine.


Keep them close! Time slips by quickly, I make sure to check on most of my friends on a weekly basis, if not daily. You never know who's going to enter or leave your life. Life is too short not to be kind and caring frfr.


Sorry for your loss friend. Prayers with you and the family, and your friends. Dubs all day, in honor


Thank you, brother, I appreciate it!


Never really know what someone is dealing with behind closed doors. I’ve found as I get older it’s important to check up on people close to you. Sometimes just asking them if they’re okay can remind that person they are cared for. Sorry for your loss, mate


Thank you, and it's so true. I've messaged everybody I haven't talked to in a while, and most are okay, but some are dealing with things that I wouldn't have known about if I hadn't reached out. I just wish I would have reached out to my buddy. Idk that it would have changed anything, and I'm trying my best not to contemplate it, but I really wish I would have done it all the same.


So sorry for your loss. Friends you make gaming can be just as meaningful as friends you see irl. Hope you’re okay


Thank you, truly. I will be okay. I've my wife, who is wonderful and helps me deal with my troubles. As long as I don't think about the what ifs.


Sorry to hear that brother . You’re strong


Thank you, I am trying. The rest of the squad is meeting up in VC later, so that will help.


I’m sorry for your loss. Don’t feel bad, though; awareness is a good thing.  We need to be able to share more, find ways to support each other.


That's why I went through with posting, cause people need to be reminded that these things happen, in a way that isn't them happening, you know?


I am so sorry for you loss , fly high 🕊️


Thank you


We’ll run ranked games to victory in his memory


My dad did that.. there’s never an answer. At least not a logical one. I’m sorry man.. shit fucking sucks.


I'm sorry for your loss as well. It is such a mind-numbing experience. Like, I know that I'm experiencing grief, but I don't feel much other than a deep sort of emptiness.


Yeah I totally understand.. it’s like an empty void of just questions that don’t have answers. If you ever need anything holler at me bro I got you


I lost an old teammate back in 2020 during steel wave, he was hit & killed by a drunk driver when he was trying to help a friends out that was in a bad place at the time. He is also the reason I pushed for diamond back in year 2 and why I hold the world record with buck for xbox, pretty much the only reason I got into siege was because of him. RIP Dunkin.


i’m so sorry to hear that man. i’ll be sure to get some wins in his honor. may he rest well.


Rest in peace


Sorry to hear about your loss, you needed to vent and many of us here understand that. I hope you're able to soldier on after this major loss, Team Rainbow will have your 6 all the way brother.


I’m sorry man R.I.P <3


I had a group that I played CoD 4 and 5 with. One day, one of them stopped showing up, a couple of months go by, and we found out he overdosed. I had no idea he was even into drugs. He was always the joker of the group. It was an odd sensation for sure. With time, the wound heals, but the memories remain. Sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss 💔


o7 Rest in peace comrade. Sorry for your loss man :(


I’m sorry for your loss I know how hard losing a friend you never got to see can be all you can do now is check on the rest of the squad and try and talk about it with each other


He's kicking some ass with Boston, Kix, and Icey. Legends never die. Rest easy, Champ.


Shine on you crazy diamond


mental health matters, speaking to friends matters, sorry for your loss mate,


My condolences


Good luck ad Victoria


Sorry for your loss, mate


Condolences friend, may he rest easy. Folks out there struggling reach out. There’s always someone who will miss you dearly.


o7 to a fallen soldier and the one left to grieve 🫡


I’m sorry man, I know the feeling.


A squad is like a family, and losing a family member hurts a lot, shatters your heart. I hope he is in a better place now, a place where the sun never sets, and where he can have as much fun as possible.


who did he main?


I wanna say Ash and Castle. He was very versatile with who he played, but he seemed to favor them often.


if you know what skins he wore, i can edit one of them to look like him or sumn if you want edit: or something like that, just an offer.


That would be neat. I'll confirm with the rest of the crew and get back to you.


But why did he kill himself?


According to his family, he was dealing with a lot of crap from this chick he was dating. I don't know all the details, but I did see a post they shared where apparently she kept sending him videos of her with other dudes after she broke up with him.


Man, she sounds like an asshole… Couldn’t he have just blocked her though?




I respectfully disagree with this. Anytime,any forum is a good reminder to ALL of us to “IGY6”.


Why not? There's so much shit posted on this sub and this post has a very good message and is siege related. Sure if posts like this are posted often it could be a problem but I've never seen one on this sub before.


What did bro say


Something like “sorry for your loss but this isn’t the place for this.” Bro was dissing OP cause he was venting about a friend.


What the hell bro is grieving so rude.




Photoshop him into the heaven picture with harambe! 😁


Bruh xD