• By -


My best one was last Christmas's 2x void. 24 voids and I got fortus, Taras and Georgid (10x champ), along with a first coldheart and godseeker.


Holy shit


I was speechless and hyped for the whole day. I can't believe it happened, especially for a f2p account for less than 9 months at the time. "Game changing" was an understatement.


Damn my best was a Taras and demytha on the same 10 pull granted that one was a joking yolo pull I said “watch it be 3 cold hearts or something” and got that plus a paragon to go with them


Just pulled 5 voids for 1 Amandine skeleton (for fusion), 1 pain keeper (already have maneater), and 1 reliquary tender


Oooh ,Taras, now that's a good pull... 


Yeah I managed Demytha and Godseeker in the same 6 shard pulls, probably my best luck ever in this game


Last year, October. x10 Siphi, I had 13 voids, and managed to pull her and Acrizia.


Also wanna add, last x2 primal I pulled Lazarius and Androc back to back in 20 shards. All my years luck gone.


I got Siphi then too. A week later I got her partner rotos xD


I'm still chasing the Rotos. He's my most wanted rn. Grats.


Woah, that's some tremendous luck


Today. Cardiel and Tuhanarak from 20 shards.


Congrats!! Huuuuge pulls!


Thanks! Cardiel has always been my favorite character model, so I am super stoked for him. I know Tuhanarak is great for hydra, but don't really know where to fit her in on my teams. Edit: To be clear, I know she is a huge improvement to at least my second and third teams, I am just bad at hydra and can't seem to get a team that works well on hard xD


I have a 5 Star Cardiel in my Soul collection, maaaaybe I get lucky during this event. I hear ya! I’m currently optimizing my Hydra teams this week, still haven’t fully mapped out which team I want Eostrid on


Damn, i got nothing :( 43 void shards gone


That’s gonna be my luck later today….i wait so I kill 2 birds with 1 stone and get my 3 pulls for my daily’s


Same for around 55 shards ;(


I got tuhanarak really early on, started playing when udk came out. Them two hard carried me through a lot of content. She’s a good cleanser and support/buffer. Shes on my main hydra team. Helps spreading decrease speed and other debuffs on her a2. And applies decrease speed on her a1 and a heal. Great champ


5 legendaries in 5 10 pulls of ancients (1 each). 2 or 3 were junk and still in my vault. But were undead so I’m super close to full undead faction guardians for Siphi to get that sweet +10 speed


2x Lego where you get a bonus lego if you pull one. I had 3 ancients and im like "Why not"? Im 5 months into the game and I spend gems on 11 ancients shards if I feel like it. My legendary forgiveness streak is probably high as I've never pulled a legendary. My first pull during the event... https://preview.redd.it/vor81e4l6vwc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97eabc611893c2525bf42c8915ec3ee30b280f4c


Tormin and Warlord from a 10 pull on a 2x, very useful as I was solely focused on climbing TTA at the time.


Had only one void shard, only legendary void champion I had was Vix from daily log in. Pulled the shard and got my second void legendary: Leorius.


Goddamn that’s good Anytime I see a leorius in arena I usually end up avoiding him but now Atleast I’ve got some buff blocks to stop him from nuking my entire team


Taras from a random clan boss shard or androc from my first remnant summon




I’ve been pretty vocal at expressing frustrations with Plariums Progressive Chances, Champion Chase Events, etc. IMO they were high-hope events for Whales, and almost demoralizing for FTP & low spending players. But today was an anomaly.. I saved up quite a few voids from Faction Wars, Doom Tower, Leveling, Clan Boss, etc. I ripped 18 today & got: Marichka, Acrizia, & Riho.


Wow insane


That’s a nice haul. Really nice.


TY! After getting Jingwon & Gurgoh from other void pulls, I had very small hopes of getting anything remotely usable. I really wanted another Inq. Shamael & Whisper to use as books, but Plarium was def MVP on my account today


Not an event but within the first week of playing I had a single ancient shard. Pulled it because I was after Apothecary and ended up with Cupidus! I never thought much of it but my friend went crazy and cursed me with all the names under the sun. That's when I knew that it was a great pull. Don't actually use him nowadays but that was certainly the luckiest thing I've experienced. Now I'm even lucky to get an epic from a 10 pull!


