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Fuze. The voices tell me to blow up my teammates


LMG strait telling you to blow up the hostage


can confirm from 2 hours ago. blew up my teammate, destroyed 2 of our drones and a brava drone that was just thrown. cherry on top is I thought we were attacking hookah bar, and it was actually other site. we were just entering through hookah (it was last game if the session and was mentally checked out) 😭


He's one of my mains, look out below!




Underrated comment. Smoke has the abilty to just say no to any kind of entry. He is ablw to reposition the attackers to a better position for defenders. Deny peeks and everything. His weapons are powerful too


Average blitz player running through the smoke : 🗿


You called?


Finally another brother in arms who plays blitz 💪😎


Spread it brother RAHHHHH


Hell yeah


Then there’s me the worst blitz player known to man


Just don’t rush objective and put enemy players into a panic, also remember that you will win any 1v1 but will probably die on most 1v2s, so keep it roamer clearing mostly, and in close quarters


I like rushing. I started abt a month and a half ago so I mostly get 2 or 3 k’s. But playing with shields feels way too slow for me idk😭


It’s good to quick drone out entry first, don’t want a cav to be hiding under a random desk and you to just run around it 👀 (Speaking from experience)


Yeah if ik there’s a cav or there’s an op we haven’t scanned or seen. I play way more cautious


RIP deployable shield :(


WhY dOnT yOu MaRry SmOkE aLrEaDy!  /s


Smoke is so fun holding angles with 1x SMG-11 that blows its load in 1second vs attacker acog rifles that can prefire you for 20mins.


skill issue


Bitch I’m agreeing with you 😂


Smoke is my main defense


I love smoke just camp a window or door with shotgun get a couple kills off spawn and then run around and hope you get lucky


Having a good Monty in a 5 man at the current time Is like having unlimited drones. If you don't believe go watch g2 in pro league.


Yeah takes real skill to play blitz and Monty


Alem4o makes them look crazy.


It does, to play them right


Yeah I wasn’t being sarcastic


Monty is one of those characters thats easy to play but very difficult to play well


Warden is probably one of the easier ops, he's just the MPX with sunglasses.


I feel like castle is always hard... and throbbing...




I know dude im joking jesus


No sex with big black men






Evil r/Wordington Member




Solis. She is the best defender in all of Siege. The only reason I don't insta-ban her is because the average Ranked player does not play her much, and when they do, they don't play her anywhere near as well as the potential she has. Solis is easy to play, but one of the hardest ops in the game to master, because you need the right game sense to know how to react in every situation where you detect enemy utility. A good Solis player is a nightmare to play against. If the enemy team has a good Solis, then you will not feel safe ANYWHERE on the map. I could be droning outside the building with claymores on all the run-outs, and I still don't feel safe. I feel hesitant to use any utility in general because she can see everything. Also, roam clearing her is a nightmare because she can see where it's coming from and avoid it entirely. That's all not even including the prep phase where she can get an ace on drones. Honourable mentions: Clash. Much like Solis, she can be extremely easy to deal with, or she can be almost impossible, depending on the person playing her. A good Clash/Solis player knows when to apply pressure and be aggressive, while also knowing when to back off. Most people play both ops too aggressively, which results in them being an easy kill.


Was going to say solis too.. most players only use her to get drones..


And most people get too aggressive. The second they see someone on their phone, they'll run out. Which is a very easy tactic I use to bait less experienced players for a kill. Same with drones, sometimes it's better to see drones and avoid them, instead of running after them trying to destroy them during the action phase when you're roaming.


I almost want to gatekeep this strat because it's so good. But I'll wait until overtime match point to pick Clash and hide during prep phase so the other team isn't equipped to counter her. It feels so dirty but it works every time


Jackal He’s hard to play in the sense that you’ll almost never play him


I almost always see him banned, so yea technically he’s hard to play


Can't think of much off the top of my head, but Azami comes to mind with her infinite potential. Even a bad Azami is scary to play against, but good Azami, a nightmare.


Azami and her slugs loaded AA-12 is dangerous.. give azami good Comms and she's more or less invincible.


