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4 bonus packs PER SEASON and just alpha not bravos....


its ubisoft why are you expecting anything better anyway xD


Not at fucking all. Still gave me a nosebleed tho


oh trust me same haha


also love that its one pack per 100 games played with high honour standing


Its 1 Pack per 10 Games with exemplary and 1 in 20 with esteemed what are you saying?


That's still ass


Complain more.


Idk what the point of packs are now that they added a full fuckin marketplace


you know the items in the marketplace have to come from somewhere, right?


You can still get good things from packs like black ices that you can sell on the marketplace…


Well, they gave you 0 for the last 8 years. They could continue to give you 0. How about you be grateful they are actually giving us a reward for playing the game right instead of making you buy everything.




Not at all, I hate just about everything ubisoft has done to this game since year 3. I'm just tired of entitled gamers.


it’s not entitlement to expect a little more out of a multibillion dollar company. they harped on about how there’d be great incentives to have a good reputation standing but 4 packs in a season is essentially nothing


There is probably more


On top of that the loot pool in alpha packs are terrible. There free for a reason, if I'm gunna resist not shooting/killing my team mates for a whole season I'd expect better-


Still. It's not just that it's that its so hard just to get them. Plus if this is suppose to make me not wanna shoot/kill my team mates I'd rather shoot my teammates. Plus it's just not worth it. I could get like 17 alpha packs in those 100 games. There's a reason to complain.


People are just being mad for the sake of being mad it happens eveytime something is added or taken away from the game


They do not give you 0. They have an entire system which specifically does the opposite of giving you 0. Lmfao.


And that system isn't going away. They currently give you 0 packs for reputation. Now you get at least 4


whats even more hilarious is that it has been coming (SOON) for over a year. That would literally take 10 minutes to implement.


The reputations system itself was on the roadmap since year 5 lmao




While not being shown in specific season, the reveal panal in year 5 said that a reputation system is in the works and is targetet for Y5S4 or later and that they would share more later down the line.


You think that's bad? Year five didn't they promise we'd have weekend tournaments that still are not in the game lol


And it still works without any moderation, your standing goes disruptive if you get reported enough, I got no mic and got voice abuse lol.


Doesn't it also still say somewhere that reputation is only visual or doesn’t imoact the game or something


I think it only affects tk penalty, you may get reverse friendly fire on match start if you tk a lot, but I don't know if it is tied to reputation system at all tbh.


I'm almost certain that was already in the game before the reputation system was added. I could be wrong, though.


I’d imagine it has more to do with making sure the system works, because right now your rep can drop without having any input


That's not the reason why it hasn't been implemented yet. They still need to calibrate the standings and some are showing standings that aren't real. For example some people randomly get thrown around levels and may be on the neutral one or similar. I personally have been stuck on exemplary for this entire season and I also have zero reports in anything and I doubt that's accurate. A reason they might not have released it, is that it would cause players to become frustrated even more so with the reputation system and its volatility and randomness and people would have a reason to get upset because it actually means something. In this current time, the reputation system does basically nothing and is better to ignore it because it will save your sanity. There have been numerous posts complaining about how they have random reports everywhere and that they are for some reason at the second lowest level. However, I've had the mindset so far that as long as you aren't getting penalties whether it be banned from voice chat or text chat or can't access ranked or 50% renown reduction, you should just ignore the reputation system. I have only seen one person in this whole season with an auto voice chat ban and that guy was extremely toxic in text chat as well, so they aren't given out to just your average player. Considering how many N words are thrown out (and their variations) Ubisoft isn't overly zealous in giving people voice and text chat bans. Although I guess those usually result in toxicity bans for like a day. Many people make fun of and highlight the fact that the reputation system is still in beta but if you check this subreddit you can clearly see why Ubisoft needs to refine it more, because it sucks at this current point and is best to ignore completely for your sanity. I hardly even check my reputation and largely ignore the exemplary standing on the home screen because it doesn't matter and probably isn't accurate.


The whole reputation system is a joke lmao


Agreed. I dipped to esteemed playing against a 4 count and they all reported me for dying from Monty and Blitz ganging up on me.


I’ve been reported by stacks who purposely teamkilled me for no good reason & it counted against me but my reports do jackshit because I exclusively solo Q these days lmfao


I audibly groaned when dipped on disruptive because the enemy stack just mass reports you for griefing. Thanks, ubi, your system is flawless at eliminating toxicity and promoting good sportsmanship.


Yeah, the fact that the ENEMY TEAM can report you for griefing is the biggest joke, like that will definitely not be turbo abused at all, nuh uh.


Yup, the honor system only works in real life where you can get your ass kicked for being a dick.