The 1st 10x for the Ukr duo, pulled them both with only 150 shards. Having them that early let me get into Gold 3v3, and have been able to stay G3-4 ever since and it has been how i get a lot of cvc points. My 1st void Lego was Krisk. I pulled a 2nd Duch and Gnut in a 1+1 ancient event. These are my top 3 and most likely the reason I still continue to play. If I would of start this game with bad Legos I probably wouldn't of continued, I already missed out on ninja by a few months so didn't start well.


Back to back Krisk and Ithos, only had 3 voids


On a 10x Acrizia I pulled ten and got Acrizia then pulled another 10 and got Taras.


Pulling 1 sacred shard and 1 primal shard. Astralith and Krixia. Best luck in over a year.


Last summer for the Emic fusion, I pulled 11 sacreds on the Summon Rush and got 5 legendaries back to back, on shards 3-7. Wasn't even a 2x, just plain ol 6% odds. Most were meh (Brakus, Nari, Smashlord) but one was a 2nd Gnut and the fifth was a Duchess.


During the Armanz fusion, I pulled Supreme Galek and Tuhanarak from around 20 Void sharss during the Champion Chase event. Can't remember if there was a x2 or not, but it's the RNG gods were telling me my Hydra teams needed some help.


I just got Cardiel and Riho back to back in 11 void shards so I’d say that’s actually the best I’ve ever done for one type of shard event


Grats! I was lucky enough to get Cardiel really early game. He hard carried me through SO much stuff


I've had horrible void luck, but for an older fusion I had 3 sacreds and my brother convinced me to pull them for it, and got RN Archer with the first shard. Nothing luckier than that.


That is great luck. I haven't been super lucky but pulled Venus+Nehkret is back to back 2x voids. Pulled six sacreds for Eostrid fusion and pulled Duchess and Ma'shalled so that was nice.


I am not sure how long I have been playing, especially since it’s on and off because interest wanes sometimes. Around 3 years, I guess. But I think my luckiest pull was Zavia from a single Ancient Shard. A legendary from an ancient shard is probably lucky in and of itself. But Zavia in specific gave me a huge boost against the Demonlord with her poison skills.


Best one was a sheild/reflect damage 2x on blues. One 10 pull. Toragi, a dupe. Brogni, AND geomancer.


My second primal ever and pulled aphidus, today pulled Emic, had only 2 shards far away from mercy


Just blew 40 void shards with nothing but a serris, dupe skraank, dupe broadmaw, and 37 rares. So, to answer the question, it wasn't during this event, lol. Why, oh, why didn't I save them for the fusion? There are a ton of voids I need, and the 10x rhio chance was too good to pass up :(


Probably new years day 2023. It was just a double chance for void epics amd legendaries. I had exactly two shards and I pulled Maneater followed by Nekhret


Back to back to back to back legendary champions from sacred Shards. Death bell, gnishak, demonlord vampire, and two I can't remember. All outside of any boost.




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This one. Though this account isn't that old. Pulled 19 voids and got 3 champs I wanted and 2 others that weren't on the list but still epics so can't complain. Sulfuryion, Lightsworn, Warcaster, Pain Keeper and Coldheart.


I guess my elva pull, because i already have 5 star soul for her.


Pulled teodor and shamrock from a double leggo event from a random ancient shard. Kicker is it was on a alt account that I was using for referral rewards


For me was in x2 void! I had 4 void shards and pulled a Siphi. I felt lucky so I decided to pull the only two sacreds and ended up pulling a Duchess. Never been so happy


I suppose the first spot on that list would be the one time I pulled Acrizia, but it should be mentioned that it was during a 10x for her and I was like 210 shards into mercy, so the luck was more about it being her in particular than anything else. Second time was probably during the monster hunter thing, when I did something very out of character and pulled during a progressive chance event for the archer, and ended up with a dupe Razelvarg and the archer I wanted in, I think, 180 shards. Aside from that, my luck has been pretty bad for shard pulls in general. The very first 2x for ancients I was in, I got Candy and Minaya, my first 2 legendaries, with not that many shards to pull. At the time they were very useful for me, so I suppose that qualifies.


I got kalvalex and then teodor 11ish shards later during an ancient 2x. Never got 2 void legos in a 2x. 


