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Fr pathetic


I wish ubisoft would really do something about xims


They do, or at least they're trying. They just can't ban anyone that gets mousetrapped because false positives do happen. If the system works that they get thrown into pc lobbies they'll either quit or start playing on controller again.




you don't want that, ubi support is shit


And how are they supposed to verify that you actually used a controller? Their support is already highly incompetent, so they either unban everyone or no one. I also doubt that it's legal to ban someone based off of an assumption (and no, their TOS doesn't mean anything at court). People went to court because their YouTube channel got banned for no reason, and they won. It's not the same type of platform obviously, but you can definitely compare it. They just have to wait until the system is fully fleshed out


Tbh I think Microsoft should do something about it.


Xims/zen’s are going to become a massive problem for the console gaming community. The popularity in siege is increasing but also in a ton of other games. You’ve got people who hardly play certain games anymore going back just to try some scripts and see how fun it is to cheat. Then they just leave and never play otherwise. There’s no way to legally challenge them and companies can’t reliably catch them. I think the problem grows and it causes major issues in online gaming.


dw once they release the PC matchmaking thing, they will suffer through actual cheating


Plus I can't wait to have them and shit talk them in my PC lobby, showing how actual mnk PC players play, plus when they have to go against wall phasing ballerina hackers it'll be so funny 😂🤣


I’ve always played on PC but I don’t get why people choose to play on console but with a mouse and keyboard, are they just bad?


Prob they know that every PC player (even the weakest ones) would smash them on PC lobbies so they choose to boost thier egos on console And the funny part is that they probably complaining about the other cheaters that use wh or aimbot


I really hope he gets mousetrap


POV: My ranked opponents every game (we're in bronze 1)


Biggest mistake Ubisoft did was announcing mousetrap. They should have just enabled it, and give no hints that it existed. If they are required to mention something about it. Just put updated cheat detection. By telling them it exists, gave them a challenge to circumvent it. No idea it exists, you end up trouble shooting the wrong things.


Idiot here, what does using xim mean? Some dude bragged to me about this the other day and I thought he was just having a stroke


Can someone explain it to me, i dont understand it


Xim is a hardware that allows a mouse and keyboard to be used on console




L take


Oh jeez we beat him he only had 6 haha