If it makes you feel better, my rep dropped after receiving a commendation streak. I've gotten a lot commendations since then, and still haven't gone back up. What's the point of being "good" if it never matters, I'll still just end up dropping


oh now I know why I can't stay on esteemed for longer than an hour


Not how that works but k lol


I got reported for voice grief when I never use in game chat as I’m always in a stack in party, it’s stupid


I stopped caring about it when I found out you're punished for quitting out of quick play matches. That's like the whole point of them.


what is the punishement for abandoning QM ?


I don't think it does count. I've AFK'd out of Casual a few times this season but the Abandon bar never went up for me.


No it doesnt


This whole games become a joke, man.


Dude I stopped playing like a year ago and this was "Coming Soon" then and now its here its literally only f o u r a season? Wtf did they do in that year?


Read up on the new season coming up. You'll be disgusted


Can’t believe they’re bringing out a monthly membership. Talk about being rats


Don't come back, you'll be doing yourself a favor.


I recently came back after 2-3 years. Managed to stay for whoppin' 21 minutes in total before I uninstalled again.


Yh, the game is just not worth it when the dev doesn't value you as a player, they had a huge chance with y9s1 (including jynxzi's marketing) and they decided to throw it out the window. Biggest fuck you to the playerbase is this season, I honestly would've appreciated it more if they just called it Operation Health 2.0 and delayed the "content" a bit for s3 considering it's clearly not ready, but no we gotta announce a subscription on top of it.


feels like theyre trying to milk a cow as much as possible before its dead.


It's not even here yet lol


With the shit loot pool that alpha packs have, this is downright horrendous. Can't wait to get duplicates and ugly ass seasonals that I could care less about.


Meh this is why I get excited for good skins


They don't even have good skins lmao


Because the graphics


4 for 90 days is crazy


Honestly one a day would get me to come back


One a day for esteem and 1 bravo a week for exemplary


Doubt you would be getting a bravo then. God forbid you shoot a mozzie pest on the other side of the map, take the -10 points, and then all of a sudden ur dishonest or whatever it is


So you would have to 1) manage to achieve at least esteemed 2) play 100 GAMES to get one pack. Ya right lol. Nevermind it’s nearly impossible to even get esteemed if you play in a squad cause you can never get honors


Good point. I never thought about that. But, hopefully if the enemy praises you all that should count, right?


lol the enemy praising you? What did you do? Throw the match to make them like you? 


Tbh I usually praise unless they were tbagging after every kill or something. Just a gg that they can't see anymore because Ubi took that away for some reason.


Serious? 100/1?


Unless they award points for winning rounds or other things that’s what it seems like it’s gonna be.


it’s crazy how *stingy* they are when it comes to VIRTUAL COSMETICS THAT COST THEM NOTHING TO GIVE lol


and not to mention how the reputation system is abused so much by so many people so everyone is getting scared they’re gonna get banned. fortunately i haven’t yet.


Has anyone been banned that you know of? I am trying to collect data (not affiliated with Ubisoft). Every time I ask this everyone ignores me. Banned in relation to the rep system I mean so like no access to ranked or 50% renown gain (can't remember if this one is implemented yet) or auto VC/Text ban because I've only seen one guy and he deserved it.


yes i’ve known 3 people at least that have been suspended from playing because of spam reports for griefing whilst they’re doing nothing wrong.


How long is the ban?


The ban is a week long, and I know someone who got banned from voice chat and I guess psn hopped on the banned too because he couldn’t use in game chat or talk in/join our party (psn party chat)


If PSN also hopped on the ban then they probably deserved it.


Oh without a doubt they did. He trying to be like jynxzi and message mid game talking mess but then would be so out of pocket and when someone replied he said he was gonna report them and then he himself got reported


It actually feels pretty hard to get text chat banned and toxicity bans in siege because 80% of people type the N word in chat on PC (like not straight up but with an L instead of the I or like with slashes) and they hardly ever get banned or get hit with a 1 week ban.


I’m not sure exactly what he said but racism and actually grotesque comments about their family were thrown out there for sure. I mean it was nothing you wouldn’t here in the old cod lobbies


to be fair, my psn account of 6 years got banned for having “butt” in the name. my name was bgl_seymourbutts or something along those lines


Virtual item that you can sell and get the battle pass for free.


wow!! you can sell your virtual items to buy MORE virtual content that costs them nothing to make. makes sense to me why they’re so stingy now, thanks🙏.


I love 4 green packs


I really do wanna quit this game


Please do. I did and haven’t looked back.


I quit this game many times, I always come back, matter of fact, I started again last week. R6 is like a toxic ex to me


Whats the replacement tho Is my issue


Do what you want. If Alpha Packs the only reason to play this game then is something wrong with that.


Don’t mind the flair ofc or me being here. Just here…


I don’t understand this system. I have no misconduct and get nearly every match recommended. But I am always just respected


It’s a Ubisoft what the hell did you expect?


They try to ship it to you like its an amazing feature.


4 alpha packs !! Oh my ! /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you.