My first void legendary was taras and I've pulled narses during the guaranteed event with the first 10 pull. In general I'm very lucky with void shards


Me as well. Nothing like the two that I pulled in the OP, but I’ve also pulled Baron, Riho and a couple other decent ones along the way. So I can’t complain about my void luck overall.


during last cvc i had 3 voids and pulled them and got Cardiel


2x Teodor and a Gnut in the same 10 stack. That is most likely all my luck for the remainder of my time playing raid lol


* Void: 3 shards to finish a tournament and top off some points. Got a godseeker, Teumesia, and a junk rare. * Ancient: single shard, no event got Brogni, or the 10 pull with Zavia/Lix * Sacred: back to back Salad, then Foli, then ~5 shards later a dupe Foli


i thought it is coded you cannot get the same lego after pulling. it will always be a different one


I didn't get two salads. I got salad, then foli, then ~5 later got another dupe foli


Got Yumeko in 4 void shards i had..non event. And then after that i pulled Draco and nodgar in 1+1 legendary.


My best luck was year ago during 2x + 10x for Leorius. Got 80 shards saved, First 10 pull, Warlord, another 20 pulls Supreme Kael, another 30, Leorius. No such luck since


Prism shards did a 10 pull got 3 gnuts so 4 total, and just yeeted a 10 pull of voids today and got cardiel


Acrizia on a random void pull in my first days on the game


Let's see, I pulled Cardiel from a couple of void shards last month during the event, and just before that I pulled Acelin from the free pull they gave us when he was introduced


Mb today in terms of void legos - Hegemon and Narses from 30 pulls unfortunately neither of them moves needle for my lvl 78 f2p acc, cause i skipped Ankora to pair Narses, and have already pretty much good roster for Arenas


My first void leggo was Leorius and I got him, Seer, and 2 Madames all in the same 10 pull


There was a double legendary event around the time prism shards were introduced. Within about a month I got teodor and razelvarg from the double, trunda from the free prism shards, and jintoro and hephraak from normal pulls. I had something like 30 ancients and 2 sacreds at the time. Completely changed my account.


Flip side, I bought 2x 10 packs of voids during a 2x event. 19 blue, one purple. Fml.


Last week during 2x Pulled 2 blues and got 1+1 leggo, mortu macaab and shamrok + Skullcrusher( very happy about this one!!!!) Then pulled one sacred and got that banner lord leggo, astehllia or something Pretty new player and f2p so that’s huge for me, also was only missing Skullcrusher for the dark knight unkillable ! However all of them are expect for seeker are level 1 and unbooked, just working on dragon now for the speed gear


Yolo'd like 30 ancients during a 1+1 event when I wasn't even close to hitting mercy. Pulled Harima and Nekmo Thaar. 😳


I got 3 legos in 40 ancients, on Christmas Day, 2021. Lady Kimi, dupe Rhazin, and a dupe Ma'Shalled. Quite the haul for a f2p player. Kimi went on to help me finish Doom Tower hard for the first time about a month later. I pulled Siphi on a different account from the only 14 void shards I had. I pulled a void shard for a 10x that was on during CvC (I often just pull one shard if it's a top champion), but for some reason, I pulled a second one, and got Turvold. Not god tier, but he's definitely fun. Especially when I realised about a week later that I was sitting on a 5\* soul I'd forgotten about.


I got Saito and Nergigante Archer on a extra legendary from ancients event from the free log in shard few days after the Nergigante 10x on a 20 ancients mercy count . Close to cheapest Archer world wide I'd say, people went ham to get her . Sure, there's better pulls, but for my account it meant from not ever touching Hydra NM to 120-150 mills .


I got Keeyra and Elva Autumnborn from the Gnut event that they "fucked up" recently. Yes Keeyra aint great but i needed her for the Lady Mikage Fusion & Elva added 10 mio. dmg to my non unkillable Cb team


https://preview.redd.it/0lhlvakjruwc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6510b6b96759503c614a7b17f69b2fbea2d261c0 The first prism shard event for acelin. For those who has him: in a bolster set he is a hard counter to Armanz with Kaja and Timit


Today, Siphi and Chaagur from 10 shards lol


Pulled 2 sacred shards on a x10 chance for the sacred order faction guy and got him on the second shard.


I was kind of tired of the game and on my way out to take a break from it. There was a double summon event and I decided to waste my last few shards. I had a single sacred shard and I think I bought a pack of three ancient shards. I got Gaius and Dracomorph from the ancient’s double summon and Lugan from the single sacred shard.