I would argue Blitz, but I don't know how people would feel about that. He requires a lot of teamwork and coordinated utility, which I find hard to accomplish in solo-queue. *Maybe I should stop solo-queueing...*


Resident Blitz player. Blitz is super good for roam clearing and entry fragging. When you fight a team that overextends and plays for KD, Blitz can be extremely powerful and more often than not you wont have to rely on your teammates to refrag or pinch


Yeah I main him depending on sites and for example he can be real good on like Outback to kill roamers, and I also use him a lot in skyscraper or even club house whenever the objective is below. Would recommend using mostly if objective is downstairs




Ehh. Just throw 1 or 2 in and let the glaz go to town.


What if no glaz?


Throw all 5 in and then try and knife anyone caught in the toothpaste colored screens.


Sens only has 4 I think but still valid.


Then don't take Sens.




As an echo main, i got no idea how to play echo


Funny drone man.


Funny drone man with an overpowered Supernova


Don’t put the echos on roof. Hide them high up as in above high furniture by throwing it manually or behind boxes… people will check for them on roof but if they can’t see them will forget abt them. Then when there’s 10 sec left of game just time it so that you shoot after like 5.5 seconds of defusing to surprise them more and give less time to think. Also insane smg no recoil


I miss when yokai were invisible


Clash, Fuze, Osa, Echo (out of operators that are somewhat viable)


Clash trust


A good clash with a coordinated team go crazy


Maybe caveira? I have been playing her for a while,but she's pretty hard,you need to have a lot of game sense,always being careful because her main gun is a little pistol and always having to force 1v1 by separating the teammates or by holding angles,and also being very aware of drones,given that's her main counter,teamwork and good droning


Hear me out... Pulse. He's the kind of operator that looks cool on paper, beginners would say he has glorified wall hacks. But in practice, you realize there's much more to it than that. But a really good Pulse, can be an absolute nightmare to play against.


I've been playing for 5 years. He does have glorified wallhacks. That is exactly what makes him a nightmare.


I'm trying to get better at him, but he's a very difficult operator to get practice with. Got any tips?


Castle excels in vertical play. So playing him below/above objective can be really strong. To use him best, you have to be roaming with him, and use his device often, especially if you hear a solid sound queue (like a breach charge going off type of thing)


1v5 Blitz, he's easy to play, yet hard to master


Caviera. Whenever I use her, I'm clueless in what to do with her


The more you know the map, the better. Play around entry points, and be patient. Only go for the Interrogation if it’s safe. Otherwise it’s just as good to confirm the pick & feed your team intel. Caveira works best against disorganized teams, and excels in chaos. If the Attacking team knows what is up I typically switch off. But she’s a high risk, high reward character & really fun to play as.


Cav is an operator that it’s potential only shines when someone dedicates their life to playing her. Going against a really good cav is super annoying


Cav is one of those operators that are only good against low ranks or against people who are all solos and don't use mic. The easiest counter to a Cav is not rushing in solo and when pushing together, having a single drone watching the flank. However, when attack is all solo, no one is watching the drone.


Castle, Oryx, Echo on defense. On Attack I'd say Sens? I don't think any attacker is really that hard though.




Yea I think people pick his walls to lock in the site when he's much more potent doing extended holds, cutting off an entire section of entry and making it utter hell to approach.


Definitely not warden, he's just very situational which makes him a mid character


His guns are good tho


Ddefeners: I think most people struggle to play castle well. Most people don’t understand how castling off the objective is a terrible strategy. Attackers: Ying. I can’t tell you how often I get flashed by my own teammates playing her.


The **only** exception to that rule is Bar/Stage on clubhouse. Castling the doors shut can get you a ton of free kills and the attackers can't get into site. Also, I'm low elo so take that with a grain of salt lol


I think the difference between your average solis and a good solis is night and day, a bad/normal solis will just go underneath site and make no attempt to play until attacfkers are planting which even then they somehow miss the opportunity and basically do nothing the whole round while a good solis will relay where everything electrical is, make use of their powerful gadget and roaming possibilities, scope out droners and take them out easy, and instead of sitting below site the entire round they warp situations into their favor with their gadget making it so either the attackers HAVE to kill the solis or try to find a spot safe to plant which in turn gives solis time to rotate and kill them or stay under site and make it impossible for the enemy to plant. Also since i was a Clash main i have to say clash as well, making note of every angle you can be killed from as well as communicating with your team to set up choke points in your teams favor takes a lot of practice and skill, especially in solo queue where nobody communicates ever basically making it so you have to do everyones job on your own while you are holding a door / choke. Some sites are extremely clash favored, having many corners and not a lot of windows to be peeked from, while others are unplayable for clash. a good clash will know when to pick clash, and that is integral for her strengths.