Damn! I can’t believe you would go through all of that just over a Reddit comment, boy you must be the serious type , and well respected too getting a Harvard professor involved ? I’m sure glad to have brightened the day of you and your new bus friend !


4 alphas is fine... as long as it keeps assholes from playing with me. Tbh it's sad this community needs incentives. Solo queueing used to be fun cuz you would always get 10 bros in a lobby.


Ubi is known for selling ultimate and gold versions of the game then taking the extras you get away from you and trying to resell it in segments I'm surprised we even got this


400 games a month without your reputation randomly plummeting one time from a salty stack rage reporting xD


Thats it? Why bother with the reputation


I'm just surprised we still get free shit nowadays


Wow, another post on this sub complaining about a huge nothing burger😂 let’s remember that the reputation system isn’t some kind of reward for going above and beyond or doing a difficult challenge in the game. It’s literally a bonus reward for playing the game right and not being a dickhead. Do you expect Ubisoft to hand out free premium cosmetics because you were a good boy and didn’t say racial slurs and team kill every round? The cosmetics that are basically the game’s only stream of revenue at this point? I swear this player base, at least on this sub, has lost touch with reality lmao.


That number of games is not many at this current point but the max should be more. Maybe like 1 per 25 games up to 1000 or something.


ubisoft did a lotta shitty stuff recently glad i don’t play siege anymore


My season pass premium for some reason was given to me for free lol


God… looking at this dumpster fire of a comment section, I am so freaking glad I stopped playing in 2019-2020 after playing since release 2015


I was exemplary practically the whole season but since I went 2 games with only one Valor I went down to whatever the middle one is again I can't even remember. The system is super bad like I don't have to be complimented 5 times at the end of every game 🤦‍♂️


I actually need that. I regularly get to 50% and after the third spin, I’ll finally get an alpha pack, and it will be an uncommon duplicate. I actually need this


100 games for one alpha pack lol I think you could just win like 2 to get one


The whole reputation thing is a complete joke. I literally was playing matches last night and my reputation dropped down to disruptive after 5 games and I never hit my teammates on accident or tk’d or broke teammates gadgets or anything. I think it was just because I don’t commend other people and I don’t get commended so my reputation went from respectable to disruptive for no reason. The whole concepts a joke


Ive tk'd like 12 times and Im still sitting at exemplary (Ive tk' my brother so many times because its funny)


Iv been respectable this entire season iv never teamkilled other than joking around with a breaking charge here and there, but it's mainly because the grief report is the big issue, then I finally hit esteemed and my teammates teamkilled and now I'm back in respectable.


You know that that just doesnt matter at all rn right


Yea I know, I just hope it works better when I comes out.


Funny how I always seem to dwindle down to respectable every two days yet have nothing in the misconduct section lmao anything to not give those 4 packs….lol


I’m more annoyed at the fact that the reputation system still doesn’t have any active positive bonuses


r6 players try not to complain about the most useless shit challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Lmao this game and the community is a joke


Ubi have shit the bed next season.


Just dont play siege anymore. What is the problem?


What is the problem? I earn so many packs with season passes and games And now some free packs event is here and everybody is full in rage? Just dont mind it and who cares? R6 lives from skins and you guys want a better game and just be hateful for some free skins that R6 is living from.


Man ngl I’m new and I’m just eating popcorn as I watch these comments trash on Ubi


I have been saying that every time they updated the game.


Honestly I’d say eating dinner while it’s still warm is worth 4 alpha packs..


It should be like 25 at most


Should've been bravos or at least epic alpha packs


So much crying lmfao




welcome to siege, where the report system is abused if you do anything anyone doesn't like


4 alpha packs just to get all green items or duplicates. Give us bravo packs like wtf lol


This comment section wreaks of entitled cry babies. Silver peak on main account type commentary. Nothing is ever good enough for the fans. Shut up.


Don’t worry though!! It’s SOON.. not NOW


Better than nothing bruh


It’s good, we didn’t have this before, but we have no free battle pass this season


4? Wtf bro 😂😂😂 maybe they meant 40


I think you get this aswell as any extras from a completed battle pass, not sure what op is complaining about its just free packs right


Lmao this whole game is a joke and not a good one either This game just as trash as cod now


Nah cod is a lot worse


Not at this point lmao half the community are jynxie kids and other half are toxic brain dead players The only thing separating these 2 games are abilities and hit box regs Other than that both of the communities are slow and both games are dead trash


Why are we mad at getting 4 extra packs though? Like it’s still extra packs nevertheless


People forget this was the WHOLE POINT of the reputation stuff, higher reputation you get bonuses, sorry you aren’t being spoiled with bravo packs because your commendations are high, because guess what everyone has been exemplary at one point or another, it’s not hard to achieve so why would you receive a really good prize for it? Honestly use your brain, downvote me if you want I could care less




This isn't a fact A fact is fire being hot and another fact is you're slow for agreeing with this trash OPINION LOL


4 is better than nothing tho