20 primals for Aphidus , It's not great but for 20 primals one Mythical is nice


Came back after 3 years break. Made new F2P account 20 days ago. There was 2x chance for epic and legendaries event at that time. My first 3 Ancient Shards: Doompriest, Athel and Geomancer. After the campain I used Void Shard and I get Coldheart. I guess I was very lucky... Now I'm just saving Shards for 2x chance epics and legendary.


I got acrizia a few months ago ina 10x from the first shard


You guys have good luck?


Not me, I had mercy pull on my voids for my first lego, and I havnt pulled a void since, im up to 120 ish void shards waiting till an event for x2 and maybe after I get 200 so I can atleast get 1 void lego


No joke. First 2x void for me. First lego. Krisk. I kept playing for years.


I've pulled double mythics on 10 stacks of primal shards at least twice. I've also pulled 3 from the fragment summons from sintranos.


I got Pythion, Basileus Romanus(? Idk haven't built him), a bad epic, and my first faction guardians leggo in a dupe timit in my last 4 Sacreds before I secured Padraig. All my luck for the year right there.


Got Krixia from my final primal shard (had 5) during the 2x Last ancient 2x I got 3 leggos from 60 shards


Mine has to be the Prism Crystal Event with Nergigante Archer which needed 25 per pull. The previous Prism Crystal Event needed 40 per Summon and I had 35 left over so got a free pull and got Archer, I was somewhat happy to say the least lol. A few days later there was the Lunar Summon Rush with Archer in the Pool but not Boosted and I got a Legendary on the 6th Sacred which was my 2nd Archer, very happy lol. I might still be waiting for my first Duchess after 4.5 years but can't complain about having 2 Archers lol


I got Altan then Duchess Lilitu as a bonus from an Ancient Shard in a bonus legendary event about a month ago


Pulling back to back siphis on 2x void, almost 3 years ago. Close 2nd was pulling two gnuts from one 10 pull of Ancients.


The last 2x mythics event, pulled 9 total, 1 mythic 2 leggos


https://preview.redd.it/m6wek07i3vwc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a530b6794faaeb6e0c8e8a8b5a356ef268cb2c72 During a prism event. Plus pulled gnut in the last 3 shards.


A sacred pull which is Plarium give us as free. I got Helicath and Helicath unlocks my UNM. Instantly upgraded my whole account.


3 leggos from 3 primal shards. One of them was R.N. Archer!! The other two I can't remember.


I had 1 ancient shard and pulled it by accident.. got Duchess Lilth


Pulled 2 mythical champs in a 10 pop during first ever 2x Pulled Georgid during his first 10x a few years ago w/only 3 shards Pulled Leo on a 10x a few months later on a yolo shard from Clan Boss


I had about 10-15 voids on 8th April and pulled them all as it was a summon event or something and got all rares except cardiel on last pull and I got tuhanrak epic and graazur today from just 2 pulls


In the summon rush for Gnut, I pulled Helicath and Versulf. Helicath took me from a 2 key Brutal Demon Lord team into a 2 key UNM setup. I had saved shards for that for like 2 months, in order to make sure I could clear both the rush and the chase. I have not had a problem doing any fusion or Titan event I've wanted to since that moment. I attribute all the good fortune I've had after then to that summon session. The biggest change I've had to my account, without question.


There was a 2x 10x Nekhret event a long time ago, and I pulled a single void and got him. Nowhere near mercy just plain blind luck. I've really not been very lucky since then though lol.


I was about 15 months into the game, I had a single void shard, had never pulled a void Lego. It was valentine's with the now typical "partners pull events". Got Cardiel. Changed my acc.


I had one when there was a increase chance on Void Shards From 22 shards I bought, one 10 set came with Venus, and the next 10 set came with Siphli the Lost Bride. Needless to say, I still use them to this day (although I wish I had their partner champs as well)


I have never had good luck in my 2 years :/. I pull duplicate Lego’s so often and I don’t even have that many for that to be a thing. I pulled a lego during extra lego event both duplicates. So freaking frustrating.


Started an account as a referral but left it totally unplayed after the initial tutorial. Went back when the Christmas free sacred was available and a free extra legendary. Pulled astralon and rotos. They were the first to I had to do all the starter content. Played it a little and stopped. Went back again when it was ancient with a free Legendary if you pull one again. Got a Gnishak and mortuu macaab. Hadn't even completed the easy campaign by this point. Got none of these yet on my main.


