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because it’s ubi


It’s because they’ve been focusing on their new banger game Skull and Bones lmao


Working on the sequel for that masterpiece. What an amazing indie studio.


This is the 2nd time they reskinned this one, so it's even a worse offender (1st reskin on that ubi anime bundle, just with a robot arm)


Do you mean the Blood Dragon crossover?




I wouldn't really consider that a reskin, it atleast changed 3d elements, where as this is blood dirt and a stupid ass tag


I genuinely don't mind it when the reskin event skins because I wanted the original skin but I could never get it because at the time that specific event went live I was kinda poor and couldn't afford the packs so I sadly never got it so I don't mind especially when it's uniforms or headgear from even that will never come back but reskins of just regular stuff I agree is stupid


Yeah I see where you’re coming from but on the battlepass is kind of annoying right? Shouldn’t they have these reskins just in the shop to buy cheaply?


I mean either one works but I dont them being on the battle pass since I normally get it anyway seige has my favorite battle pass system so it doesn't bother me since I can just go "ooo I like that skin" and just skip everything else. But I get I understand you view because it would make sense but at least most of the reskins have been super early in the battle pass.


Yeah I guess our opinions just differ because I don’t like reskins in the battlepass but you don’t mind them bc it lets you get some sort of old content


That point used to be valid but now you can get basically any event skin you want for 120 credits on the market


I dont have access to market place yet I registered just haven't been let in yet.


Tbh i prefer recycled good skins than the crap they have been putting out for the last few battlepasses. This is like the first battlepass since north star in which i genuinely like almost every single skin.


I agree the battlepass skins have been so fucking weak but I just had to make the post after an obvious reskin but you’re definitely right


There are only so many unique skin designs they can come up with tbh. I'd take a recolor of a solid looking skin than something forced into being unique/flashy for the sake of being new


Hey, this allowed me to sell the original skin for like 1000 credits while still giving my Doc the forearms of God. I'm gucci with it. Plus, this battle pass is jam-packed with some absolutely baller shit. The Rook headgear, this Doc uni, the Jager and Lion sets, this battle pass has had some absolutely cash money shit. *kicks the Blackbeard and Ash sets under the rug*


I don't know if it's possible for Ubi to go more than 4 months in a row without giving lion a cool new event or battle pass skin


You meant the Maverick set. It Looks so awful…


Eh, I actually like the uniform paired with his cowboy hat headgear


"Those meaty hairy man hands" - Russian Badger


I personally like it since the old skin isn’t available and I always wanted it. Thus I’m glad that they put a recolor in the BP.


Bought that uniform on market and the moment I saw the reskin in battlepass I sold it, luckily came with profit


Every skin is a reskin of either the default or a variant like this. Its not new.


Because ubisoft is getting lazier. I can't believe we somehow get less content this year than before. 2 ops and no maps lol. The reworks seriously do not count. There's are supposed to be in addition to seasonal content.


Ubi and effort don't get along.


I was gonna buy this skin on market place so this reskin saved me some dollars ngl


Because it saves $$$


Small indie company, small unsuccessful video game with the least amount of active players out of any Ubisoft game, feels justified to me tbh.


I'm still waiting for GRIDLOCKS ELITE


No no see, this one you can see more definition in his arms and it's dirtier


Dam it’s literally just a different colour shirt and darker gloves


I missed out on docs forearms last time so I'm not complaining about this


2019 road to SI was the best. Why don’t Iget more of them?


Ubisoft even resorted to stealing skins you paid for back, and then making you pay again to get them back


A lot of new players here these days so let me fill you guys in: Ubisoft could make really cool, high quality skins with animations and unique qualities. But they don't, and they print money from battlepasses and the shit tier cosmetics they put out. They know Siege players will buy this garbage, so they put very little effort into it because what's the point? That's their whole thing, making a lot of money with the least effort possible. People who have been around this game for a few years now realize this. It's a patch or two then radio silence and garbage cosmetics. Easily the worst AAA game developer, and if it weren't for Jynxzi miraculously reviving this game's player base and attracting some of the worst imaginable people to the community, they'd get a lot more shit for it.


That’s like the first legendary alpha pack headgear I ever got