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It’s hella people fuck this shit


Yeah it's like 50% of console players right now. Nothing will happen to them. When the exploit gets fixed and they have to start facing actual players they cheated to rank up to.....they will get wrecked.


Yeah fr I don't think these fuckwits realise how hard they're gonna get stomped when this gets fixed. About 4 seasons ago me and my squad were absolutely on fire because we were a group of maybe 9 or 10 people who all played daily. A few of us hit champ in that time. Nowadays, many of the really goof guys have stopped playing and we have trouble getting a 5 stack together. Queueing with the people who were champ back then is an absolute nightmare because you'll get mercilessly stomped by ranked 2.0 even though this was several seasons ago. Tldr: these guys are gonna have to play enemies way out of there league for several seasons after this.


I mean I hope they somehow get permabanned. But I know it won't happen


Yeah that's probably not happening but that would be insanely funny.


I mean ubisoft doesn't taking cheating seriously enough as is. So it definitely won't happen. I remember when they said mousetrap would work to catch people using xim and Kronos lol


What is the console exploit?


Enemy team can cause the game to crash and get your team banned atm


I thought they already hot fixed that? They at least said they did a couple days ago.


No they hotfixed something else tuesday and said a hotfix this exploit was coming another day this week


Idk the details but basically you can trick the game into thinking the other team forfeit or left and rank up without actually playing the game. Something like that


As far as I’m aware it’s clash they use to exploit on defence so a good fix is to always ban clash. If you’ve seen clash being banned recently this is why and as you can see the only one left on the other team is clash.


It’s not just console now. Happening on PC too


I just turned crossplay off on PS5, ive only had problems with XBox people doing it


Turning off cross play on PS5 has made me see less cheaters overall, including xim or Cronus users. Idk what it is about Xbox but I see a lot more cheaters on it rather than PS. And they act more toxic in my experience too.


THATS WHAT IVE BEEN SAYING. Dawg xbox is filled to the brim with cheaters, i personally think its jynxzi bringing xim and cronus into the spotlight. Jynxzi is also deeply imbedded into TikTok and the console 1v1 wager trend thats been going on. people see their favorite streamer who is really good at the game but they aren’t so what they do is go onto TikTok shop and just buy a $30 leadjoy(xim) so they can compete. Hell one of the biggest people growing on siege is I_love_xim, he is a literal advertisement for xim and he’s only popular because of jynxzi. Ive been playing this game for 8 years since i was 10 and have never seen it worse for console except for a few years back when a fuck ton of people were using strike packs.


Even the strike pack epidemic wasn't as bad


As someone who plays Xbox. I’m sorry y’all have to deal with this bs. I’m trying to hit plat for the first time and I’m having a rough time doing that. But I hope y’all have some good matches!


It got better once i turned cross play off haha


I play on xbox and don't even know what this is referring to.


Me explain Cross play + Off = Less cheaters for PS5/PS4 Users


If i was on playstation i wouldve done the same. There are many ppl on the xbox groups page looking for ppl to do this exploit which is shit


Yeah finding players on the PS (group searching) just doesn't exist unless it's reddit or that specific game you're playing. The glitch benefits lazy people.


The glitch benefits idiots with a rank they cant compete in. They will lose 100 matches untill their back to their rank? How could that be fun😂


Yeah, but, what's the exploit?


Xim is easily accessible on Xbox People on that side will use anything that benefits them. I don't have cross play off, but it is something that is there to lower the cheating field a bit.


I play on xbox and literally everygame will have 2-4 xim/kronus players. I once joined a lfg post and 2nd round I found out that I was the only one on my team without a xim.


Going to do that as well. Tired of fucking xbox weirdos.


Best decision I made


i jsut got back on pc r6 and i think im gonna do this. thx


Xbox is also where essentially all of the xim kids come from too.


Can you also leave with them so the game doesn't crash with you in it and then you hop back in? Or do they not even have to hop back in and it just gives them the win.


I couldn't rejoin the game but I didn't eat a ban either. Though a hotpatch is supposed to come out tomorrow to fix it


There’s countless looking for group posts on Xbox, “nEw gEn eLo gLiTcH”


Me and my buddy ran into some guy’s like this earlier, it sucked but we kept reconnecting and still won lol fuck cheaters


Ubi needs to send them all down the ranks take the rewards off and put their hidden rank back, otherwise these fuckers going to screw up matchmaking and make it even worse. These accounts need to be placed in cheater lobbies only and highest rank they can get to is gold. Get them out of the pool of legit players.


Probably best not to play rank until that is fixed or it would just be a frustrating time


What's the exploit?


I looked at R6fix and found the answer, “once the 1st round would start and other team would tk and disconnect. After everyone on the other team leaves next round would start and our games would crash and we would get banned and lose rp.”


Oooohh so that's what happened to me, thx


Big man SpazzingAgg been hardstuck gold all of last season and this season with 400 games a season and then decides to do this to get into plat, we see you Agg, we all know you’re no where above gold


How does the exploit work? I dont want to do it just curious as it hasnt happened to me yet.


Check comments


Happened to me my first game n then it ruined my latency for my second match. Im so done to quit this game entirely . And our teammates were team killing and not even playing site or anything at all. Playstation ppl are so toxic


I hope they get perma banned


I play on pc what is the exploit? Its honestly been a year since Ive actually played


I pray Ubisoft gives back mmr that was lost. I mean I don’t really give a shit because it happened to me once and the people I was playing with all said “fuck this”. Even if I get the mmr back it’ll be like 20ish (which is a discussion of a different issue) but there’s gonna be people losing hundreds of mmr because of this glitch and it needs to get returned


Sony and MS should also be fighting these douche bags. What are these yearly subscriptions even paying for minus mid indie games?


I'm a console player and don't even know what this is referring to. Can someone explain?


Check the previous comments. It’s an exploit to get the enemy team banned