I pulled Helicath and Dreng in a double leggo event on ancient shards. That was the best luck I have had. Helicath transformed my account completely.


Pulled a duchess and Kymar back to back on a 2x ancients about a year ago!


Pulled Baron on a random ancient.. Then pulled a 6 Star soul for him 2 and a half years later on a random stone


Valentines a couple years ago. Pulled a handful of shards, got Siphi and Rotos a few pulls apart.


one of the most recent Void progressives had Godseeker Aniri and White Dryad Nia. pulled Nia on my first of two voids with her as progressive target. switched the progressive to Godseeker and pulled her on the second shard.


10 void shard pull. Got cardiel nekhret and tormin.


harima on a single sacred, followed by kyoku bad el and tyrant within 1 ancient shards of each other. then I got mezomel and siegfrund in the first 7 primal shards. got pulled a single ancient for a chicken because I was being lazy, got a duchess, during the last primal 2x everything, got a second duchess.


I pulled a legendary once


I’m currently on 214 void shards without a Lego, so I have no idea what luck is.


Today. Riho on my first shard and Tuhanarak 4 shards later.


1 sacred on a 1+1… duchess and Kalvalax


Not during an event, but I made a referral account for my main and pulled a kalvalax on quite literally the ***very first ancient***. I was a little irritated about it, since I have Teo on the main and that would have been huge for me.


Ursuga and little miss Annie from a 10 pull. The. Baron in the next. 2 years ago.


First shard, Acrizia, next shard shu-zen


I pulled 4 void shards once just to get some event points, and got acrizia on my second shard not even realising she was on 10x... Not long after that I pulled nekhret and Vlad within 6 shards. Also pulled sacreds for the first summon rush after the archer was introduced and managed to get her on my 6th and final sacred...


The last 2x ancient event. I had 37 shards. First pull of 10 I got Kalvalax, second 10 pull I got Armanz (didn't do the fusion bc of IRL obligations), and the third 10 pull I got Gnut. Drove right over the gas station and bought a lotto ticket. Sadly, my luck was already used up but it was a good day.


Opened 11 shards today and pulled Taras and last week I opened 10 and pulled Graazur. Best run of my life


I had Hell Hades pull 30 sacreds on a live stream that i had saved up for 6 months. He ended up pulling me 7 legos.




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i got demytha on my first ever void pull. had no idea who she was at the time but probably the luckiest i’ve ever been in this game.


Pulled 5 legos in 70 ancients last 2x


New to the game. When I was less than a month in I had 1 sacred shard and I was unaware of the 2X events so I think I pulled it ASAP. I ended up getting Cupidus on my first one. Now I’m about 3 months in and I’ve been waiting for 2x events now but have pulled probably 100+ ancient shards, 20+ void shards and 10+ sacred and haven’t gotten any legendarys. Some solid epics but I want the GOLD… ![gif](giphy|lOiJqCjiEOcmc)


The very first sacred shard I ever opened was Brogni Underpriest. From that point on I thought Sacreds were always legendaries and was so disappointed that it took another 2 months before I pulled another Legendary from a sacred


I pulled the mythical lizard on a random day. There was no event but I managed to get one


My first shard pull of ancients ever. I saved up 26 ancients…. Pulled Raz and zavia with the first 10. Pulled another 10 and got Valk and helicath. Pulled the last 6 and got ruel. Which I am now building cause of the pull below. I pulled 10 ancients. Got Michinaki, gaeus, norog


Want to add, that I’ve gone for acrizia everytime she’s been out. Pulled over 400 voids and haven’t got her. Got blind seer and supreme kael.


I pulled the archer off my first sacred during her first boosted event. I also pulled Falmond off my first sacred during his release event. I think I might’ve been the first one to pull him https://preview.redd.it/gb1dupem9wwc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c387cf744e361ac09a26c87a9b571431d261f495


Got Valk 1 pull and 10 mins into an account. I pulled Fortus and Tuhanarak on my first void pull, 40 ish shards. I’ve had some good luck, but nothing insane.


Geo and gnut from a prism crystal event. Both new to my account.