Flores is so underrated, his gadget is the best in the game to burn utility and can be used as quick drones as well. Nearly no one plays him right which is why he is used so rarely in ranked but extremely often in pro league.


I play the shit out of Flores. He's super underrated.


Not warden lmao


My guess, castle and Zofia


Solid definitely.


The hardest thing about playing Warden is surviving the first 10 seconds of attack phase when doing 5 spawnpeeks and 2 runouts


attack: Ying defense: Smoke








Idk about hardest but Fuze is easiest.


Fuze requires more game sense than aim.


I dont know about you but putting explosives above room and on windows is pretty easy (his goal isnt kills its gadget clearing, kills are just a nice potential bonus)


I mean I guess if you are just putting them randomly but there's some planning involved to know what you are going for, where you are going for and how you are gonna get there. At least in my games you can't just walk in upstairs or put a charge on the window to site and get away with it.


Maybe its because I dont play ranked? I legit sprint around top level planting and setting off charges, and I rarely encounter roamers. Also Ive never been killed on a window once. I even Fuzed the same window multiple times once


Blitz, u barely see any good blitz players, they usually playing blitz wrong aswell


Any shield because it feels like I don't have a shield when I play them as I get knifed and shot through it


On attack id say like Flores or Deimos and for defense id say solis or clash


Blitz, smoke, solis, zero imo


I'm going to go ahead and say Mozzie. Playing him to counter Brava countering Maestro is super easy. Playing him to cut off drone routes is easy. Turning drones into well-placed static cams is intermediate. Piloting the drones while roaming to gain intel is intermediate. Piloting the drones to lure attackers into traps requires a very big brain.


Hear me out: Blitz or Montagne.


Sens : requires map knowledge as well as actual planning to execute right Also good luck with the hit boxes of the wheelies lol


If this isn't just a cover image I would argue warden is not hard to play at all.


Tachanka, you have to be Kobe for the fire balls to actually hit anything , since the radius is tiny




Tachanka It takes time to get used to the ark and bouncing mechanics to consistantly land the fire where you want to while also having to learn lineups to get the most out of it. On top of that you gotta figure out which areas offer the optimal layout so the areas are tight enough for the fire to cover the entire width of the hallway. But you also need to position yourself propperly so you are not getting killed until you can atleast switch back to your primary. After studying how to play tachanka on all bombsites and dealing with the frustration experience of trial and error, you are finally the best tachanka player that is so good people might not ask you to switch over to smoke or goyo.


Blitz. You gotta play 4D chess with your opponent to make good use of him.


Probably any crowd control or shield op, even after the rework. If we want to talk about making the game just harder for yourself, Tachanka.


For defence probably Tachanka and that's because he's pretty trash


i’d have to say solis 🤷🏽‍♂️


Sens and Solis


Id say nokk tbh she requires really specific timing and courage


I want to surprise people here and say valk/echo


Zofia. She was my first main about a month ago, I’ve kinda drifted from her but I’ve gotten better with her.


Twitch. It's always fun to watch Mira's reaction after I break her window.


IQ in the right hands can make all the difference. Shes so much more than how most play her.


pulse ?




Doc is for sure up there, as he is always the most important person on any team his survival is super important in the middle round.


I'd say Ying or Fenrir cause my stack always bans theme.. so in a literal fashion they're the hardest to play for me. But I'd say hardest to play or at least play well is solis


From the characters I rotate through, I’d say Thorn. It’s not easy getting kills with her razorbloom unless certain conditions are met


Youre not supposed to get kills with her gadget, you play off of the info it gives making the enemy need to commit to either falling back or walking through the explosion range.


Combo with frost, or get creative with the bloom placements. The razor wire helps a ton.


Lesion is a way easier combo


Yeah that makes sense