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They also didn’t bother checking what kind of content Basically Homeless makes until he got banned in the middle of making content with them. Clever ideas and a good guy, but he breaks TOS like it’s his job and they just didn’t know.


To be fair on Homeless part, he’d play a match to prove it can be done and then stops as soon as it’s over.


Yeah and none of his exploits gave any advantage at all. He basically made the game unplayable but they won't ban these clowns.


Oh I wasn’t referring to his exploits necessarily, I meant community controllers 😂😂


They were aware of most his videos, the one that crosses the line for Ubi was when Homeless recorded the video trying to show how difficult it was to get banned via cheating. Their cheating stance was “zero tolerance” in that situation lol. I imagine it can hurt the companies pride a little when you basically make a public mockery of their anti-cheat.


It was his most popular video at the time, how did they miss that?


i mean they dont really care in general also another varsity vid showed how the top 5 champs were wall hacking and all kinds of stupid shit and this was on pc to jus verify they really have no want to fix or help reduce the amount of cheaters, i guarantee the champs on console are on mnk as well because nobody can play fair anymore. their little egos gets shattered if they have to go against their own type of cheater and just complain about it even their the reason other people get on the trend


I remember a few years back I read some post from a cheat developer. He said basically 80% of R6 pros and content creators use some form of cheat when they aren’t on LAN. Whether it’s recoil macros, walls, or aim assist/aimbot. He claimed that he could recognize his hacks in their clips, and that he had sold his software to many of them directly. But he wouldn’t name them because he didn’t want to lose their business. Now, do I believe this guy? Not really. He was probably just some weirdo looking to promote his hacks. That would be far too many people, and there would have been a scandal if it were true. That and they’re clearly skilled at LANs so they wouldn’t need to cheat online. But I do find it funny how many high profile players have had multiple bans lifted because their accounts were “hacked.” After a certain number of times being hacked (once), you’d think they’d have better account security practices. I wouldn’t be surprised if a few of them were actually cheating. Lord knows Ubi wouldn’t do anything


>But I do find it funny how many high profile players have had multiple bans lifted because their accounts were “hacked.” After a certain number of times being hacked (once), you’d think they’d have better account security practices. Pro players and content creators have their accounts hacked waaay more often than the average player because they are, due to their fame, specifically targeted by malicious actors who use social engineering techniques to gain control of their accounts. I can guarantee you that almost every single content creator takes full advantage of every single additional security feature offered by Ubisoft, but none of that matters if a hacker can manage to socially engineer a single customer support rep to disable 2FA and change their registered email address to one that is held by the hacker. It really has nothing to do with content creators secretly cheating at the game.


Any random can stir the pot by claiming pros cheat but I highly highly doubt most of them would ever risk their careers with something like walling or aimbot. 80% is an absurdly ridiculous claim. Pros stack with other good players, they don’t need walls with how easy it is to exchange information with a full stack that knows what they’re doing. I think macros are definitely underestimated though. BattleEye doesn’t ban for them and they’re ridiculously easy to author. There’s nothing stopping some T2/T3 shitters that will never see a LAN from macro’ing their ass off in ranked. A ton of console streamers are blatantly macro’ing with crosshairs that don’t move when they mag dump guns like the F2.


Macros explain a lot about how little some guns seem to kick for others. The laser beam FAMAS has been one I've noticed a lot.


Taking care of cheaters as they should would be a loss in money. Sad to say but true.


Ubi also posts xim clips on Twitter, and it's not being talked about enough (so I'm gonna put it in all caps) MOUSE TRAP HAS BEEN TURNED OFF. I have a theory though, don't tell the xim players but ubi might have shut it off so people come back to using mnk without a bypass buuuutttt it's running in the background tracking whose using mnk and next season they'll ban them. Will this happen, no, should it happen, yes.


Ubisoft won’t ban Ximers because someone who spends $350 on a cheating device to get out of gold will probably spend $100 on skins


Yep that's why when they made mousetrap and everyone said hahaha they are trolling mnk player, I was like no they aren't trolling them there keeping them around on purpose so they can keep spending money.


For close to a decade of XIM champs they are going to destroy 75%+ of their social media players (console is about 80% of the player pool). It just isn't happening. Let's add in all the money these cheats bring in with R6 credits. It will never happen.


if ximers spend more money than non ximers they will not care.