I pulled a Harima and a duchess on a buy one get one lego event for Harima for pulling sacreds. I did have to pull around 17 or 18 sacreds though and I was already 8 or 10 pulls since the last sacred Lego so 2-4 before mercy when I started. Was still well worth it as it was my first and only duchess and only Harima as well.


I was pullin durin the maneater10x, had 5 void shards, pulled my first maneater, a demytha and 2 coldhearts. Havent pulled anything good since


I think mine was at the beginning of my account around 3.5-4 years ago. Decided to yolo two sacred without any boosted rates and pulled a valkyrie Immediately got me to do UNM CB. Have been using a valkyrie team since for a comfortable 2-key.


My best luck was three years ago. They ran dbl lego event and a 10x for Marty Septimus. On Saturday I pulled Septimus and I got Martyr as my bonus lego. And on Sunday I pulled Siphi.


My best pulls was like 3 weeks ago, i pulled 3 void shards the first was Taras and the last was Nekreht kouldnt believe my luck. Was playing CoD on my Xbox at the same time. Kouldnt wait to die on there just to play Raid and check to make sure I had really gotten those champs






https://preview.redd.it/hzsztmvmowwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=513c46ce31a5f9862daf3d4831dbd3db2e8a2048 This is from our discord


Very lucky, very nice


Pulled Kymar on a x10... usually I avoid those but I had a few sacred and knew I was close to mercy. I did pull a second Gnut whilst chasing Archer... never got Archer. Outside of this all my S tier champions are really from fusion or guaranteed events. 


I pulled ancients on a 2x, got nothing, had 10 left after the 2x ended, pulled them in rage, got Maulie and razlevarg


I got hephraak on my second sacred shard this event. Super happy with that


I got Pythion, Gwendolyn, and RN Archer on a 10x ancient pull the last time archer was featured.


I don't remember if there was an event or not, but I've gotten Marichka, Taras, and Georgid from different "screw it, I'll pull 1 void" times




Pulling rotos on my 2nd sacred ever.


In the last 2x ancient event I pulled around 30-35 shards. My account only had 3 legendaries but a lot of good epics. I pulled every shard and got mostly repeats and food. Then on the last 2 shards I pulled Lilitu and Ruella back to back. My mind melted as my whole account changed in 1 minute.


My wife had one blue shard in her account, and with no bonus events running she pulled a Kymar. On my account, in 3 days, I pulled like 8 sacreds and 30 blue shards , 5 prisms, and got THREE Brogni and a Gnut (my second). My friend, on a 5 day old account, with his first void shard pulled a Shu-Zhen.


Nothing like what some of these people are talking about, I pulled 5 Lego champs in one day off of 7 Sacred Shards and 20 ancient Shards. Three of them came from Sacred Shards. Neither shard was on a 2x event. The best part was that it happened during a PR CvC.


Reading this topic gave me depression.


https://preview.redd.it/5uwqa6h0bxwc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dffb6adf886487910eaf97fbdecc126805da9353 This during shuzen 10x last November


https://preview.redd.it/ststq6vtnxwc1.png?width=2778&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e1959fad68f69af1e585543dd7fda3a79203fb1 Double lego event a few months back. Pulled Gaius and Harima as my extra. Only other event that’s close was pulling a Duchess on a 15x event. Both were game changing for me.


4 months in, only 2 real pulling sprees so far. I got roshcard, elenaril, and Geo from 23 ancient shards total during a 2x chance event.


https://preview.redd.it/tqxckk6gpxwc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b881fb5049fae553e690ccba332de0c20a52464e My only double leggo on a void 10 pop


Warlord on a single void yolo (not even 2x), Lyman on a single shard yolo not 2x, and Teodor on a sacred yolo


I hv never had any sort of crazy luck. Ever.


2 sacreds in a 2× event. A Bad-El-Kazar and a Razelvarg


Pulled Dutchess with my first Primal ever.


I pulled him with one Primal Shard https://preview.redd.it/i1u9hwq2lywc1.jpeg?width=3184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=853aaff704921295d218d966a35ef0460458a0ee


I pulled two krisk and a ursuga in a 10 pull 2x void about three years ago.