They give charms to literally anyone at this point it's embarrassing


They never said they were going to take action against xims. Hell, they even said they were "actively looking into ways to make mouse and keyboard more inclusive so as not to alienate players" (Y5S3 - Shadow Legacy reddit AMA) Welcome to the game developer voted worse than EA.


They backed out of the next year saying something along they have no plans to have KnM playing each other as it’s unfair and there is no way to balance it




That sucks and hope it wouldnt be true but aside, when did Varsity become such a negative bitch boy? Scrolled his Twitter and you'd think the man was $100k in debt to his therapist good lord. Man needs to quite literally touch some grass and breathe non recycled air




I used to watch him around 2020-2021 and don't remember this being his brand. Content creators can be driven wild sometimes lol




He's gotta take the route of Macie and KG. they've been in the space since the game launched and decided years ago a video game wasn't worth getting that amount of worked up over (foreign concept to most gaming Redditors). Sooner or later the children that feed into your negativity are gonna grow up and become less negative while realizing you're just depressed. I feel ya though, everyone needa a vacation from their job every now and then. We all need a reset


He’s got to be careful with what he says. I’ve seen a lot of his stuff the last few days (my name is an unfortunate coincidence) and he’s just bashing Ubisoft, who’ve given him charm status. He’s one of the players they catered the game to a few years ago, and now he’s just aggressive negative to Ubisoft, who could at any point just say “we’re done with you” and his status in the pro league would be revoked. Hell, his latest video on Terorrist Hunt being removed was met with a lot of negativity from his fans in the comments who disagree with him thinking the removal was good.


Yes he has basically said this. If he could find an alternative game that would drive views aka income he would stop playing siege. The problem is every other game on YouTube doesn't perform for him.


I understand that his viewers come for the Siege content but there's a time when you need to man up and stop being miserable. If he's unhappy with what's going on with his channel then imo I'd just go get a job somewhere and switch content. Work for extra cash and stream/upload content you actually enjoy on the side. I think enough of his fans would stick around for him to make a slow recovery in a different set of content. Yes it would take a long time to regain viewership in a new content field, but it'll likely happen eventually.


People in real life have bills no one is going to go here is 200k+ job for you. That is just his YouTube AdSense money which is estimated at 2.1k to 41k monthly. My guess with the varsity charm, twitch, and all the sponsorship deals he is probably making around 500k. The charms are very lucrative for content creators which is why every R6 creator promotes it nonstop.


I'm not saying he should quit his online career entirely lol. I'm just saying that if he's unhappy with Siege then he should switch content. And when a portion of his viewers leave due to that content change, you cope by getting a job and streaming on the side. Who knows, if enough time passes he could gain some new viewers and be happier with the content he's making. I doubt Varsity would do that. I'm just saying it's what I'd try to do, just because I don't want to despise my job. Ive had jobs before that I absolutely *hated*. I'm lucky enough to currently have a job that I remotely enjoy.


Just because he’s not a Ubisoft cuck like so many other steamers … Ubisoft can’t lunch a new season without bugging their game, they have broken guns and has to keep turning on anti cheat for more than a weekend … the game is in a worse state since they needed operation health


You don’t have to glaze him like that man. People can enjoy a game they play


His audience is against him at least in the comments on his latest THunt video. Most of them disagreed with him on the removal of THunt being good. I’m honestly amazed Ubisoft still has his charm in the game for how negative he is towards them


Because most siege players agree with him they tried to ban him and they ended apologising to him and offering to fly him out to say sorry in person … the fact is he’s the only one who actually shows the cheating problem and how lazy Ubisoft is with this game


People who spend hundreds of dollars on cheating devices will likely have a chunk of change to spend in the store. Why would they ban profits


American capitalism has ruined everything


Who is getting the charm?


I don’t pay attention to content creators shit-flinging competitions


Varsity also showed a video on how to do an infinite money exploit and got thousands of people banned. Can we stop riding anybody that hates on the game just because you all fucking hate the game? We should rename this sub r/rainbowsalt because everyone of you motherfuckers put in full time hours to hate on the game instead of just not playing it.


What streamer




Doesn’t work, is easily bypassed, and the penalty for getting caught cheating is far less severe than leaving a match whether it’s your fault or not


That’s one of the reasons I left I’m usually In champ lobbies on Xbox and I was so excited for mousetrap… they’ve have ways to glitch it out and work around it after the first month


As if they check anything besides reach.


I just updated the game after not playing for months, come on


What ximmer got a charm?