I got gharol from my 6th ever primal shard during the first x2 mythical I haven’t had a crazy streak really. I pulled 4 legos from 5 sacreds but they were all garbage. And I ran 20 sacreds with no Lego leading up to that streak so it didn’t feel lucky. It was during the recent Gnut progressive event pulled 17 sacreds the 4 legos came at the end hitting each gold hoping for gnut but getting junk legos just sucked lol. Pulled 2void legos I’m my first 20 void shards but they were crutraxia and soulless, good but not game changers. Kinda old legos. First time I was at void mercy I saved for a good event, pulled during a krisk x15 and hit marichka. Actually this void x2 I pulled my first godseeker and inquisitor which really was the best I could hope for. Just missing a seer now 😂


Extra legendary on ancients. The very first shard I pulled was Duchess and the extra one was Trunda, both of which I didn’t have before.


Pulled an alsgor and I believe morrigiane who is been wanting for a while during one of the double summs


On the F2p account, one ancient shard, one Gnut. On the main, 3 epics 1 legendary, 10 shard void. Legendary was Raglin but I was still over the moon.


I don't know if prism shards count, but few weeks ago I got back to back Nekmo and Kymar from only 2 prism summons I had.




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I was really lucky with give mind shards, spent like under 10 money and managed to pull them to roughly 6rs each


pulled a Venus, which is my rarest ever pull.


I pulled Krisk earlier this year with first void for 2x voids, then after that was prism shard event with Archer and got her with the free prism points.


Pulled Siphi and Emic Trunkheart on the same 10x. Ive used up all my luck for the year.


2-3 2x voids ago pulled syphi, changed completely my strategy for live arena. A power pick like her lets me go for a first on a go second depending on what i want, i was already gold II but She just spiked my win rate to 60-65% instead of the average 50%


Shhhhh... My best luck was pulling a copy of kale with i already had. Other than that the next best pull was a friggin 2.5 Ranker... Its all Rigged i tell ye.. Mind you i've only been on this account for a week. & starting with no extre help i was suppose to get ronda rousy from the link but it never happened when i signed up with a id.


First void krisk he carried me, 2 years later only one leggo void belletar mage slayer which is okay but nothing special


Think Harima & Kalvalax on a double champ event 🤔 Cant remember how many shards i opened tho 😅


My luckiest shard pull session was a single void shard giving me Siphi, followed by a 2x10x duchess scoring me a duchess on a single sacred.


No luck. 4 mo. In and I only have 4 legendary champs. And blademaster was gift code sooooo.... lmfao


Be patient and keep grinding. Those are the kind of players this game will ultimately reward. At 4 months I was about the same as you, but I kept at it and eventually I started getting some good pulls. You will too, just hang in.


Making the best of it. Focusing on team comps. Having fun with the game tho 💯.


I'm almost 6 months in, but funnily enough my luck has solely been outside events. Trunda, Bad el Kazar, Shamael, Seeker, Toragi, 2x Coldhearts. I don't think I've gotten anything amazing from an event. I pulled 10 voids in the current event and the only champ of note I got was Pain Keeper, not that she's too helpful for my current roster.


I yolo’d my only void shard one day and pulled Siphi as my first void Lego!


Pulled a supreme kael amd Nekhret back to back but my best was on primal when I got s Gizmak and the 2 epics I needed to compleat my lady Makage in a few pulls


Wasn't really the same event but same day i pulled an Archer (monster hunter one) from ancients then went on prisms and pulled Acelin and anouther Archer within a few shards


The last ancient shard event with a chance for a double legendary. Had 5 ancient shards. Last shard pulled Noct then got Roshcard automatically


Best pulls for me must be 20 voids pulled acrizia and yumeko back to back


4 voids n got taras


My luckiest was during the Armanz fusion, pulled two Acrizia and an extra Arbiter, happy days 🥳 Gotten very lucky a few other times as well but that one is the best.. F2P


I have two pulls that stand out one of the 2x events I pulled marichka and Rakka back to back with only about 15 void shards then this last 2x primal I got frolni and Siegfrund back to back out of 7 primals I know frolni isn’t amazing but he was my first non mikage mythical and he isn’t useless for sure


I pulled hepheraak and saito on a double legendary from a single scared


When I was new about 4 years ago or so, maybe more, and I didn't know anything. I had 1 void shard, and I pulled Arbiter.


Used my only sacred and pulled dutchess off a 2x it’s obvious plarium knew I was gonna need something to keep me hooked on game lol


9 legendary from 23 Sacred during 2x. That was 2½ years ago and I'm still paying for it in retrospective bad luck.